Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 239 Going around the bar

David looked a little anxious and stood alone at the elevator, waiting for Tang Yu to come back.

He knew that when Tang Yu went to meet members of the Arasaka family, what happened next was beyond his level's ability to intervene.

Even though he was sitting in the position of deputy minister today, David could still clearly feel the gap between him and Tang Yu.

Just because Tang Yu put aside his high-level position to confront Arasaka, this courage cannot be surpassed by others.

After a while, there was a transmission sound in the elevator shaft, and the elevator slowly descended and reached his floor.

David hurriedly greeted him, and when he saw Tang Yu coming back safe and sound, he felt more at ease: "Mr. Tang, are you done talking? I'll take you back."

Tang Yu nodded slightly: "It went quite smoothly."

David found that Tang Yu's job information was still suspended and there was no change. He couldn't guess whether Tang Yu meant that everything went well when he came back safely or stayed at Arasaka.


He received a notice from the superior command that the special service team could withdraw and return to Arasaka Tower.

This means that the Kujira aircraft carrier will return to Kyoto, ending its mission in Night City, and the two Arasaka family members will also leave together.

David stopped lingering and took Tang Yu to drive the tram back to the amphibious armored vehicle. After exiting the aircraft carrier cabin, he drove towards the coast and returned to the forward position checkpoint.

David escorted Tang Yu to the special car, hesitated for a moment, and asked him just a second before he sat in the car: "Mr. Tang, let me take you back. I just happened to collect the team and go back to the city."

Tang Yu nodded, closed the car door and turned on the automatic return mode, signaling him to hurry up and gather the team.

David immediately ordered the equipment to be loaded onto the truck and the personnel to collect the team, and everyone returned immediately.

After the evacuation of the checkpoint was completed, David invited Tang Yu to sit in the driving seat of his special car, a tall and powerful armored off-road vehicle.

David held the steering wheel and looked at Tang Yu, who was in the passenger seat: "Mr. Tang, I have no problem here."

"Let's go." Tang Yu said calmly.

The convoy was driving on the wasteland, surrounded by vastness.

David braced himself and drove the vehicle very carefully to avoid any accidents.

"Are you still used to working in Arasaka?" Tang Yu's question broke the silence in the carriage.

David smiled shyly: "Ha, it seems okay."

The sunlight illuminated his smile through the car window, which reminded Tang Yu of the first time he met David, when he was just a depressed and sensitive teenager.

Self-esteem, stubbornness, powerlessness, kindness, etc. were all distinctive marks on him.

"It's good if you can get used to it." Tang Yu withdrew his gaze and turned on the radio station.

"Ta wa ta wa ta wa ta wa ta wa ta ta ta ta."

"I was a teenage outlaw, With no worries on my mind"

“And now I’m getting older, My heart is growing colder oh that’s fine”

Hearing the music coming from the radio, David asked curiously: "Does Mr. Tang usually listen to music?"

Tang Yu nodded: "You can listen. Without music, the world would be very boring."

David thought that he didn't seem to have that much need for music. When he was a student, he mostly experienced Mewtwo to relieve the depression in his heart.

"Then will you choose to enter the music entertainment industry in the future?" He changed the topic and asked the topic in his heart in a roundabout way.

He is more concerned about Tang Yu's fate than music.

Arasaka's attitude has softened, and he believes that as long as Tang Yu agrees to stay, he will definitely be reinstated and return to the company.

Tang Yu smiled: "You have reminded me that you can earn more as a singer than working for a company, so you can consider it."

David was obviously stunned for a moment, sighed helplessly and said, "Okay, I do make more than in the company."

It was getting late, and the convoy arrived in Night City.

David asked Tang Yu where he wanted to go and prepared to send him to his destination.

"Just send me to Watson North Long Beach North Apartment. I'll go find someone there." Before David could speak, Tang Yu directly told him where he was going.

David ordered the convoy to return to Arasaka Tower, and he turned the steering wheel and headed towards Watson District.

In the apartment, Rebecca was watching TV programs with a bag of snacks in her arms, and she sank into the soft sofa.

She was wearing a hot suit and shorts, with her two fat legs crossed together and raised high. She held a green-shell shotgun in her arms. From time to time, she stuffed a handful of snacks into her mouth with her little hands, and chewed them mechanically with her cheeks puffed out.

There were a bunch of opened snack bags scattered on the table next to it, as well as two unfinished bottles of Stupid Monkey.

The program changed one after another, and each channel could not be watched for a few seconds. Until she heard the buzzing sound coming from the workroom, Rebecca frowned more and more, and finally she was like a volcano erupting. As if shouting.

"Brother! Did you know that the noise can disturb people to death? Are you finished?!"

After a while, Pila sat on the sliding stool and exited the room, teasing: "That's because you are upset. My workroom has been installed with several layers of thick soundproofing. It is impossible to disturb you. I didn't see that there are always people upstairs and downstairs." I never came to the door.”

Rebecca said angrily: "Fart! I scolded them back. Wouldn't it be better for you to make less noise and let me live a few more years?"

