Watson, Kabuki District, Tight-Lipped Motel.


The hotel's electronic signboard lights up with fluorescent lights, reminding pedestrians on the street that the hotel is open.

The business of the Silent Motel is booming, not only due to its market positioning, but also the bustling Kabukicho district.

Today's Kabukicho district is a large and lively market where people can buy anything they want.

Sneaky dealers will shuttle around, selling all kinds of things of unknown origin, including implants, prototypes, Black Mewtwo, and even fresh organs. If you are lucky, you can pick them up at a low price.

At the same time, this is also the famous leather market in Night City. When night falls, red lanterns and neon lights will illuminate every winding street and alley, and the dancers will dress up to show off their curves to potential customers.

They may be as passionate as fire, or as cold as ice, or as sweet and cute, in order to satisfy the preferences of different people and occupy more market segments.

If a pedestrian is really interested, he can stay for five seconds to discuss the price.

Those who are not very particular can simply go into the dark alley next to them and get the matter done. Those who are a little more particular will choose to complete a transaction in the hotel.

But no one will underestimate their existence easily, especially when they see that the tattoo somewhere on the girl is two axes, it is best to pay for it.

In the suite on the third floor of the 'Tight-mouthed' motel, Tang Yu was waiting for Meredith's arrival.

This suite is relatively large in area and is a standard business suite. It has a living room, bedroom, bathroom, etc., all available.

Today he is here to do business and discuss business, not anything else, so he opened a business suite.

Not long after, the door control informed that someone was visiting, it was Meredith Stout.

The access control light turns green and the iron gate slides open automatically.

Tang Yu turned around and looked at the door, only to see Aunt Mei stepping in, with her signature blond hair draped over her back shoulders, a black windbreaker covering her whole body, and her legs wearing long black leather boots.

Meredith walked into the house and looked around the room for a while, a strange look flashed in her eyes.

She put her hands in the pockets of her windbreaker and walked to the living room without saying anything. She sat on the leather sofa and folded her legs.

The corners of the windbreaker slipped from her thighs, revealing a flash of white.

Meredith looked directly at Tang Yu and saw that he had been standing with no intention of sitting down, so she asked, "Why, don't you sit down and talk?"

Tang Yu noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with Aunt Mei's clothing. Above the calf boots, there were bare thighs, which were covered by a windbreaker.

No matter how I think about it, I feel that Aunt Mei is taking a wild path, and she can't just go out in a vacuum.

But these are not the focus of Tang Yu's attention. Today he is here to talk about serious business, so he said.

"It's okay, I prefer standing."

Meredith stared at him directly and smiled with a hint of amusement: "Huh? So you like to stand, which I didn't expect."

After speaking, she carefully looked at Tang Yu's expression and found that Tang Yu's face was indifferent.

Meredith didn't seem to get the desired effect, so she teased again playfully: "If you are standing, let me ask you, do you prefer uniform short skirts or short dresses?"

Tang Yu: "."

‘I really didn’t expect you to be such Aunt Mei! ’

Tang Yu had already figured out the details of Aunt Mei and would definitely not fall for her, so he smiled calmly and said, "Of course they all like her."

When it comes to pretending to be mature and playing tricks, Tang Yu thinks he is no worse than Aunt Mei, and his deliberate teasing in the face of her is justified.

Meredith's expression was stunned for two seconds, as if she had heard some interesting story, and then she suddenly laughed: "She's quite fun."

She didn't expect that Tang Yu in front of her looked young but quite experienced in dealing with people.

After probing for a while, Meredith changed the subject and started talking about business: "Didn't you say you brought me a gift? I just prepared a gift for you. Who among us should go first?"

Tang Yu glanced at Aunt Mei, who was wrapped tightly in a windbreaker and had a long belt tied into a bow around her waist.

He thought for a while, and after talking about more important matters, he asked: "Do you know about the disappearance of Joanne Kochi?"

Meredith's expression changed slightly, and she affirmed with a hum: "I know about Joanne Coach, but you won't tell me that Joanne Coach is in your hands, right?"

