Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 142 Living Together

Wilson Shooting Range.

"Haha, I won again this time."

Tang Yu put down the Lexington in his hand, took off his noise-canceling headphones, lowered his head to organize the firearms and props, and said in a deep voice.

"You feel good today."

Rebecca, who was in the shooting tunnel next to her, smiled proudly: "I think so too."

She put away the gun, took a big step to the left, came to Tang Yu, poked him with her elbow, raised her head and said.

"Hey, from the company, let's go, I'll buy you a drink."

After finishing speaking, she seemed to think that Tang Yu would always break the appointment and run away after shooting. He always looked indifferent and felt like he was being used, which made her feel a little annoyed.

"As promised, no excuses are allowed this time, do you hear me?"

Tang Yu turned his head and looked at Rebecca who was approaching. He felt a little embarrassed every time he ran away after shooting, so he smiled helplessly.

"Okay, if it's a stupid monkey."

Upon hearing the words "Stupid Monkey", Rebecca's little face immediately fell.

She was so impressed by the Stupid Monkey drink.

Mainly because once before, after practicing shooting with Tang Yu, the two made an appointment to have a drink.

Tang Yu won the shooting competition that time. According to their rules, he decided what drinks to order.

Who knew that Tang Yu took her to a self-service beverage machine and bought two bottles of green Stupid Monkey.

Rebecca didn't like this corn-flavored drink. Although she had seen it before, she had never tasted it.

Under Tang Yu's efforts, Rebecca tasted for the first time in her life what it meant to be sweet and cloying, and she fainted from the smell of corn.

From then on, she vowed not to lose to Tang Yu in the shooting session. She worked hard on her shooting skills and improved her shooting limit in a disguised way.

Now that Tang Yu mentioned the stupid monkey again, his face naturally became extremely ugly.

Tang Yu glanced at Rebecca and found that her expression was not right and she seemed a little uncomfortable.

"What's wrong? If you feel uncomfortable, you can go back and rest early. I will buy you a drink next time."

Rebecca's face looked like a bitter gourd, sour and astringent, but when she heard Tang Yu say 'definitely next time', she quickly explained.

"No, no, no, I'm not feeling uncomfortable. I'm just a stupid monkey. I'm just asking for help."

After saying that, Rebecca turned back to the shooting position, packed up the bullets and gun accessories on the table, and muttered in her heart.

"Stupid monkey, stupid monkey, I hate stupid monkey the most."

"How come someone from the company likes to drink this stuff?"

The two simply cleaned up, paid the bill, and walked out of the shooting venue together.

Rebecca put her hands in her pockets, and the black jacket's stand-up collar blocked half of her face. Her long twin ponytails were tied behind her shoulders by a hair tie, and she swayed slightly as she walked.

Tang Yu and Rebecca have been practicing shooting in the shooting gallery for some time, and it can be regarded as a habit of mutual acquiescence.

The main reason was that Rebecca couldn't find any decent opponents in the shooting gallery, so for a long time, she lacked interest in going to the shooting gallery to practice shooting.

She happened to meet Tang Yu, who was good at shooting. The two were able to compete together and win or lose. This made Rebecca feel the joy of shooting that she had not seen for a long time.

Tang Yu happened to be lacking a sparring partner, so the two hit it off and gradually became familiar with each other at the Wilson Shooting Range.

It's just that Tang Yu doesn't often go to the shooting gallery to practice shooting, and sometimes he is delayed due to company matters.

Rebecca was also used to it. When she had nothing to do in the afternoon, she would go to the shooting gallery to see if her opponents were practicing shooting.

The two of them were walking on the streets of Watson, looking for a vending cabinet.

White smoke and hot steam emerged from the sewers on the roadside, and pedestrians passed by.

Rebecca kept looking forward, and suddenly thought of something. Her expression was a little heavy, and she looked up at Tang Yu and asked.

"From the company, you said last time that Sasha couldn't wake up."

"is that true."

Tang Yu had explained this matter to Rebecca alone before, and Sasha's brain suffered a false death due to severe injuries.

Today's Sasha is no longer the team hacker who worked with them.

