Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 104 - The Apple

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After a few hours... Inside the Kastor...

The rapid footsteps of three people walking side by side echoed calmly down the wide and long corridor. As they walked, they were taking their steps irregularly and there was a little fear on their faces as well. It was as if they didn't really want to go where they were going, but were forced to for some reason.

After a few minutes of walking, the three men finally stopped their steps and swallowed as they looked solemnly at the inscription "Baran's Paradise" written on the door in front of them. At this moment, all three were decisively hesitating, and none of them wanted to take the initiative to get in first.

After they had been motionless in hesitation for some time, one of them finally stepped forward, slightly outstretching his right hand, and gently knocking on the door before them. At that moment, a voice that was clearly filled with impatience came from behind the door: "So you're finally done. Come in quickly!"

After a sound from behind the door, the man who knocked slowly pushed his hands open the door, and all three of them, including him in front, quickly entered.

There were whips, pliers, sticks, irons, slave stamps, ropes, nails, and many other torture tools in it, and besides these tools, there were two people, one of whom was young. This young man was Baran, the owner of this room called 'Baran's Paradise'!

After the three men had entered, Baran dropped his barbed whip, which he was holding in his hand at that moment and used to torture the old man opposite, and turned towards the door. He looked briefly at the expression on the faces of the three men, and although he hardly believed in the possibility of failure, he asked: "What are these expressions? Don't tell me you've failed! Tell me what's going on quickly! Did you kill the old geezer?"

After Baran's speech, the man who took the initiative to enter immediately nodded his head vigorously: "Young Master Baran, you don't have to worry. Bias Gerz was successfully killed..." The man swallowed. He didn't know how to tell the rest of the story. A total of twenty-four people, fourteen of whom were profound practitioners in the Nascent Profound Realm, were assigned to this task. However, as a result of the mission, eight people were killed and two people were seriously injured. He would certainly be punished if he told about it. But even if he didn't tell, Baran would definitely find out about this incident in the future, and when that happened, his punishment would definitely not be simple. 


"Hmm... But what!" Baran raised his eyebrows slightly and looked seriously at the man who was talking. The fact that the guy didn't even tell him what was going on quickly already made him angry, and saying 'but' had really inflamed his anger even more.

"Young Master Baran, we went to his hut in the Black Dragon Forest to kill Bias Gerz as you ordered. However, when we got there, the person we encountered was not him, but the former slave Asil Mirza!"

"Ohh... So the loser Asil was there too! I hope you got him alive! I want to play with him until he screams!" When Baran heard the Asil's name, he remembered the time when he used to torture him. He had tortured the Asil, but no matter what he did, the Asil had not screamed. He really wanted to torture the Asil again and make him scream, as he did not encounter such an event most of the time. Therefore, strange feelings had arisen in his heart when he heard that the Asil was there.

The man who spoke swallowed and tried to carefully choose what he should say: "We were quite surprised when we encountered the former slave Asil Mirza. However, the reason for our surprise was not to see him. The reason for our surprise was that the former slave Asil used the power of the First Level Of The Nascent Profound Realm when he escaped!"

"What did you say!" When he heard the man's speech, Baran quickly moved forward and grabbed him by the throat and looked at him with angry eyes: "Do I look like someone who can be teased when viewed from there? Haven't you thought of any more lies to tell? Do you think that you will get away with punishment by saying such things as if it wasn't enough for you to miss even a piece of garbage like that?"

"Youn... Young Master Baran, it is not my place to lie to you. I'm really telling the truth. You can ask the others if you want. I know it sounds incredibly illogical, but Asil was definitely in the First Level Of The Nascent Profound Realm!" Although the man whose neck was held by Baran was much stronger than Baran, he could not help but looking at him with fearful eyes. After all, one of them was a serving person, and the other was the Young Lord of Kastor! The difference between the two was as clear as the difference between the earth and the heaven!

Baran looked at the other two men with eyes full of disbelief and anger, and when he saw their approval, he loosened his hand and slowly withdrew it. However, he still had difficulty believing. More precisely, he did not want to believe in such a thing. After all, it was so incredible that someone moved from the First Level Of The Elementary Profound Realm to the First Level Nascent Profound Realm within a three-month period that people couldn't even imagine!

"Tell me what's going on quickly!" Baran immediately ordered and waited for the three men to tell him about the events. When they were telling about event, Baran was quite surprised. A group of twenty-four people against two people lost eight, Asil's incredible power up, the death of Bias Gerz, the change in Asil after his death, and finally the fact that Asil's fell off a cliff... Each of them is quite amazing, and these were events that no matter who heard it would say it was just a big joke.