She had already foreseen something, but she just didn't understand why Tang Yu would intervene in this matter. No matter from which angle she looked at it, Joanne Kochi and Arasaka had nothing to do with it.

Tang Yu nodded slightly and continued: "Yes, she is indeed in my hands. The gift I want to give you is Joanne Kochi."

Hearing this, Meredith's expression gradually became serious, she put away her original playful tone, and said solemnly: "Tell me, I would like to hear how a senior biotechnology executive could be my gift."

As the director of military technology operations, Meredith has the power to dominate the entire Night City.

Even though Joanne Kochi is a senior executive in biotechnology, in her eyes, she is no different from ordinary people. At most, she is a research talent who understands some technology.

Each giant company has many departments, and only those who control the real power departments, such as special operations, intelligence, human resources and other departments, can be regarded as the real top executives of the company.

Because these departments often mean that they can mobilize armed forces, allocate company resources, and control the lives of others.

Tang Yu knew that only by convincing Meredith could he get the key information and figure out why Sasha tried his best to pass the document to News 54 before falling.

He believed that Meredith would be happy to accept this special gift after hearing the explanation.

Tang Yu directly got to the point and replied calmly: "Because the Nightingale Project, which Joanne Koch was responsible for, was a complete scam from the beginning."

Project Nightingale?

Meredith's face suddenly darkened, and she was no longer as relaxed and comfortable as before.

Of course she was very familiar with the Nightingale Project. The Nightingale Project was related to the core secrets of military technology. Now that it was suddenly mentioned from the mouth of an Arasaka company executive, she had to pay attention to it.

Meredith Stout began to quickly judge Tang Yu's intentions, with various possibilities flashing through her mind.

Could it be that Arasaka Company noticed that two companies, Military Technology and Biotechnology, were cooperating to develop new biochemical weapons, and wanted to intervene in advance to steal or sabotage the plan.

So he kidnapped Joanne Kochi and learned the secrets of the cooperation between the two companies from her.

But Meredith didn't understand why Tang Yu told her that he also gave Joanne Kochi as a gift to herself. She had to figure out the trick in this.

"Project Nightingale is indeed a top-secret cooperation project between military technology and biotechnology companies, but what basis do you have for saying this is a scam? Don't tell me, you want me to believe it with just a few words, you have to show the truth Isn’t that a guy?”

Tang Yu actually didn't know the specific content of the Nightingale plan. He only made a rough analysis based on the information he had previously obtained, but it should be enough to scare Aunt Mei.

"Project Nightingale is funded by Military Technology, with Biotechnology responsible for research and development, and Director Joanne Koch taking the lead. It is trying to develop a new type of antibiotic to combat superbugs."

"With this antibiotic, military technology warriors can be immune to biochemical weapons and gain a greater say on the battlefield."

The more Meredith listened, the more frightened she became. She never expected that everything the other party said was in line with the plan.

The Nightingale Project is a highly confidential cooperation project. Not to mention an outsider from Arasaka Company, even high-level personnel within Military Technology have to be at a certain level to be allowed access.

She couldn't help but curse fiercely: "Is this cousin Joanne Coach looking for death?"

Of course, Meredith placed all the responsibility for the leak of the plan on Joanne Couch. She fell into Arasaka's hands and she would probably be blamed in a matter of minutes.

Meredith's eyes gradually became sharper, and when she looked at Tang Yu, she was not as calm as before.

She gradually felt the dangerous aura exuding from the man in front of her.

Tang Yu saw Aunt Mei becoming a little nervous, so he smiled calmly and said: "Don't be nervous, this matter has nothing to do with Arasaka Company. I said, Joanne Kochi is my gift to you."

When things got to this point, Meredith would not believe what the other person said.

She believed that Tang Yu not only had superb means to dig up confidential information on military technology, but he also dared to talk about it with her in the same room.

This shows that a top-secret plan is far from satisfying Tang Yu's appetite. He is definitely a dangerous guy.

