Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 102 Sasha Yakovleva (Thanks to Leader Kelly)

The next day.

The sun is shining brightly.

Gloria rubbed her sleepy eyes, stretched, her pajamas instantly tightened, revealing her mature curves, and then walked out of the bedroom in a daze.

She yawned and realized that the TV in the living room had been playing, and David was curled up on the sofa, sleeping deeply.

Gloria was a little surprised. David came back very late last night and unexpectedly slept on the sofa without even changing his shirt.

She walked up to David and called softly: "David?"

David was still asleep and unresponsive.

Gloria felt a little sorry for her son. He just went to the company for an internship and worked so hard. He came back late almost every day.

"You must be very busy working in the company!"

But she also felt it was worth it. At least David would have a chance to join a big company, instead of having to work hard at the bottom like she once did.

Fortunately, everything has changed.

Ever since Tang Yu invited her to be the go-between, everything has been developing for the better.

David got the opportunity to intern at Arasaka Company, and she was able to earn more money to maintain the small family, without having to worry about rent, utility bills, etc.

Gloria picked up the suit jacket that fell on the floor and carefully put it on David.


Unexpectedly, this small gesture woke up David from his deep sleep.

Gloria comforted her apologetically: "It's not time to go to work yet, so you can sleep a little longer."

David resisted his sleepiness and sat up, patting his swollen face to cheer up.

"Mom, it's okay. I have to go early today. There are still a few pieces of information that have not been sorted out. We can't slow down the progress of the group."

As David said this, he picked up his suit jacket and put it on, then started to simply pack up and get ready to go.

Seeing that he was in a hurry, Gloria had no choice but to get David some breakfast first.

"Today, according to the latest financial reports, NCPD stock prices experienced a large-scale sell-off, and the holding index continued to fall. This may be related to the "Business Talk" program broadcast last night, which disclosed a combat implant between military technology and NCPD. Transaction Procurement Plan”

WNS's morning news bulletin was being broadcast on the TV. David was immediately attracted by the news content and stopped halfway through tying his tie.

Gloria came over with breakfast and saw David watching TV in a trance, and turned to look at the TV curiously.

"Currently, many protestors have gathered in front of the NCPD building to express their dissatisfaction with the procurement incident. NCPD officials have not made any statement in response."

"According to the Night City Municipal Information Office, Mayor Lucius Lane will hold a press conference with the main leaders of the NCPD this morning to explain matters related to NCPD's large-scale procurement and invite senior officials from the Military Science and Technology External Relations Department Attend."

After watching the news, Gloria quickly realized that this incident was related to her experience yesterday.

Mateo was exploited by military technology and became a subject of combat implant experiments, which has been completely exposed to everyone in Night City.

It seems to have caused a lot of commotion. Starting last night, some people came out to demonstrate and protest against the inaction of Night City's municipal government.

The NCPD was publicly accused of purchasing experimental combat implants using military technology, which seriously threatened the safety of urban residents.

In addition, Arasaka's major media outlets are firing on all cylinders, putting the fire on Military Technology, NCPD, and the municipal government, believing that they have more secret contacts in private.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

The large protesting crowd even directly surrounded the NCPD building.

There were also scattered people who went to the Gu District Civic Center or under the Military Science and Technology Building in the company square to hold banners and shout slogans to protest against the company's actions.

Although these dirty things are not new, they have indeed caused dissatisfaction among many veterans, street homeless people, and many residents.

Everyone is afraid of cyber maniacs, but even more afraid of violent terrorist mobile teams that may turn into cyber maniacs.

Soon, WNS news station connected to the protest site at the NCPD building, and a reporter on site interviewed a protester.

"Excuse me, what do you think of the Matteo incident?"

"I see that these companies are colluding with the top municipal officials. I have said it a long time ago. That Lucius Lane has already got money. Including those from the NCPD, who has nothing to do with gang members?" **Night City, s**t company stupid*.”

After saying that, he gave the camera a fierce middle finger, but the camera was immediately cut away and returned to the director's room.