"Quickly inform the other men under my control! Let them find out where Asil's place is without revealing it to my father and other important people! Although even the thought is absurd, but the secret of his rapid development may be a hidden treasure of his family. I can not rule out this possibility." After Baran found out about the events, he gave orders one after another. When they heard his orders, all three men nodded their heads, and then one of them asked to be sure: "Young Master Baran, what do you want us to do when we find his family?"

When the man asked his question, Baran raised his head slightly and looked at him as if he were the most stupid person in the world, and spoke with a contemptuous tone: "What do I want you to do? Are you an idiot? Isn't this too obvious? If the secret of Asil's strengthening really concerns his family, you will try to find out about it. If you find out, after you get this secret, you'll kill them so no one else finds out! If this secret has nothing to do with them, you will kill them again to leave no evidence behind!  So, as you can see, in every way you will kill his entire family so that there will be no one left!  And tell some guys to search the bottom of the cliff.  If they can find some of Asil's pieces, even if it's unlikely, they should bring them. Maybe we can study them and find out something."

After Baran's speech, the three men nodded their heads and respectfully left Baran's Paradise. After they left, Baran stayed where he was for a little longer. Then, as a disgusting expression formed on his face, he returned to his former place and began to whip the man he had just whipped with greater enthusiasm.


A different place of the universe at the same time...

"Are you sure the Supreme Leader is there? If we give this news late, he will definitely kill us!"

"I'm sure the Supreme Leader is there. But considering his personality, he can still kill us even when we tell the news!"

While two people in robes were talking among themselves, they were moving forward at a speed that a normal person could not follow with his eyes. As they advanced, they passed one after another profound beasts with terrifying auras, but none of these beasts were blocking them, and instead, they respectfully greeted the two robed individuals with their bodies.

Where they were advancing was a gigantic mountain that pierced even the clouds. Around this mountain, there was a forest that was too large to be seen, with the sound of many different profound beasts coming from it. This forest had such a gloomy aura that even a normal person could feel it for a moment, causing him to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

The two robed men continued to move at high speed towards the top of the mountain and soon arrived at the area where there was a small lake around it. They stopped their steps when they came here and looked towards the black-haired man who was sitting on the big rock next to the small lake and eating an apple, with a mixture of fear and reverence. They could not see the expression of this man's face because it was facing the small lake, so they had no idea what the man would say when they came here.

One of the robed ones, who was on the right side, took a step forward and then spoke: "The Sup..."


Along with a sudden ear-piercing 'boom' sound that suddenly appeared, the words of the robed man who had just started his speech came to an end. But his speech was not the only thing that ended! And his life had ended with his speech!

The robed person next to him was not stupid enough to not understand what was happening, although he could not see what was happening with his eyes. The head of the person who was trying to speak suddenly exploded and his headless body fell to the ground while dirty blood was scattered around. The robed survivor knew something like this could happen. But he still thought that the man in front of them would at least listen to them before doing anything. But now he had learned terribly that this was nothing more than a simple dream. He did not dare to speak, and with frightened eyes, he looked at the man who kept eating his apple as if nothing had happened.

After taking a few more bites of apple, he spoke in a calm tone without even turning his head: "Brat, I hope you have a good reason to come here otherwise you'll end up like a brat who prevents me from hearing the sound of the apple I'm eating because he's talking!" The man had spoken quite calmly. But as he spoke, the robed man felt as if he were carrying the heaviest mountain in the world on his shoulder. He was in a state where he didn't even know what to do right now. Should he or should he not have spoken? If he spoke, would he die like his friend, who died only because he could not hear the sound that a simple apple creates when bitten?

The robed man focused on the sounds around him, strengthening all his senses. He was so scared right now that he didn't even want to block out the sound of an ant walking. After making sure that there was nothing around that could make a sound, he quickly got down on one knee, bowed his head and spoke while trying to suppress the trembling of his body as best he could: "Supreme Leader... The reason I came here is to inform you that the Sacred Aurora appears in various parts of the universe and that the reason for this is the low level layer. Because of the order, you gave many years ago, the Clan Leader ordered us to notify you directly without investigating this incident, the cause of which occurred in the low-level layer."

"Hmph... So it's finally time. I understand..." After speaking mysteriously for a short while, the man paused and then calmly continued: "Brat, you did well by reporting this to me." The robed one trembled with excitement when he heard man's words. The highest status and position in the region they were in belonged to the man opposite. Although he was not the leader of their clan, he had a much stronger influence than the clan leaders. If such a person praised himself, albeit insignificantly, his position in the clan would certainly rise greatly. However, these thoughts of the robe were completely destroyed by the sudden pressure he felt in his head at the end of the man's speech: "But because of you, I will finish the apple late!"


Just like the other robed man, this man's head suddenly exploded and black haired man continued to eat his apple as if nothing had happened again.

Having finished his apple, he slowly got up and, slightly raising his head, looked up at the sky: "Wait a little longer, I'll come to you soon!"

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