The next day.

Arasaka Tower, Counterintelligence Department, Minister's Office on the 33rd floor.

Tang Yu sat back on a soft office chair and talked on the phone with his old boss, Arthur Jenkins.

Sasha poured a cup of warm water, filled the tea cup with a small saucer, and gently placed it on the desk in front of Tang Yu.

The warm water in the cup has been boiled and then allowed to cool, so the temperature is suitable.

She knew that drinking warm water was Tang Yu's drinking habit, so she prepared the water while he was on the phone.

After Sasha put down her tea cup, she turned around and walked to another office area, sat on her desk, and started her day's work.

This office area was arranged for her by Tang Yu. It is located on the left side, close to the office door.

Although the office space is not large, the office equipment is complete, and she is very satisfied with being able to work in the same office as Tang Yu.

She first wanted to help Tang Yu sort out today's work matters. Since Tang Yu is now the acting minister, and he did not come to the company to work a while ago, many things have piled up, and she needs to sort them out one by one, waiting for Tang Yu to make a decision. .

In addition, there are many reporting matters in the department, which require Tang Yu to respond to them one by one. Otherwise, a lot of work will be put on hold, affecting the overall work efficiency of the department.

Sasha stared at the screen patiently and carefully, and began to work seriously. Occasionally she felt tired, yawned, and then took a cautious peek at Tang Yu, and then continued to work contentedly.


A piece of work caught her attention.


The new Deputy Minister of Counterintelligence.

Kate has sent inquiries to Tang Yu many times, wanting to verify the processing results of the "Military Grade Sian Westan", and hopes that Tang Yu can cooperate in explaining the situation that night.

Sasha was a little confused when he saw this job inquiry, but thinking that it was a senior person in the same department, he put it in his work schedule.

Tang Yu was still on the phone, chatting and laughing, and seemed to be talking about the company's situation while reporting work to his old boss.

He knew Arthur Jenkins' personality and always regarded the company department as extremely important.

Jenkins is now far away from home and cannot be in charge of the Counterintelligence Department in time. Even if he learns a lot of information, he still feels uneasy.

So after the riot in the company square ended, Jenkins called Tang Yu immediately.

Tang Yu picked up the boiled water on the table, took a sip, and listened to Jenkins complain about the hard work life on the business trip.

He laughed at his old boss who was so blessed that he was so busy that he could have a lot of time and nothing to worry about when he was on a business trip, but when he came back he was extremely busy.

Arthur Jenkins got to the point and asked seriously: "How much information do you have about the riot in Company Square? There must be an inevitable connection between the riot and Kerry's concert, although it seems that the concert was booked first."

"But it didn't take long for rumors of riots to spread, and they were surprisingly unanimous in targeting biotechnology. If there is no problem here, no one will believe it."

"Besides, you mobilized the resources of the department to help Kerry handle the MSM record company matter, which has already been brought to my attention."

"The boss of the MSM record company flew halfway around the world to where I was on a business trip and asked me to show mercy."

"Fortunately, I was just trying to scare them, otherwise it would not have ended well for me."

When Tang Yu heard what Jenkins said, he seemed to be complaining, but in fact he was asking for the truth, trying to find out whether he participated in the riot.

But to be honest, the boss of MSM record company is too timid. Arasaka hasn't even taken action yet, and he wants to beg his grandfather to sue his grandmother.

Tang Yu didn't hide anything, and directly confessed to Arthur Jenkins: "I didn't expect that this matter would alert you. The problem between Kerry and the record company was indeed settled by me."

"Moreover, I also played a big role in Kerry's concert. When there was a riot in the company square, I specially arranged special operations agents to secretly protect his personal safety."

On the other end of the phone, Arthur Jenkins looked a little surprised. He didn't expect Tang Yu to admit it directly, and he couldn't help but feel a little more relieved.

It took some effort for him to single-handedly promote Tang Yu to his current position.

Similarly, Tang Yu's excellent performance also made Jenkins feel that his investment had paid off.

"Well, since that's the case, just deal with some things and don't let some people in the department get a handle on it."

