Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 102 - Bias Gerz

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Bias Gerz clenched his fists as his right eye twitched nervously after he spoke. Asil did not expect such a thing to happen, although he thought there was an issue between him and Baran regarding his grandchildren. According to the story told by Senior Bias, his grandson was a truly impressive man. After all, in this world where fathers sold their own children for money, it was a great sacrifice to give up your own freedom to protect your sister and become someone else's slave.

"That's the thing between us. I'm gathering information on my grandchildren right now. Even though I still haven't found out anything about my grandson, my granddaughter really went to my little brother's. I don't know how she lives there. But I'm sure she'll be safer than here. As soon as I know my grandson's condition and whereabouts, I will take action to save him. I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen!" After speaking seriously, Bias Gerz suddenly returned to his senses and asked Asil. "Anyway... Enough of the depressing chatter. What are you planning on doing? Do you have somewhere to go? If you need anything, I'll help you as much as I can."

"Senior Bias actually, I just came here to say goodbye to you. After I say goodbye to you, I intend to go to the Rezuba War School in the western part of the Crimson Lightning Empire."

The moment senior Gerz heard the word "Rezuba War school," his facial expression changed instantly and he asked without waiting. "Asil, are you going to Rezuba War School? I don't know if you've researched this before, but the western part of the Crimson Lightning Empire is famous for its war schools, and the most prestigious of these schools is the Rezuba War school! You have to be in the Nascent profound realm to get into the outermost part of it! You are in the fourth level of the elementary profound realm, so you can't get in there. I think you should do a good search and re-consider your destination."

Asil smiled after Bias Gerz's words and activated the profound energy in his body without saying anything. Since Sirius hid his energy, Asil's unnoticed energy was clearly felt when he had done that.

When Bias Gerz sensed the energy of the Nascent Profound realm circulating in Asil's body, his eyes widened as the eyes of a donkey, and his entire expression covered in intense disbelief. He knew that Asil had entered the first level of the elementary profound realm only three months ago. Only three months had passed since then. But now Asil's profound power, even though he doesn't want to believe it, is in the first level the nascent profound realm!

Bias Gerz stuttered after looking at the Asil for a while in disbelief: "As... Asil... You... You are in the Nascent Profound Realm? This... This... How can this be?"

Asil showed no great reaction as he expected him to be surprised and gave a closed response with a smile: "Senior Gerz, I can't say exactly how it happened but I've come across several lucky things. Ergo, I was able to enter the Nascent Profound Realm.

After Asil's explanation, Bias Gerz suddenly extended his hands and grabbed Asil's hand, asked excitedly: "Asil... How old are you?"

"I am sixteen years old," Asil replied in a short and normal manner, despite the sudden change in Bias Gerz's behavior.

Upon hearing his reply, Bias Gerz had intense happiness on his face and said: "Hahahaha... Thank you God!" he then spoke to Asil: "Asil, you are absolutely a genius, no matter what. Nascent Profound Realm at the age of sixteen... You certainly have the capacity to enter the Rezuba War School. I wouldn't normally ask you to do that. But if you want to go to that school, can you check on my granddaughter for me? I just told you my granddaughter went to my brother's side. My brother is an employee of the Rezuba War School. So my granddaughter must be at the Rezuba War school or somewhere near the school. When you get there, find my brother Zias Gerz. I'd be really happy if you could do that."

"Senior Gerz, of course, I can check if your granddaughter is okay. You needn't worry. When I get there, I'll be sure to help your brother and your granddaughter as much as I can." Asil approved with a nod. Even though he wanted to help Bias Gerz before, he didn't know how to do it. But now he had an opportunity. How could he refuse Senior Bias's offer?

After Asil approved with a nod, Bias Gerz stood up happily and spoke as he headed towards the door of the shed and walked out: "Asil, I'm going to hunt a rabbit. We should celebrate. You wait here, I'll be right back."

