Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 162 I would like to live in your house

Dark clouds cover the night sky.

On the outer sea at night, layers of mist float up, and the neon light that covers the city's coastline wraps the street lamps along the coast in silver-gray mist.

On the quiet sea surface, microwave ripples are slowly swaying with the sea breeze, blowing the waves one tide after another, gently lapping the shore wall, full of natural rhythm and rhythm.

Under the foggy gray shadow.

An icy blue figure slowly emerged, with neon-like eyes, giving off a cool feeling in the shadows.

She came to Bay Pier 4 alone, hid in the shadows, and looked at the luxury yacht docked on the shore, her eyes seeming hesitant.

There are rows of yachts parked on the bay, but there is only one with lights on at the pier.

The circles of her prosthetic eyes turned. After confirming that there was nothing strange around her, her cold eyes softened a little. She clenched her fists, as if she had made up her mind, and slowly walked out of the shadow of the lamp and walked towards the yacht.

The figure of the silver-haired girl gradually approached the pier, the rhythm of the sea echoed in her ears, and she felt the sea breeze coming towards her, accompanied by a burst of trance music.

She looked at the deck of the white yacht and saw no one, but she could hear the sound of someone playing and singing. The voice was gentle, the melody was soft, and the lyrics could be clearly discerned in the music.

"Fly me to the moon."

"And let me play among the stars."

"Fill my life with song."

"And let me sing for ever more."

The sea breeze blows gently, caressing the silver hair, changing the texture of silver white and ice blue.

She stood quietly, raising her hands to tuck her flying silver hair behind her ears, and listened quietly to this strange yet familiar tune.

a long time.

The song ends and the sound stops.

The silver-haired girl seemed to feel something in her heart, and then she stepped up the ladder to the yacht deck.

The owner of the instrument was sitting on the soft leather sofa on the bow deck, adjusting an electric tomahawk guitar, with a serious look on his face, completely immersed in the world of the instrument.

"You sang well, I didn't expect you to have a musical talent." The silver-haired girl watched each other's every move and said hello.

Tang Yu looked up and saw Lucy arriving as promised, standing on the deck, looking at him interestingly, seemingly surprised that the company's top executives were also interested in music.

"Sit down." He continued to adjust the strings with his head lowered.

Lucy sat on the other side of the soft leather sofa, looking up at the blue-black night sky. The night sky was reflected in the square inches of her pupils, and she couldn't help but sigh.

"It's a pity that the clouds are too thick."

Maybe the tune just now had something to do with the moon. When she looked up and saw the moonlight covered by thick clouds, she felt a little regretful.

After Tang Yu finished adjusting the strings, he plucked them twice, and a burst of electric guitar sound came out.

After confirming that the pitch was perfect, he continued to play with his fingertips, and the sound accompanied the yacht's slow start.

"Where do you want to go?" Tang Yu plucked the strings and asked casually.

Lucy turned her head and teased with interest: "Huh? This is your ship, shouldn't it be your decision?"

She looked at the man playing the guitar in front of her, and it was different from any other time in her memory.

At this moment, she had an inexplicable feeling that the two of them might be in the same world, under the same roof.

Lucy knew that Tang Yu, as a senior executive of the company, had already become the master of Night City and had left the world where she lived.

But some things may just be superficial.

Tang Yu said in a deep voice: "Actually, it doesn't matter where you go, what matters is where you feel at ease."

Lucy couldn't help but smile and said with a relaxed expression: "Actually, I don't know where I'm going, but at least leaving here will make me feel more at ease."

"Okay, before I leave, that's not what I want to talk about."

The yacht slowly left the port and sailed onto the wider sea. The coastline behind it became farther and farther away from them.

The boat was placed on the dark and silent sea, and it was moving forward slowly.

The two of them were silent, and only the electric guitar music was left echoing in the sea breeze, gradually being blown away.

Lucy seemed to think that the two of them hadn't seen each other for a while. She didn't know whether it was to be polite or just looking for something to say, so she asked with a smile.

"How have you been lately?"

Tang Yu raised his eyebrows and said lazily: "It's still the same, endless work, endless meetings, and endless favors."

With a smile in her eyes, Lucy joked: "If you are so busy, it is really not easy for you to practice the guitar so well."

She thought that Tang Yu had always had this kind of temperament, and would always work hard to do what he decided on, even if it seemed superfluous to others. His uniqueness made him different.

Tang Yu said calmly: "I learned it from an old friend. He plays better than me."

"I envy him."