"The riots in the company square can be so lively, I'm afraid the municipal government and NCPD are also indispensable to add fuel to the flames. I have already seen the scene, and no one cares about this mess at all."

"Anyway, it's good that our department is not involved."

Tang Yu found that his old boss Jenkins was becoming more reasonable. He must have also realized that winning people's hearts is more important than getting to the bottom of everything.

Jenkins is curious about the truth behind the riot, but this curiosity is only dispensable, because there is a high probability that Arasaka Company will not be involved.

If there is really anything to do with Arasaka Company, then it is most likely Tang Yu's line.

The riots involve the concert, the concert involves Kerry, and Kerry involves Tang Yu. This suspicion is reasonable.

Tang Yu continued to explain: "It may be hard for you to believe it, but I have some friendship with Kerry."

"But more importantly, Kerry has a close relationship with the guy above us, and you should know something about rock music."

He was hinting at something to Jenkins, but it wasn't clear.

It is true that Tang Yu and Kerry have some friendship, but only for a short time.

It’s true that Kerry had some friendship with Yorinobu Arasaka, but it was limited to rock and roll stuff.

They are all true. It depends on how Jenkins understands it. After all, it is impossible for the old boss to ask Arasaka Yorinobu for verification in person.

When Jenkins heard this information, he immediately thought of the key information.

It was Kerry who wanted to organize the concert, but it was most likely that Arasaka Yorinobu was tacitly supporting it.

He was extremely familiar with the fact that Arasaka Yorinobu once played rock music and worked on Steel Dragon in Kyoto.

Arthur Jenkins suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the municipal government and NCPD did not act, and other surrounding companies also let it go.

Because this riot was everyone’s acquiescence from the very beginning.

At this point, Jenkins felt that it was almost done. When talking to smart people, say half and leave half.

Tang Yu briefly explained some basic situations in the ministry, which roughly meant that everything in the ministry was stable and everything was progressing step by step.

The new deputy minister Kate has not arranged any errands. I will arrange a division of labor for her when she is free.

After hearing this, Jenkins expressed satisfaction and asked Tang Yu to work hard for a while and serve as acting minister for a while.

Tang Yu didn't bother to care about what his old boss was doing outside, so he hung up the call after a few perfunctory words.

He doesn't want to be an acting minister at all. He has a lot of trouble waiting for him all day long.


He could already imagine that the moment he sat in the minister's office, there would be another wave of gossip outside.

Why is Mr. Tang about to be promoted again and is preparing to serve as the head of the Counterintelligence Department? Mr. Tang is valued by the Arasaka family, and so on.

He didn't bother to explain. For many things, people only believed the side they saw. The more explanations, the darker it becomes.

When Sasha saw Tang Yu was free after making a phone call, he was about to submit the sorted work items, but he made a mistake.

Tang Yu answered the phone again and started talking about business.

On the phone.

Meredith smiled and asked, "Does this count as a favor you owe me?"

Tang Yu naturally knew what Aunt Mei was referring to. News Channel 54 broadcast the information last night. Painkillers developed by biotechnology have serious side effects. This can be regarded as a disguised form of helping Sasha fulfill her previous wish.

"Ow? I didn't ask you for this favor."

"But I admit it."

"Besides, I believe there will be an opportunity to repay the debt soon."

Meredith couldn't help but smile and said, "You still have some conscience."

When Tang Yu heard this, he felt that after the last tight-lipped private meeting, Aunt Mei seemed to be becoming more and more 'disrespectful'.

But he is also a veteran, and he doesn't care at all.

The workplace is like a battlefield, if you take it seriously you will lose.

To compete with a strong woman of Aunt Mei's rank is to see who can fish longer.

Then, Meredith turned to the topic and said in a deep voice: Biotechnology was not careful this time and exposed such a big scandal, so it is right to suffer some losses. "

"In addition, it has been confirmed that Joanne Kochi defrauded military technology. The biotechnology side said that they will deal with it seriously. Ha, they pretended to be completely ignorant."

"I don't know how deeply the riot in the company square last night is related to biotechnology, but the 'Nightingale Project' is still the top secret of military science and technology. Some things are just a matter of time. If it really continues to cause trouble, it will not end well. "

Tang Yu had already expected that Aunt Mei would doubt him. After all, the scandals that broke out in biotechnology were all related to him.