"Currently, NCPD has dispatched police officers and began to forcibly disperse the protesters in an attempt to suppress the crowd's voices."

Gloria was shocked. She didn't expect that this matter would cause such a big fuss, which was far beyond her expectation.

At that time, it was thought that Tang Yu was looking for Moir or Matteo to investigate the matter of experimental military technology prostheses. Just like the military technology Sean Westan, he could handle it secretly after getting it.

But from now on, Tang Yu should have directly exposed all the contents.

Things are getting bigger and bigger. When the time comes to hold people accountable, Tang Yu will definitely not be able to escape.

She began to worry a little, would Arasaka choose to deal with him in order to settle the matter?

Gloria held the breakfast in her hand tightly, feeling a little lost.

After David read the news, he realized that something big might happen in the company today. When he was about to pick up the breakfast, he found Gloria stunned.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

After hearing David's question, Gloria came back to her senses and quickly handed the breakfast in her hand to David and explained.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired from the past two days."

David found it strange that Gloria was obviously not as busy as before in the past two days, and he didn't know what she was running out for, but he didn't think much about it and hurried to the company to work.

"Okay, Mom, please pay attention to rest. I'm going to work first."

David took breakfast, walked quickly to the door, put on his leather shoes and hurried out.

In the blink of an eye, Gloria was alone at home again.

Seeing that David had gone away, she quickly started to re-read the previous news, and then she learned about what was exposed on "Business Talk" last night.

"You're really late. How can you sleep after such a big deal?"

Gloria rubbed her temples helplessly and recalled what happened yesterday.

Yesterday, I followed Tang Yu for a run outside. First, I went to find Moer, and faced off with a woman who was about to become a cyber madman. I was so nervous that I was sweating all over.

Then I witnessed a life-and-death fight with my own eyes. The bloody scene makes me panic even thinking about it now.

In the end, he was affected for no reason and suffered a wave of electromagnetic pulse damage.

Before the whole person could recover, he followed Tang Yu into the Delamain and fought all the way to the viaduct.

After blowing up the Sixth Street Gang, knocking over the Animal Gang, and robbing people, they started a car chase again.

If it weren't for Tang Yu's accurate sniper shooting skills, he might have been blamed.

Gloria has been working for so many years and has seen many separations between life and death, but this is the first time she has experienced such a melee.

Sickness from blood, electricity, motion, etc., after going through the whole process, can you not be confused?

At that time, Tang Yu stayed to continue handling the follow-up matters, summoned his exclusive company car, and took Gloria back to the apartment first.

When Gloria got home, she immediately lay down on the toilet and vomited. She suppressed her dizziness, washed up, and changed into clean pajamas. She was so dizzy that she fell asleep.

I also accidentally had a nightmare.

I dreamed that I fell into the deep sea and was surrounded by a group of terrible sharks. I fainted again in the dream.

I didn't have the energy to think about anything else all night, and when I woke up, it was already broad daylight.

Gloria was really shocked after finishing last night's news. It was equivalent to the fact that so many big things happened in the future, and she was completely unaware of it.

She rolled her eyes and quickly checked the call message records. Fortunately, there were no missed calls from Tang Yu.

Gloria sighed softly: "Oh, it's really difficult to keep up with Mr. Tang's pace."

She walked into the bathroom and rubbed her face with cold water, trying to wake herself up.

Looking at myself in the electronic mirror, my complexion has become much more rosy, and I have gained some weight without realizing it.

She reached out and pinched her cheeks, and sure enough, there were so many lumps.

It's just that thanks to her bone structure and figure, she doesn't look fat, but has more curves.

"Has the food gotten better?"

Gloria thought about it and realized that she was still the same as before and didn't eat anything delicious.

"Maybe I slept more."

After much thought, she had the only answer.

Thanks to Tang Yu, she hadn't slept like this for a long time and woke up naturally. In the past, David would wake her up from the sofa, but now the polarity has reversed.

