The old man was very busy, and the old man was very busy.


Rocky came to the Wild Wolf Bar in the Valley area.

The Wild Wolf Bar was opened and operated by Jack's mother, Mrs. Wells. Jack grew up here since he was a child, and it was basically his second home.

Entering the bar, the Wild Wolf Bar was very lively at night. Some people came here to drink to relieve their sorrows, and some people gathered in twos and threes to chat. Of course, there were also middlemen and mercenaries who lived in the bar talking about business.

Crossing the hall, Rocky came to the bar counter. A bartender with a big beard, Pepi, the front desk of the bar, came to him.

"Hey, L, long time no see, what do you want to order?"

"As usual, I'm here to see Jack."

"Then you go up first, I'll have someone bring you the wine later."

"Thank you."

Rocky came to the private room on the second floor where he had made an appointment with Jack. Pushing open the door, he saw Jack putting his legs on the table and drinking.

He wore a black leather jacket on his sturdy figure, and a small bow was tied on his short black hair. Several shiny gold necklaces on his neck and gold earrings on his ears made it hard not to doubt his relationship with the Valentino gang.


"L, you're here, sit down first." Jack motioned Rocky to sit down, and then handed him a chip.

"This is the commission information, take a look first."

Rocky took the chip and put it into the chip slot of his personal system, and the contents of the chip popped up in front of him.

"Li Scenic Area, a small scavenger den?"

"Yes, the Valentino Gang had a conflict with the Six Street Gang not long ago, and many gang members died. The body of one of the members carrying a high-value prosthesis was stolen by this group of scavengers.

Our mission is to recover the prosthesis lost by the Valentino Gang."

Rocky nodded. The information on the chip indicated that the scavenger group was small, with at most four or five people, and the danger was not high.

"Just the two of us?"

"No, the priest introduced us to a hacker, a temporary one, named Helaus. It is said that he is a newcomer, but to be honest, sometimes it is easier to get things done with a hacker."

"When will we act?"

"After drinking this glass of wine, we will leave."

The waiter brought the wine up at the right time, Rocky took it, and clinked glasses with Jack.

After drinking and leaving the bar, the two rode motorcycles to the Li Scenic Area.

Downstairs of an apartment building.

Rocky and the other man parked the car, and at this time the remotely assisted hacker also connected to their network.

"Their base is in Room 607 on the 6th floor. I have marked the exact location on your map." The hacker's somewhat immature voice came from the communication channel.


Looking at the location marked on the map, Rocky took out a pistol from his waistband and began to work.

The two took the elevator to the floor where the scavenger's hideout was located and came to the door of the scavenger's base.

"Wait a minute, I'm trying to hack into their network."

Through the subnet extension of Rocky and Jack, hackers can achieve remote hacking assistance.

"There are no cameras in the house, so I can't see the situation inside. But I connected to their network with their network equipment.

There are only four scavengers in total. Note that when you enter the door, you will face an operating room in use, which has three scavengers inside.

The remaining scavenger is in a room further inside, and the exact location is shown on your map. Be prepared for a breakthrough."

After waiting for a long time, the hacker finally gave feedback.

Looking at the structural map analysis in the system and the highlighted enemy positions, Jack on the side couldn't help but praise: "Good, brother, your skills are really good. This job is much easier with your help."

And Helaus on the other side of the communication was a little embarrassed to hear Jack's praise and said: "These are all basics. In fact, I am still a little unskilled."

"I can see it." Rocky said lightly.

"L, you have to be more tolerant of newcomers.

It's okay, Helaus, everyone has come this way. You must have confidence in yourself. You played a big role in this mission. We will take care of you, don't you think so, L."

Jack touched Rocky lightly while speaking, indicating Rocky to respond.

Jack is always friendly to newcomers, especially Helaus, who was introduced by the priest and was born and raised in Heywood, so he would naturally take care of him a little.

Rocky obviously didn't have such patience. He didn't care much about strangers. He just wanted to

Get the job done quickly.

Signaling Jack to get ready, Rocky and Jack leaned on either side of the door.

"Come on."

A few seconds later, as Helaus uploaded the cracking program to the system of the apartment door, the door of the apartment opened.

The two men quickly rushed in with their guns raised, and saw two scavengers in the room decomposing the body in front of the operating table, and a sleeping scavenger was lying on the sofa next to them.

The moment the door opened, the two scavengers immediately reacted, stopped their work and were about to take out their weapons.

But it was obvious that their guns were still one meter away at this time, and the scavengers who were supposed to be on guard were still in their dreams.

Sure enough, the scavengers in this small den were unprofessional, and the ending was doomed from the moment they came into contact.

Rocky and Jack had a clear division of labor, one on the left and one on the right, and poured bullets on the heads of the two scavengers.

The heads of the two scavengers were instantly pierced by the powerful impact of the bullets.

At the moment of the gunshot, the scavenger in his sleep also woke up suddenly, but when he opened his eyes, he was greeted by Rocky's fist.

The cold iron fist kept getting bigger in his eyes, and Rocky knocked him unconscious before he was fully awake.

After knocking down the scavenger with one punch, Rocky was just about to shoot through his head to finish the second shot.

As a result, the door inside was suddenly opened from the inside.

A strong man raised a heavy firepower machine gun and fired wildly at the two.

The situation suddenly changed too quickly, Rocky and Jack hurriedly looked for cover, and bullets poured towards the two in an instant.

Fortunately, Rocky, who had been on guard for a long time, responded in time and successfully withdrew from the cover before most of the bullets poured down.

But the right shoulder was still hit by a bullet. Although the damage was not great, the strong pain still made Rocky angry.

"Damn, the scavenger is equipped with such a big guy. L, are you okay?"

Jack cursed loudly while hiding behind the bunker.

The fire suppression of the scavenger has not ended. Jack and Rocky were pressed behind the bunker and could not take any action.

"I'm fine."

"Helaus, think of a way to contain him." Jack issued an order to Helaus.

"Uploading the artificial eye to restart the quick cracking program, it will be ready soon."

After receiving Jack's order, Helaus did not dare to delay and immediately began to try to invade the network of the scavenger.

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