"Well, what, do you want to see her?"

When Rebecca heard this, her eyes couldn't help but become a little lonely.

In fact, she knew that Tang Yu would never make a mistake. She had already admitted this fact when she learned that Sasha had lost her memory.

It's just that she still wanted to get a glimmer of hope from Tang Yu, but this glimmer of hope has obviously been shattered.

Rebecca withdrew her gaze, looked at the ground in front of her steps, and nodded seriously.

"Yeah, but knowing that Sasha is still alive is more important than anything else."

She couldn't help but recall many past events with Sasha, the hardships they experienced together, and the commissions they completed together.

At that time, Rebecca learned from Mann that something had happened to Sasha, and she couldn't believe it at all.

She had never blamed anyone for what happened to Sasha. She only hated herself for not going along.

From then on, Sasha's figure has always been lingering in her mind.

Tang Yu saw that Rebecca was a little sad, and said with relief: "Sasha is doing well now, isn't she?"

He felt that there should be no problem with this sentence. After all, Sasha joined Arasaka Company and became his special assistant, living in Night City in a new way.

Moreover, Mann and the others also avenged her and burned down the biotechnology building, fulfilling her wish before she fell.

Rebecca's eyes flashed with understanding, she looked up at Tang Yu, and smiled angrily: "It's true, joining Arasaka, becoming the minister's special assistant, and being around you every day is no better than being a cyberpunk .”

Tang Yu didn't answer, thinking that Sasha's living in his place must be kept top secret, and Sasha must be vaccinated when he returns.

Rebecca noticed that his expression was a little strange, so she asked curiously: "From the company, what are you thinking about?"

Tang Yu replied calmly: "I'm thinking about the company."

Rebecca lost interest when she heard about the company, and waved her hands quickly: "Hey, hey, don't mention it, I don't want to hear these disappointing things."

Then, she took out three bubble gums from her pocket, peeled off the tinfoil of one of them, raised her hand and handed it to Tang Yu's mouth.

"Here, Bubble Gum."

"You can try Sasha's favorite flavor in the past."

Tang Yu took a bite of the bubble gum and began to chew it. A faint rose-flavored sweetness overflowed his mouth.

After chewing the bubble gum, I tried to blow a pink bubble.


The bubble burst, and the sugar gum stuck to the edge of my lips. I sipped it twice.

Rebecca saw Tang Yu blowing bubble gum for the first time. She thought it was quite fun. When the bubbles popped, she couldn't help but smile a little.

She also peeled off a piece of bubble gum, threw it into her mouth, and chewed it.

Tang Yu glanced at her and suggested.

"Would you like to have a bubble-blowing contest to see who can blow the loudest?"

Rebecca coughed helplessly, hit Tang Yu with her elbow again, and said angrily.

"Don't be so naive, okay? You are a senior executive in the company."

"But if we really compare, you will definitely not be as good as me."

Tang Yu was just joking with her, so naturally it was impossible for him to actually play such a childish game as blowing bubble gum.

Rebecca picked up the last bubble gum while chewing.

"I don't know if Sasha still likes to eat bubble gum."

After watching for a while, she turned around and stopped Tang Yu, lifted up his windbreaker jacket, and stuffed the bubble gum into his trouser pocket.

"Try this bubble gum to Sasha and see if she likes it."

Tang Yu was minding his own business blowing bubbles, thinking that if Sasha still remembered this bubble gum, he might be better at blowing it than the two of us.

The two of them just walked aimlessly on the street, waiting for the self-service vending machine to appear.

Strangely, there seemed to be no drink vending machines on the route we took today.

They had no specific purpose for walking. They just took a walk after practicing their guns and found a place to have a drink. It was simple.

Wait until the two of them walked for a while.

Rebecca's eyes suddenly lit up and she spotted a drink vending machine not far ahead, and then reminded Tang Yu beside her.

"Hey, from the company, look, there are vending machines there, there must be stupid monkeys."

But when he looked up, he found that Tang Yu seemed to have just received a call.

Tang Yu received a communication request from Gloria.

After being connected.

Gloria was on the other end of the phone, saying hello first as always, and after confirming that Tang Yu was free now, she started to report on the business.

