Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 209 Non-human (Thanks to the Second Alliance of the ‘Third Emperor Guilliman’!)

Wood Manor, on the green lawn.

A man in a silver suit was looking up into the sky.

His pupils were glowing with blue arcs, his expression was calm, and he was waiting patiently.

Not long after, a black spot gradually appeared in his sight, flying from far to near.

A luxurious gold-plated aerial vehicle quickly approached until it reached the sky above the manor courtyard and slowly landed on the lawn.

As the floating car door opened, Mr. Blue Eyes took the initiative to greet him, smiling and saying hello.

"Mr. Kenji, please come this way. Mrs. Miriam Knight is already waiting in the inner room."

Ye Bai Xianzhi's eyebrows were cold and he nodded slightly: "Well, let's meet her first."

The two walked towards the interior of the manor, bypassed the hall, walked through the corridor and went to the waiting room on the second floor.

In the dimly lit room, Miriam Knight was sitting in a magnetic levitation wheelchair, waiting quietly.

Seeing the long-lost guest, she forced a smile on her old and wrinkled face: "Mr. Kenji, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Ye Bai Xianzhi's expression softened slightly, and he politely asked about the other person's physical condition as a response.

That year, Richard Knight, the founder of Night City, was assassinated. Mrs. Knight knew that her husband's death was closely related to the power struggles of major companies.

The company wanted to take this ideal city away from her husband and resorted to such despicable and dirty methods.

Not only did this incident not make her miss her husband, but it also aroused her belief in inheriting her husband's legacy.

Her hatred for major corporations and her belief in Night City forced her to urgently find a way out.

Just when Miriam Nath was at a loss, Ye Baixianzhi contacted her through a special method and used the power of Iron Lotus to help her rebuild Ye's company.

At this point, the two established a secret and unknown 'friendship'.

Miriam Knight has always been grateful to Ye Bai Xianzhi. Knowing that Tie Lianhua was an elite organization that resisted the company, she took the initiative to bridge the gap and promote new cooperation.

After the pleasantries.

Ye Baixianzhi brought up the topic and asked Miriam Knight what he wanted to cooperate with him.

Miriam Knight introduced Mr. Blue Eyes and asked him to talk about the content of this cooperation.

Ye Baixianzhi's eyes showed some doubts. He had heard some rumors about the details of Ye's company.

Flooding AI, brainwashing and controlling, climbing over the black wall

He wasn't sure whether the Miriam Knight now was the same as she was years ago.

Maybe she has been brainwashed and controlled, and the real mastermind is this weird blue-eyed gentleman.

Mr. Blue Eyes always kept a smile with a kind face, and praised: "The Iron Lotus Brotherhood has a far-reaching reputation and has extraordinary influence all over the world. I have always admired your faith and courage. It is really amazing to meet you today." People are very moved.”

Ye Baixianzhi was a little impatient in the face of this roundaboutness, and said in a deep voice: "You have something to say."

Mr. Blue Eyes was unhurried and continued to ask: "Mr. Kenji must have met Arasaka Yorinobu before."

Ye Bai Xianzhi frowned slightly, glanced at Miriam Knight, and said perfunctorily: "We have met. We have been friends for many years, but he has already quit Iron Lotus."

After speaking, he glanced at the quartz watch and urged again: "If this matter has nothing to do with Yori Xuan, then ask less. Knowing too much may not be a good thing."

Mr. Blue Eyes said confidently: "This matter is not only related to Arasaka Yorinobu, but also to Tang Yu. I know you want to hunt down this Arasaka lone wolf, but as far as I know, he is not that easy to deal with. "

Ye Bai Xianzhi's eyes narrowed, he examined the meaning of the other party's words, and asked: "Oh, there are some methods. You can tell me your conditions first."

Mr. Blue Eyes acted calmly and said calmly: "Yorinobu Arasaka brought something from Arasaka Tower in Kyoto and wanted to use it to make a deal with the Internet Monitor. I want to know the location of that thing."

Ye Baixianzhi sneered: "You are talking about the Relic biochip, right? If you dare to focus on this, you will have a big appetite, but I might as well tell you that you will be able to see this chip soon, or in other words, all companies will be able to see it. "

A strange color flashed in Mr. Blue-Eyed's eyes, and he understood something immediately, and then smiled and said: "It seems that I am too anxious, but the relic chip I want may be a bit special."

Ye Baixian smiled and asked, "Then it depends on how valuable the information you know is?"

Mr. Blue Eyes' prosthetic eye circle rotated, and a blue holographic light curtain appeared in the room, and Tang Yu's figure appeared on the screen.

This attracted Ye Baixianzhi's attention, and he immediately looked at the picture on the screen seriously.

I saw a large number of server facilities standing in a closed space, forming a matrix.

Tang Yu stood outside the server matrix. Without any movement, the operation of the matrix was greatly disturbed and abnormal operation occurred.

Ye Bai Xianzhi's eyes flashed with surprise, and he vaguely guessed something in his heart, but he still couldn't be sure.

An ordinary person can interfere with the operation of large electronic equipment, and even control it.

'is it possible? ’

Seeing that he didn't seem to understand what was going on, Mr. Blue Eyes asked: "Have you always thought that he is an ordinary person without any cyber transformation, but he can always accomplish many incredible things?"

