Cyberpunk underfire phobia sufferers

Chapter 200 204; This can’t be my wife

When Zhong Wenyu opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful face that he had never seen before.

Seeing this unfamiliar face, Zhong Wenyu's still somewhat confused mind suddenly became clear. He subconsciously reached into his arms and found that the pistol he never left his body was missing. However, it was not a big problem. Zhong Wenyu retrieved it from his system. Another pistol came out of the space.

Pointing the gun at the strange woman, Zhong Wenyu asked; "Who are you? Why are you in my room?"

It's just that what Zhong Wenyu said was weak. It was more of a joke with a friend than a warning.

The woman curled her lips. She was not surprised that Zhong Wenyu conjured a pistol out of thin air. Instead, she showed a smile that would make any normal man subconsciously smile. She raised the corners of her lips and leaned closer to Zhong Wenyu and said softly: "Little brother. , don’t be so violent, why don’t the two of us chat about life together?”

"I ask, who are you? Why are you here!" Zhong Wenyu had just woken up at this time, and his mind had not yet fully reacted. When he saw this strange woman, his first reaction was to find out her identity.

If it's an enemy, just shoot it. If it's not an enemy, don't bother yourself. You still want to sleep for a while.

"Little handsome boy, put down the gun first. The two of us are in bed..."


Before Zhong Wenyu could finish her words, he pulled the trigger of the pistol.

The beautiful woman only felt a breeze passing by her ears, and a bullet almost grazed her cheek and flew past, hitting the wall behind her, causing the wooden wall to fly into pieces.

"I ask, who are you? Why are you here? This is the last time." Zhong Wenyu has already made plans to kill this person. As long as she is fighting with him, Zhong Wenyu is confident that he will crush her directly. head.

Although Zhong Wenyu still looked lazy as if he hadn't woken up, the woman was sure that Zhong Wenyu was not joking with her, but that if she really continued to force Lai Lai, he might really shoot him down.

But what Zhong Wenyu didn't expect was that the woman quickly snatched Zhong Wenyu's pistol, grabbed Zhong Wenyu's collar with one hand, and then pressed him on the bed with all her strength.

What makes Zhong Wenyu find it incredible is that the woman's movements were so fast that he even reacted and was immediately disarmed by her.

Moreover, the woman's strength was also terrifying. When he was pressed on the bed by her, the feeling coming from that white and tender arm made Zhong Wenyu think that it was not a flawless arm like white jade, but a high-strength metal arm. , relying on one's own strength simply cannot shake the slightest bit.

However, the woman made no next move after pressing Zhong Wenyu down on the bed, and gently let go of the hand holding Zhong Wenyu's chest, and said seriously with curved eyebrows; "Little brother, how can you be so violent in the face of a beautiful girl?" No, I won’t be able to find a girlfriend.”

"Who are you? Are you sent by the Hand?" Zhong Wenyu asked the woman without continuing to resist.

But Zhong Wenyu's lack of movement now does not mean that he does not want to resist. He has already selected a resonance blade in the system space, and the attack route he will take out later has been calculated. With the power of the resonance blade, this woman The body's hardness should not be able to bear it, and we will take slices to study it when the time comes.

However, the woman did not answer Zhong Wenyu's question after saying that. She took a few steps back, stood five meters away from Zhong Wenyu, and looked at Zhong Wenyu with a smile.

Seeing that she had distanced herself from him, Zhong Wenyu felt inexplicably that as long as he fought with her, he would definitely be in bad luck.

But someone like Zhong Wenyu would give up because of this mysterious feeling? impossible! does not exist!

Zhong Wenyu clenched his palms into fists, and then a resonant blade glowing red suddenly appeared in Zhong Wenyu's hand.

"woke up?"

Just when the two of them were at war with each other (Zhong Wenyu thought to himself), the door was opened and Zhong Nan walked in.

Seeing the two people looking like they might fight at any time, he asked with some confusion, "Zhong Wenyu, don't you want to live anymore?"

Zhong Wenyu was still angry. Why did you suddenly let a strange woman you didn't know come into your room while you were still outside? He was almost killed by this woman.

After being nudged by Zhong Nan, Zhong Wenyu's temper exploded on the spot.

"Are you crazy? Why don't you explain to me what's going on with this woman? Why does she appear in my room? You..."

"He is Rem."

Zhong Nan interrupted Zhong Wenyu's roar with one sentence, leaving Zhong Wenyu with his mouth open and continuing to speak.

On the other hand, Rem looked at Zhong Wenyu with a smile, but Zhong Wenyu felt that Rem's curved eyes were full of danger.

"No, wife doesn't look like this!" Zhong Wenyu tried to struggle.

As soon as Zhong Wenyu finished speaking, he saw the skin on Rem's face fluctuate, and then his whole face turned into Rem's appearance, and the originally long black hair turned into long royal blue hair.

When Zhong Wenyu saw this scene, he swallowed subconsciously and thought to himself, "You are just kidding, something is going to happen."

"Brother, what did you want to do to me just now?" Before Zhong Wenyu could say anything, Rem put a dangerous smile on his face and went to the stiff Zhong Wenyu's ear, blowing into his ear and saying.

Feeling the strange sound coming from his ears, Zhong Wenyu shivered all over, and hurriedly retreated a few steps away. He made a defensive posture with the blade in his hand and shouted at Rem and Zhong Nan; "Impossible, how could Rem have such a thing?" I have thoroughly studied the abilities of nanorobots, and it is impossible for them to have the ability to change their appearance. You two must be fake!"

Zhong Nan rolled his eyes at Zhong Wenyu and left the room directly. Before walking out, he said to Rem, "I have something to do tonight, so don't beat him out of the door."

Rem smiled at Zhong Nan, and Zhong Nan gave Rem a 'you know' look and then left.

Only Rem with a dangerous smile on her face and Zhong Wenyu with a wary face were left in the room.

For a long time, neither of them made any move. Finally, Rem walked up to Zhong Wenyu and hugged him regardless of the red-glowing resonant blade in his hand.

To be honest, if another woman came towards him regardless of the blade in his hand, Zhong Wenyu would definitely not mind stabbing her to let her experience the dangers of society, but when that person came towards him with his wife's face Zhong Wenyu really couldn't do it.

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