Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 197 Three Rockers

On the coast of North Oak.

A tree garden mansion and villa stands on Yabi.

There were bodyguards in black suits standing all over the courtyard, looking around vigilantly to prevent any accidents from happening.

The spacious and luxurious gilded villa seemed to be in a mess, and bursts of electronic music could be heard from time to time.

In the music corner of the living room, two people were sitting on the sofa, each holding an electric guitar and playing casually.

They took turns, each playing a section, as if they were competing to see whose rhythm and fingering skills were stronger.

"We haven't seen each other for a few years. Your skills have deteriorated, Kerry." Arasaka Yorinobu loosened the strings with his pick and seemed not to be enjoying himself very much.

When he returns to Night City, in addition to staying at the Cambi Building, he will also meet a few old friends.

Kerry is one of the few friends with whom he has common interests and hobbies. The two have many insights into rock and roll. They occasionally get together to play rock and roll and go to the recording studio to have fun.

Even though Yori Xuan's identity is different, Kerry's attitude was not formal or polite at all. He waved his hands and complained helplessly: "I've been going crazy in the past few years. I haven't been inspired to come up with new songs for so long. I drank a lot of wine." , the ten fingers of these two hands are already somewhat inoperable."

"Oh, even when you are still lacking inspiration, I see you playing new songs and you are very happy. You must have made a breakthrough." Arasaka Yorinobu knew that Kerry's life style was indulgent, and his body was definitely getting worse with each passing day as he got older.

Sometimes being out of shape not only refers to creation, but also the decline in physical condition will have a great impact.

When talking about his recent inspirational breakthrough, Kerry's eyes sparkled, and the dark bags under his eyes could not hide the bright color.

He endured his excitement and said, "That's right. During this period of time, I have been concentrating on digesting the emotions and feelings in my heart. The impulse of musical expression that is about to come out has embraced me again."

"To tell you the truth, this feeling takes me back to my youth, when I didn't understand anything, but I just liked the second-stroke feeling that I just wanted to make my own voice heard."

Arasaka Yorinobu nodded and listened to Kerry's new song. It is indeed full of the madness and enthusiasm of rock and roll, but it is also mixed with more new feelings, and even has a taste of vicissitudes of life.

This reminded him of the green days of his youth, when he led the Steel Dragon against Arasaka with passion, trying to prove to the world with rock and action that Arasaka was not indestructible.

Now, in order to fully realize his ambition, he had to disband the Steel Dragon. The friends who followed him back then were also scattered around the world.

"Congratulations to you, but I'm curious as to how you regained such abundant inspiration. Could it be that the company concert gave you a new epiphany?"

Arasaka Yorinobu smiled again and said: "I have watched the recording of that concert, and it does look like Johnny Silverhand, but you have broken through the shackles of his shadow and sang with your own style."

Kerry hugged the electric guitar and shrugged, looking indifferent: "Actually, I don't care anymore, or I have reconciled with myself. I have been entangled with the illusory shadow for half my life. Now that I think about it, it is a complete second-guess, haha. "

After a few dry laughs, Kerry's expression gradually became serious, his eyes were calm, and he murmured: "But you really guessed it. The Company Plaza did give me a new epiphany, but the inspiration for all this actually came from one person. .”

Arasaka Yorinobu remained silent, waiting for Kerry's next words.

He wanted to know if the name Kerry mentioned and the name he had in mind were the same person.

Kerry sighed softly: "I have made an appointment with him. You will see him soon, but I have to give you a vaccination. As for electric guitar fingering, you may not be his opponent. That little guy can It’s almost exactly the same as Silver Hand, and I was so frightened that day that I thought I was hallucinating another horse riding, and Silver Hand fucked my brain.”

Arasaka Yorinobu smiled helplessly and didn't ask any more questions.

The two talked about the future of the rock and roll industry again, and both laughed at themselves that they could only see decline.

Since their group of crazy rock kids quit, no one has stepped in.

While the two were chatting, a security guard in a suit walked into the villa, came to Yorinobu Arasaka and bowed to report.

Kerry cursed and said, "What a nonsense report. I usually don't even see ghosts in this big villa. Go ahead and invite people in quickly."

After saying that, Kerry got up and walked out the door wearing pajama pants and bare feet.

As soon as he opened the door and looked outside, he saw a familiar figure standing at the door and was stopped by several bodyguards in black.


"Made, let them go, do you hear me?"

"They're all from Arasaka Company. Can't you see because you're blind?"

Under Kerry's vigorous shouting, the bodyguard in black gave way.

Only then did Tang Yu get closer and say hello to Kerry.

Kerry was not polite, pushed Tang Yu's shoulders with both hands, walked towards the villa, and said proudly.

