Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 229 Escape from this planet

Watson District, a high-end apartment in Little Chinatown, the sound of running water came from the bathroom.

Clean and transparent warm water sprayed out from the shower head, raining down like a curtain of rain, dripping on the top of the man's hair, passing over his black and scabbed skin, carrying white foam, black sediment and dark red blood streaks and sliding down, overflowing. The marble floor beneath your feet flowed into the sewer.

After running the warm water for several minutes, it gradually diluted the charcoal on Tang Yu's body. His eyes, nose, mouth, chest muscles, abdominal muscles, and the lines and skin of his legs were slowly revealed.

The talent of 'Perseverance' has been working non-stop these days to restore his body to its initial human appearance.

There was no one in the apartment. Sasha was probably at Gloria's side. The furnishings in the house were the same as when he left. Sasha had tidied them up.

After rinsing, Tang Yu turned off the shower, took out a clean towel, dried his hair and whole body at once, picked out his ears, and threw the towel into the basket.

Since there was no one at home, he didn't need to be too restrained. He opened the bathroom door and walked to his room, ready to choose a set of clothes to change into.

After looking at the cabinet full of suits, Tang Yu hesitated. I'm afraid he won't have to go to work anymore, so why should he wear a suit?

Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by a piece of clothing. It was a Jinguji plaid jacket with a bit of a suit style.

In order to express her gratitude for saving her life and paying off the medical expenses, Gloria bought this coat for him, but she kept it at home and never wore it.

After putting on his clothes and pants, Tang Yu was just about to check the message when he realized that the intermediary tool for communication was gone. The pair of smart contact lenses given by Michiko had long been burned into glue. He had to thank Panan for removing the dirty things from his eyes. Twist it out.

Tang Yu came to the living room counter shirtless, opened a glass partition, took out the 'Dragon Fist' black-rimmed glasses, and put them on just right.

This time, he had no intention of continuing to use his original account. Arasaka Company just suspended him. Once his identity was authenticated and he logged in again, it would definitely attract their attention.

Tang Yu still wants to take some time off to meet a few people and do a few things. He doesn't want to get involved in all these messy things for the time being.

He re-registered a new account and logged in. He checked the time first and found that it was almost time, so he changed his shoes and set out.

At the entrance of the sea launch platform, people are queuing up in an orderly manner to undergo ticket inspection and security inspection.

On the launcher in front, the rocket has been fixedly erected, and thick water mist and white smoke are rising from the tail.

This rocket is sent to the lunar base, part of the cargo transportation, part of the passenger transportation.

Lucy was sitting in the waiting area, holding two ticket stubs to the moon base in her hand, looking at the rocket platform outside the glass window.

This is the first time she has been so close to a rocket launch, so close to the moon.

In just a few more hours, she would be able to reach the real moon and fulfill her long-buried wish. She had been so eager to escape from here.

Looking at the launch platform from here does not seem to be any different from looking at it from the bay window of an apartment.

After people go through security check and ticket inspection, they can board the shuttle bus and go to the sea launch platform to enter the rocket's inner compartment.

The queue is getting shorter and shorter, there are not many people left in the waiting room, and the radio is also broadcasting information about the upcoming departure, reminding passengers to be prepared.

Lucy withdrew her gaze, stood up, followed the security line, and was the last one in line.

She knew that this trip to the moon would not last long and she would return to Night City soon, but she still wanted to see it.

The line was getting shorter and shorter, and Lucy was about to go through the ticket check and security check. She subconsciously looked back behind her.

The waiting hall was empty, and the person she wanted to wait for was nowhere to be seen.

"Hello madam, please hurry up. All passengers must complete the procedures for changing clothes and entering the cabin before the rocket takes off."

Hearing the reminder from the security personnel, Lucy had no choice but to retract her gaze and handed over the two tickets in her hand.

"Hello, we have one person, one ticket here. If you have a fellow passenger and are unable to board the plane in time, you can go to the window to handle the refund procedure. The travel company will contact your fellow passengers."

"No need." Lucy rejected the security staff's suggestion and took back a ticket stub.

The other party took the bill and began to check the identity information. After confirming that it was correct, he stuffed the bill into the electronic gate box.

Just as Lucy was about to cross the security gate, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

"Can we go for a night run?"

Lucy's pupils shrank suddenly, and she froze on the spot, unsure of what she had just heard.

She turned around slowly and saw Tang Yu standing at the door of the waiting hall with a smile looking at her, so real and familiar.

He is back.

Lucy smoothed her hair around her ears, her eyes flashed with neon light, and she couldn't help but smile: "Can you go to the moon by running at night?"

Tang Yu nodded seriously and replied loudly: "Of course I can go."

"Huh?" Lucy was even happier.

The security personnel beside me reminded again: "Sir, Miss, the rocket is about to enter the pre-takeoff preparation process. If you two still want to take this rocket flight to the moon, please hurry up."

The words are not finished yet.

Another travel ticket to the moon flew in front of her eyes, with a prominent advertising slogan on it.

