Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 100: Big Exposure (Thanks to DustDream Leader)


Watson District, Little Chinatown.

Tang Yu is sitting in the living room of his high-end apartment, leaning on a comfortable soft leather sofa, holding a cup of hot water to warm his hands.

On the large-screen TV hanging on the wall, Night City's special program, "Business Talk" is playing.

Tang Yu rarely watches such special columns, which usually have a strong entertainment color and like to use big stunts to attract viewers and increase ratings.

Although the content broadcast in this type of column has a certain degree of authenticity, it is often exaggerated by the host to make it seem like a myth.

no way.

The residents of Night City love this. They have long been tired of the official stereotypes like News 54 or WNS.

On the contrary, in this type of entertainment column, you can hear more shocking gossip.

As for what the truth is, no one except the person involved has the time to care about it. What everyone wants is just something to talk about after dinner.

The weather is gradually turning into autumn, and Tang Yu feels a slight chill coming.

He held the hot porcelain cup in his hand and took a sip of the warm tea. He felt warm to the heart and lungs, as if all the fatigue from today had been dispelled.

The hustle and bustle of the day seems to still be ringing in my ears. Artillery shells, shells, drag racing, snipers, and scenes linger in my mind.

This struggle between Arasaka and military technology, involving three gangs, a mercenary group, and a melee of hundreds of people, has come to an end.

Judging from the target result, Tang Yu narrowly won.

Tang Yu and Lao De worked together to successfully save Matteo from the Animal Gang and the Sixth Street Gang.

In the subsequent vehicle chase, a sniper rifle was used to overturn the drone swarm and kill the animal gang chasing the convoy.

With Lucy, Gloria, and the unconscious Matteo, they survived the speed of life and death.

The remnants of the Sixth Street Gang were all eaten by Valentino, and the surviving killers from the Animal Gang were also shot dead on the spot by the Arasaka Special Service Team who arrived. Not a single member of the Animal Gang escaped alive.

As for the main target, Matteo, he has been sent to the TV station for recording.

Before he receives treatment from Arasaka, he still has to cooperate to complete the final performance, which is tonight's "Business Talk".

This is also the last part of Tang Yu's plan since receiving Xiao Michiko's private work.

He believed that after the show was aired, there would be no peace on the phone, so he would enjoy the results while he was free.

Tang Yu wrapped up his pajamas tightly, put away his legs, changed into a calm and comfortable position, leaned on the sofa, supported his head with his right hand, and waited quietly for the show to start.

Not long after.

A blue light lit up on the TV screen, and the picture instantly cut to the studio.

Immediately afterwards.

A greasy old man got into the camera and happily greeted the audience in front of the TV.

"Hello, Night City."

"I'm Josh Kavorkin, we're still here as always, I care about your business!"

As the show started, Tang Yu's attention was also focused on the host of the show.

The uncle, wearing a blue shirt, shoulder straps and a bit of bald forehead, was introducing himself cheerfully.

In fact, he has mastered all the main contents of tonight's "Business Talk".

The source of information for this program was handled by Tang Yu.

"Business Talk" will be broadcast according to Tang Yu's will, because the exclusive sponsor behind this program is Arasaka Company.

Although Tang Yu already knew the content of the broadcast, he still wanted to watch the content produced by himself and what the results would be.

He turned his attention to the TV and saw how this greasy middle-aged man would humorously interpret the content of this issue.

On TV.

host Josh Kavorkian asked with a broad smile.

"Is there anyone in the audience holding NCPD stock? If so, even if you are lying in a coffin, I would like to sincerely recommend that you ask the priest to wake you up immediately."

"What to do? Of course, call your financial advisor!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Instantly, a burst of laughter came from the studio, seemingly amused by the host's black humor.

"Okay, I won't joke with you anymore. I'm advised to eat enough and get out of the car now!"

"One word, throw it away!"

"Because what I am going to say next will greatly affect NCPD's stock price."