Suddenly, she thought that the money she had earned recently, as well as Mann and the others' remuneration, were all paid by Tang Yu.

"Oh, why do I feel like a vampire? I don't know if Arasaka will reimburse me for these expenses."

"The salary of the double ministers should be very high. I really hope David can be like Mr. Tang one day."

Gloria felt her thoughts rushing around and yawned again unconsciously, as if she was not yet full of sleep.

Arasaka Tower.

David hurried to the 33rd floor of the Counterintelligence Department. When he ran to the office area, he found that everyone had arrived today.

"Is there something big going on?"

He felt something unusual, so he walked carefully to his office, sat down, turned on his office computer, and pretended to stare at the screen while actually eavesdropping on his colleagues around him.

Fortunately, the colleagues around him were very familiar with each other and did not shy away from him, an outside intern, and continued to gossip among themselves.

"The board meeting is going to be held again today. Did you read the news yesterday? I had a falling out with the guy from the building opposite!"

"Why didn't I look at it? I don't know why I suddenly got angry. I remember that the boss always gave way to the other side."

"I don't dare to give in. According to news from an acquaintance at the headquarters, that person may be coming here."

"Is there such a thing? No wonder they suddenly broke up with each other, that person is a hardliner."

That one?

David couldn't figure out who they were referring to, but he could feel that his status must be extraordinary, and his name should be taboo in the company.

As for the previous gossip, it should be the news I saw this morning.

The media matrix established by Arasaka Company, with WNS News Channel as the center, launched a series of bombardments on military technology, completely pushing the Matteo incident to its peak.

Suddenly, Night City suddenly began to care about the retired and disabled soldiers, expressed their hatred for the cruel methods of military technology, and strongly protested their purchase transaction with the NCPD. A multi-million dollar business was ruined.

"But that's not the point. I heard that today's board meeting is related to our deputy minister, Mr. Tang."

"I know, otherwise everyone wouldn't have come so early. Something happened. Maybe it was Mr. Tang who made this news. In case the higher-ups want to use him as a scapegoat."

"Shh, you can't talk nonsense. Whether it's a merit or demerit has to be decided by the superiors."

Mr. Tang?

When David heard them discussing Tang Yu's name, he immediately became alert and didn't quite understand how this matter could be related to Tang Yu.

Unfortunately, counterintelligence colleagues are more taboo about gossiping about their direct leaders, so they kept silent when it came to this.

David was really itchy. Others didn't talk to him, but he couldn't take the initiative to ask. He had no choice but to put his attention back on the computer and start preparing for today's work.

Suddenly, he heard a noise around him, and his colleagues stood up one after another.

"Mr. Tang, good morning."

"Good morning, Mr. Tang"

"Mr. Tang, do you need to prepare breakfast and coffee for you?"

David also stood up quickly and happened to see Tang Yu passing by the office area, with colleagues around him greeting him warmly.

But Tang Yu looked unusually cold. He just waved his hands casually, indicating that everyone should continue working, without any extraneous expression.

"It turns out that Mr. Tang is usually like this in the company."

David looked around and didn't seem to have any opinions or opinions on Tang Yu's indifference.

He was a little confused. Mr. Tang was so indifferent to his subordinates. Why did everyone not only say no bad words, but also greet him warmly.

After Tang Yu left the office area, his colleagues in the Counterintelligence Department sat down one after another. David hesitated for a while and also sat down.

Finally, he made up his mind to ask the female colleague next to him. She seemed to have a kinder face, with a slicked back hair and a capable temperament.

Brothers and sisters are not called in the company. They are called by their first names regardless of age. To show respect, the suffixes "Mr.", "Ms." and "Miss" are added. When facing superiors, you can choose to address your position.

"Ms. Joanne, how long has Mr. Tang served as Deputy Minister of Counterintelligence?"

The lady with the big back looked at David strangely, as if she thought he shouldn't ask this question, but she still replied patiently: "More than a year, but Mr. Tang works in the field a lot. He just returned from a mission at the border at night." The city will not last long."

