A black Delama commercial taxi was driving slowly on the empty road.

In the black leather soft compartment, the bald Draman on the electronic screen asked mechanically: "Mr. Tang, are you going to Night City Bay Pier 4?"

Tang Yu sat in the back seat of the car and said in a deep voice: "Let's go directly."

Delamain automatically navigated to the destination, started the vehicle and prepared to set off. At the same time, he suggested with concern: "Mr. Tang, it is lightly raining today, the temperature outside is low, and there is a strong breeze at the bay pier. Delamain can provide you with a raincoat."

Tang Yu rejected Delamain's 'kindness' and reminded him in turn: "Old man, concentrate on driving."

Delamain wisely closed his mouth and said no more words.

Tang Yu was sitting in the warm and comfortable car, looking through the car window. It was drizzling outside, and the raindrops fell on the car window, gradually covering it with a layer of mist.

He went to Night City Bay Pier 4 today because of Kerry's strong invitation, saying that he had to meet and have something to say.

Kerry also chartered a yacht for this purpose and waited for him in the bay.

Tang Yu was familiar with Kerry in the past and knew that his orientation was somewhat open and he could not forget his big brother Johnny.

Think so.

He really doubted whether the relationship between Kerry and Yori Xuan would be somewhat open.

After all, the two of them had late-night snacks together, and they both loved rock and roll. They probably also often talked about silver hands together, so they were definitely kindred spirits.

However, these are still guesses and cannot be truly calculated.

Tang Yu had no intention of connecting with Arasaka Yorinobu through Kerry.

Because the cards he holds are enough to convince Arasaka Yorinobu, there is no need to involve Kerry in the internal struggle of the Arasaka family.

He's just a rock kid and has nothing to gain by getting involved in the power play.

This is probably why Johnny didn't choose to take Kerry with him when he nuked Arasaka Tower.

Johnny was still very measured about this matter, and clearly distinguished which friends he should do with which things.

in addition.

Regarding the riot in the company square, if Kerry had not agreed to hold this nostalgic rock concert, it would not have achieved the effect he wanted.

He pretended to be Johnny and persuaded Kerry. Although he successfully helped Kerry become famous, he still 'cheated' Kerry in the end.

Johnny Silverhand, Kerry's big brother, never really came back to him.

Faced with this invitation from Kerry, Tang Yu must go to the appointment and have to explain something clearly.

At Kerry's request, Tang Yu went alone and did not bring Sasha out.

He sat back in the car seat, closing his eyes and concentrating, and his mind couldn't help but start to think about some recent events.

Especially the riot in the company square made Tang Yu think a lot.

Even though the riots successfully burned down half of the biotechnology building, the company's fundamentals remained unshaken.

The foundation of a giant company cannot be easily destroyed by a riot.

in addition.

Many forces have obtained the benefits they want in this riot.

From an overall perspective, the impact of this riot is indeed very limited.

But for Tang Yu, the whole thing and plan was a success because it fulfilled the meaning behind it.

Not only did he solve the mystery of Sasha's past and fulfill her wish, but he also burned down half of the biotechnology building, breathing a sigh of relief for everyone.

The most important thing is that the people involved in this matter unknowingly stood on the same front and gradually united together.

Tang Yu's goal from the beginning was not to burn down the biotechnology company, but to unite people's hearts through this matter.

And it sends a signal to more people that the company is not indestructible. At least if more people are united, it is possible to fight against the company.


This force was too weak. Even though Tang Yu gathered many forces to promote the riot, it was still a "little fight".

Have a concert, have a wild riot, burn down a company building.

For Kerry, Gloria, Sasha, and Mann, these things are probably events that will be remembered for a lifetime.

But for Tang Yu, it's really not an achievement.


He teamed up with Arasaka Yorinobu to launch the fifth corporate war, and half the world was involved in the war.

But the company is far more powerful than imagined, and its counterattack force is unprecedented.

When the tigers and wolves of capital really open their eyes and reveal their sharp claws, the suffocating sense of oppression is inescapable.

Time has become increasingly pressing, the road must be walked step by step, and everyone still needs time to grow.

Tang Yu breathed out gently, trying to get his thoughts back on track.

Little Michiko assigned him an errand to clean up the Tiger Claw Gang and make the Tiger Claw Gang truly useful to her.

Tang Yu knows a lot about the Tiger Claw Gang. As a minion of Arasaka Company, he often does dirty and shameful work for Arasaka senior executives.

It is indeed Arasaka who is behind the Tiger Claw Gang, but the senior Arasaka leaders who control the Tiger Claw Gang are also divided into factions.

According to Michiko, most of the Tiger Claw Gang members are from Kyoto and have a close relationship with the Arasaka family in Kyoto.

Although little Michiko can make the Tiger Claw Gang work, she doesn't trust the people inside.