"Oh, by the way, there is also our defense giant Military Technology."

"NCPD, I advise you to be careful with it, the giant is not that easy to mess with."

"Next, I'm going to get down to business. Please listen carefully. This will determine whether your pockets will be bulging or deflated this year."

"After the NCPD announced its privatization this year, it announced an ambitious revitalization plan. This includes replacing police officers with drones, establishing friendly business relationships with private prisons, purchasing new implants to strengthen the violent terrorist mobile team, etc., in order to provide better protection for the night. The city provides safer services.”

"But as we approach the end of the year, the budget hole for this recovery plan is getting bigger and bigger."

"What you don't know is that military technology company lobbyists are lingering in every aspect of this plan, even in the mayor's office."

"I'm not making this up. Next, I'll invite my witness, Mr. Matteo!"

The words just fell.

The TV guide screen switches.

Matteo was tied to the stage, with mechanical implants all over his body, exposed in front of the screen without any obstruction.

Cyber ​​robotic arms, red cyber prosthetic eyes, brain neural modifications, etc. are all at a glance.

Since there were no blocking drugs or paralyzing drugs, Mateo sometimes struggled and roared crazily, and sometimes begged for anesthetic drugs.

The host narrated: "Friends, have you seen it? This is a masterpiece of military technology!"

"Let me see what type of prosthetic body he is wearing, huh? Why haven't I seen it before? Is it experimental in nature?"

"I remembered, please take a look at this purchase content."

"Does it look familiar?"

"Yes, the combat implant on Mr. Matteo is in the NCPD's procurement catalog for the Terrorist Mobile Team!"

"The combat implant of military technology has actually cultivated a cyber madman who is about to lose control."

"My kind-hearted friends in Night City, do you want to protect your violent terrorist mobile team and become a madman who can lose control at any time?"

"The evidence is not just these, I have more in my hands. I really hope you can bless me and keep my head intact tomorrow so that I can return to the show and continue to relax for everyone."

"Listen to my advice, friends, it's really time!"

"Dogs can't change their ways. The NCPD is stubborn and military technology is inhumane. Are you still going to sit idly by and ignore such a dirty deal?"

"My dear friends, that's it for today's program. I care about your business!"

"Hope to see you next time!"

The program "Business Talk" has ended.

After reading it, Tang Yu expressed that he was quite satisfied and basically completed his intention to ruin the deal between military technology and NCPD.

Let them not dare to mention this transaction openly.

In addition, NCPD has to consider the consequences of purchasing these combat implants. If something happens, the news will be even bigger.

To build momentum.

Tang Yu also arranged for WNS news station to broadcast the news tomorrow morning to let more people know.

If you want something to be successful, the less people know about it, the better.

If you want something to fail, naturally the bigger the fuss, the better.

He believes that this transaction involving tens of millions of euros will definitely encounter strong resistance, and even if it will not be cancelled, it will be postponed.

At least until military science and technology completes the experimental report and comes up with a proof of safety and reliability.

Tang Yu picked up the black-rimmed glasses on the desk and put them on, waiting quietly to see who it would be and call him as soon as possible after the show was broadcast.

Countdown to tens.






Sure enough, the incoming call was displayed.

"It's you?"

Instant Noodles: "It has just been on the shelves for two days, and the boss of DustDream said that the reward will be a hundred times as much as possible. I regret that I can't give it 100,000 a day!"

Johnny: "Do you regret that there is no use? I am the only one who has the same personality as carry and has the guts to go against capital, local tyrants, and landlords. But as for you, all of you are cowards and scared. *Go away* Liu, if I give you another hundred-fold reward, instant noodles will listen to me and I will write until he goes bankrupt!"


No more updates tonight, I’m so tired, I’m going to sleep.

Thanks to the following donors for the reward.

Lord of Jin 15.00 (I have been tipped several times, I look familiar)

The shepherd who cannot beat the sheep 1.00

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