Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 114 - The Whole Picture (2)

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Asil scowled slightly, as if he were weary. "How many times do I have to tell you I'm not involved in prophecy? While there are even people in the Core Profound Realm in your tribe, how can only someone from the First Level of the Nascent Profound Realm protect you from a coming danger? I think you need to be a little reasonable."

Icnamro turned around and slowly advanced to the side of the tribe members. "Asil, your problem is that you try to think too logically. You have to accept some things as they are. But I don't blame you for that.  It's probably because you're from the city."

Asil did not answer and went after Icnamro to the side of the tribe members. In the evening, there would be a feast arranged for him, or rather for the child mentioned in the prophecy, and he had to attend this meal.

As the cheerful tribesmen continued to make their preparations, Asil assisted them, and as time passed, the sun slowly hid itself and let the bright moon rest in the sky.

While the prepared tables were filled with delicious food and drinks, the sounds of music echoed everywhere. Asil, who was sitting at the biggest and most magnificent table, was the focus of everyone, especially the girls of the tribe.

"Haha, son, tell me, who won this time? Did you win? Or did my nephew win?" A brown-haired middle-aged man looked at Asil and asked with a laugh.

Asil had known many people during his time here, and one of the most important of his acquaintances was the person who was asking him questions right now. He was the eldest son of the former tribal leader, and everyone in the tribe trusted his honest personality. If someone else had been in his place, he might have been outraged that his younger brother was the tribal leader instead of himself, but he didn't do it, even loved his brother and nephew the way he loved his own family. It was also this man who secretly brought more of the tribe's special fluid to strengthen Asil during his time here, and helped him fight better by giving Asil advice on his battles with Icnamro.

Asil replied with a smile: "Senior Gninekawa, your nephew Icnamro is really a great warrior. It's an honor to even get a chance to fight her. Although I won this time, the reason for this was largely luck. I'm sure Icnamro will win the other fight."

Gninekawa laughed and shook his head: "Haha, Asil, you don't need to be humble. Everyone here knows about your power."

After talking with Asil, Gninekawa called one of the people who served with his hand, and after pouring the drink he took from him into the glasses of the people at the table where he was sitting one by one, he happily spoke again: "Dear brothers, this is my favorite drink. Let's raise our glasses to the prophesied child Asil and our tribe."

After speaking, Gninekawa raised his glass. After this act of his, the people at the table also raised their glasses and drank Gninekawa's favorite drink.

As people were deep in conversation, Asil's facial expression changed for a moment. This immediately caught the tribal leader Lewir's attention, causing him to ask inquisitively: "Son, what happened? Or is the drink too heavy for you? Hahaha..."

Asil's eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze harden: "Senior Lewir, don't react too conspicuously, but…"


Before Asil could even finish speaking, the roaring sound echoed on the ground, causing all the people to suddenly change their facial expressions and jump up from their seats.


A few seconds later, a second roar echoed around. But this roar seemed to come closer than the previous one. It was as if the owner of this roar was approaching the place where the tribe was.

"This is a Core Profound Beast!" Tribe Leader Lewir grimaced. After seeing the panic that appeared on the faces of some of the people around him, he said: "For a Profound Beast to approach here, we need to harm it or its family. It seems that the Profound Beast that was approaching here is the mother of the owner of the meat we are currently eating, and that's why we angered it. But you need not panic." Lewir looked at the people at the table where he was sitting. "Everyone of the Core Profound Realm and those at the last levels of the Nascent Profound Realm will come with me to meet the Profound Beast! There are too many people here that could be harmed. You can kill it if you have to!" Lewir suddenly turned to his older brother Gninekawa. "Brother, you stay here to calm people down and protect those here. I trust you."

Gninekawa immediately nodded and drew his sword and turned determinedly towards the place of the voice. After that move, Lewir looked at him for a few seconds with satisfaction, then moved towards the direction of the roaring with the people he had taken with him.

When they left, Gninekawa tried to calm people down. Of course, he was not the only one who did this. Icnamro and a few others were calmed down others, especially young children. While they were doing this, Asil was looking around and examining people one by one with his eyes. Even if he wanted to be wrong, he was sure that he was right. When he thought about the sudden roar and the thing he had felt before, he was sure that something was not right. However, since he couldn't find a chance to warn the tribal leader Lewir, he had to solve the case and tell everyone's trusted Gninekawa or Icnamro what was on his mind.


He paused with the growling sound. Like everyone else, he suddenly looked where the sound came from and looked at the five Profound Beasts that emerged from the forest area.

As soon as Gninekawa saw them, he rushed in front of the people and called out: "Do not be afraid, I will protect you! These monsters are in the Nascent Profound Realm, so only those who are confident can fight next to me!"

After his call, the weak ones retreated, taking the small children, while the confident ones stepped forward and came near Gninekawa. Asil also knew that he had to fight in this situation, so he started walking slowly. He still couldn't see the whole picture. Something was missing. But what was the missing piece? He needed to find that. Otherwise, a voice inside him was telling that bad things would happen.

"Uncle, I'm going to attack the one in the middle. You attack on the right side!" After calling out to her uncle, Icnamro turned to her left side and looked at her friends with whom she was always hunting with  and spoke: ''Let's go boys! Let's show these wolves who is the boss!"

After Icnamro had spoken, she took out her own weapon, a large black mace and stepped forward but after taking her first step, her steps slowed down with a sudden tearing sound. After staggering a few steps, she got down on one knee and slowly looked behind her. When she looked behind her, she saw the man waving his long, pointed sword slightly soaked with blood in his hand and looking at her with a smile. At that moment she asked with a disbelieving expression: Uncle Gninekawa, why!

When Icnamro took the first step, she realized that she couldn't direct her profound energy and realized that something was wrong. But at that moment, the cold sword filled with profound energy that entered her back did not leave her time to say anything. After the blow she received, she looked at the person who made the attack. she was shocked when she saw that the person who carried out this treacherous attack was her uncle Gninekawa, whom everyone trusts, including her father, and disbelief covered her entire body.

Gninekawa smiled faintly, and as if he had never heard his nephew's question, she walked towards the five wolves. Then he gently stroked the wolf's head, which was located in the middle and was relatively larger.

Following his movement, the wolf slightly bowed his head. Like an animal encountering its long-separated mother, it moved closer to Gninekawa and rubbed its head against his body. The other wolves came to Gninekawa just like the big wolf.

While Icnamro was looking at what had happened with a shocked expression, Asil had finally found the missing piece in the picture. The traitor he wanted to warn Tribe Leader Lewir about was actually Gninekawa, whom everyone knew to be honest!

Gninekawa laughed, ignoring both his nephew's shocked gaze and the children's frightened expressions. He looked at those who would normally have to fight these five wolves and ordered: "Catch them all and gather them in one place! If anyone wants to escape, kill them without mercy! The moment we've been waiting for years has finally arrived, my brothers!"


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