She didn't say it too clearly, she just asked Tang Yu to clean up the Tiger Claw Gang.

Tang Yu estimated that these people from the Tiger Claw Gang might not be interested in little Michiko's favor, and might even intend to go against her.

Most members of the Tiger Claw Gang come from Kyoto, adhere to the traditional spirit of respect and inferiority, and have always only obeyed the Arasaka orthodoxy.

Although little Michiko sits in the Arasaka Tower of Night City, she is not sincerely recognized by the senior leaders of the Tiger Claw Gang.

However, little Michiko can also see clearly that what she wants is for the Night City Tiger Claw Gang to be obedient, not to control the entire Tiger Claw Gang.

The Tiger Claw Gang in Night City is just one of many gangs.

Even so, the Tiger Claw Gang of Night City is a force that cannot be underestimated. Its scope of influence covers many areas of Night City and is extremely arrogant.

This gang of Kyoto bosozoku gangsters are incompatible with the Mox Gang.

Most of the Tiger Claw Gang's profits come from the black industry, so they keep an eye on the girls on the streets.

Tang Yu once took Judy to the Tiger Claw gang's lair and eliminated those guys with tattoos on their faces.

But it didn't take long for a new group of senior Tiger Claw gang leaders to take over, and the entire hall activities were not affected at all.


If Tang Yu wants to make the Tiger Claw Gang obey, it's not just as simple as a massacre. He has to put chains around the necks of these guys so that he can point where to bite.

He can almost predict now that Michiko is so eager to consolidate her power, most likely in order to cope with Yorinobu's arrival, and Yorinobu's arrival in Night City is a foregone conclusion.

After all, the tiger has been trapped in the cage for a long time, and it will eat people when it comes out.

With Yorinobu's temperament, once he finds an opportunity to escape Kyoto and come to Night City, he must be prepared to openly break with Arasaka Saburo.

Although Night City Arasaka Tower is only the North American branch, its status and strength are enough to compete with the Kyoto Arasaka headquarters.

This Arasaka Tower hides too many secrets.

This city of night has the power to resist Arasaka.

Delamain's special car slowly arrived at Bay Pier 4, parked on the side of the road, and prompted.

"Mr. Tang, your designated destination has been reached."

Tang Yu then opened his eyes, ordered Delaman to stop here and wait for him to come back, then opened the door and got out of the car.

He stood at the bay pier, with the salty, cold sea wind and rain coming towards him. He looked up at the vast sea, with slightly undulating waves, shrouded in a cloudy sky.

There are many expensive and luxurious yachts docked at the wide pier.

It may be due to the weather. On days without sun, there are obviously fewer people sailing yachts out to sea.

Tang Yu got up and walked towards Pier 4, and soon saw a private yacht parked on the shore, already waiting on the shore.

Kerry stood on the deck of the yacht, with one foot on the railing. When he saw Tang Yu coming, he waved and smiled.

"Don, this way!"

Tang Yu looked around and saw that Kerry still had his iconic short silver hair, wearing a black denim jacket, with several gold necklaces hanging around his neck, holding his favorite Tomahawk guitar, standing on the deck of a white private yacht, waving Shouting to him.

He walked to the edge of the pier and stepped onto the yacht deck.

After boarding the ship.

Kerry invited Tang Yu to walk to the bow of the ship and said as he walked.

"Don, thank you very much for coming. Let's go for a walk on the bay today."

With that said, Kerry sat directly on the soft leather sofa on the deck, and then picked up the Tomahawk guitar.

Tang Yu sat on the other side of the soft leather sofa and said bluntly: "You're welcome, you seem to be in a good mood today."

He remembered that this luxury yacht seemed to belong to Kerry's agent. Those guys made a lot of money by exploiting Kerry.

At that time, Johnny insisted on playing tricks on his little brother Kerry, and a few people burned the boat directly on a whim.

Unexpectedly, he was sitting on the yacht again in the blink of an eye, but he and Kerry were the only two people left. Johnny and V-zi hadn't come yet.

Kerry put his legs on the sofa, leaned on the back of the sofa, and said with a smile: "I am really in a good mood. My life has become much easier since you taught those vampires a lesson."

Tang Yu knew that MSM Records would not let go of Kerry's cash cow, but at least he would be honest.

As a has-been rock star, Kerry signed with MSM Records, and all aspects of record production, promotion, and sales are in the hands of the record company.

As a singing artist, he can only obey and cooperate unconditionally. Even if he met Arasaka Yorinobu, their friendship was limited to rock music.

As the crown prince of Arasaka Company, Arasaka Yorinobu has a lot of friends, and he is still far away in Kyoto, so it is naturally impossible for him to take care of Kerry.

Tang Yu said casually: "Just be honest. The boss of MSM record company traveled thousands of miles to find my old boss to plead for mercy."