Ye Bai Xianzhi could no longer maintain his previous indifference, his face was full of doubts, waiting for the other party's answer.

Mr. Blue Eyes laughed twice and explained again: "This matter is quite interesting. Mr. Tang not only blocked your actions, but also ruined my plan. In short, he has some kind of mysterious power. He has already Far beyond the scope of normal human beings.”

"Then what is he?" Ye Baixianzhi asked solemnly. He didn't like to joke about such uncertain things.

Mr. Blue Eyes stopped showing off and said seriously: "He has the mysterious ability to control electronic devices. He may be a lucky person with a genetic mutation, or he may have experienced some magical experiences and inadvertently acquired this ability. able."

Ye Bai Xianzhi was silent. He never expected that Tang Yu would have this trump card. If it weren't for today's meeting, he would still be in the dark.

He realized that Tang Yu was more troublesome than he thought. He could invisibly affect the control of electronic equipment. In this cyber era, he almost controlled the life and death of everyone. Its power and influence were even comparable to humanoid nuclear bombs. Can destroy everything he sees at any time.

The most important thing is that such a person is actually used by Saburo Arasaka, and will inevitably become the biggest stumbling block on the way forward.

Mr. Blue Eyes saw Ye Bai Xianzhi's slightly nervous look and persuaded him: "However, his ability does not seem to be arbitrary. It should have great limitations, so he almost never uses it."

Ye Bai Xianzhi nodded slightly. This was indeed the truth. If he could use it as he pleased without any restrictions or scope, such a person would never be satisfied with a small ministerial position in Arasaka Tower in Night City.

He quickly regained his composure and said bluntly: "The value of this information is enough to exchange for the corresponding information. The special thing you want to know is hidden on the top floor of Kanbi Building, in Yorinobu's exclusive suite, but he rarely Leave the room, and with Adam Hammer in charge of security, it's almost impossible to get your hands on it."

Mr. Blue Eyes nodded thoughtfully and asked again: "Then I would like to ask Mr. Kenji if he is willing to cooperate again?"

Ye Bai Xianzhi seemed to have an idea for a long time, and said in a deep voice: "I will ask Yori Xuan to arrange a product launch conference as soon as possible. At that time, he will attend in person and arrive at the company square. Adam Heavy Hammer will be responsible for his security and will also leave the Kanbi Building. That Sometimes you can hire someone reliable, or you can do it yourself.”

Mr. Blue Eyes agreed with the proposal and asked, "What are your conditions?"

Ye Bai Xianzhi: "Help me catch someone, you will know then."

Mr. Blue Eyes smiled and said: "I thought you would ask me to get rid of Tang Yu."

Ye Bai Xianzhi said coldly: "You don't have to worry about this, I have other preparations."

Mr. Blue Eyes took the initiative to step forward and extended his hand, and said with a smile: "It seems that our goals are very similar. I hope we can have a happy cooperation."

Ye Bai Xianzhi ignored it and just told all cooperation to be confidential, and he would be notified when the time comes.

After explaining, he turned and left.

Mr. Blue Eyes didn't mind his rudeness. He retracted his hand and personally sent him back to the floating car.

After watching Xianzhi Ye leave, Mr. Blue Eyes returned to the waiting room, ready to answer Miriam Knight's questions.

Mr. Blue Eyes noticed her confused look from the time they were discussing, so he explained.

"Don't worry, I never planned to get that special biochip from the beginning. Now we have a better option."

Miriam Knight wondered: "What do you mean?"

"Rather than a container filled with souls, we need an empty container to welcome the return of that great being." Mr. Blue Eyes raised a smile on his lips.

In the floating carriage.

Ye Bai Xianzhi thought of Tang Yu's extraordinary abilities in the projection screen he just saw.

Anyway, it wouldn't be much trouble to get rid of him easily during the operation.

As long as Tang Yu is arranged to host the press conference and he can't escape, he will probably use his superpowers in a desperate situation. As long as the details of his superpowers are exposed in front of countless people, it will be difficult for him to hide it anymore even if he doesn't die.

And he has already been prepared. As long as that powerful piece of equipment is there, he can accomplish the true goal of Iron Lotus.

He rolled his eyes, opened his address book, clicked on the contact information of one of them, and sent a message.

"What I want has been developed and will soon arrive at the Night City coast port from Kyoto. Make sure the secret is in my hands."

Putting away his gaze, he was in the mood to pick up a glass of whiskey from the car's wine cabinet.

Seeing the beautiful scenery of the Night City outside the car window, I couldn't help but murmured.

"Night City, you will be reborn soon."

After speaking, he raised his glass and drank it in one gulp.

There’s another update tonight!

PS: Super Invincible would like to thank the financial backer of the ‘Third Emperor Guilliman’ for joining the alliance again. Instant noodles are so grateful that I can’t repay him in return.

Thank you again for the summary at the end of the volume!

For a niche fanfic, I didn’t expect it to be loved by so many people. It indeed far exceeded expectations.

Four thousand have been ordered now, and five thousand should be ordered before the book is finished.

This result really exploded.

The storm cries!

Thank you again to the leader of the ‘Third Emperor Guilliman’ for your support!

Instant Noodles will work hard to finish writing the story!

Aoli gives!

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