"Let's go around and introduce you to some people you'd never expect."

As soon as Tang Yu heard this, he guessed who it was and asked in advance: "Arasaka Yorinobu?"

When Kerry heard this, his expression instantly became boring, and he said bluntly: "Don, when will you stop being so smart? You can even guess this."

But he quickly regained his joy and said confidently: "How about it, buddy, I treat you well, right? Now Arasaka Yorinobu is the leader of Arasaka Tower in Night City, if you get on the line with him, you have a bright future."

"But I have to tell you in advance, Yorinobu doesn't like to talk about business in private, and Arasaka Tower's matters really can't be brought to the table. You have to shock him with your superb fingering first, just like you shocked me that day."

"Remember, first establish friendship and then talk about things, the order cannot be reversed!"

Faced with Kerry's "instructions", Tang Yu had no choice but to obey.

The two then came to the music corner.

Tang Yu saw his old friend, Arasaka Yorinobu, and Arasaka Yorinobu also saw Tang Yu again, who he had always wanted to see.

The last time he was at Arasaka Manor, Yori Xuan just glanced at it and didn't take it seriously. He never thought that Tang Yu would cause him trouble later.

Compared with the domineering appearance at the manor, Arasaka Yorinobu, holding the guitar, seemed a bit free and uninhibited.

As the intermediary, Kerry solemnly introduced both parties.

Arasaka Yorinobu: "Hello."

Tang Yu: "Hello."

Kerry wanted to lighten the atmosphere, pushed Tang Yu to sit on the sofa, and personally selected an electric guitar for him, which was exactly what Tang Yu used that day.

"Let's not talk about anything else, let's have some fun?"

Tang Yu reached out and took the guitar handed over by Kerry without any objection.

Kerry sat on the other side and also picked up an electric guitar. If he had to choose a song that all three of them were familiar with, it would have to be the Samurai Band.

He held the pick and quickly plucked the strings to produce a rapid electric sound.

Kerry: "We lost everything, We had to pay the price"

Along with Kerry's playing and singing, Yorinobu Arasaka immediately continued with electronic music to complete the tune.

Tang Yu also found the right rhythm and joined the rock music.

The three people were fingering extremely fast, each immersed in the world of music and playing freely, and the strong electronic sound filled the entire empty villa.

As the tune approaches its climax, the playing tempo becomes faster and faster, and the three of them keep switching chords in an effort to catch up with each other's fastest tempo.

Like a kite string stretched to its limit, they must maintain their playing speed.


Kerry was the first to be defeated. The moment he released the strings, his palms covered the guitar strings, stopping all sound.

He looked at the two people who were still immersed in the competition, each with his head buried in the air, constantly switching chords and fingerings, trying to surpass the other's limit.

Kerry has not experienced this kind of hearty extreme challenge for a long time.

The two people's fingering is fast but not messy, and the electronic music that comes out still maintains the rhythm. This extreme test requires the player not only to be familiar with the music, but also to have a deep fingering skills.

Kerry thought to himself that these two guys must have practiced fingering a lot in private.

The tone continued for a moment again, until the last chord was strummed. Tang Yu and Lai Xuan stopped almost at the same time and ended playing, leaving only the remaining notes echoing.

Arasaka Yorinobu breathed a long sigh of relief, because he was so focused on playing that there was even a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

He raised his hand to wipe his face, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: "It seems that what Kerry said before was right, your fingering method is indeed exactly the same as his."

He was incredible at Tang Yu's amazing fingering skills. There was no one in the younger generation who played rock and roll, let alone someone who played as wonderfully as Tang Yu.

Tang Yu put away his guitar and said with the same smile: "Those who still like the rock music of Samurai Band these days can basically be called a hardcore fan. It's normal to be able to play a little."

Kerry has already determined the winner of the game just now. Although their completion degrees are not much different, Tang Yu's fingering is obviously better.

It not only restores the style of Johnny Silverhand, but also perfectly hits every beat and rhythm. Even Johnny Silverhand himself may not be able to play so fast and so accurately.

After the song, the atmosphere between the three of them became much more harmonious.

Kerry hung up his guitar again and invited the two of them upstairs for a drink.

Under Kerry's greeting, Tang Yu and Lai Xuan sat on the sofa in the leisure area on the second floor.

While Kerry was getting a drink, Arasaka Yorinobu faced Tang Yu who was sitting alone and asked: "I heard from Kerry that you contributed to the nostalgic concert of the Samurai Band in the company square and it was quite good. He was the one who took care of it." You praised him to the heavens, saying that you helped him regain his rock and roll inspiration and that he was planning to release a new album."

Tang Yu knows Lai Xuan thoroughly, and now he just wants to test his attitude, whether he is really loyal to Arasaka, and whether there is still a chance for cooperation between them.