The two brothers and sisters were cursing when the bell suddenly rang at the door.

Pyrrha shrunk her head, and floated into the room again while sitting on the sliding stool: "Thank you! I'm really busy! The prosthetic arm I prepared for Mann specially stabilized the ring structure and added an adsorption function. , guaranteed to allow him to experience the takeoff of his life.”

Hearing Mann's name, Rebecca sighed helplessly. She knew that her brother was hiding in the workshop all day long, just wanting to build a more useful cyber prosthesis for Mann, but she still couldn't help but complain.

"Stop decorating those fancy things, what's the use?"

Pyrrha shouted back, "You don't understand men."

After saying that, the door of the workroom closed again.

"Hey, I don't understand men, and you stinky men have nothing to understand." After Rebecca finished speaking, she put down the snacks in her hands, got up and opened the door.

She scratched her head with green shells and complained as she walked: "Stop looking, stop looking. It will stop in two days. I have explained it so many times, don't you bother me."

Bang, the door opened.

Um? !

The remaining half of Rebecca's complaint was stuck in her mouth, and she didn't say it for a long time.

Maybe she suspected that she stayed up late watching TV and her eyes were dazzled by it. She stretched out her hand to rub it and took a closer look again.

It's Tang Yu, right!

"What, I'm going to call you out to play, aren't you welcome?" Tang Yu joked with a smile.

Rebecca gradually suppressed her surprised gaze, then smiled helplessly and said: "Hey, it's you, since you're going out to play."


She pounced and hung directly on Tang Yu, shouting loudly: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!!!"

Rebecca's long howl made her want to shout out the voice she had been holding in for several lifetimes.

Pila, who was in the workroom, heard the movement outside and asked repeatedly: "Who is coming?"

Just as he was about to open the door and come out, a tube of shrapnel was fired at him.


Rebecca hung on Tang Yu, turned around, raised her hand and fired.

"none of your business!"


The two of them strolled through the deserted streets, their figures elongated by the dim street lights.

Rebecca lay tightly behind Tang Yu, her hands hanging on his shoulders and neck, circling tightly.

"From the company, this is the gun you gave me. I modified it into a green shell and named it Iron Gall. What do you think?"

Tang Yu tried his best to sincerely praise: "The change is good, it looks great!"

Rebecca smiled angrily and said: "Ha, you are really bad at coaxing people. Even a three-year-old child can hear your perfunctoryness."

After walking for a while, Tang Yu said helplessly: "You are not a child, so you are not afraid of being laughed at if you carry it on your back."

Rebecca glanced around decisively, the shotgun in her hand ready to go: "Where is there someone, where?"

After scanning around cautiously, Rebecca said with some complaint: "You are so difficult to make an appointment with, so you finally come to my house to play with me."

Tang Yu could only comfort him: "There will be many opportunities in the future. I was busy with work before."

Rebecca was suddenly startled, and murmured in a low voice: "From the company, are you really not staying in Arasaka? But you..."

"I won't wait any longer. It's good to be free now." Tang Yu said easily.

But this relief was as heavy as a thousand pounds of stone in Rebecca's heart. She knew how important the company's senior status was to Tang Yu. Now she just gave up. How could it be that simple?

If you voluntarily give up your status as a senior executive in a company and become a cyberpunk with a present and no future, you may not be able to find another one in Night City.

"Don't you feel sad and regret it?" Rebecca asked weakly.

"Regret? What do you regret? The path you choose is yours."

Hearing Tang Yu's answer, Rebecca suddenly thought of the word 'man'. At this moment, she felt that this was a real man.

"Then I'll call you my company. Maybe you'll open your own company in the future?"

Rebecca seemed to have thought of something and asked curiously: "My brother said that I don't understand men, so do you know where to go to understand men better?"

"In the Afterlife Bar, there are men from all walks of life."

"It's boring. They are all guys who smell like copper. I don't like them."

"Lizzy Bar, there are a lot of men there."

"It's even more disgusting. I hate people like my brother the most!"

Tang Yu tentatively gave a few examples and found that none of them suited Rebecca's thoughts. Presumably, places like Twisted Street would not be able to catch her eye.

He thought deeply for a while and smiled: "Do you know that the big bird is turning around?"

Rebecca was stunned for a moment, as if she had heard a little bit about it, and said confusedly: "It's known as a man's paradise."

Tang Yu couldn't help but smile. Back then, he and Johnny had a commission to visit bars, which was an eye-opener.

Big Bird is a leisure place exclusively for men, allowing men under the high pressure of the neon city to comfort each other's tired and lonely souls.

In less than half an hour, the two arrived at the base of Delamain's headquarters and looked at the Zhuanzhuan bar across the street, which was full of lights and feasting.

Rebecca pointed to a light pattern and asked curiously: "What is that! It looks so fun."

"Child, don't ask questions if you don't understand. I'm not here to teach you this."

"Say it, just say it!"


"Banana? You're lying again, hehe, I know what that is!"

Tang Yu: "."

There’s another chapter coming later!

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