After the conflict, Rocky boarded the escort vehicle. Although he still couldn't escape the fate of going with them, after the conflict just now, Rocky showed his tough attitude and let Arasaka's combat team know that he was not easy to mess with. At least they didn't dare to do anything to Rocky in the car. In front of Rocky's clinic is a gathering place for many mercenaries. It was night time, so it was naturally very lively. The conflict with the Arasaka team caused quite a stir, and the Arasaka combat team was too conspicuous. Many people have noticed the situation here, and they have come here to look at this side and talk to each other, but they dare not step forward to meddle in other people's business. At this time, Rebecca happened to come here. Seeing that the mercenaries who were supposed to be having fun were all looking over there, Rebecca couldn't help but wonder what these guys were looking at.

However, when Rebecca found that they seemed to be looking in the direction of Rocky's clinic, she immediately had a bad premonition in her heart.

Passing through the crowd that blocked her vision, Rebecca looked over there.

I saw several fully armed combatants escorting a person into the car at this time, and the bright Arasaka logo on the car also indicated their identity.

From Rebecca's direction, everyone was facing away from her at this time, and several combatants basically blocked Rocky's back. Rebecca didn't recognize that this was Rocky for a while.

But when Rebecca was still wondering why she had seen Arasaka arresting people twice in a row today, who was Arasaka going to arrest with such a big fuss.

The man had already got on the car and turned around to sit in front of the door. The combatants who got on the car followed him and closed the door.

The whole process took only a moment, but Rebecca also caught a glimpse of the man's face in this short moment.

"L!" Rebecca exclaimed.

She saw Rocky's face. Although it was only a moment, she would never make a mistake, and she would not mistake Rocky.

Combined with the current position, Rebecca was 100% sure that Arasaka had taken him away.

Without time to think about it, Rebecca rushed out immediately.

Pulling out a pistol, Rebecca cursed while shooting at Arasaka's car.

"Asshole! Let him go!"

Bullets kept flying out and hit Arasaka's car, splashing sparks.

Although Rebecca was constantly trying to shoot, it goes without saying how strong the defense performance of Arasaka's armed escort vehicle is. These bullets can't even knock off its coating, let alone penetrate it.

The agent sitting in the co-pilot heard the noise and looked through the rearview mirror, and found that it was just a kid jumping there.

"Accomplice? But the main target has been found, don't worry about her, just go."

Ignoring Rebecca, the agent waved his hand to signal the driver to go.

He didn't have time to waste here now. Although he recognized Rebecca as another mercenary who had delivered goods, the main target had been found now. Rebecca was of little use to them and posed no threat to them at all, so he could just ignore her.

At the moment the car door was closed, the driver at the front of the car was ready to start the vehicle. After receiving the signal from the agent, he stepped on the accelerator.

"Damn it, come back!"

Rebecca ran towards the vehicle while pouring useless firepower.

But as the vehicle started, they soon disappeared from Rebecca's sight.

"Asshole! If I could have come earlier!"

Throwing the useless broken pistol in her hand to the ground, Rebecca roared unwillingly.

Of course she knew what kind of existence Arasaka was. It was probably not a good thing to be captured by them.

She also knew how powerful Arasaka was. Even if she came earlier, she might not be able to fight against Arasaka, but she was unwilling to give up.


Rebecca anxiously called Rocky, hoping to hear his response.

But it was obvious that the car where Rocky was was equipped with a signal shielding device, and only Arasaka's own signal frequency band could pass the shielding.

Seeing that no one answered the phone, Rebecca's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and she was stunned on the spot.

'Why, at this time. Why...'

At this time, Rebecca was at a loss, and her heart was already in a mess. She didn't know why Arasaka took Rocky away, but she knew that Arasaka was very dangerous.

She was afraid that Arasaka would do something to Rocky, and she was afraid that this glance would be the last time she saw Rocky.

In Rebecca's heart, Rocky had already left.

It's not just ordinary friends. Her feelings for Rocky have exceeded the critical value.

Rebecca generously admitted in her heart that she liked Rocky.

Pyrrha's words also gave her a sense of crisis. She had long thought that when Rocky was free after finishing his big order, she would find an opportunity to confess to him.

But now all plans were disrupted, and the appearance of Arasaka broke her beautiful expectations.

Originally, she could see Rocky tonight and tell him her feelings, but Rocky had an accident.

Calming down, Rebecca clenched her hands into fists.

Sitting and waiting for death is not Rebecca's style. She is worried about Rocky, so she will take action for it instead of praying in vain.

Since Arasaka has captured Rocky, she will rescue him.

"L, I will definitely rescue you, you must hold on." Rebecca gritted her teeth and said firmly.

Although Rebecca was determined to save Rocky, a very realistic problem was in front of her.

Arasaka was too powerful. She knew her own strength. If she rushed to save people alone, she would be beaten to a pulp by Arasaka's security.

She didn't even know where Arasaka had taken Rocky, so it was obvious that she couldn't do it alone.

Rebecca calmed down and ignored the strange looks of the mercenaries around her. She picked up the gun on the ground and put it away, and called Mann.

"Hmm? Rebecca? What's the matter?"

The phone was connected, and Mann's words were a little vague. It was unknown what he was doing.

"I want to save someone."


"L, the cyborg doctor in Japan Street, he was captured by Arasaka."

Rebecca told her purpose, hoping that Mann and the others could help her.

On the other side, Mann was stunned when he heard that Rebecca was going to save the person captured by Arasaka.

Pushing away Dolio who was clinging to him, Mann motioned her to stay calm, and then he got serious about talking to Rebecca.

"What? You want to save someone who was captured by Arasaka? Where did you get this commission?"

Mann felt uncomfortable when he heard Rebecca was going to look for Arasaka, thinking she had found some big order from somewhere.

"It's not a commission, I want to save him myself, but I need someone to help me."

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