"Nowadays, the Arasaka entertainment industry is also making rapid progress, and it is no less capable of creating stars than those old record companies."

Kerry played a few chords casually, changing his usual aggressive and manic style, and now he seemed a bit gentle and soothing.

In the past, when Kerry heard this, he would have felt irritable and restless again, but today he seemed very relieved and said with some ridicule.

"Isn't that right? The most popular group right now is some super idol girl group from Kyoto. I have never heard of the songs they sing."

"Later, someone told me that those three kids even sang covers of my songs, which almost made me sick."

"I'm such a coward* manager that I don't even dare to say anything, knowing that the other party is an entertainment artist under Arasaka Company."

"But I'll tell you later, this concert didn't affect your work."

When Tang Yu heard Kerry mention the idol girl group, he immediately thought of the three sisters of the strong group.

These three Sakura girls were fans of Kerry back then, and later Tang Yu took action to solve the trouble between Kerry and them.

It seems that the two record companies have reached some kind of agreement and decided to hold a joint concert without telling their respective artists.

When Kerry learned that he was collaborating with the three of them, he was almost furious. He thought that the Gang Gang were thieves in the music industry. They became famous by covering his songs and using capital, without any musical literacy.

Who would have known that after Kerry met the three Ganglie sisters, he would be fascinated by Klisan one by one.

Later, the joint concert was a success. Tang Yu also got to know the three girls, and even had a romantic relationship with the singer named Lan Yue.

Naturally, this matter could not be hidden from V, but at that time the two were still in a 'brother' relationship, and they would fight and make trouble together all day long. They did not expect that there would be so many episodes later.

Tang Yu had no intention of hiding anything about the Arasaka Tower. After all, Kerry was just an outsider, so he said bluntly: "It has some influence. The building of the Arasaka Tower is full of human beings, and the slightest movement is spread like a magic."

After hearing this, Kerry laughed heartily: "I guess after the concert and the riot, I don't know how many people thought we were doing something. I dominated the headlines of news, entertainment, and gossip for many days. "

"Before, I thought becoming famous would make me happy, or make me feel a little more secure."

"Now, I understand that everything was wrong. To be honest, these so-called headlines and traffic mean nothing to me."

That concert, and the subsequent riots in the company square, had completely pushed Kerry to the music altar.

Many entertainment media have praised the return of the former rock boy, using music to awaken people's long-dormant enthusiasm and shouts.

With the help of the current mayor Lucius Lane, Kerry has become the representative of freedom in Night City who resists companies and authority.

Wherever he goes he is greeted warmly by people, and countless spotlights are once again focused on him.

Tang Yu knew that it was not fame and fortune that healed Kerry's heart, but the rock and roll he loved most and the Samurai Band he missed the most.

"You can't say that. After becoming popular, at least you no longer have to pretend to be depressed to hype traffic."

"But I still want to persuade you, the three Ganglie sisters, you can really consider cooperating."

"After all, no one who is a star would think that he is too popular. Don't regret it after a while."

Kerry couldn't help but laugh again and said bluntly: "Haha, there are many people who are famous for their right and wrong. Once they are cool, they will be cool. Forget it, don't mention these troublesome things."

"Tang, don't mess with me. I want to invite you to chat today. Let's go and go to the bay."

Say it.

Cree's eyes turned, and he controlled the yacht to leave the harbor and head towards the bay.

"Uh, wait for me to find where the ignition switch is. Well, I found it."

"Wizard, let's go!"

The words just fell.

The luxury yacht slowly left the shore and headed towards the sea.

The two of them rode a luxury yacht and paraded on the gently undulating sea.

Kerry gently played the priceless Tomahawk guitar with one hand and hummed softly.

"I have never been so inspired as I am today. I seem to have endless songs in my mind. I can compose a verse even if I hum casually."

"Seriously, Tang, I really want to thank you for that concert. At least it allowed me to find my former self."

"After almost fifty years, I realized that the cycle of life has gone round and round and reached today."

Tang Yu looked at Kerry's free and easy appearance and must have figured out a lot. That concert was of very profound significance to Kerry.

It brought him back to the young man who loved rock and roll fifty years ago, and returned to the days when he formed a band with Johnny to hold concerts.

Kerry, who is over fifty years old, is qualified to say something.

Ye Qing is back.

Kerry looked deeply into the horizon, and said with a sigh: "I have lived in Johnny's house for a long time, and I have seen him become more dazzling day by day. I can responsibly say that no one is more dazzling than Johnny." It fits rock and roll.”

"Johnny saved Rock and Roll and he saved me. Without him, I probably wouldn't have survived a day."

"Our relationship is so good that we are not even afraid of your jokes. I even sneaked through Johnny's vagina at that time."

"So, when Johnny left, he was completely burned into my brain and I really wanted to pull him out, but I couldn't."

