The price of the new compound is very high.

[Item module: 80,000 euros/set]

[Alchemy table recipe expansion: 800,000 euros]

This is the module that Rocky plans to install.

The effect of compound No. 5 is very strong, which can give people special abilities, and the upper limit is very high.

But the disadvantages are also obvious. First of all, there are side effects. The risk of injection for adults is very high. If ordinary people are injected, only a few can survive.

However, this problem is easy to solve. The instructions indicate that if the body is strong enough, this reaction can be ignored, and the body injected with soldier serum can fully meet this requirement.

The most critical disadvantage is that the upper limit of obtaining special abilities is high, but the lower limit is very low.

There are the strongest modified bodies like the motherland, flying and hiding, and shooting lasers from the eyes. Next is Ding Ding Xia, who only has a super long cow.

In short, any ability can be obtained, all depends on luck, or talent.

Although there is a lot of uncertainty, Rocky still chose Compound No. 5, because no matter what kind of ability is obtained, the superhuman who has been injected will have a certain increase in physical strength.

If you can get a powerful special ability, it will definitely be a big profit, even if you get a little worse, it will not be a loss.

And the temporary Compound No. 5 in the integrated package is also one of Rocky's favorite medicines.

Although this medicine has great side effects and is not suitable for personal use, it is absolutely suitable as a medicine for sale.

When Ascension Technology develops in the future and has enough strength to release the temporary Compound No. 5, this powerful medicine will definitely be snapped up by major companies.

Now it is an early investment to exchange it out first.

After all, the -20% gift package special offer is still very attractive, and 80w euros is affordable for Rocky now.

Having made a decision, Rocky installed the module and then came to the secret laboratory of Ascension Technology.

Rocky has now moved all the production equipment such as the workbench and the alchemy table in the studio here.

After all, it is safer here than in the clinic, and it is more convenient to come here to operate on weekdays.

In the laboratory, Lao Wei was slacking off and watching the boxing match, and the alchemy table behind him was constantly producing high-level soldier serum.

Lao Wei did not break his promise and came to the laboratory to help Rocky develop the ascension technology. Now this laboratory is mainly used by Lao Wei.

At present, there are no scientific research projects, so Lao Wei watched the boxing match here while producing serum medicine, and he was not picky about the place.

"L, why are you here? Have you finished your work above?"

Lao Wei saw Rocky coming to the laboratory and was curious about why Rocky had time to come here today. He thought Rocky would be very busy today.

"It's almost done. The remaining orders are all unimportant. It doesn't matter if they come back tomorrow to discuss.

I'm here mainly for the new potion."

"Are there new potions?"

"Well, I'll show you."

Locke came to the alchemy table and stopped the alchemy table that was producing soldier serum.

There is still a long time before the delivery date agreed with Arasaka, and the potions that Rocke is going to provide to Arasaka have been made.

It can be said that there is no production pressure for this batch of orders, and Rocke can even deliver the goods to Arasaka in the next few days.

But he naturally won't do this. It's not a good thing to let Arasaka know the real production efficiency of the serum potion. Rocke will not notify Arasaka that the potion has been produced until the last day.

Rocke called out the formula and showed it to Lao Wei.

"Compound No. 5, what is the effect of this potion?"

Lao Wei looked at the name of the potion on the formula and asked. From the complexity of the formula and various rare materials, Lao Wei could already feel that this potion was not simple.

It might be a potion more powerful than the Super Soldier Serum.

Although he was used to Rocky bringing out technology he had never seen before, he couldn't help but feel a little shocked every time.

"It's hard for me to explain the effect of the potion in words. You can only understand it if you see it with your own eyes.

In short, this potion is very powerful, even beyond your cognition. Just be mentally prepared, Lao Wei." Rocky shook his head. This supernatural power is not so easy to explain.

And Lao Wei chuckled in response.

"You have already shocked me too much. I have prepared for this kind of thing a long time ago."

Rocky took Lao Wei to read the formula of Compound No. 5, and then ordered a batch of raw materials from suppliers.

Now with the identity of Ascension Technology, it has become easier to obtain many materials. In a short while, Rocky got all the materials.

But it will take some time to get all the materials ready.

Rocky also handed the production of Compound No. 5 to Lao Wei with confidence, asking Lao Wei to pay attention to the progress of the materials. Rocky took advantage of nothing to go to the Special Operations Department next door to take a look.

As soon as he entered the door, Rocky saw David lying on the side, Jack standing, and... Rebecca sliding on the wall?

At this time, Rebecca was sliding on the wall at high speed. The moment she saw Rocky entering the door, she kicked the wall with her little feet and jumped into the air.


Rebecca shouted, and when she was about to land, she kicked her legs again and jumped again in the air without a foothold.

Two consecutive jumps allowed Rebecca to instantly cross most of the room and fall directly into Rocky's arms.

"Rebecca, how is it? Are you used to it?"

Rocky held Rebecca, who was hanging on him, with his hands and asked with a smile.

Rebecca's ability to slide and double jump is naturally due to the Iron Pilot's mobility device.

The ultra-high mobility brought by the Iron Pilot's mobility device allows the user to move at high speed on the battlefield, performing actions such as sliding, sliding, double jumping, etc.

"Well, I still need to get used to it."

Rebecca took the initiative to jump off Rocky and responded to Rocky.

This kind of equipment is also the first time Rebecca has used it. With her physical fitness, she can now control the mobility device well, but she still needs to be familiar with the operation and apply it step by step in actual combat.

"Then practice more. By the way, how is David?"

Rocky touched Rebecca's head and encouraged her, and then asked about David's condition.

"I gave him the training chip for training. It will probably take some time. I'll help him get familiar with the team and the mission these days. I believe he will grow up soon."

Jack ignored the little movements between Rocky and Rebecca, looked at David and told him his plan.

And Rocky nodded. He was quite relieved to hand David over to Jack. Jack was very patient with people, and believed that he could train David into an excellent mercenary.


Time passed quickly, and soon all the materials needed to refine Compound No. 5 were complete.

Just today, Rocky received a reminder from Lissandra, and Old Wei also contacted him to ask him to come for an experiment.

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