Meredith frowned slightly and said coldly: "Your 'gift' is too big. I'm worried that I won't be able to eat it. Let's be honest, what's your idea?"

Tang Yu felt a little helpless when he saw that Aunt Mei was still vigilant. Aunt Mei was still the same Aunt Mei, and she was not ambiguous at all when it came to company matters.

"What I can tell you is that Project Nightingale has no chance of succeeding. It's too late for military technology to stop now."

Meredith asked, "You said it can't be successful, but as far as I know, new antibiotics have already been developed and have entered the clinical trial stage. Once the sample data meets the standards, success will not be far away."

Meredith has actually been paying attention to Project Nightingale, and some of the special operations missions she is responsible for are related to the project.

Tang Yu has now made it clear that military technology was indeed kept in the dark by Joanne Koch.

Every time Military Science and Technology inquired about the progress, Joanne Koch would concoct a story, from the initial research and development to the launch of the product, to fool everyone into thinking that the new antibiotic was already available and only needed to complete the final clinical trial steps.

Joanne Koch also pretended to send people to the Badlands to test the new antibiotics she developed. Everyone who knew the truth was silenced by her.

Tang Yu had the confidence in his heart and said directly: "You don't have to count on the success of the so-called final clinical trial. Joanne Kochi specially selected a tribe of wanderers in the bad land outside the city to conduct clinical trials of new antibiotics. Guess the clinical trial?" What were the test results?"

Meredith remained silent, but her eyes held deep questions.

Tang Yu didn't show off to her, and said bluntly: "They are all dead."

All dead?

A trace of surprise flashed in Meredith's eyes. If the results of the clinical trial were that all of them died, it means that the new antibiotics have no effect at all. Even if only a few survive, it at least proves that it has a certain effect.

She seemed to want to confirm more details and continued to ask: "Is there any evidence?"

"The red ocher tribe can be found out by checking it out." Tang Yu blurted out, and he could let Aunt Mei check it out by herself.

Tang Yu looked at Aunt Mei, with a slightly playful tone, and said jokingly: "So, do you want to accept this gift now?"

He believed that it was impossible for Aunt Mei to fail to see through the stakes due to her position. She only needed to report the failure of the new antibiotic development to her superiors and confirm that everything was a scam directed and performed by Joanne Coch.

Aunt Mei stopped the losses in time for military technology, which is a great achievement.

Now everyone is reaping the spoils. As long as Aunt Mei increases her efforts and continues the investigation, she will definitely be able to dig out more things from Joanne Koch.

This is why Tang Yu wanted to keep Joanne Kochi and give it to Aunt Mei personally.

Joanne Kochi is a hot potato to Tang Yu, but to Aunt Mei, she is a real gift.

Meredith fell silent and began to think about the entire process of Nightingale's plan.

Joanne Kochi was promoted to technical director because she took the lead on this project.

Is this cunning woman really so bold that she dares to play with the two major companies in the middle of applause? Or is biotechnology acquiescing? Even if there is a thunderstorm, she can be pushed out to take the blame.

The Nightingale Project is a secret research and development, and it itself is shady. Even if the research and development fails, there is no reason to make the matter a big deal.

Meredith began to agree with Tang Yu's statement, but there is no 100% guarantee in medical research, let alone new antibiotics that treat superbugs.

Tang Yu saw that Aunt Mei seemed to be touched, but was still considering the authenticity of the matter, so he decided to add fuel to the fire.

"Actually, it doesn't matter what the truth is about the Nightingale Project. This research and development has failed. The most important thing now is you."

"If you think the gift is too expensive, I can let Joanne Coach go."

"But if you think the gift is just right, don't refuse it, accept it."

When Meredith heard these words, she suddenly understood something.

She raised her head and looked directly at Tang Yu, with a hint of surprise in her eyes. She never expected that he had already arranged things clearly.

The research and development of new antibiotics is doomed to fail. No matter what the truth behind it is, it doesn't matter. The key lies in her attitude.

If she determined that it was a scientific research and technical problem, then Joanne Kochi does not need to take any responsibility for the failure of research and development.