However, a colleague on the other side came up and took the initiative to interject: "David Martinez, you came to the company from Arasaka Academy to intern, right? Which department do your parents work in? It's not an easy relationship to be able to intern in the Counter Intelligence Department."

Facing the curious questions from his colleagues, David seemed a little embarrassed and was too embarrassed to mention his family situation. He could only force a smile and said: "No, no, I paid for admission, not the company guarantee."

Guaranteed places at Arasaka Academy are limited to company insiders. Children of high-level students enjoy full free admission. Tuition fees for middle- and low-level students are exempted, but they need to pay relevant teaching funds.

Hearing that David was not a son of the company, the two colleagues were obviously not interested, but they still reminded him: "Anyway, the most important thing in a counterintelligence internship is to learn to keep your mouth shut. Information leaks are no joke."

Another colleague asked: "Why do I remember that the deputy minister seems to be the practical evaluation mentor who is approaching his lifetime this year? David, do you know this?"

David quickly nodded in affirmation: "Yes, our practical judge mentor is Mr. Tang."

The two female colleagues nodded: "Oh, you have to work hard, Mr. Tang is famous for being strict."

David suddenly thought of the scene at the tea restaurant with Tang Yu that day. He didn't feel that it was as harsh as they said, but instead gave people a gentle feeling.

Seeing David's stunned look, the two colleagues didn't seem to believe it, and added: "The day Mr. Tang first came back, he was attacked by people from the Animal Gang on the viaduct. Yesterday, the Animal Gang contributed several carloads of people to the Dead Man Lotto." , the Ministry’s special service team went to the scene, but I can’t say more about the specific details.”

"You have only been in the ministry for a short time, and you don't understand many things. In short, you should work honestly."

After listening to the introductions of his two colleagues, David suddenly understood that Tang Yu had just returned to Night City from the border when the car accident occurred that day.

"Were we attacked just after returning to Night City?"

David returned to his office and couldn't help but think about what happened in those days.

Tang Yu, the Animal Gang, car accidents, real death dreams, cyberpunks breaking into the house, Gloria's resignation, Ember Restaurant, an angry slap in the face of Tanaka Katsuro, entering the company for internship, and the day I saw my mother wearing a long skirt from Arasaka The company car comes down.

He felt that there was some kind of force pulling him, and all the things that had happened recently were so incredible to him.

Everything is changing subtly and turning around at just the right time. Why is this? Seventeen years of unlucky life have come to an end?

Obviously not, because everything here has Tang Yu's shadow, and David discovered the key to the problem.

Why does Mr. Tang help himself like this?

David was really puzzled.

This feeling is like someone suddenly breaking into your life, grabbing you when passing by, and then walking away without leaving a trace.

Like clouds, like rain and like wind.

He was not in the mood to work at all now, and suddenly came up with the idea of ​​trying to invite Tang Yu to have a meal at noon today.

I probably won't refuse.

David was deeply entangled, and he couldn't help but cast his eyes in the direction of Tang Yu's office. He was curious about what he was doing. He might be actively preparing for war. After all, the board of directors that was about to be held had a lot to do with him, and it might affect his future. destiny.

at this time.

Tang Yu was sitting in the office, leisurely holding a cup of hot tea, waiting for the morning meeting of the board of directors.

In fact, he could tell from Arasaka's actions this morning that little Michiko still chose the latter and wanted to win him over to join her faction.

Otherwise, the Arasaka Media Matrix would not be used with such great fanfare to bombard military technology.

Arasaka's attitude seems to indicate that he will not give up until military technology is severely messed up.

Michiko may have her own agenda for using the topic to make a big fuss. Perhaps she was worried that Arasaka Yorinobu would come to Night City, so she temporarily burned incense to show her favor to some hard-liners in the company.

In the final analysis, the only person who really wants to work with military technology and hopes that Arasaka will go bankrupt soon is Arasaka Yorinobu from the beginning to the end, assuming that Tang Yu and Johnny are not included.