"Why do you play so well?"

Lucy sought confirmation of her inner guess and asked with a smile: "Is this old friend you mentioned the one who begged you to smoke?"

Tang Yu responded with a tone that said you are really smart, "Well, you guessed it right."

Lucy turned her head and looked at Tang Yu, as if she couldn't believe that the company's top executives had such friends.

"Then you really have a wide range of friends."

"But seriously, you look like you were born to work in the corporate world."

Tang Yu smiled and asked: "You mean I look more like a company dog."

"I didn't say that." Lucy smiled.

Tang Yu sighed: "Sometimes suitability does not mean what you want. If you have been with them, you should know that they will hurt you and then abandon you."

"." Lucy's eyes froze, and the memories of her childhood once again invaded her brain.

"It's hard to believe that this is coming from your mouth."

"When you first returned to Night City, you were attacked by the Animal Gang. Was it because of the company?"

She had heard some stories about Tang Yu from Mann. The attack at that time led to the subsequent car accident and the intersection between Mann and Tang Yu.

Tang Yu nodded slightly: "This is very Night City, isn't it?"

"You are very open-minded." Lucy could not see any disturbance in his eyes, as if she had been accustomed to this kind of life.

Tang Yu suddenly looked up at her and smiled calmly: "As you said before, it's always right to run faster. Danger will always slow you down."

A trace of unbearability flashed in Lucy's eyes, and she murmured: "But Arasaka will not let anything go."

Halfway through the words, it felt like something was stuck in my throat.

She sighed helplessly, with a forced smile that seemed to comfort herself: "Forget it, I hope you have good luck."

Tang Yu knew that she was trying her best to escape and avoid the shadow brought by Arasaka.

But fate played a joke on her, causing her to fall into the whirlpool again.

Life is often such a paradox. What you want is not available, and what you want to escape comes to you.

She was like a bird fluttering in a cage, seeing Arasaka's trap getting tighter and tighter, but there was nothing she could do.

Facing a corporate giant like Arasaka, personal power seems too small and helpless.

Tang Yu asked again: "Then have you thought about where you want to go?"

Lucy looked at Tang Yu, her eyes trembling for a moment. After hesitation, she chose to give up and just smiled helplessly.

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you."

"Actually, I have nowhere else to go."

Lucy leaned on the soft leather seat and looked quietly into the distance. In her sight was the solid sea launch platform.

She seemed to have remembered something, changed the topic, and asked calmly: "Can I play the song just now again?"

Tang Yu stopped playing and asked, "fly me to the moon?"

"fly me to the moon" Lucy murmured and nodded in affirmation.

She remembered that Tang Yu once asked if she had heard of this song. This was also the first time she heard this song played and sung.

Tang Yu changed his fingering and started playing and singing again. It still had the same charm. The gentle voice paired with the lyrics of the stars and the moon seemed to lead people to play among the stars and jump on the moon.

Lucy quietly raised her head and looked up at the night sky. Along with the sound of playing, scenes from the past appeared in her mind.

First encounter on the subway, shouting at the seawall, being in danger while running at night, etc., linger in my thoughts.

She didn't have much interaction with Night City, and she didn't have any worries about leaving Night City.

But at this moment, she felt something different.

The long night is beautiful.

I hope that this yacht will keep sailing forever and never end, and that it will remain the same for the rest of my life without worrying about the troubles in the rest of my life.

Lucy raised her hand against the sea breeze and clasped her fingers, trying to grasp a little bit of brilliance flowing in the air with her own hands.

Look into the distance.

At the intersection of the sea and the sky, there is a sea launch platform, like a remote island, surrounded by darkness and terror.


A spark of light lit up, and a rocket ignited the engine tail flame, spraying thick smoke and dust, and slowly lifted into the sky.

My heart is moved.

Perhaps realizing that this might be the last moment, Lucy retracted her palm, looked sideways at Tang Yu and asked, "Is there a Mewtwo Ring on the yacht?"

Tang Yu stopped playing, pointed to the yacht suite, and said, "There is it in the house."

Lucy stood up and invited, "I'll show you something."

"What?" Tang Yu hugged the electric guitar and felt a little sudden.

Lucy smiled helplessly: "Let's go, there's no need to be so nervous, it's just Mewtwo."

Tang Yu put down his guitar and stood up, following Lucy into the yacht suite.


The two of them were lying on the soft leather sofa in the living room of the inner room, wearing Mewtwo rings on their heads, and their eyes were flashing.

