Cyberpunk underfire phobia sufferers

Chapter 254 261; Internal strife (4K)

robbery? Then you should also find a way to kill us people after the attack? What's going on now that everyone's gone? Waiting for our support troops to arrive and escort us away?

Even if you plan to retreat, it will still be at least more than an hour before our reinforcements arrive. Isn't it a bit hasty to retreat now?

Hiss~ Why don’t you follow the script?

Although it feels very painful, after all, their first priority now is to safely escort the nanorobots and 'Dr. Zero' produced in the factory, so they can only bite the bullet now.

Although Sake's men did not find anything wrong after conducting a reconnaissance outside, Sake was still very cautious and asked his nano warriors to drive three off-road vehicles to clear the way thirty meters in front of the convoy, and then followed behind. More than a dozen trucks loaded with goods.

In any case, the nano-warriors on these three vehicles will attack first. Anyway, they have nano-robots in their bodies. Even if they are attacked, they will not die suddenly in a short time.

There are also many nano-warriors with guns standing on the roof of the convoy truck. As for the people from the Yaqi Squadron, they drive to guard both sides of the truck to protect the safety of the convoy at all times.

As for those conventional troops who had been supported from other places, they continued to stay in the factory and waited for response.

Although they don't understand what is going on on the other side, Shantong and Sake are not fools. There is only one way out of this factory. If the enemy had not given up on this mission, it is very likely that they would ambush them at the exit. .

Bringing these ordinary soldiers along will have no effect at all, except for increasing the number of casualties and more targets.

Rather than taking them with them, it is better to let them guard the nanobots they did not take away. If they are lucky, these remaining troops can even take away the remaining nanobots.

The factory door slowly opened, and three tall off-road vehicles covered in armor plates rushed out of the factory in a row with their engines roaring.

The rear wheels drove across the land, raising a cloud of smoke that obscured the silhouette of the convoy behind them.

Behind them was a long line of heavy-duty trucks that were much taller than off-road vehicles. Both sides of the heavy-duty trucks were guarded by the same off-road vehicles. There were also quite a few nano-warriors squatting above the containers of each truck, aiming their guns at the surroundings. forest.

Seeing the convoy appear, Zhong Wenyu asked on the communication screen: "Zhong Nan, the enemies have come out, how long will it take for you to be here?"

Zhong Nan's voice soon sounded; "It will take a while for me to be here, but if the mine explodes by then, I will not worry about hiding it and directly let go of the swallowing nanobot. It should be possible within five seconds after the battle breaks out. Control all the nano-warriors with our nano-robots implanted in their bodies."

Zhong Wenyu moved his fingers. Then he put his thumb on the trigger of the weapon and said; "Then I'll wait for your good news. Remember, those people controlled by us are marked on the full battle platform, so as not to accidentally injure them... Also, to the enemy There is no need to waste bullets on the nano-warriors. These nano-warriors cannot be killed in a short time, so it is better to kill more people from the regular troops first."

Zhong Nan pouted and said, "Even if you forget to put on pants, I can't forget these things."

Zhong Wenyu clicked his tongue and said with dissatisfaction, "Pay attention, we are talking on a public channel now, can't you save some face for me?"

At this time, Rem interjected and joked, "Brother, when the time comes, you will kill all these enemies without leaving any one for others. By then, won't you have all your dignity?"

The expressions of everyone who had been listening to the three big guys chatting on the communication channel with great interest changed, and they secretly thought; Not good! The leader wants to compete with himself for points!

They all calmly tightened the weapons in their hands, and some were even planning to rush forward and engage in hand-to-hand combat, so that Zhong Wenyu would not dare to shoot easily in consideration of the safety of himself and others.

Zhong Nan echoed; "Rem is right!"

Zhong Wenyu rolled his eyes and ignored these two girls.

The distance of a few hundred meters was reached in a short time with the vehicle running at full speed. The uneven ground did not have any impact on the convoy at all.

But the road always ends.

