Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 111 - Asil Versus Icnamro

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Asil quickly swung his left hand to strike her in the face. On the other hand, Icnamro swung her left arm with her muscles inflated, into Asil's neck in a whipping motion.

Between the two who were equal in profound strength, Icnamro was clearly superior in bodily strength. Therefore, if they both hit their targets with their attacks at the same time, she would most likely be the one who would do more damage. But the side that was superior in speed was definitely Asil! That's why he bent slightly and after dodging Icnamro's whipping attack, he lowered the fist he'd normally want to throw in the face and hit Icnamro in the stomach. Then, without stopping, he instantly raised his fist and slammed it under her jaw, causing her feet to lift a few inches off the ground.

When Icnamro rose a few inches from the air, her vision was blurred for a moment due to the blow he received to the jaw. Although the jaw seemed to be a durable place, it was one of the weakest and the most dangerous places to get hit during a fight. A blow to the jaw could have the effect of causing someone to lose their balance completely, faint, and perhaps even die if caught off guard. No matter how strong someone's body was, other areas were naturally present, such as the jaw, which was quite weak compared to other places. Asil had learned about the weak areas in the human body from Sirius, so he attacked the jaw, which was the first of these areas, without holding himself back at the moment.

While Icnamro's vision was still blurred, Asil swiftly took a step back and with his left fist, which he strengthened with profound energy, he very quickly threw two punches in a row in Icnamro's face. The target of these punches was another weak area of the body, the eyes!

While Asil's current attacks didn't have much of an effect on Icnamro in terms of the power they contained, the places they damaged completely destroyed her defenses. No matter how strong her body was, it was completely impossible for her to defend himself by holding himself against such attacks only with the power of the Nascent Profound Realm. But, unfortunately, she realized this too late!

Icnamro staggered backward after two quick blows to the eyes and fell to the ground on her back as her body was still under the impact of the blow to her jaw.

As she fell to the ground, Asil pulled his left arm back, he suddenly jumped into the air and rose several meters. He then attacked Icnamro with his profound strength, just like a meteor falling from the sky breaking through the air and descending to earth! 

Asil's target this time was the groin, the third weak area of the body. Her groin was completely defenseless, as she was lying on the floor on his back and her vision still hadn't improved Asil was sure that with this blow, she would completely regret that she had underestimated him.

Asil's fist was only twenty centimeters away from Icnamro's groin, her vision was restored and she realized the situation she was in very quickly thanks to her high combat experience. In her current state, if she only used her left hand, she would definitely be defeated, and the only reason for that would be that she underestimated Asil. Under normal circumstances, she would not use her right hand, even if she was being defeated. However, the desire to fight that was scorching every part of her body at the moment had caused this situation to completely change.

Icnamro transferred profound energy to her right hand, which was tied to her back, and, placing her hand firmly on the ground, she suddenly turned herself one hundred and eighty degrees in a horizontal state. Then she swung her left fist into Asil's face.



With the simultaneous whump and bang sounds, Noble and Icnamro's attacks slammed into their opponents. As Icnamro turned herself around with the help of her right hand, Asil's fist landed on her stomach, not her groin. However, his fist was much stronger than before, due to the momentum he gained as he descends from a height. And as soon as the attack made contact with Icnamro, the impact caused cracks to form in the ground under her back.

On the other side, Icnamro's fist also hit Asil, who was still in the air, causing him to fly a few meters with a dozen somersaults and eventually crashing into a tree and stopping.

After the exchange of blows between the two, Icnamro was the first to recover. She slightly straightened up and said, looking towards Asil with a satisfied smile as blood dripped from the corners of her lips: "Hahaha… Very nice! It's really nice! The feeling of fighting is really good! Asil, I really need to congratulate you. I never expected something like this to happen. But you really made me use my right hand! But unfortunately, I will not extend this war by belittling you any longer! Now that you've made me use both my hands, we can put an end to this now!"

After Icnamro's words, Asil stood up with the support of the tree he had hit, and after lightly touching his left cheek, he looked at Icnamro with a smile: "I'm sorry but you still don't realize the situation you're in and even now you're underestimating me! Has arrogance blinded you that much? I admit that I underestimated you at first, but after your first blow, I completely gave up on it. But you still have difficulty seeing the truth because you underestimated me! But don't worry, I'll give a clue for you!" Asil raised his right hand slightly and continued to speak, "You've only just used your right hand since we started fighting, haven't you? What about me? How many times have I used my right hand? Have you ever paid attention to this?" Asil became silent for a short time and looked at Icnamro's expression. "Now you understand, don't you, forest girl? You haven't even made me use my right hand until now! So realize that if you keep holding back any longer, you're only going to humiliate yourself!"

After speaking, Asil lowered his right hand and stood where he was, smiling slightly. If he had taken the blow he had just taken with his feet on the ground, it wouldn't have been much of a problem. However, he was severely dizzy from taking it while in the air and was even having trouble seeing Icnamro across from him. However, he had no intention of revealing this to his opponent. Therefore, by acting like this, he would make his opponent feel that she was not actually superior, and he would have a chance to fight such an opponent seriously. After all, such a fight was not something that any person could achieve at any time.

Asil had several reasons for provoking Icnamro to get her to fight seriously. But among them, the one that occupied the greatest place in his mind was the advice that Sirius had given him earlier. After a fight while he was staying in Kastor, Sirius first asked him the following question:

"Brat, what do you think is the most valuable thing in this world?"

When he first heard this question, he answered without thinking much: "Master, I think the most valuable thing in life is 'love'. Maybe some can answer this question with 'power'. After all, a strong person can achieve many things by force. But no matter how strong you are, you may not be able to get love. In the same way, even though you are weak, you can have great love. But you need to protect and nurture this love. You have to strive for it. That's why I think the most valuable thing is love."

Sirius didn't react at all to Asil's answer back then. He had expected Asil to react like this. Because his student was still very naive at that time and did not know what the world was really like. After Asil's answer, he took a deep breath and had a long conversation with his student, which he would never forget a single word of in the future.

"Brat, what you call love is precious. But if you are strong enough, you can get love even by force. This sometimes happens by using absolute fear, sometimes by washing memory, sometimes by other methods. But no matter what method you use, you will get love. Maybe this may not come to you as love, maybe you think that you will never be happy with such love. But if you really love the person whose love you have gained through such methods, none of these thoughts will matter and you will forget all of them in time. In other words, power is much more valuable in this world than love. But the most valuable thing is not strength, but an experience!"

"Experience?" Asil was taken aback by his master's answer and therefore interrupted him. He did not believe that love could be earned like this and thought that the most valuable thing for his master was power. However, he said it was experience instead.

"Exactly so! Brat, every person can become stronger no matter more or less. For example, think of someone who has gained strength by meditating in a closed place for decades. Such a person's purity of profound energy and his control over it reach an extremely high level. So this person becomes stronger. On the other hand, consider someone who has been in wars for several years and has constantly fought and strengthened himself. In terms of time, the meditator has been working for decades, while the combatant has only gotten stronger by fighting for a few years. If these two people initially had the same profound strength, when one of them finished their war and the other finished their meditation if they meet and fight, who do you think will win?"


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