"I discovered that what I'm actually afraid of is not losing fame or being misunderstood by someone, but having to rely on idol girl groups to gain popularity."

"You may not understand, but what I'm really afraid of is living in Johnny's shadow. No matter what I sing or do, his shadow will always be there."

Tang Yu felt that Johnny's personality was indeed too irresponsible to Kerry.

Johnny is a naturally ruthless guy who never considers anyone's feelings when doing things. As long as he can achieve his goal, he will do whatever it takes.

At the most youthful age of his life, Kerry met a rock star uncle who was full of confidence and masculinity. It was normal for him to admire him.

In Night City, no one will teach Kree how to behave, everything depends on feeling.

But at that time, Johnny always only regarded Kerry as a little brother, and all he could think about was *Fan Arasaka Tower.

It can be said that Johnny misses the word Arasaka more than he misses his ex-girlfriend Rogge and Ott combined, and he has no time to take into account the little sensitive thoughts of little Kerry.

Tang Yu said in a deep voice: "Don't be so depressed. At least you are living well after leaving Johnny."

When Kerry heard Tang Yu's painless comfort, he just said thank you helplessly.

"Yes, I have become a well-known star in Night City on my own. I have released albums, bought villas, and bought luxury cars."

"Now, I'm famous again."

When Kerry said this, he became a little excited.

"I feel I have new inspiration to write songs and release an album. You know, my first song was composed on the sea."

"That song became a hit for Samurai that even Johnny couldn't write."

Kerry said this and couldn't help but stop again.

Unexpectedly, after all the talk, it came back to Johnny.

He was silent for a moment, stopped playing, looked closely at Tang Yu and asked, "Actually, Johnny isn't back, is he?"


Kerry had long suspected that Tang Yu was impersonating Johnny, but it was so similar that Kerry would rather believe that Johnny was back.

But now.

Kerry has made up his mind to step out of Johnny's shadow and face life with a new attitude.

Tang Yu stretched out his hand and motioned for Kerry to hand over the Tomahawk guitar.

Kerry looked at the Tomahawk guitar in his hand, then handed it to Tang Yu, and said at the same time: "Lancaster, specially customized. I have one here, and the military technology boss has one."

Tang Yu took the guitar and strummed the strings a few times, making bursts of electronic sounds.

"I know."

After he found the right tone, he began to play randomly, with flexible fingering, and it sounded like Johnny's favorite rhythm.

Kerry's eyes flashed with surprise, and he asked with a smile: "Sure enough, he can play so well. He is so identical that even I was fooled."

Tang Yu said while playing: "Johnny will come back. You will wait for the day when the Samurai Band is truly reunited."

Will Johnny come back?

Kerry was suddenly stunned, and looked at Tang Yu quietly without saying a word.

He knew that Tang Yu was not someone who just spoke freely. Since he said that Johnny could come back, he must know something.


Tang Yu, him and Johnny were completely different from the same era.

He was able to make Johnny's playing fingerings exactly the same as Johnny's. I'm afraid Johnny himself would say "f*ck" when he came.

Kerry felt that Tang Yu and Johnny must have some kind of close connection to understand Johnny so well.


When Kerry figured it out and guessed that Tang Yu was pretending to be Johnny, he felt a little more lonely in his heart.

He really wanted to see Johnny, so he was willing to believe Tang Yu and agreed to go to that risky concert.

Kerry has found himself again in the concert and rekindled the passion for rock and roll in his heart.

Kerry really doesn't need Johnny now, but when Tang Yu said that Johnny could come back, he still couldn't help the emotions in his heart.

Kerry suddenly stood up from the deck sofa, reached out to Tang Yu for the guitar, and said with a hearty smile: "Today, I want to say goodbye to the past, give me the piano, let me smash her to pieces, and then we will be together again Burn this broken ship."

Tang Yu held the priceless Tomahawk guitar in his arms and looked at Kerry with some confusion: "Say goodbye to the past, why smash the guitar and burn the yacht?"

Kerry explained excitedly: "Just like fire and wine, just like riots, just like burning down the company building, we have to have one, so that we can say goodbye to the past!"

He was very excited when he said it, but when he saw Tang Yu's indifferent look, he was a little puzzled. He thought Tang Yu was worried about the yacht and guitar, so he said again.

"Don't worry about it. The company has been burned down. What does it matter if we burn a yacht? This yacht belongs to my agent. The guitar is too old and is already an antique. If you want it, I will give you a few when I go back. Whatever Take your pick, all are collector’s editions.”

"Don't you want to smash everything?"

"In no mood."

Tang Yu said calmly: "Just give me this guitar. As for this yacht, it is mine now. I think your agent won't have any objections, right?"

Kerry: "."

PS: No more tonight, I’ve been very busy recently, so I will temporarily adjust the one update to six to seven thousand, and try to resume the two updates next Tuesday.

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