【Start your new life! 】

Lucy threw away the ticket stub in her hand, stood up on her toes, and ran in the direction of Tang Yu.

In his sight, Tang Yu smiled warmly and waved his hands enthusiastically, as if he wanted to give her a hug.

Lucy smiled lightly and walked quickly, as if she wanted to rush to Tang Yu.

Tang Yu saw Lucy throwing away the ticket stub and running towards him. He was a little shy at first, but when he saw the other party being so proactive, he let go and waited for the long-lost hug.

"Still stunned there? Didn't you just say you were going to run at night? Let me see if you have made any progress during this period."

After saying that, Lucy ran out of the waiting hall from Tang Yu without looking back, like an icy blue stream of light passing by, leaving Tang Yu alone in place.

Tang Yu clenched his somewhat stiff fists, looked back at Lucy who had run away, then turned back and ran away to follow her pace.

Beside the coastal embankment, two figures were running side by side in the dark night. There were no street lights to illuminate them, and even the moonlight was hidden in the clouds.

Lucy said solemnly: "Since the big accident in the company square, the city's power supply has not been fully restored. Power is given priority to the company buildings and municipal offices in the city center. The public power supply here has been out for a while."

The large magnetic storm that affected the entire city severely damaged the power grid circuits and even affected the normal operation of the power plant.

In order to repair the power, the municipal government and the company spent a lot of money, and then they began to be able to provide power to the so-called core areas.


A streetlight above their heads turned on, illuminating the road below them.

After the two of them ran through this short stretch of bright road, another streetlight in front of them lit up, illuminating an area again.

The street lights are like a relay race. When one light goes out, the next one will come on, illuminating the way forward for the two of them.

Lucy knew that this was Tang Yu's doing, glanced at him and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to play many tricks."

Tang Yu used "weak electric energy control" to recharge the street lamps and give them light, which was a small show of his superpower.

In front of Lucy, he did not keep the secret of his mysterious power.

"My tricks are not limited to this, do you want to see other tricks?" Tang Yu was very confident.

"Huh? Is it possible that you can really go to the moon?" Lucy knew that Tang Yu must have a few tricks up his sleeve. The company square was so big that it was definitely not something he could do with his strength.

Tang Yu smiled, stretched out his hand and lightly snapped his fingers.

Lucy felt as if the heels of her feet were empty, and she couldn't find the point of strength. She accidentally exerted too much force, and her whole body flew forward.

Tang Yu kicked lightly, caught up with Lucy, grabbed her wrist and held her steady, just like in Lunar Mewtwo, and continued to jump and run along the coast.

Lucy let Tang Yu hold her wrist, following his pace and rhythm, jumping like an elf under the light.

Tang Yu turned around and asked with a smile: "How do you feel this time?"

Looking at Tang Yu's bright eyes, Lucy seemed to see the moon hanging high in the night sky.

It wasn't until after running and jumping for a while that Tang Yu slowly landed on the ground holding Lucy.

"It's roughly this gravity parameter. After all, it's manually controlled, so it may not be that accurate."

Lucy listened to Tang Yu's words blankly, still immersed in disbelief. The feeling of weightlessness under her feet was too real, just like what she experienced in Lunar Mewtwo.

She looked at Tang Yu with doubts in her eyes, and got a definite answer from his smiling eyes. The sudden weight loss just now was his trick.

"This is like running on the moon at night. I never lied to you." Tang Yu was very impressed by Lucy's expression. She must have never imagined that such a day would come.

Before Lucy could react, Tang Yu gently held her hands, as if by magic, making Lucy slowly float, as if she was in space.

Lucy's neon eyes flashed faintly, and she looked around in disbelief. Her feet left the ground out of thin air, and she gradually became one level higher than her surroundings.

Tang Yu let go of her hand and followed suit.

Lucy was flying slowly high like a kite without strings. Her feet were getting further and further away from the land of Night City, but Tang Yu, who was following her, was getting closer and closer to her.

The sea breeze blew past their clothes and ruffled her silver hair.

Lucy no longer hesitated and worried, and looked over the entire Night City, a city shrouded in light.

"It's great, it's so fun!" The silver-haired girl shouted loudly, the city under her feet shining in her pupils.

"Can it be higher, farther, faster?" Her messy silver hair was flying, but it couldn't hide her crazy laughter.

Tang Yu shook his head helplessly. Fortunately, before his mental strength was different, working harder was still enough to send Lucy to the clouds.

Under the influence of his extreme control force field, the two figures soared towards the night sky like arrows from the string.

Escaped this planet.

Instant Noodles: “Super Invincible thanks the big boss ‘Super Duck’ for the reward and becoming the new helmsman of this book.”

Johnny: "For a big guy, it's not easy to spend this little money to catch a guy or pick up a guy. I guess he can only smoke a whole pack of cigarettes. Let's light one."

V: "Smoking is just to show off, and it smells bad."

Instant Noodles: "Agree!"

PS: There will be another chapter later.

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