As the tires of the three off-road vehicles hit the mines that had been buried in advance...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The three explosions sounded almost at the same time. The bottom of the off-road vehicle, which was still running wildly, seemed to be equipped with a spring. It was directly lifted up by the air wave of the explosion and began to roll continuously in the air.

The vehicles also exploded due to the high temperature and flames exploded under the vehicles. Even the heavy armor plates failed to protect the fuel tanks of the vehicles. Two vehicles exploded a second time while they were in the air, causing them to rise to the sky slowly. The speed is a little faster.

After rolling in the air for four and a half weeks, the front of the car hit the ground hard like a kowtow. The body of the car proved its strength at this time. Except for the driver and the man who was burning violently, the car looked as if it was not injured. , the entire body structure has not changed at all.

If he ignored the flames burning in the cab, Zhong Wenyu even felt that the car could still run.

At the same time, the three mines, coupled with the shock wave and high temperature caused by the vehicle's explosion, also detonated the mines buried in the surrounding open space. After the three vehicles landed in different postures, they were baptized by the surrounding mine fragments.

The thick smoke and dust raised by the explosion directly blocked the sight and route of the large truck drivers behind them, forcing them to step on the brakes and slow down.

The nano-warriors standing on the trunk used the nano-robots in their bodies to forcibly stabilize their bodies, so that they were not thrown off by the sudden braking.

However, when the convoy barely stopped, and even before it came to a complete stop, a large number of nano-warriors who were still guarding the surroundings with guns suddenly froze. Their eyes were a little dazed at first, and then they were filled with excitement. Full of disbelief and horror.

They wanted to shout to remind their teammates that something was wrong with them, but they were even more horrified to find that they had lost the ability to speak. What they could do was look at their hands and raise the weapons, aiming at their former weapons. Comrades.

"Da da da……"

"Da da da……"

"Da da da……"

The motorcade, which had been quiet due to the sudden change, suddenly erupted into gunshots, catching everyone off guard.

A soldier from the Yaki Squadron withstood the inertia of the forward rush and hurriedly lowered his body to the ground, hiding his whole body under the co-pilot. Then he looked around and saw a nano warrior on the truck box in front of him. He was half-crouching, firing continuously at his lower right with the weapon in his hand.

The soldier saw that the nano-warrior's body was pierced by several bullets, and clusters of red blood were brought out by the bullets. However, he only raised his body slightly because of the inertia caused by the bullets penetrating his body, and then he Keep shooting like no one else.

The soldier couldn't help but sigh; "The combat effectiveness of these nano-warriors is really strong!"

Immediately, he seemed to be infected by the powerful fighting power of the nano warriors, and his whole body became high-spirited.

Although you are very strong, our Baqi team is the strongest unit in the entire footbath battle! We are special forces among special forces! bring it on! Let’s fight together!

The soldier's Chuuni soul also began to burn brightly.


The soldier paused for a moment, then looked down in disbelief at a wound the size of a water glass, which was constantly spurting out blood on his chest. The blood in his heart also slowly subsided with the blood flowing out of him.

He turned around in disbelief and saw that the nano-warrior who just ignored the 'enemy' bullets and fired wildly was now looking at him expressionlessly. The rifle in his hand was still pointing at him, and there was even a trace of silk in the muzzle. The green smoke that hadn't had time to dissipate was drifting in the wind, just like his consciousness was slowly disappearing.


After the second shot, the soldier completely lost consciousness.

Before losing consciousness, the soldier was still a little confused as to whether the nano-soldier had misfired...

This sudden change obviously shocked the two transport troops, but when they reacted and prepared to counterattack, they found that at least half of them had been killed by these crazy nano-warriors.

These crazy nano-warriors were like a sharp blade hidden behind their backs, giving them a fatal blow when they were completely unprepared.

Now their entire radio communication channel was filled with the sounds of gunshots and screams of pain.

Although the situation changed quickly, Shantong and Qingjiu were not ordinary people, and they quickly organized a counterattack.