"Mr. Tang, we have some clues about the disappearance of the girls around Lizzie Bar."

"As you expected, this matter is indeed related to the Tiger Claw Gang, and there are many parties involved, and the Tiger Claw Gang's methods of doing things are very strict."

Tang Yu thinks that Gloria must be in trouble, otherwise after the investigation is clear, mercenaries can be found to complete the entrustment.

Investigating the Tiger Claw Gang was still a bit reluctant for Gloria.

"Have the Tiger Claws noticed you?"

Gloria was silent, and then said with some embarrassment: "I'm fine here, mainly because a few girls have disappeared recently."

"Gloria." Tang Yu interrupted her.

Gloria was obviously stunned for a moment. This was the first time that Tang Yu called her name so solemnly that she didn't know how to respond.

Tang Yu continued: "Remember what I told you before, whether it is information or difficulties, you must tell me."

"There is nothing or any difficulty that you need to bear alone. I don't want accidents to happen because of unnecessary worries."


Gloria was stunned. Tang Yu's words sounded a bit serious, like an unquestionable order.

But in her heart, she felt something else.

Gloria did encounter some trouble, but she considered that Tang Yu was a senior executive of Arasaka Company, and it might be bad if he intervened in the Tiger Claw Gang.

The Tiger Claw Gang relies on Arasaka, and the close relationship between the two is well known to everyone in Night City.

The most important thing is that Gloria doesn't want to disappoint Tang Yu.

But now Tang Yu saw through her at a glance and couldn't hide any thoughts at all.

She tried to calm down her emotions and replied seriously.

"I understand, Mr. Tang."

The reason why Tang Yu educates Gloria in this way is because he doesn't want her to develop bad habits and do bad things with good intentions.

What he wanted was for Gloria to think about the greater good, not him personally.

In Gloria's view, not wanting to trouble Tang Yu with some difficulties, or wanting to handle them by herself, is a way of doing Tang Yu a favor.

But in Tang Yu's view, this approach is undoubtedly the stupidest.

The difficulties Gloria faces may feel like a big mountain to her, but they may not be a big deal to Tang Yu.

The key is.

If Gloria thought about him and held something back, it would be too late to fix the problem if something happened to her in the end.

It is impossible for Tang Yu to pay attention to her thoughts all the time. In short, communicating with each other in a timely manner is the most correct approach.

Gloria then explained seriously.

"Mr. Tang, during this investigation we found the instigator behind the disappearance, Jotaro Shobo."

"He is a senior member of the Tiger Claw Gang. He arranges different subordinates to patrol the streets near Lizzie Bar. After selecting a target, he will defraud the girl in the name of doing business, and sometimes he will use strong tactics."

"We found some clues, but in order not to alert others, no action was taken."

"We are currently looking for the whereabouts of Jotaro Shobo. He is hidden very deep. It is difficult to find him without special information."


Tang Yu had some impression of him. He should be the soul of his former subordinate, and he seemed to have opened a casino or something like that.

It's just that because of the prolific killings back then, I no longer have much of an impression of these characters. After all, the top leaders of the Tiger Claw Gang were all chopping melons and vegetables, so naturally these scum of society can't remember them clearly.

Scum like Zhengfa Jotaro cannot enter Tang Yu's field of vision at all.

But at the bottom of Night City, its influence cannot be underestimated, especially the nightmare of street girls.

"Were you threatened by the Tiger Claw Gang during the investigation?"

Gloria was silent and replied helplessly: "Yeah."

"I received a letter from Okada Wakako on Twisted Street. She said that the Tiger Claw Gang has noticed that I am looking for clues and asked me to abide by the rules. In my job as a middleman, I should not easily interfere with things beyond my capabilities before I have established myself. matter."

It turns out that it was not Jotaro Shobo who discovered Gloria's actions, but Wakako Okada, the middleman of Twisted Street.

Tang Yu is quite familiar with Okada Wakako. In the past, Vzi often took on tasks from her. She was not considered a villain, just a middleman who put interests first.

Tang Yu felt that although He Gezi's words were threatening, they were still somewhat kind.