After speaking, Bias Gerz closed the door of the cabin without even waiting for Asil's answer and quickly walked away. Sirius, who had long been silent when he walked away, reminded Asil: "Child, you shouldn't trust people so much! I warned you that the abnormal increase in your profound power would certainly attract attention! And yet you showed this man your profound power as if nothing had happened. Did you ever think that he could betray you and give you information to the people in the city?"

Asil shook his head: "Master, Senior Bias is someone who can be trusted. I can see it in his eyes. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't have risked coming here in a situation like this anyway."

After Asil's speech, Sirius simply sighed and said nothing. Time progressed and nearly forty minutes passed since Bias Gerz left. He didn't expect it to last that long, as he said he would turn quickly as he left. As time went on, his worries grew naturally. Because the Black Dragon Forest is a mysterious and dangerous place, Asil thought something might have happened to Senior Bias.

But after a few more minutes, when he heard Sirius's cold warning in his worried mind, his anxiety was replaced by disbelief and doubt: "Child, twenty-four people are coming here, and fourteen of them are in the Nascent profound realm!"

Asil was genuinely surprised to hear this warning. Why were these people here? What were their intentions? Could Senior Bias have sold Asil? Is that why he has not been here for more than forty minutes?

Asil set aside the questions in his mind and waited inside the cabin. Maybe the people coming towards were just passing by. If it was, it should not have been a problem.

About a minute later, the group of twenty-four men arrived in the hundred-meter-wide area where the hut was, and then one of them looked towards the hut and shouted: "We know you're there! Come out quickly and surrender with ease! Otherwise, you will really get hurt, hahaha!"

When Asil heard these words, the possibility in his mind that Bias Gerz might have sold him was greatly increased. But at that moment he was angrier at himself for trusting Bias Gerz too much!

Asil knew he couldn't win no matter what he did against twenty-four people. There was only one thing to do about it. He had to run away and somehow get lost.

After taking a deep breath, he opened the cabin door and went out and looked at the line-up of the group of twenty-four. Because of their position, it was impossible for him to get to the exit of the Black Dragon Forest. The only place he could go was deep in the forest. When Asil understood this, he looked at the men in front of him. Then he sent all the profound energy into his legs and activated the Colorless Breath, the first level of the Breath of silence, and began to escape with all his might.

The bodyguards, stunned expression on their faces when they saw Asil fleeing suddenly, soon came to their senses and began to follow him, saying a few things Asil could not hear.

Within the group of twenty-four were those who were able to move faster than Asil when they used profound mobility ability. So as time went on, the distance between them dwindled. Besides, the weak profound monsters that occasionally appeared before Asil kept him busy, making it easier for the people behind him to approach. After a ten-minute run, the landscape in front of Asil suddenly changed, causing him to stop at once.

Asil's reason for stopping was that there was a cliff at least a hundred meters high in front of him. At the bottom of this cliff were pointed rocks and a violently flowing river. Asil stopped because he couldn't get any further from here, and the people who were chasing him in that stop were soon caught up.

He didn't have much of a choice right now. Either he was going to risk his life and jump off a cliff, or he was going to try to make an opening for himself and somehow escape!

Asil chose the latter out of two options and began to slowly move towards those who catched up with him. Several people within the group also spoke as he progressed.

"Hahaha... So you finally stopped running! Good... Come and surrender to daddy!"

"How can this child really be in the nascent profound realm? I could have sworn he wasn't even in the middle of the elementary profound realm just a month ago!"

"Apparently he has a precious treasure! When I thought he had such a treasure, I was really sure it wasn't all about looks. Unexpectedly, someone with such an appearance would have such a valuable treasure!"

"I wonder if the old ma..."


The last speaker's speech was abruptly interrupted by the angry "DIE" remark echoing from the back, and a white glow was seen next to his neck, before the speaker's head fell to the ground!

This sudden incident surprised and caused them to be alert. When the decapitated person fell to the ground with blood gushing into the sky, the person who killed him was clearly visible. When he saw this person, the Asil's progress was stopped because this man was unexpectedly Bias Gerz!

Bias Gerz attacked the person closest to him after killing one of the group of twenty-four, and in doing so shouted at Asil. "Asil! Hurry and run while I stall them!"

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