The first time, the second time.

Arasaka Tower.

Counterintelligence department.

In the office, Jenkins and V sat opposite each other.

"V, have you read the report of the Blue Sky Building? You really hired a group of good hands. Not only did you solve the target, but you also made Arasaka lose a hacker."

Jenkins said calmly, and it was impossible to tell whether he was happy or angry.

"I saw it. Mercenaries are like this. As long as they can achieve their goals, no one knows what will happen in the middle."

Nodding, Jenkins also understood that there will always be various situations when mercenaries do things. Anyway, the hackers who died were not his men, so there was no loss to him at all.

Instead, they cleaned up the traces very cleanly, which brought him great convenience.

"How are you handling it? Abernathy is going crazy now. Her people haven't found any useful intelligence and evidence. Now is a good time to throw dirty water."

"Don't worry, everything has been done. The target is military technology."

Hearing Jenkins' question, V responded confidently.

Now he is the director of corporate espionage in the Arasaka Counterintelligence Department.

All the espionage agents sent by Arasaka are under his jurisdiction, and the reports they submit must be approved and read by him in the end.

Arasaka can't find the culprit who committed the crime in the Blue Mansion, but everything has a source.

No one would think that these little thieves had a brain injury and wanted to come to the Blue Mansion to kill people. The target was just a few executives of small companies. There must be an employer's commission afterwards.

And who this employer is is what Arasaka cares more about.

Obviously, the purpose of the mastermind is not to target that small company, but to target Arasaka.

No small company would choose to assassinate the executives of a rival company in the Blue Bi Building for the sake of industry competition. Without sufficient size, it would be a dead end to go against Arasaka in Night City.

In this case, if Arasaka's undercover agent in Military Technology finds intelligence related to Military Technology and this matter.

Then as the most suspected party, Military Technology can be said to be unable to clear itself even if it jumps into the Yellow River.

Perhaps Military Technology had nothing to do with this matter, and the undercover agent could not find the so-called intelligence.

But it doesn't matter, V will let him find it. Now in the company's intelligence group, I, V, have the final say. If he says he has found it, then he has found it.

"Very good, you did a great job on this matter, and I am optimistic about your future performance.

Nothing, you can go back."

Jenkins expressed his attitude to V, recognized V's ability, and waved his hand to indicate that he could leave.

V walked out of Jenkins' office, but found that his old friend was waiting for him outside the office.

"V, I have a latest report here, about a mysterious new company.

After my initial judgment, I think the priority of this matter needs to be raised by at least two or three levels, but I need your approval."

This person is the employee who handled the Feisheng Technology report before.

Just a few days ago, V and he were still sitting in the same office, but now V has become his boss.

Now these guys really do what he said and listen to V.

"I know, just send it to my email, I will deal with it later."

V nodded at him. V knew the employee in front of him well and knew what he was responsible for. Although his level was not high, it would not be a small matter if the priority was raised by two or three levels.


And the employee looked at V and smiled happily.

Employees of his level usually have little access to useful intelligence. If the importance of this report is confirmed through approval, he can also gain a lot of performance. Maybe he will have a chance to move up a level in this year's employee assessment.

That's why he came here in person to wait for V, hoping that he would pay more attention to this report.

Back in his office cubicle, V began to browse the report sent to his terminal.

[Arasaka Counterintelligence Investigation Report - NC8755832]

["Advanced Soldier Serum" Investigation Report]

[Investigator: Steven]

[Investigation Report Content: According to the information provided by an underground prosthetic clinic located in Japan Street, the mysterious pharmaceutical company "Ascension Technology" has recently begun to sell a high-intensity human enhancement serum to clinics in Night City. (For "Ascension Technology", please read Report No. NC8754699)

According to the information provided by the titular doctor, this

The drug can comprehensively improve the user's physical strength, reaction speed, brain strength and other attributes, and can improve the body's tolerance to prostheses and resistance to cyberpsychosis.

Currently, the clinic has ordered two doses of the drug, one of which has been sold and injected. (Preliminary investigation report on the injection test subject: NC8755943) According to the investigation, the effect of the serum drug is basically true.

Whether to continue investigating the drug and the company is awaiting further instructions. ]

[Preliminary approval report: After preliminary judgment, the drug has extremely high value, and the priority of the incident needs to be increased and further investigated. ]

[Handler: Bruno]

Leaning back on the office chair, V read through this report and the reports related to it.

'This is really a great gift for me. '

Strengthen the body, improve the tolerance to prostheses and resistance to cyberpsychosis.

Fingers lightly touched the desktop, looking at the key words in the report, V smiled.

The cooperation between Arasaka and Mari Pharmaceuticals was just ruined, and now Ascension Technology has emerged.

Mari Pharmaceutical's powerful immunosuppressant can reduce the impact of prosthetics and provide assistance for Arasaka's various experiments, but now Ascension Technology's advanced soldier serum can achieve the same effect, or even stronger.

And it's not just for experiments, Arasaka can even use it to build a stronger soldier unit.

It can be said that the value of this serum to Arasaka is infinite.

Now the information and handling rights of the serum are in his hands. As long as it is used properly, he can win this so-called serum for Arasaka.

Then both he and Jenkins can get a huge bargaining chip.

After thinking for a moment, V began to direct the handling of the incident.

For the serum drug, Arasaka wants to achieve only three results.

The first is to completely control its production, and it is best that only it can produce it.

The second is to settle for the second best and reach a supply cooperation so that Arasaka can get long-term and stable support for the serum drug.

The third one, which may be the one that Arasaka least wants, is that if they don't get the drug in the end, but let other hostile companies get it. Then they can only consider making this drug disappear completely.

To achieve the result, there are only a few methods.

Negotiation, stealing, robbery, coercion, and destruction by force. No matter which one it is, Arasaka is very good at it.

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