Otherwise, based on her relationship with the Tiger Claw Gang, she could directly notify the Tiger Claw Gang to arrest people.

This incident gave Tang Yu a big wake-up call. As Gloria gradually deepens her career as an intermediary, it will inevitably attract a lot of attention.

Until she has enough foundation and power, her personal safety will be threatened.

Tang Yu said in a deep voice: "I know about this. Remember to take Siji Bao with you. I will arrange for Sasha to live with you for a while later."

Arrange for Sasha to live with me?

Gloria was very surprised. She didn't expect that Tang Yu would arrange for his company assistant Sasha to protect her, so she quickly explained: "Mr. Tang, it doesn't matter on my side, your safety is more important."

She has already endured too much kindness from Tang Yu. Being a middleman meant that she had to repay the kindness, but now she has to ask Sasha to protect her, which makes her feel unworthy.

Moreover, Sasha's status as a company assistant and a serious employee of Arasaka Company was too inappropriate to protect her, an ordinary middleman.

Now that Tang Yu has made this decision, he will not wait for Gloria to refuse and just pretend that he has not heard these words.

"You go back and clean up the house. I'll let Sasha live with you for a while."

Gloria suddenly felt a little dizzy, but she understood that she could only obey the decision made by Tang Yu, so she agreed with fear.

"Mr. Tang, I understand."

After the communication, Gloria hung up the phone.

Gloria felt her head spinning. Thinking of Tang Yu's arrangement just now, she couldn't calm down for a long time.

She sat on the couch in her apartment, staring up at the ceiling above her head, saying nothing.

Mr. Tang arranged for Sasha to stay at her home and protect her for a period of time. He was probably concerned about his own safety.

But Mr. Tang's tone sounded like he was giving an order, which was perfectly normal.

Maybe Mr. Tang was trying to prevent himself from being captured by the Tiger Claw Gang and leaking his information, which would cause serious problems.

Gloria was worried and thought resolutely that even if she was really captured by the Tiger Claw Gang and tortured to extract a confession, she would not reveal a word about Mr. Tang.

This life was saved by Mr. Tang, and he would be willing to give it back.


Gloria felt that it was over like this. She was somewhat sorry for Tang Yu's cultivation. At least she had to wait until this task was completed.

She shook her head violently to get rid of these negative thoughts in her mind. The most important thing at the moment was that Sasha was coming to live with her.

Then it will definitely be inconvenient for David to come back and live. David must not be allowed to know about Sasha, otherwise everything between her and Tang Yu will be exposed.

Think about this.

Gloria was just about to send a message to David, but received a message from Tang Yu first.

Tang Yu: "If you have personal information about Jotaro Zhengfa, remember to send me a copy. In addition, I have notified Sasha and I will arrive at your home within an hour."

After receiving the message, Gloria jumped up from the sofa, put her feet away and knelt on the sofa, and quickly replied to the message, sending the personal information of Jotaro Shobo.

Then I wiped the fine beads of sweat on my forehead. I was so nervous that I felt my face getting hot.

"Mr. Tang is still as fast as ever."

She clearly remembered the first time she met Tang Yu, who was in the same situation. He came within half an hour of receiving the news, and she didn't even have time to do some hygiene at home.


Gloria thought of something again and immediately looked around the room, only to realize that the house had not been tidied up yet.

Gloria got up from the sofa in a hurry. Just as she was about to tidy up, she remembered that it was time for David to get off work and wondered if he would work overtime today.

So he quickly brought up the communication interface and sent a message to David asking him to stay in the company for a while. If he couldn't afford it, he could open a hotel. By the way, he could electronically transfer 20,000 euros to him.

David responded instantly: "Mom, what's going on? I'm working overtime today and may be back tomorrow morning."

Gloria poked her chin with her index finger and quickly turned her brain to make up a reason: "Recently, a distant sister is coming to Night City for a while. I have promised her to live in our house. It is not convenient for you, a big boy, to live with you. You can live in the company or open a hotel."

David: "."

David: "I know, but it doesn't cost more than 20,000 euros. Mom, what have you been doing these days? Where did you get this money?"

