After the man in the suit left, someone else found him soon.

But unfortunately, none of these commissions could impress him.

Barom didn't care that he didn't get the ideal commission, and left the next life to see what happened tomorrow.

But not long after he walked out of the next life, his system interface suddenly showed an abnormality, and then the whole system had an error, and a strong electric shock burst from the back of his head.

The electric current swept through his whole body, his system was completely out of control, his limbs lost control, and the whole person seemed to be pressed on the freeze button.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, a high-speed energy beam cut through the air and shot straight at Barom's leg.

It was a bullet from a technical sniper rifle.

The prosthetics of Barom's legs were instantly pierced and damaged, and he fell to the ground without support.

At this time, his strong recovery ability allowed him to regain some control, and Barom immediately activated Sian Westin to counterattack.

However, the two combat experts who appeared behind him completely extinguished the flames of his counterattack.

The barrels of two shotguns had long been attached to his hands. The powerful firepower burst at close range carried huge kinetic energy, which instantly destroyed his hands.

In this way, the prosthetic limbs that Barom was proud of lost their function in just a moment.

Barom, who had lost all his ability to move, fell directly to the ground. At this time, Sian Westin was successfully activated, but it only accelerated his twisting like a maggot.

Barom raised his head with difficulty, but saw the man in a suit who had just been in the next life right in front of him.

"Damn it! There's something wrong with the chip you gave me, you beast, I'm going to kill you."

It was obvious that the virus program that caused the system abnormality just now was lurking in at the moment the chip was inserted.

And it was this terrible virus program that made him lose the opportunity to fight back. He didn't even have time to start the Sian Westin installed on his body before his limbs were disabled.

Barom roared unwillingly, but the accelerated words under the activation of Sian Westin only made him look more ridiculous.

Barom didn't expect that someone would ambush him with a virus. Let alone why they targeted him, this kind of neural virus with such high concealment and such strong intensity is simply not something that ordinary people can come up with, which is why he was tricked.

"The experimental subject target has been captured successfully, requesting evacuation."

Ignoring Barom, the man in the suit gave instructions to the communication on his own.

The two combat experts behind him stepped forward and picked him up from the ground, and then a hovercraft slowly landed and stopped in front of them.

The huge Arasaka Group logo on it was particularly eye-catching, and at this time Barom finally understood that it was Arasaka who wanted to attack him.

"You are Arasaka's people, why!"

He couldn't understand why they wanted to arrest him when he had no connection with Arasaka.

But what he might not have thought of was that his cyborg doctor had sold all his information to Arasaka.

The information that he had been injected with serum, including all the cyborgs and weapons on his body, had been known by Arasaka. Under the traps and ambushes carefully prepared by Arasaka, Barom seemed so vulnerable.

Arasaka currently only obtained a serum original agent from the cyborg doctor. Before the source of the serum was found, the scarcity of the agent was self-evident.

In this case, Arasaka would naturally not let go of a ready-made experimental subject.

As the only person Arasaka knew to have been injected with serum, Barom was not surprisingly targeted by Arasaka.

After tying Barom to the hovercraft, Arasaka's action team left in style, leaving behind many mercenaries who were stunned around.

"Fuck, this damn Arasaka is really getting more and more outrageous. He actually came directly to the next life to catch people. These beasts really think we are easy to bully, right?" Someone said angrily.

But this is just a useless shouting. If Arasaka's action team hadn't left, he probably wouldn't dare to say a word.

It sounds sad, but this is the reality.

"What did this guy do wrong? Arasaka has to mobilize such a force to catch him."

The people of Mann's team just happened to come out of the next life at this time, and they just ran into this big drama.

"Maybe he offended Arasaka in his last commission?"

"Who knows."

With the idea of ​​treating it as a fun thing if it didn't offend them, the people of Mann's team didn't care much.

After watching the fun, everyone dispersed and went home.

The scene changes.

Rebecca plans to go to Japan Street.

Rebecca hasn't contacted Rocky for two days.

She knew that Rocky had a commission to do, so she didn't call to disturb him.

But Rebecca didn't contact Rocky, and Rocky didn't take the initiative to contact Rebecca, so Rebecca didn't know when he would be done.

Rebecca was a little worried in this dilemma.

Originally, Rebecca thought it would be better to send an email to Rocky directly, but that didn't suit her style.

It happened that there was nothing to do tonight. Thinking that if Rocky was done with the commission, he should be able to operate the clinic normally, Rebecca decided to come to his clinic to have a look.


On the other side, Rocky was producing soldier serum in the clinic.

"L, the ICE of the data fortress has completed the basic framework, but it needs to be improved."

"Thank you for your hard work, Lucy."

While producing the potion, Rocky talked to Lucy on the phone.

At this time, Lucy was helping Rocky build a small data fortress in the apartment.

After Rocky explained his plan to Lucy, Lucy began to do some network construction work for him.

If you want to set up a company, a dedicated data fortress is naturally indispensable.

Although it has not yet developed to that level, Lucy also wants to build a simple server prototype for Rocky to facilitate the realization of Rocky's plan.

While the two were still talking, there was a new visitor application in the clinic.

"Lucy, I have a guest here, let's talk later."


Although Rocky needs to operate the production of medicines from time to time, he doesn't need to keep an eye on it, so Rocky naturally chooses to run the clinic by the way, and earn a little bit.

After hanging up Lucy's phone, Rocky called up the surveillance at the door, but he frowned when he saw the person coming.

There was a man in a suit standing at the door.

The completely unfamiliar face and the undisguised agent outfit made Rocky realize that the visitor had bad intentions. Obviously, he was not here to install a prosthetic body.

‘Is trouble coming to me?’

Rocky’s heart was lifted at this time.

Although he had expected this day to come, he did not expect it to come so soon.

As early as when Rocky decided to put the soldier serum on the market, he knew that sooner or later, the company would come to him.

Perhaps those companies who sell insignificant things like stimulants are too lazy to care about him, but when what he brings out is enough to make the companies excited.

Then they will definitely try their best to find him.

Rocky knew that he could not hide, but he just lamented that he was not well developed enough.

It would be great if he was given a little more time, so that he would have more chips to deal with those companies.

After getting his mood in order, Rocky calmly came to the door and opened the door of the clinic.

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