But there were some things he couldn't say clearly. In the past, the two of them might have been compatible, but with Saburo Arasaka around, any move could bring disaster.

"Actually, it was just Kerry who wanted to play. After all, the terrorist had a profound influence on Kerry. I was also deeply influenced by him, whether it was music or actions."

The reason why Tang Yu was determined to fight with Arasaka was not only because of his personal feud with Arasaka, but also because of Johnny.

Arasaka Yorinobu was silent, knowing that the terrorists Tang Yu was talking about were none other than Johnny Silverhand, who had nuked the Arasaka Tower.

"That's quite interesting. That terrorist also had a big impact on me."

It was after he witnessed the nuclear explosion that he suddenly realized that even an explosion as powerful as a nuclear bomb could not shake Arasaka's rule.

If you want to completely destroy Arasaka, you can only use internal and external forces at the same time to dismantle its foundation.

This is why he is willing to return to the Arasaka family and take on the role of heir against his will.

For him, even if he truly dominates Arasaka Company one day, the only thing he has to do is destroy the company.

Tang Yu said calmly: "But now it seems that the path he chose is not correct. It is like a burst of fireworks that shines brightly in an instant and then disappears without a trace, leaving nothing behind."

Arasaka Yorinobu nodded and agreed with this statement: "Maybe what he needs is a bomb more powerful than a nuclear bomb, what do you think?"

"Of course a more powerful bomb can overturn everything, but the risk and cost are the same. More importantly, this bomb has been targeted. Whether it is cutting off the live wire, switching the package, etc., in this era , bomb disposal experts have 10,000 ways to defuse bombs, and even use the gunpowder in bombs to do more things."

They both fell into silence, staring at each other.

Arasaka Yorinobu made it very clear to a senior executive of Arasaka Company by speaking to this point.

What he wants is to use himself as a bomb beyond nuclear bombs to explode with the most powerful force to destroy all giant companies.

And Tang Yu's intention is also very clear. If the bomb wants to explode, he must pay a price, and at the same time, he must be prepared to be sanctioned by Saburo Arasaka.

Obviously, the current Arasaka Yorinobu does not have the ability to fight against Arasaka Saburo.

Arasaka smiled, with anger hidden in his tone: "Bombs are not ordinary things in the world. Those bomb disposal experts who dare to reach out must be careful about the consequences of being shattered into pieces."

Tang Yu never thought about standing on the opposite side of Yori Xuan. He hoped that Yori Xuan would become stronger and overthrow his evil father Arasaka Saburo.

But he believed that even though Yorinobu kept saying that he was willing to pay any price to dismantle the Arasaka Company.

But he didn't even have the strength to attack his own blood relatives.

When he arrived at Arasaka Tower, he couldn't bear to kill little Michiko to seize power. In Kyoto, he couldn't bear to kill Hanako Arasaka, who was the whistleblower. He also gave him space and time to plan secretly.

If Arasaka Yorinobu had been cruel and agreed that Tang Yu would burn Hanako Arasaka's head instead of putting Hanako Arasaka under house arrest, maybe things would have turned around.

But Tang Yu deeply understood that even if Saburo Arasaka failed to obtain the container of Yori Xuan, there was a high probability that it would happen to Hanako Arasaka.

Poor Arasaka Yorinobu thought that his good sister was on his side until his death, but little did he know that she had become an extension of Arasaka Saburo's will.

Facing the vaguely angry Arasaka Yorinobu, Tang Yu had no choice but to stop talking. If he continued, he would inevitably anger Yorinobu even more.

The Iron Lotus Brotherhood behind Yori Xuan probably also had a great influence on him.

Tang Yu is now just an employee of Arasaka Company, and his weight is limited. He cannot persuade Yori Xuan, a bully, back at all.

Seeing that the other party was no longer talking, Arasaka Yorinobu said in a deep voice: "In this case, each of us will naturally have our own path in the future. Not every bomb disposal will be lucky."

Just then, Kerry came up with two bottles of champagne. Seeing that the two people's faces were cold and the atmosphere was not as harmonious as before, he asked a little strangely.

"What? Could it be something at work? Oh, don't talk about that. Let's have two drinks."

Arasaka Yorinobu stood up decisively and thanked Kerry.

"No, I have something else to do today."


Lai Xuan glanced at Tang Yu, turned around and went downstairs, regardless of Kerry's dissuasion.

Kerry was a little confused: "What's wrong with him? He suddenly got into trouble and took the wrong medicine."

Tang Yu looked at Lai Xuan's leaving figure and said calmly: "It's okay, men don't always have unstable moods for two days."

Nothing today. There are too many people at home and I can’t spare much time to write.

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