Gloria was a little angry and said: "Don't worry about adults' affairs, just do your internship at Arasaka Company!"

She was a little worried that David was thinking wrong, so she added: "I earned all this money in a serious way. Do you remember the Mann team and others? Through some previous working relationships, I found some commissions to exchange and earned some intermediary fees. .”

During her time as an intermediary, she not only earned several large remunerations by working with Tang Yu, but she also started to earn some money by taking on some small commissions.

Gradually, I became more comfortable.

Although she doesn't earn as much as Mann and the others, she already earns a lot more than before by taking commission commissions by herself.

The economic situation has improved significantly. If David causes trouble at school again and needs compensation, Gloria will have the confidence to spend money on the spot.

David: "I know, but please pay attention to your safety and be careful when dealing with mercenaries."

Gloria: "When you work hard and climb to the top of Arasaka Tower, I won't have to work so hard. Work hard!"

David: "I understand, Mom, I won't say anything anymore, the company is busy."

Gloria took care of David's side and thought carefully about any loopholes.

By the way, access control!

She immediately came to the gate, turned her prosthetic eyes, changed the access code, and disabled David's identity authentication.

In order to prevent David from getting in through other channels, he called the property management company and paid for the ventilation holes to be re-strengthened.

It wasn't until she confirmed that David couldn't get in the ventilation duct that she breathed a sigh of relief.

at this time.

Tang Yu also received the intelligence message sent by Gloria.

Content display.

As a high-ranking member of the Tiger Claw Gang, Shohō Jotaro is different from other high-ranking gang members who airborne from Kyoto. He climbed up from the bottom step by step.

He has always been famous for two characteristics. One is his extreme disregard for life. He often records those cruel Black Mewtwos himself. In his eyes, people are no different from white pig strips.

Everyone who has worked with him has seen his methods. He doesn't even blink an eyelid no matter how many flavors are presented. He is a top-notch butcher with a slicked back hair.

Another characteristic is that he pays tribute to the Tiger Claw Gang on time and can successfully complete no matter how high the requirements are. He also likes to study and study Black Mewtwo.

Shohō Jotaro's network of connections is not small. Not only is he backed by the Tiger Claw Gang, but he also cooperates with the NCPD and has close relationships with Arasaka Company executives and gang bosses.

He opened a casino in Kabukicho called the Phoenix Club, which was a den for selling stolen goods.

It seems that I have to go to the casino today.

Rebecca was chewing bubble gum, and the bubbles in her mouth had just burst. She noticed that Tang Yu had finished the phone call, frowned and said with some displeasure.

"Is it the company that comes to the rescue again?"

She knew that Tang Yu would be up to no good when he answered the phone. After answering the phone, he would usually call a car and run away. Today, he would definitely not be able to drink the stupid monkey.

But Rebecca also understood that being a company dog ​​was like that. She had to be on call 24 hours a day, so she could only sigh helplessly.

Tang Yu saw her depressed look and asked, "I am so poor. Are you interested in going to the casino to have a try?"

Rebecca looked at Tang Yu strangely. Hearing this, it seemed that he had no intention of returning to the company, and there was a flash of excitement in his eyes.

"Really? Going to the casino? It sounds good."

"But I don't seem to have much money left. I may only have a few hundred thousand euros left. I don't know if it will be enough."

Tang Yu: "."

Instant Noodles: "Super Invincible thanks the big financier "Xun Qian O" for the huge reward and becoming the new helmsman of this book,"

Johnny: "It's been a long time since I've been to a small theater. I finally have a chance to let me say something. It's the two of us who want instant noodles. Did you see that no one will support you except me?"

Instant Noodles: "There are so many people who support me, and all the bosses are happy every day in the group."

Johnny: "That's a pity, instant noodles. I heard that there is a boss who can't find your secret den? Then I'll tell him secretly, and the whole group will be listed in the profile."


PS: No more tonight, the end of the year is coming, the update volume will be affected even more, and the minimum is guaranteed to be 6,000.

Thanks to the following two big donors for their rewards.

ShiunShiang 10.00

Terry, Qidian Reading iOS 1.00

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