Tang Yu sighed softly: "If this dear friend comes to Night City, this drama will really start to be exciting. The scene of father and son filial piety may be staged again."

Tang Yu took a sip of hot tea. He was already mentally building up and didn't care at all what the outcome of today's board meeting would be.

On the contrary, he was thinking about his old boss Arthur Jenkins. This guy has not come back from his business trip for so long. He has to deal with all the messy things in the department. He is really annoyed.

In addition, the Special Operations Department has not reported it seriously yet. When I have time, I will bring the expenses related to the recent mission and reimburse them uniformly.

This time it was quite expensive to complete the errand for little Michiko.

The commission cost more than 100,000 euros. In addition, Delamain's car rental and damage compensation, etc., the miscellaneous matters added up to 200,000 euros.

Even if I have no merit, I still have to work hard, and I should be reimbursed more as appropriate. I can't do illegal work for little Michiko for free.

Tang Yu calculated and quoted 300,000 euros, which was a big difference.

This is much richer than when he just returned to Night City. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Lao Wei to give him a pair of smart glasses and shell out 100,000 euros.

"Money is really important."

Just as Tang Yu was sighing, the office door showed that someone was visiting. After checking, he found out that it was Arasaka's personal bodyguard.

Little Michiko?

This time the uniforms of the two bodyguards were similar to the two last time, but they had changed.

Tang Yu opened the office door and let the other party come in to talk.

as expected.

It was Michiko Xiao who invited him to sit in the director's exclusive office upstairs, where he could participate in the board of directors via remote connection.

Tang Yu did not refuse, got up and followed the bodyguard to Michiko's office floor again.

As soon as I got out of the public elevator, after undergoing two blue light scans to confirm that it was safe, a female guide came forward and said with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Tang, please go this way."

Tang Yu followed the guide and went to Xiao Michiko's office.

Stepping on the soft blanket, the steps were silent, and the guide continued to explain the relevant situation.

"Mr. Tang, Director Michiko has gone to the jungle conference room on the 78th floor to prepare for a meeting of Arasaka's senior directors. She specially invites you to attend the meeting remotely online in her office. A special assistant will be at your service later."

Tang Yu nodded slightly. It was the same wherever he participated in remote online meetings, and it was more comfortable to watch on the big screen in Michiko's office.

The two came to the familiar large stainless steel gate again.

The wizard prompted: "Director Michiko has opened the identity verification permission for you, please wait here."

After saying that, the female guide took the initiative to step aside and stood respectfully.

Tang Yu didn't expect that Michiko would be so generous. She gave herself exclusive access to the office and arranged for special assistant services, which was considered sincere.

He waited for two seconds, and the identity was confirmed successfully. The door opened automatically, and the familiar water mist curtain obscured the interior of the office.

Tang Yu walked straight in, and the mist gradually dissipated. The office floor, which was half the size of a football field, was extremely spacious, but the most conspicuous thing was a set of lonely desks and chairs.

As soon as he stepped into the office, he heard someone taking the initiative to introduce him.

"Hello, Mr. Tang."

"I'm Special Assistant Sasha Yakovleva."

"It's a pleasure to serve you."

Instant Noodles: "Johnny, Johnny, look what I caught, cute Kelly-chan."

Johnny: "I think this girl is good. I feel relieved. Tell V that you have a guardian angel."

Instant Noodles: "After all, he is our noble leader!"

Johnny: "That's alright. If you force me to continue speaking, I'll have to find the words."

Instant Noodles: "You are suffering from lack of education."

Johnny: "Stop talking, destroy it, I'll get two thermonuclear bombs"


Thank you to the operating officer ‘Keli-chan’ for your full support from the publication of the book to now. I am very touched!

PS: There will be no updates tonight, it’s a huge chapter with more than 6,000 words! Good night and sleep!

Thanks to the following donors for the reward!

Emperor Ming Tang Wen 1.50

Lao Hei丨 1.00

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