Chapter 2: The appearance of V, triggering the task

Lin Yue’s serious and cold voice directly startled V

She didn’t expect that the name of a wine actually needed to be named with life.

Jack naturally knew the rules and was not too surprised.

“And the one who dies must be wonderful, gorgeous, and magnificent.”

“Just like this Johnny Silver Hand.”

Lin Yue said and pushed the prepared wine in front of Jack.

Jack picked up his wine glass and took a big sip.

Both the agave inside and the chili pepper are unusually spicy.

Jack breathed a long sigh of relief and said cheerfully.

“It’s so cool, I want to get myself a set.”

V said with some skepticism.

“Dying for a wine name is not worth it.”

“Sooner or later, people have that day, right? So why not be a little fanciful? ”

As if persuading, Jack turned to V Amway.

“Then what do you think you are dying for, worth it?”

Lin Yue looked at V in front of him and asked with a soft laugh.

The Night City can become famous overnight or become a boops overnight.

Someone comes here for money, women, status and even survival.

There are many evil ones, and very few good ones, but those who come without thinking clearly will definitely not live for a few days.

V was a little hairy in his heart when he was seen by Lin Yue’s clear eyes

She didn’t know this good-looking bartender, but the other party seemed to know her.

“I don’t know, but why do you have to die?”

Lin Yue smiled, and his hand kept coming, and began to concoct the next glass of wine.

Add some raw wood alcohol to the agave, a few drops of turpentine, cool the ice cubes, shake well and pour into a wine glass.

He pushed his glass in front of V and said.

“This cup is my favorite, and its name is ‘Night City'”

“On behalf of the city, welcome to you.”

V was a little puzzled and a little flattered, and she picked up her glass and took a sip.

The spiciness of the spirit instantly exploded in the air, and after swallowing hard, a very mellow woody aroma appeared in the mouth.

“Thanks. Thanks”

With some difficulty, she thanked Lin Yue, and she actually began to like this glass of wine with endless aftertaste.

“Why is it called ‘Night City’?”

The question that almost everyone who drinks for the first time will ask, Lin Yue looked at Jack, and the meaning in his eyes was ‘Do you say or do I say?’ ’

Jack said with a knowing smile.

“Why it’s called this I don’t know, I just know that almost all the bosses who set up gangs like to drink like this.”

V was very helpless for this answer, and was thinking about continuing to drink the good-looking bartender Lin Yue to chat

Jack had already spoken.

“I said brother, we are waiting for someone, did you see Dexter?”

“Yes, it’s the middleman, Dexter.”

Lin Yue nodded and said.

“Box 3, but it looks like he’s meeting customers.”

“It should be your turn after you see you.”

Just as Lin Yue was speaking, Jack seemed to have received a call and began to talk to the system in his head.

After a while, he hung up the phone and turned to V and said.

“Dexter is finished talking, it’s time for us.”

“This single is done, enough for us to eat for ten years.”

“And if this is done, you V can really make a name for yourself in Night City.”

Jack excitedly talked to V, as if he had successfully completed the task.

When the two were about to stand up, Lin Yue stopped them.

“Jack, as a veteran, you better be careful, after all, you still have a new person with you.”

Lin Yue’s hand gently grabbed the other party, and an invisible electric current flowed down the place where the two touched and entered Jack’s body.

Then he turned to V and continued.

“Remember what you just said.” Why do you have to die? ’”

V nodded a little ignorantly, pondering what Lin Yue said in his heart.

“Manager Lin, I know your good intentions.”

“But this is another middleman’s list, and you can’t interfere.”

“Newcomers will always become old people, and if they don’t experience wind and rain, how can they see a rainbow?”

“Don’t worry, with me, you can rest assured of everything.”

Jack took V to box three in a fit of spirit, and the momentum of the FLAG really couldn’t be stopped.

After the two left the bar, Claire walked to Lin Yue’s side.

“Oh, store manager, I didn’t see it, you can actually provoke the girl.”

Lin Yue smiled and said without denying it.

“Why, jealous?”

“A little, but if you come seriously, I can’t stand it.”

Claire thought seriously and replied.

“Oh, why is that?”

“I’m afraid that you will dislike me, after all, you don’t even have a chip socket on your body, and my prosthetic body has been modified.”

Lin Yue shook his head with a smile and said.

“Don’t think so much, the boss has said, it’s best not to mix feelings at work.”

Sending Claire, Lin Yue began to recall the plot about V while working mechanically, and then made a follow-up plan to save the other party.


“Oh, Jack, and Tomorrow’s Heart V, welcome.”

Dexter’s three-hundred-pound body slumped on the sofa in the box, greeting the two warmly.

“Dexter, good evening, let’s get down to business.”

Jack was straight to the point, and he always did.

V, on the other hand, naturally sat down, as if he was still thinking about what Manager Lin Yue had just said.

“Let’s talk before we get down to business.”

“Are you two willing to be a nobody, live in peace for the rest of your life, and die in bed with a urinary catheter? Or even if you don’t live to be thirty, you still have to go down in history? ”

Jack was a little stunned, this conversation as if he had just experienced a similar discussion.

And V immediately understood in his heart at this time, so he spoke.

“It seems that this mission is already dangerous to the point of absolute death?”

Dexter was speechless for a moment, he had never seen a new person dare to talk to him like this.

“Let’s just live, since we are here, there is no possibility of instigating it.”

Jack looked at V, he naturally would not refuse this opportunity.

“Okay, okay.”

Dexter gave up the CPU and went straight to business.

“There’s a biochip, get it for me, it’s that simple.”

“I guess, it’s a company thing, right?”

V already understood the danger of this mission, and the most dangerous thing in Night City was naturally a behemoth company.

“Yes, Arasaka Company.”

“How, are you afraid?”

Dexter smoked his cigar and looked at the two in front of him.

Jack was a little nervous and did not speak, although he put fighting and killing on his lips every day, but he was not a firm person in his heart.

“You are not afraid, what are we afraid of?”

“It’s a big deal to die together.”

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