Their counterattack was also somewhat successful.

After all, the energy of the nanorobots in the nanowarriors controlled by Zhong Nan cannot be replenished anymore. After being attacked, the nanorobots are needed to repair the body, which consumes even more energy.

Moreover, in order to facilitate the recovery of the nanorobots in these dead nanowarriors after the war, Zhong Nan did not directly use up all the energy in the bodies of these nanorobots at once, but retained a lot of energy for them to recover these nanorobots during the war. Be a little more relaxed.

This resulted in more than thirty nano-warriors being wiped out by Shantong and others in about five minutes.

The losses suffered by Shantong and others were not caused by these nano warriors who suddenly went crazy. During their confusion, Zhong Wenyu, Li Qiulin and others never stopped holding their guns, and they were also keeping an eye on Baqi. Squadron of normal humans fight.

After a battle, when Shantong and the others set up the portable bunker, only more than 70 people from the original 180-strong Baqi Squadron were dead.

On the contrary, the Nano Warrior Army originally numbered more than a hundred people, except for the thirty or so crazed Nano Warriors, and only lost three Nano Warriors, and these three lost Nano Warriors were still Yamata's soldiers. Heaped to death with firepower.

Zhong Wenyu and the others were unable to attack the troops behind them because of the smoke from the explosion. All these dead people were killed by the controlled nano-warriors.

This made Shantong, who had always been able to control his emotions very well, explode.

He asked his men to set up the bunker and then directly led the remaining people to find Sake.

At this time, the corpse of a nano-warrior who was killed after going crazy was placed in front of Sake. Several nano-warriors were using the nano-robots in their bodies to inspect it.

When the mountain boy saw Sake, without saying a word, he hit Sake hard on the back of the head with the butt of his gun.

This unexpected attack was not expected by Sake at all. He was knocked to the ground by the butt of the gun with great force, and a large wound was made on the back of his head.

But no blood flowed out, but countless silver liquids began to repair the wound where the skull could be seen.

Everyone was originally tense because of the battle just now, but now that Shantong is making such a fuss, the nerves that had just relaxed a little became tense again, and all the nano warriors aimed their weapons at Shantong's head. .

The soldiers brought by Shantong did not appear timid at all. The weapons in their hands were pointed at the nano warriors, and they all looked angry.

The mountain boy ignored the dozens of black muzzles pointing at him. After Qingjiu fell to the ground, he grabbed the barrel of his weapon and hit Qingjiu hard on the head like he was playing golf.

Then Shantong threw away the gun in his hand, pulled out his bloody dagger and put it on Qingjiu's neck. At the same time, he also straddled Qingjiu.

Shantong put his ferocious face in front of Sake, and their noses were almost touching. Shantong growled, "You better give me an explanation why your people did this." Suddenly hit our people? Otherwise I will insert this dagger into your brain."

Sake was also hit by the two sudden gun butts from Shantou, which made his head buzz. If it weren't for the nano-robots in his body, his body would have started to get cold by now.

Shaking his somewhat groggy head, Qingjiu said, "I don't know, two of my people died too."

At this time, Qingjiu was more confused. For the nano-warriors under his command, Qingjiu did not have deep feelings like Shantong. It could even be said that he had no feeling about the life and death of everyone present, so he just Some people don't understand why the nano warriors suddenly went crazy and started attacking their own people.

Qingjiu could also understand Shantong's angry behavior at this time, so he didn't care much about the two gun butts he received. Instead, he said, "Now is not the time for internal strife. You put the dagger away first."

"You're telling me you don't know? I've lost more than a hundred warriors, all because of you damn nano-warriors. Now you're telling me that this isn't the time for internal strife? What about those of me? Were all the dead brothers accidentally killed by your people?" Shantong was very excited now, his whole face turned red, and he was clutching the dagger tightly in his hand. The blade had now cut through Sake's skin. Now There is also a pool of nanobots at the wound location trying to repair the wound.

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