The checkered plastic case containing the Mewtwo chip fell to the foot of the sofa.

After experiencing a burst of dazzling light, Tang Yu gradually recovered his vision and found himself on a lonely brown soil.

The deep space universe is just around the corner, the blue planet can be seen in the distance, and there are astronauts in space suits and mining vehicles nearby.


Tang Yu has experienced a lot of Mewtwo, but this is the first time he has landed on the moon.

Whether it is the sunlight rays or the fine dust underfoot, the lunar scene is almost completely restored, as if you are really on the moon.

"How do you feel?" Lucy beside her asked with a smile on her hips.

Before Tang Yu could reply, he felt a pair of hands holding his waist tightly, and then he was pushed into the air with force.

His whole body floated directly, with a strange posture, as if he was trying to grab something to stabilize his body, but he couldn't catch anything after swiping around.


His wrist was firmly clasped by a palm, and he finally stabilized his figure in mid-air, barely falling upright to the ground.

Lucy tapped her toes on the ground and pulled Tang Yu to the ground smoothly. Her skillful movements seemed to come here often.

Seeing Tang Yu's slightly embarrassed look, Lucy couldn't help laughing and asked jokingly.

"Uh-huh, first time?"

The gravity of the moon changes greatly, and you will feel very uncomfortable if you come here for the first time.

Tang Yu was successfully 'sneak-attacked' by Lucy from behind, and he did not react for a while.

Inexplicably, he remembered that the last time he was in such a mess, he was put in the shopping cart by her.


Lucy decided to teach him the secrets of walking and jumping on the moon, and the two of them walked casually on the dusty road in tandem.

"Follow me, just relax, take your time, don't be in a hurry." Lucy walked slowly in front, not in a hurry.

Tang Yu stepped on her footprints and learned her steps. He accidentally stumbled and almost fell forward, but Lucy in front grabbed his wrist.

Lucy turned around to support Tang Yu and joked: "This is different from running at night. If you run fast, you will easily fall."

Tang Yu said helplessly: "I'm really not used to this feeling of being unable to exert my strength."

"Yeah, maybe you're suitable for jumping and walking, come with me!" Lucy turned around, hooked her little hand on her back, and then grabbed his wrist again and jumped deep.

Tang Yu was carried into the air by her, feeling as if he was weightless in a dream.

The two leaping figures looked like elves flying on the lunar soil. They jumped very quickly, but fell slowly.

Tang Yu looked at Lucy beside him and saw that she was smiling happily. She seemed to have forgotten all her worries and entered the exclusive playground.

She couldn't help but hold Tang Yu's wrist tightly with her five fingers. Sometimes she would tap the ground with her toes, and she would lead Tang Yu to leap forward.


Lucy tucked her hair behind her ears and asked interestingly, "How do you feel now?"

Tang Yu was no longer as embarrassed as before, and could steadily keep up with Lucy's jumping pace.

"It's easier than walking."

"Haha, you are so interesting." Lucy was very happy. It seemed that seeing Tang Yu, who had always been calm, looking a little embarrassed, gave her an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

Half an hour later.

After finishing the activity, the two people sat next to a deep pit in the lunar soil, looking at the blue planet on the other side of the deep sky.

Lucy sat on the edge of the pit, her legs dangling slightly.

"This is my first time bringing someone here."

Tang Yu replied softly: "This is also my first time to experience what it's like to be on the moon."

Lucy smiled hoarsely and said, "But you learn very quickly. I didn't get used to it the first time I came here, but I fell in love with it at first sight."

Tang Yu asked: "So you said before that you wanted to fly far away. Is the moon where you want to go the most?"

He recalled the old moon business poster in Lucy's room, no wonder he had a special liking for the moon ditty.

When Lucy heard this, she felt relieved and nodded in admission.

"Well, I think one day, I might be able to fly to the real moon on a rocket."

"Do you have enough 250,000 euros in gold?" Tang Yu asked seriously.

Lucy was stunned, her expression turned into a smile, and she said with a bit of annoyance: "You are really good at spoiling people."

Tang Yu guessed that she hadn't saved enough money. In addition to grabbing information by stealing Arasaka chips on the subway, she could also earn some extra money by selling the chips.

But you can’t do this job often because there is a risk of leaking your whereabouts, so you don’t earn much.

In Mann's team, there is really very little work she can do, especially with Qi Wei around.

Qiwei, as a veteran hacker in the team, has excellent skills and dares to go to the end, and she did the deep dive invasion without saying a word.