What if she decided it was a scam, one led by Joanne Couch that deceived everyone involved in the scheme, including military technology and biotechnology.

Military science and technology will pay attention to this matter, and in order to recover face and losses, they will attack biotechnology.

In order to shirk responsibility, biotech will simply insist that Joanne Koch is the culprit.

And she successfully caught the culprit, exposed the conspiracy and scam, saved the company's losses, and made great contributions.

Meredith now suddenly understood that Joanne Kochi was really a big 'gift', a gift carefully prepared by Tang Yu for her.

She thought clearly about the stakes of the matter, and her tone gradually became softer. She chuckled and said, "It seems that you have really prepared a big gift for me. Joanne Kochi is very good at calculating this."

"After being promoted, getting money, and in the end, all it takes is a sentence about R\u0026D failure, and the responsibility can be attributed to the biological research level. It's quite a beautiful thought."

"But before accepting the gift, I still want to hear what your plans are. You are so kind to me for no reason. You can't have some intention, right?"

Aunt Mei took out her hands from her pockets and slowly unzipped her belt, her eyes looking a little ambiguous.

When Tang Yu saw Aunt Mei starting to play this trick again, it meant that she had almost agreed to accept the 'gift', but she just needed a reason, a reason to reassure her.

He admitted generously: "Of course I have an intention. Arasaka needs a piece of information, a piece of information from two years ago."

Meredith's hand stopped. She didn't expect that Tang Yu had done so much preparation and was actually working for the company. She looked at him with some suspicion and asked, "Huh? I didn't notice it before working so hard for Arasaka."

Tang Yu will definitely not admit that he wants that information, and must use Arasaka's name, otherwise Meredith may find out the clues about Sasha if she digs deeper.

He didn't want Sasha to get involved in more whirlpools, and the best way was to avoid letting her fall into the eyes of more people.

"You know, dirty work." Tang Yu said, pointing upward with his index finger.

Meredith suddenly chuckled and joked: "I never thought you would have such a day, I'm afraid it's Michiko Arasaka."

She had heard before that Michiko Xiaomei on the board of directors defied all opinions and promoted Tang Yu to double deputy minister.

Later, in the big exposure incident, in order to prevent Tang Yu from being punished, he had a fierce fight with the board members on the board of directors.

Now the outside world is saying that Tang Yu is a member of Michiko's faction and a rising star in the workplace at Arasaka Tower in Night City.

Tang Yu felt that it was comfortable to deal with smart people like Aunt Mei, and he didn't have to explain everything so clearly.

He did not deny Aunt Mei's guess, leaving enough room for her imagination to play as much as she wanted.

Meredith pretended to be playful and asked with a smile: "She's using you like this, but don't tell me that she's also attracted to you."

Tang Yu was suddenly speechless.

Meredith put away her frivolous attitude, took out the cigarette case and lighter from her pocket, took out a cigarette, held it in her mouth and lit it, then took a puff and said with some disdain: "Without military technology, she is nothing, the Night It’s not her turn to make the decision in Chenghuang Banta.”


Meredith knows enough about Michiko Arasaka. The reason why Michiko Arasaka can stay in Night City is largely due to the attitude of military technology. After all, Michiko Arasaka is still a citizen of Shintaka-chan.

Meredith was also unambiguous. Cooperation was mutually beneficial to both parties, so she asked: "It seems that the gift I specially prepared for you is no longer needed. Tell me what information you want."

Tang Yu told her that two years ago, there was an explosion in the biotechnology building. Before the explosion, a piece of information was transmitted from the office to News 54. That information was related to Arasaka R\u0026D.

After listening to this, Meredith turned her eyes and began to arrange for her subordinates to obtain information.

After a while, Meredith said with a smile.

"You're lucky, that information has been found."

PS: There will be another update later.

Thanks to the following generous donors for the reward.

ADKiss, Qidian Reading iOS 15.00

Yi is your Yi 15.00

StormMan, Qidian Reading iOS 1.00

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