And these things were basically done by Aunt Mei.

Whether it's Joanne Kochi or News 54 information, if you have these two pieces of information, you will know that the riot in the company square has a lot to do with him.

Although there is no clear evidence, digging further will lead to more clues.

It can even be further speculated that he is the mastermind of the riot.

It’s just that Aunt May is now on the same side as him. The two of them worked together to establish evidence against Joanne Couch, and together they exposed the biotech painkiller incident.

In a sense, Aunt Mei was showing her sincerity to him and extending an invitation to form an alliance.

Naturally, Tang Yu would not refuse Aunt Mei's kindness. Everything in the world is the same.

Gather for profit, disperse for profit.

Because of their mutual interests, he and Aunt Mei crossed over from both company camps and reached a tacit alliance in private, which shows that both of them value each other's abilities.

Tang Yu said calmly: "Since you don't dare to play big, you'd better stop as soon as possible."

"As you can see, I like big ones. The bigger the better."

"If you don't make things bigger, where will a lone wolf like me get a chance to eat? What do you think?"

Meredith felt a little surprised, and had a new understanding of Tang Yu. He was indeed a dangerous character, and couldn't help but murmured with a smile.

"Then it depends on how capable you are. Just talking is useless. You have to show the real thing. Otherwise, no one will believe you. What do you think?"

That’s it for now.

Tang Yu thought about it carefully, and among all the people he knew, Aunt Mei seemed to know the most secrets about him.

Aunt Mei knows the truth behind the military-grade Sian Westan.

Joanne Couch confirmed the truth behind the scam, and Aunt May knew it.

Aunt Mei knows the truth behind the exposure of biotech painkillers.

The key is that the two played well together.

Tang Yu actually had a better impression of Aunt Mei. It was really comfortable to cooperate with the smart Aunt Mei, and each other knew where the bottom line was.

He didn't talk too much with Aunt Mei. After all, she was from military technology. Talking on the phone in Arasaka Tower with the company executives in the building opposite would have some negative effects.

hang up the phone.

As soon as Tang Yu picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water, he received a communication request from Gloria.

Communication is connected.

Gloria asked apologetically: "Mr. Tang, did I disturb your work?"

Tang Yu glanced at Sasha in a strange way and found that she was also looking at him. It seemed that the work schedule should be arranged.

"Let's talk about something, I'm free now."

While he was on the phone, he waved to Sasha, indicating that she could bring her work schedule.

Sasha quickly picked up the electronic tablet and walked over, then gently placed it on the desk.

Tang Yu looked at today's work schedule and couldn't help but frowned, all over his face.

Gloria reported carefully on the other end of the phone.

First, Mann refused the commission fee, saying that this was what he should do, so he refused to accept it.

Second, the energy-storing pulse device has been removed, and the surrounding area has been restored to its original state, leaving no tail behind.

Third, Regina Jones has already paid a certain amount of remuneration. She helped make the contact this time and contributed a lot.

After listening to it, Tang Yu affirmed: "Well, you did a good job."

Sasha glanced at Tang Yu curiously. He had done this before when he praised himself. Who was he praising on the phone this time?

She knew that snooping on Tang Yu's phone was not allowed, but she still couldn't help but feel itchy and even had some strange emotions.


Tang Yu didn't notice anything strange about Sasha, and was still looking at the work items on the electronic screen carefully.

[The Operations Section of the Counterintelligence Department applied to purchase a batch of new equipment. 】


[Counterintelligence Department dispatched agent Landers applied to be transferred back to Arasaka Tower. 】


Note: You cannot apply for transfer back before completing the designated tasks.

Tang Yu used to work as a foreign agent, and he persevered step by step like this. What's the point of coming back if he doesn't complete the mission?

He doesn't allow himself to do things halfway, and he doesn't allow his subordinates to give up halfway in front of him.

If you don't see it, forget it. If you see it, you can only dismiss it. The acting counterintelligence department naturally has the right to decide what the agents should do.