Because Lucy had to avoid Arasaka's pursuit, she was cautious most of the time so as not to harm others.

For example, recently, not only did she not go out for night runs, but she also participated in Mann's activities much less.

In addition, it costs a lot to maintain the upgrade and iteration of hacker software and hardware.


Tang Yu judged that she actually didn't earn much money. It was really difficult for her to complete her dream of going to the moon.

Lucy didn't want to mention these things, so she asked Tang Yu: "What about you, where do you want to go most? Do you plan to work in the company for the rest of your life?"

She knew that it was too redundant to ask such a question to a company executive. After all, Tang Yu had climbed to this point in Arasaka and could not give up this hard-won power.

For everyone, being at the top of a company is a dream come true.

Especially for Tang Yu, the identity of the top executive of Arasaka Company is really so important to him that it is difficult to get off the tiger, and the two are inseparable.

If he loses his position as a senior Arasaka, Lucy can't imagine what his fate will be like.

Regarding Lucy's question, Tang Yu really didn't think about it carefully, and he couldn't explain it for a while.

Are we going to have to fight to the death with Arasaka and those companies this time? Or to retain the remaining warmth in this cruel and cold world.

He couldn't help but think of the tarot card that symbolized the future.

Oriented Moon.

Tang Yu couldn't help but smile and said: "If you can buy an apartment on the moon, it sounds like a good idea."

When the time comes, take them all over and stay away from the right and wrong on that blue planet.

Lucy was a little surprised when she heard this answer. She didn't expect that Tang Yu's answer had nothing to do with the word Arasaka, so she asked: "Are you serious?"

Tang Yu nodded in affirmation, and then added: "Of course, I will leave a room for you."

There was something strange in Lucy's eyes, and she said helplessly: "I'm afraid only a company executive like you can buy a house on the moon."

"Then let me thank you in advance. If you don't mind, I would like to stay for a while."

Tang Yu said bluntly: "Then you have to make money and prepare the rent in advance."

"Fuck you." Lucy laughed dumbly. She didn't expect that Tang Yu would actually offer to charge her rent.

Tang Yu also laughed.

Lucy looked at Tang Yu, who was smiling comfortably, and vaguely understood something.

She knew that Tang Yu was not what he seemed on the surface, and that his world had never really been open to anyone.

He is dangerous. As a senior executive of Arasaka Company, everyone who comes into contact with his presence will be affected.

But Tang Yu always saved the day from danger time and time again, making things happen without any danger.

Whether it was the cooperation with Mann or the reckless move of burning down the company square, the final pressure fell on his shoulders.

Lucy felt that she should do something. Leaving Night City and going further away might put less of a burden on his shoulders and make her feel more at ease.

Think about this.

Lucy's eyes became a little lowered, and she wanted to say something, but hesitated, and finally reduced it to one sentence.

"Thank you."

Tang Yu turned his head slightly and found Lucy lowering her head, staring at the deep pit and black abyss at her feet.

"Are you leaving?"

Lucy nodded calmly, looked sideways at Tang Yu and said with a smile: "When I have the opportunity, I will go back to Night City to see it again."

The words just fell.

Tang Yu noticed that the faint gray life simulation box on Lucy suddenly lit up.


【Lucy】(Y/N simulation?)

A turning point in fate?

Unexpectedly, the silver-haired girl's fate would turn around at this moment.

Tang Yu understood.

Whether to let the silver-haired girl leave now will become an important decision that will affect the rest of her life.

The two looked directly at each other, and the silver-haired girl smiled.


The world in Lucy's eyes began to become blurry, and even Tang Yu's figure became illusory.

She stretched out her hand to grab something, and vaguely felt that Tang Yu seemed to have grabbed her wrist, and with a strong force, he pulled out her entire soul.

Lucy felt as if her whole body had been separated from her body, and the feeling of weightlessness was more like entering another layer of super dream.

Time passed by and transformed, and the spinning starry sky turned into a stream of light, completely submerging her in it.

When you open your eyes again.

I don’t know when.

Lucy sat alone on an empty seat in a cold mechanical room, looking out through the electronic mirror screen.

Still the blue planet

Note: The song "fly me to the moon" is quoted from JOSHUA's single, and it comes from the same place as the song quoted in Chapter 20 "Above the Moon". The first quote was Martian Brother's "Talking to the Moon", but after a detailed comparison of the lyrics and melody, "fly me to the moon" was closer in terms of artistic conception and meaning, so it was revised.

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