The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

In cyberspace, Lucy looked at the ICE of the Arasaka system in front of her, and her eyes were blank for a while.

Although she decided to come here, when she stood in front of the ICE of Arasaka again, she couldn't help but hesitate.

She was still afraid that if she failed and was discovered by Arasaka, what would she face.


Rocky's voice sounded in Lucy's ears, and she came back to her senses.

"I..." Lucy was about to say something, but was interrupted by Rocky.

"Lucy, you can do it, you can do it, just do it boldly. I will always support you."

Rocky's firm and gentle voice came from the communication, and Lucy was stunned.

Then he gritted his teeth and showed a determined look.

‘Yes, I can do it! Lucy, you can do it.’

“Thank you, L.”

After thanking Rocky, Lucy began to attack ICE.

Jack, who was standing next to Rocky, raised his eyebrows and realized that things were not simple, but he did not say anything.

Having been brothers with Rocky for so long, how could he not see that Rocky was strange.

Just as he said, Rocky didn’t care about other people at all. He had never seen him treat any hacker well when doing commissions, but now it was Lucy who encouraged people and spoke in a gentle tone.

Patting Rocky on the shoulder and giving him a thumbs up with a smile, Jack successfully received Rocky’s white eyes.

“Okay, brother, you have vision.”

Rocky read Jack’s words accurately from his mouth shape.


It is not easy to break through Arasaka’s ICE, but fortunately they do not need to take over the entire network of the Blue Green Building. Instead, they only needed to hack into the target room's network, open the door and shield the probe.

Rocky's room and the target were in the same subnet layer, and Lucy only needed to bypass a few small ICEs to reach the target room.

With Lucy's strong hacker talent and understanding of Arasaka, it took only half an hour to successfully achieve the desired effect.

The whole process was very smooth, and Lucy couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Successfully connected to the target network, I will now show you the room probe screen."

With Lucy's operation, Rocky and Jack's artificial eyes showed the target room screen.

"Very good, thank you Lucy. The target is in the room, a total of two people, no other security."

Through the probe screen and the scanner, Rocky analyzed that the two people in the room were the targets to be assassinated, and also wrote down their location layout.

Out of trust in the safety of the Blue Green Building, the target did not arrange security personnel to accompany him.

"Get ready, Jack."

Took out two silenced pistols from the palm of his left hand, handed one to Jack, and signaled him to start.

At this time, Lucy's voice came from the communication.

"Wait a minute, let me tell you something. First, I will open the door of the target room and then shield the probe. If nothing goes wrong, I can buy you ten seconds.

As long as the probe does not respond for more than ten seconds, the system will automatically issue an alarm to notify the hackers on the main network. I must remove the shield within ten seconds. As for the ten seconds, it depends on your luck.

So you must quickly solve the target and evacuate quickly. I don't control the entire network of the Blue Bi Building. This is already the limit."

As an ordinary hacker, Lucy is already very powerful to achieve this level without the support of powerful equipment.

If you want to take over the entire network of the Blue Bi Building, it is impossible without the help of military-grade equipment like the flat-headed guy.

"Lucy sister, you said nothing will happen, so what if there is an accident?"

After loading the pistol and hiding it on his waist, Jack asked a soul-searching question.

On the other side, Lucy heard Jack's question, paused, and explained.

"There is a hacker in the network control room of the Blue Bi Building, monitoring the entire network. Under normal circumstances, this momentary disconnection of the probe will not attract his attention.

But if something unexpected happens, or he happens to patrol the target room, then you should think about how to evacuate under the alarm of the Blue Bi Building.

But the probability of this happening can be said to be very small, so you don't have to worry."

"Hey, if that's the case, there will be no accidents. Let's go, L. Give them a big one."

Jack smiled after hearing Lucy's words. This risk is not enough for ordinary missions.

It's nothing. They are doing a job that involves bloodshed and risking their lives. They are not afraid.

However, Rocky frowned slightly, as he had a bad feeling.

Jack patted Rocky on the shoulder and asked him to start the action. Rocky did not choose to express his concerns. Since he had come to this point, there was no need to hesitate. If he was discovered, he would just rush in and be done with it.

After dispelling their concerns, Rocky and Jack came to the target house and put their hands where the guns were hidden to prepare for the assault.

"We are ready. Come on, Lucy."

"Remember, you only have ten seconds." Lucy reminded again.

"Don't worry, it will be done in two seconds. We are professionals." Rocky said confidently.

At the moment when Lucy's countdown ended, the door of the target room was opened by her.

Rocky and Jack quickly rushed in with guns, opened the door to enter, and then closed the door to prevent anyone from seeing them outside. It took a total of one second.

The two men quickly drew their guns, with clear division of labor, and shot at two targets. The bullets instantly penetrated their heads, and they died before they even had time to react to what happened.

It took another second to get here, and it was just as Rocky said, it only took two seconds in total, and the target was killed instantly.

After confirming that the target was killed, Rocky and Jack turned around and prepared to open the door and evacuate.

As a result, the door suddenly showed a forced lock state, the status light was crazy red, and the alarm sounded in the room.

An accident still happened.

Or it was not an accident, there was no situation where the hacker just happened to patrol, but he had been paying attention to this room.

Obviously, they were trapped in the room, and I believe it won’t be long before the security forces of the Blue Bi Building will arrive.

"Lucy!" Rocky shouted to Lucy in the communication.

"I lost control of the room network! The Arasaka hacker found us and took over the network." Lucy said anxiously.

"Damn it!" Rocky punched the door with a fist, unable to shake it at all.

"L, what should we do now?" The situation suddenly changed. Jack immediately turned his eyes to Rocky and asked calmly.

"We have to find a way to evacuate first. Lucy, you are in danger. Exit cyberspace now and disconnect from us."

Lucy was not with Rocky, and he could not help with the attack and defense in the network, so he could only let her withdraw first.

"But you." Although Lucy also wanted to withdraw immediately, she was still a little worried about Rocky and the others. Without the help of hackers, they would be like headless flies in such a place.

"Don't worry about us, we can escape by ourselves." Rocky was not worried about escaping from the Blue Bi Building. He was concerned about Lucy's safety.

"Huh, want to escape?"

As a result, at this moment, the fourth voice came from the communication of the three people. Obviously, the hackers of the Blue Bi Building had invaded their network.

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