[Kate from the Counterintelligence Department, asking about the results of the processing of the ‘Military Grade Sian Westan’. 】


It seems that Kate is quite persistent, and she is clinging to the military-grade Sean Westan incident, trying to dig something out of it.

If you want to find an excuse for Tang Yu, the idea and direction are good, but the matter has been finalized, and Michiko is pressing on it.

If she wants to investigate, let her go. No one can stop her if she wants to die.

While Tang Yu was dealing with work matters, Gloria also reported everything, but found that she had not hung up the phone yet, hesitantly and seemed to have something to say, so she asked in a deep voice.

"Anything else?"

Gloria sounded a little embarrassed and asked sheepishly: "Mr. Tang, it's like this. There's something I don't know if I should ask. It's that gun. It feels a little strange to use it."


Tang Yu wondered what was so strange about Sijibao. It could be used with an automatic lock and a gun. It was simple and convenient.

If it's really weird, it's probably because he talks too much.

"Is Siji Baozui in debt again?"

Gloria nodded, a little embarrassed and her voice was cowardly.

"Yeah, but not entirely. Mainly because it likes to make some strange noises. I just took it out and tried it."

Tang Yu guessed that Gloria had tried using Sijibao, and only when he fired did he realize that this guy's mouth was so annoying.

"Sijibao likes to sing, and has also read a few words. Are there any problems with using it?"

Gloria sighed helplessly and said softly: "There is no problem in using it, but I would like to ask, how do you turn off this AI?"

Turn off?

Tang Yu remembered that Sijibao AI was a built-in system and could not be turned off automatically, so he had to patiently ask: "Take it out and try it to see if you can let Sijibao shield itself."

Waited for a while.

Suddenly came out on the other end of the phone.

"*, uh ah, okay*, no, want, stop"

"Most violent crimes are committed by men, don't listen to him, come on girl."

"The volume has increased by 300%. Are you satisfied with Sijibao? If you want to continue using it, please jump to confirm."

Gloria: "."

Tang Yu finally understood that Gloria couldn't hold down this gun at all. As long as she took it out, she would talk all over the place.

He could all imagine the embarrassing scene where Gloria went out with Si Ji Bao and her ears turned red when she drew the gun.

Tang Yu ignored this. He never considered the issue of face when using Sijibao before.

He and V, when they went crazy, were no different from cyber psychosis, so they didn't think there was anything wrong at all with a Four Seasons Treasure.

Tang Yu said helplessly: "I know, if it really doesn't work, just send the gun back and I'll give you a new one when I have time."

Hearing that Tang Yu wanted to take back the Sijibao, Gloria quickly stuffed the Sijibao under the pillow and explained.

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant. Sijibao is very easy to use. The automatic bullet tracking function is very accurate. I never made a mistake in kicking."

"I just think that Sijibao's words are not that I dislike Sijibao's gun."

Tang Yu understood what she meant: Si Jibao's words were too dirty, but the gun was still a good gun, but not serious.

Then there's nothing he can do. This gun is just terrible, and Sijibao's AI is its unique feature.

"Well, in that case, just get used to it slowly."

Gloria could only respond softly: "Yes, I understand. Excuse me. Mr. Tang, you are busy."

After saying that, he hung up the phone decisively.

Tang Yu felt that she was a little strange today. She was just a gun that could talk dirty. He thought it was quite interesting when he used it.

Just after hanging up the phone, Tang Yu received several messages one after another.

Jack: "Brother, what are you busy with? I wanted to talk to you about what happened in the company square yesterday. It was so exciting."

Kerry: "Don, thank you for the concert, but come and sit with me whenever you have time. I'm not looking for Johnny. I'm asking you for an appointment. Look back."

Panan: "How did I handle this matter? It was pretty clean and tidy. The people from the tribe said they were very excited when they came back. Michie and the others want to have a drink with you. When can you find time to come to Adka to play one more time? I'm so excited." Will pick you up."

Rebecca: "From the company, don't hide from us all day long. I want to know about Sasha. Seriously, I must reply to the message!"

No more tonight. Everyone, Yanzu, take a rest early.

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