The police said that the police had to take action.

Just now, the power outage caused by Rocky caused quite a stir, and even affected the Special Operations Department.

Rebecca and the other two who were originally in the Special Operations Department experienced a short power outage, and before they could react to what happened, they heard violent gunshots.

There was a power outage and gunshots, and Rebecca and the other two thought that someone had invaded the company and came here.

So they hurried to the place where the gunshots were heard.

As a result, as soon as they entered the door, they saw the scene of Lao Wei holding a machine gun and shooting at Rocky crazily.

This explosive scene made Rebecca scream in panic, thinking that Lao Wei was crazy and wanted to kill Rocky.

When Lao Wei saw Rebecca and the others coming, he quickly released his finger on the trigger.

"Don't worry, we're just doing an experiment." The gunshots stopped suddenly, and Rocky explained.

"Oh my god, what kind of experiment is so exciting? We thought someone had invaded the laboratory."

After calming down his shocked heart, Jack came to Rocky while complaining, picked up the bullet on the ground and looked at it.

The bullet was intact, and there was no wound on Rocky's body. Jack's eyes were full of doubts.

"It's the effect of the new potion, Compound No. 5, which gave me the ability to absorb energy. Lao Wei and I are testing the limit of my energy absorption."

Rocky briefly explained the cause of the incident, and then explained the function of Compound No. 5 to Rebecca and Jack.

The two also became interested in Compound No. 5.

But there is no extra Compound No. 5 now, and Lao Wei has to wait for the production of Compound No. 5 before injecting it.

Everyone can only wait patiently.

While waiting for the production of Compound No. 5, Rocky called up the action plan of Jack and others for inspection.

"Jack, what's the situation at the factory?"

"The target has been found, it's the Uzumaki gang, but the mastermind behind the scenes has not been found yet." Jack nodded when Rocky asked.

Recently, many people in the North Industrial Zone have been playing tricks on the stimulant factory, and it seems that they want to steal the formula of stimulants.

After Jack's investigation, the spearhead was pointed directly at the Uzumaki gang.

Jack certainly didn't believe that the Uzumaki gang would be interested in the stimulant formula, and even if they got the formula, they would not be able to produce it.

After all, this touched on Arasaka's interests. If the Uzumaki gang produced and sold it, Arasaka would not sit idly by.

The people of the Uzumaki gang are not fools, and they will not dig their own graves. There must be other companies behind the Uzumaki gang.

The gangs in Night City have been helping big companies for a long time, and no one will go against money.

One side gives money, and the other side does things. These gangs are often like a huge mercenary group, driven by the companies that bid. This is not uncommon in Night City.

"It makes sense. After all, the North City Industrial Zone is where the Whirlpool Gang is most active. It's normal for those companies to find the Whirlpool Gang.

What I'm more curious about is who is behind them? Military technology is highly suspected, but biotechnology and trauma teams also have great motives."

"Rebecca and I originally planned to go to the Whirlpool Gang's base today to talk to them, hoping to dig out some information.

But now that your new drug is out, it doesn't matter if it's postponed a little." Jack spread his hands and said.

And Rocky smiled lightly when he saw this.

"Anyway, they can't run away. I'll go with you when the time comes. I just want to try my new abilities."

The energy that Rocky's body just absorbed has not been released yet, which makes him feel full all the time.

At this moment, he is eager to move and wants to practice with others. It just so happens that the Whirlpool Gang came to the door, so there is nothing he can do.

Jack saw Rocky's eager look and silently prayed for the people of the Whirlpool Gang in his heart.

Someone is going to suffer.


Under the full speed of Lao Wei's refining, the second batch of compound No. 5 was soon produced.

Rebecca and Jack looked at the blue potion in Lao Wei's hand.

Imagining that this potion, which looks similar to the super soldier serum, can give them supernatural powers, Rebecca and Jack can't help but get a little excited.

"Ladies first."

Jack stretched out his hand and signaled Rebecca to go first.

Anyway, it will be his turn sooner or later, so Jack is not in a hurry.

Seeing this, Rebecca didn't hesitate and lay on the operating chair immediately. Lao Wei soon helped Rebecca complete the injection.

In Rebecca's painful wailing, compound No. 5 gradually changed Rebecca's genes

, giving her a new ability.

After a long while, Rebecca finally recovered from the severe pain.

"How do you feel?"

Lao Wei and Rocky asked at the same time.

But Rebecca didn't answer in a hurry. Instead, she took out a pistol and shot at her arm.

And this time, the bullet didn't lose power like Rocky did at that time, but pierced Rebecca's arm violently, bringing out a lot of blood.

"Rebecca!" Lao Wei and Rocky exclaimed at the same time.

At this time, Lao Wei was speechless looking at the splattering blood, and ten thousand horses ran wildly in his heart.

It feels like you two are like this after the injection, no wonder you can get together.

But the key is that Rocky can absorb energy, what are you doing? Rocky has said that everyone has different abilities. This girl didn't listen carefully.

Lao Wei couldn't hold it anymore, and didn't know what Rebecca was doing.

But soon Lao Wei's doubts turned into shock.

The bloody hole on Rebecca's arm was healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After just a few seconds, the wound disappeared, as if Rebecca was not injured at all.

If there were no blood splashing on the ground, everyone would even think that Rebecca had not shot them at all.

"Haha, so amazing."

Rebecca raised her healed arm in front of her eyes, carefully observed it, and laughed happily after confirming that it was completely healed.

Obviously she was very satisfied with the ability she had gained.

"So Rebecca, you got the ability to heal yourself?"

Rocky observed everything Rebecca had just done and said his guess.

And Rebecca smiled and nodded and gave a positive answer.

"Yes, it is self-healing."

"Not a bad ability."

Rocky was still very happy that Rebecca could get such an ability.

Although it is not an ability that directly increases combat power, it is very suitable for Rebecca.

Rebecca's usual fighting style is quite crazy. She likes powerful firepower suppression, is bold, and easily falls into danger.

And Rebecca obviously doesn't like to wear heavy protection to fight.

This self-healing ability just fits Rebecca's fighting style. In the future, she will be able to shuttle around the battlefield more unscrupulously.

Judging from Rebecca's self-healing speed just now, even if it was the previous Rebecca, after being hit by Adam's heavy hammer, I believe it won't take long for her to get up again.

Not to mention that the current Rebecca has been injected with super soldier serum, and Adam's heavy hammer's justice is no longer a threat to Rebecca.

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