The thin boy was wearing round goggles and a white fang mask on his face.

In the billboard, a thin boy wearing round goggles and a white fang mask was running madly.

His running posture was full of speed, as if he wanted to squeeze out all his speed performance.

The camera lens of the advertisement followed him all the time, and the surrounding scenes kept passing by.

As the lens pulled, three gun-wielding enemies appeared in front and found the thin boy who was sprinting.

The three of them raised their guns and fired at the same time.

At this time, the running boy suddenly took out a green potion and inserted it into his waist and abdomen.

His pace, which was not slow to begin with, became faster in an instant, and at the same time, a stream of green light was dragged behind him, which reflected the surge in speed vividly.

Just after reaching the speed limit, he slid into the enemy pile with a handsome slide.

Bullets kept flying around him, but they kept brushing against him. The gun line followed closely behind, but they were always a little behind the boy and couldn't catch up with his body.

The boy rushed into the enemy pile and shot, killing three people instantly.

Then the camera zoomed in, and the boy came in front of the camera and took out a medicine that had not been injected yet, and said the lines of the advertisement.

"Run fast, fight fast, win fast!

Feisheng Technology Power Stimulant, experience the feeling of flying, always one step ahead, and leave the god of death far behind!

Feisheng Technology & Arasaka Pharmaceutical Laboratory jointly produced! Quality assurance, affordable price!"

The picture froze at this moment and turned into a promotional picture. A large promotional slogan was posted on the screen, attracting the attention of passers-by.

This advertisement was naturally designed by Rocky, and the protagonist was completely based on the image of the power boy.

Just today, the publicity and promotion of Feisheng Technology and Power Stimulant has officially started.

With the popularity of the press conference, advertisements of various styles and types were placed all over Night City.

It was not uncommon for David to see related advertisements at the subway station.

Not only this large billboard, but also many other small places can see advertisements for power stimulants.

[Working overtime late at night, tired and sleepy, just take a power stimulant.

A small one will keep you excited all night! ]

Small advertisements like this with pictures and slogans can be found in many places in the station.

"Power stimulants, so great."

Looking at the content on the billboard, David couldn't help but exclaimed, and he also had a little more expectation for Ascension Technology.

The tram entered the station, David got on the tram and came to Ascension Technology.

"Mr. David Martinez, welcome to Ascension Technology.

Chairman L is currently discussing business, please move to the reception room and wait patiently, I will help you notify Chairman L of your visit as soon as possible."

In front of the gate of Ascension Technology, the reception AI checked David's identity, then let him go and guided him to the reception room.

Stepping into Ascension Technology, David looked around the environment of the company with curiosity.

Although the office building of Ascension Technology is not in the company square where many major companies and high-end office buildings are everywhere.

But its interior decoration can also be regarded as high-end.

Especially many employees are constantly shuttling between various office positions. A busy scene can make people clearly feel the company's majestic vitality.

Passing by an office cubicle, through the transparent glass wall, you can also see an employee at the workstation constantly operating the computer terminal.

The employee is concentrating on doing his own work and does not notice David looking at him outside the glass wall. Or maybe he has no time to pay attention.

After processing a document, sort it out and send it out.

But before the employee can relax, more work will be sent to the terminal for him to handle.

Looking at the gradually piling up work and feeling his tired body, the employee feels that he is going to die.

In the past few days, he has slept no more than four hours a day, and the rest of the time is basically busy preparing for Ascension Technology's first show in Night City.

Today's press conference has pushed the workload to a peak. There are so many orders to process that his brain is almost not enough.

But the employee still gritted his teeth, opened the drawer on the right, took out a green potion from it, and injected it into his body.

After the stimulant was injected into the body, the employee's chaotic brain became extremely clear in an instant, and he regained his vitality and continued to work.

This is the power stimulant that Rocky prepared for these excellent employees.

Although the acceleration effect of the power stimulant only lasts for one minute, it gives the user

The excitement effect brought by the user is not synchronized with the acceleration of body functions. This state of brain excitement will last longer. In addition, there are no side effects, so using stimulants to improve work efficiency has become a feasible solution.

David, who was outside the wall, was dumbfounded when he saw this scene. If he was not mistaken, this guy injected a power stimulant.

David was a little shocked. How could the employees of Feisheng Technology be so hardworking and diligent? In order to complete the work, they actually injected stimulants to restore their work efficiency.

And looking around, there are many people like this employee in front of him, who continue to work after taking stimulants.

What David didn't know was that this employee was actually not willing to work so hard, but he had no choice.

If he was given a chance, he would definitely not choose to come to this company as an undercover. Feisheng Technology didn't treat him as a human being at all. A lot of work was piled on him.

But he has no way back now, and it's not just him. Many other employees are also treated the same way.

Originally, he had not planned to work so hard. The working hours Rocky had set for them were not so exaggerated, and overtime was completely voluntary.

However, other employees had worked hard first, and he could not fall behind.

When the first person used the stimulant Rocky gave them, the others were forced to join this endless work.

In this way, under the comparison of these outstanding undercover employees, Feisheng Technology showed unprecedented vitality.

Rocky was naturally very happy about this, and even provided them with the "welfare" of unlimited supply of power stimulants.

David looked away and did not stop. He walked through the compartment and came to the reception room according to the instructions.

Unlike the busy scene in the office area outside, the reception area was particularly quiet at this time, with only one concierge waiting here.

"Hello, Mr. Martinez, please take a seat. Chairman L is still in the meeting, please wait for a moment.

What would you like to drink?"

"Just water, thank you."

It was the first time that David was treated so politely, and he was a little uncomfortable, so he responded a little shyly.

David stayed in the reception room for a long time before he received the notice that Rocky's meeting was over.

"Mr. Martinez, Chairman L is waiting for you in the office, please follow me."


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