Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 231 Debt-free and light-hearted

Afterlife Bar.

The long light lines emit a dim fluorescent green, and the rock music of Samurai Band echoes in the hall. People sit or stand in groups, chatting and drinking, and the atmosphere is lively.

V sat in front of the bar and had a drink, his back alone isolated from the hustle and bustle of the bar's nightlife.

She held up the empty wine glass with one hand and put it in front of her eyes to ponder it. Her bored attitude was quite a bit like a lazy beauty.

"Please give this beauty a drink and ask for Johnny Silverhand."

A man came up next to him for no reason and was greeting the bartender Claire to serve drinks.

V didn't even bother to raise her eyebrows. In the past few days, when she had just two drinks at the Afterlife Bar, some guys who didn't know the heights of the world came up to chat with her. They were scolded or despised by her, and each of them was very cowardly.

She casually looked at the suit on the right and said, "Oh, it's genuine from Jinguji Temple. He's a rich man." ’

"Haha, I really laughed. Those little bastards thought they could dress up in company clothes and order a cup of 'Johnny Silverhand' to pretend to be knowledgeable. They thought the next life would be a paradise for hookers. It seems they have little knowledge." V said. He muttered to himself after being slightly drunk, and then advised in a kind tone: "Listen, kid, your appearance makes me feel very bad. I'll give you a chance to get out of here before I cry for my mother."

Claire glanced at the visitor, smiled a little gloatingly, brought two glasses of 'Johnny Silverhand' over, and handed one of them to V.

V put the empty wine glass in front of his eyes in confusion, observed the blurry green world in front of him through the glass, and muttered: "Claire, I didn't say I wanted this glass of wine."

Claire approached V and asked deliberately: "Well, I want to know why you haven't gone to Lizzy Bar to pick up jobs these days."

V chuckled and said, "What other reason could there be? I have a car and a house now, and all the money I owe has been paid off. Why should I work anymore? Shouldn't I enjoy it?"

What she told was all the truth. After the float vehicle crashed that day, she woke up and lay in the Afterlife Bar. It was Claire who took care of her.

V then received the message that the debt was settled, as well as the property certificate and Rayfield certification later sent by Jack.

She asked Claire what happened. It turned out that Rogge rescued her from the floating car and took her to the Afterlife Bar for treatment.

Since then, V has been hanging out in bars all day, occasionally taking on bad jobs, mostly beating people up.

After hearing V's answer, Claire left the table and signaled to Tang Yu: "The rest is up to you."

V closed one eye tightly and moved slowly through the empty wine glass, filtering everything he saw.

Until I turned to the right, a face suddenly came close to me. It was flowery, big, and green.

V was impatient and just about to curse, the cup in his hand was taken away, and the big painted face in front of him immediately became clear.

Tang Yu?

She was stunned on the spot.

After a while.

Tang Yu reached out and pinched her chin gently, looked left and right, and said with a smile pretending to be distressed: "It's been a long time since I last saw her, and she's already grown fat."

When Tang Yu wasn't paying attention, V opened his mouth and bit his index finger hard, and a trace of blood spilled out.

It wasn't until he was relieved that V spat out his fingers, took a tissue from the plate at the bar and threw it to Tang Yu: "Wipe it yourself, it's so dirty."

Tang Yu picked up a tissue and wiped it clean, then sat next to him and joked: "Why, you are debt-free now, so it must be hard for me to speak."

V glanced at him, put down the empty glass in his hand, replaced it with a 'Johnny Silverhand' wine glass, and said angrily: "It's not easy, why did you come back? I finally left."

Tang Yu picked up the wine glass on the table, stared at the wine in the glass, and said calmly: "I can't let go of some things and some people."

V half-leaned on the bar, tilted his head and looked at Tang Yu and asked with a smile: "Why didn't you see that people who are willing to give up their status as senior executives of the company still have people and things that they can't let go of? Don't tell me that I am one of them." , it sounds weird."

Tang Yu discovered why V's performance was so sour today. Sure enough, the economic base determines the superstructure. Being the boss naturally made him tough.

"You'll find out later. Is Rogge here?"

V pursed his lips toward the box: "We're talking in there."

She then asked: "How does it feel to be famous all over the world and become a legend? The whole Night City is talking about you, the top management of Arasaka Company defected, Adam Hammer was overthrown, and the company square was completely destroyed."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this is amazing. If you want to do something like this next time, remember to tell me in advance. I will definitely dress like a cheerleader and cheer you on like a little fan girl, screaming 'ahhhhh'. I guarantee that you will be satisfied." V said, imitating the obsessed girl and exclaiming loudly, deliberately making a look of admiration.

Tang Yu was a little helpless. He had learned a lesson about V's yin and yang aura again. He really couldn't take advantage of her if he offended her.

"Okay, okay, I'll punish myself with a drink, and you can calm down first." He raised his glass and drank it down.

V looked surprised and said, "Why are you rewarding yourself?"

Tang Yu: "."

She changed the topic: "But thanks to you, I now have a car and a house, no debts, and I can live a comfortable life on my own. If you don't have a place to live, come to my place."

After V finished speaking, he drank all the wine in his hand, forgiving Tang Yu for leaving without saying goodbye.

Tang Yu silently thought to himself: 'What's so good about staying at your place? I can get up early every day to do morning exercises and go through the treasure chest. ’

However, since V was sitting in front of him, he could only vaguely agree.

V was just about to ask something when the door of the secret box not far behind him automatically slid open, and a familiar figure stepped out, it was Rogge.

She was still wearing the same yellow sweatshirt. When she saw Tang Yu sitting at the bar, she walked towards him with confident steps and took the initiative to say hello.

"You finally came."

Tang Yu stood up and said bluntly: "Let's talk inside."

V glanced at the two of them, stood up, and walked toward the box together.

The three of them came to the exclusive box and after closing the gate, there was a hidden safe house.

Rogge sat in the middle of the main seat, folded his legs, raised his hands and leaned on the back of the sofa, asking Tang Yu and V to sit down.

V skillfully took out the wine bottle and three cups from the cabinet, put them on the table and pushed them to the two of them respectively, and then sat directly next to Tang Yu without seeing anyone else.

Rogge thanked him, but did not drink from the cup, but said bluntly: "The matter you mentioned last time has been completed, and V is now sitting next to you alive."

V knew that Tang Yu had specially arranged for Rogge to take action at that time, so he was not surprised. Instead, he looked at Tang Yu and waited for his reply.

Tang Yu nodded slightly and added: "It's just that half of the leg is missing."

"Arranged for someone to equip her with the best titanium alloy cyber prosthesis. The parameters have been calibrated and will not affect the use of both legs." Rogge explained in a deep voice.

Tang Yu said calmly: "In this case, it's time for me to fulfill my promise."

V was a little curious as to what conditions Tang Yu used to convince Rogge, Queen of the Afterlife, to personally protect her and hide her in the Afterlife Bar to avoid the limelight from the outside world.

"V, is the safe you got from Kanbi Building still there?" Tang Yu asked.

V's heart tightened, and he explained with some reluctance: "When I was evacuating on the float vehicle, I found that the destination was suddenly directed to Kyoto Arasaka Tower, so I had no choice but to smash the console."

"As a result, the float vehicle crashed, the safe was broken, and the chip inside..." She knew that the chip must be very important to Tang Yu, and she would inevitably feel regretful if she failed to do the job.

Tang Yu's heart tightened, and he quickly asked with concern: "Have you put that chip in your brain?"

Before V could answer, Rogge on the side explained: "I have the relic biochip here."

After speaking, she pointed to the biological neural interface on the back of her head, which meant that the chip was in her brain.

V continued to add: "Tang, there was really nothing we could do at that time. Not only did the aerial vehicle automatically change its destination, but it was also pursued by Arasaka's armed aerial vehicle. Fortunately, Rogge was there. After the crash, the temperature control function of the safe was damaged. , can only be taken out and stored in the brain.”

Tang Yu understood that the situation was indeed urgent at that time, and said apologetically: "I didn't think carefully. The floating car was Saburo Arasaka's car, and the destination should have been changed to Kyoto."

V was a little confused: ‘Good guy, the floating car you arranged for me to ride on actually belongs to Saburo Arasaka? ’

A strange look flashed in Rogge's eyes. He had learned about Tang Yu and knew that he was doing well in Arasaka Company, but he didn't expect that he had already reached this level.

Being able to get Saburo Arasaka's car certification is enough to show that he attaches great importance to Tang Yu. It is really unimaginable that he has managed to get to this point, but is willing to give up all the status and identity he has acquired.

At least, Rogge felt he couldn't do it.

She continued to ask: "The relic biochip has not been successfully developed yet. The product launch has failed, and there is no change in my mind, and I cannot read the information in the biochip."

Tang Yu saw that she had not yet realized the seriousness of the situation, so he had to explain: "The research and development of the Relic biochip has actually been successful, but the activation of the chip is not an active act, but a passive acceptance of chip data transmission coverage. If you want to truly activate the Relic biochip , there must be a prerequisite.”

V and Rogge looked solemnly and looked at Tang Yu seriously, waiting for the next answer.

There was a pause.

Tang Yu said solemnly: "Chip activation requires the right person to die in the right way at the right time. After that, the chip will activate the biological transmission function and deeply integrate and grow with the brain's synapses."

"In other words, it's the transition from one brain to another, which can be understood as soul overlay."

"Until the soul covering is completely completed, the two consciousnesses will coexist in one body."

After listening to Tang Yu's explanation, Rogge was completely silent.

What made it even more difficult for her was that Tang Yu told her that when the brain was connected to the relic biochip, the process had already begun.

If you have not tried to link, read, or activate the chip in the short term, and take it out in time, it will not have much impact.

Once the brain nerve is implanted and the connection is attempted, it means that the chip and the brain nerve begin to fuse. If you try to take it out after a long time, it will cause damage to the human brain and the chip that is difficult to assess and irreversible. This is why the relic biochip must be stored in In the safe, not in the owner's head.

The key to the problem with the relic chip now is that even if communion occurs and the person does not accept the right death at the right time, it is still difficult to activate the soul imprint in the chip. What awaits the original host is just an empty dream.

There will be another chapter later.

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