Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 116 - Plan And Purpose (2)

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Although Gninekawa had been quite nice to Asil in the last few days, it was actually nothing but a lie. To think that someone like Asil, who was only in the First Level of the Nascent Profound Realm, could be the prophesied person, was completely against the rules of logic for him. After all, how could only a newcomer to the Nascent Profound Realm be able to prevent a disaster that befell this tribe that even had people from the Core Profound Realm?

With this kick, Gninekawa relieved his anger, which he had been building up for the last few days, and he kicked Icnamro in the same way, sending her flying a few meters towards the place where Asil had fallen. A little more relaxed after that, Gninekawa looked at his men around him. "A few of you come with me, and others will look at the people here and make sure they don't act stupid! If anyone makes a wrong move or struggles to resist, kill them regardless of who they are without mercy!"

After Gninekawa spoke, he started to move towards the place where the treasure was hidden, with a few people he took with him. His remaining subordinates were also watching carefully to make sure that the crowd they had gathered did not make a wrong move. Even though they were far from the gathered group, they did not pay attention to Asil and Icnamro, who were poisoned, as Gninekawa had told them about the power of the poison he was going to use earlier. After all, they didn't need to pay attention to the two people who were going to die from the effects of the poison very soon...

After making sure that no one was paying attention to his side, Asil looked slowly and carefully at Icnamro, who was a little further away. Even though he had felt pain in his stomach from Gninekawa's previous blow, the damage he took was negligible as Gninekawa held back when he was kicking this kick as he thought that Asil was going to die anyway and that Asil was actually able to defend profound energy. But on the other hand, Icnamro's condition was more serious than Asil's. After all, she was unable to use her profound energy due to the poison. Therefore, she could not defend herself with her profound energy.

Asil looked at Icnamro and saw that her face had turned white, and he realized that if he did not neutralize the poison immediately, her life would indeed be in danger. Normally, trying to cure a poison without an antidote was a time consuming task. And in the situation he was in, Asil had no time at all. But fortunately, thanks to the Eight Colored Lily of Solitude in his soul, the things he learned about plants were enormous, and among this information was something that could neutralize the sap of the Rihez plant! Its antidote was a drop of blood, perhaps the most common thing in the world! A few drops of healthy human blood, which the poisoned person would swallow, could completely destroy this poison. Knowing this, Asil carefully approached Icnamro and gently put his index finger, which had been cut slightly, into her mouth, allowing his blood to be sucked by her.

After Asil let a few drops of his blood be sucked, the blood oozing from the wound on his finger coagulated. When this happened, Asil slowly withdrew his hand and waited for her to recover. After a few minutes, Icnamro, who came to her senses completely, realized that he was getting better and started to move. But before she could do that, she was stopped by Asil just in time. "Icnamro, don't make a stupid move! We are now in a very disadvantaged position numerically. If we both work together, we can beat those here. But if there is one among them who is heartless enough to use the children they have taken hostage, then we are in for a fight we cannot win for nothing! What we have to do now is to stop your uncle Gninekawa! If the place your uncle went to is really an ancient tomb, then apart from the secret chambers, there must be other ways to get there. Considering you're the tribal leader's daughter, I can assume you know these things. If you really know these ways, tell me right away and I will try to prevent your uncle on my own..."

Asil's speech was interrupted by Icnamro's intervention: "I know another way to get there. However, unless you're at least at the peak of the Core Profound Realm, it's impossible for you to reach the tomb using that path filled with venomous snakes! I don't know how you neutralized the poison in my body, but I owe you my life for it. That's why I wouldn't do anything to send you to your death on purpose! So let's ignore the death guarantee road and go after my uncle together and stop him! Even if we can't do that, let's buy time until my father and the others come back!"

Asil shook his head without attracting attention and explained quite quietly: "Icnamro, I am quite familiar with poisons, as can be seen from the fact that I neutralize the poison in your body, and I am sure that I know how to protect myself from them better than anyone you know! So that road with venomous snakes won't be too much of a problem for me. I'll do the job of buying time by distracting your uncle on my own. Because you need to go to your father and explain the situation and get them to come here as quickly as possible. Right now, those here don't turn their attention to us because they think we're going to die. However, as time progresses, there will certainly be someone who pays attention to us and realizes that we are still alive. So we need to get the situation under control before that happens. Did you get it?"

Finding Asil's explanations plausible, Icnamro nodded and explained to him how to reach the road filled with venomous snakes. Then the two of them, acting inconspicuously, began to move in different directions for what they had to do.

During his nearly a week's time in the interior of the Black Dragon Forest, Asil had a chance to wander around a bit. So he had at least an idea of ​​where he was going. Continuing to advance rapidly, he arrived at the place Icnamro had described in about five minutes.

This road, which she said could be used to reach the tomb faster, passed through a cave surrounded by absolute silence. When Asil came a few meters from the cave entrance, he stopped and then looked into the cave. But he couldn't see anything because of the darkness.

He had also seen a cave with such a dark entrance when he was in the Black Dragon Mountain Range. However, his feelings told that there was a huge difference between these two caves. The entrance to the cave in the Black Dragon Mountain Range was dark. However, this darkness did not give Asil great fear. On the other hand, he had a feeling that his life would be cut off from this world instantly the moment he stepped into the cave entrance, which he was standing in front of right now.

Asil stood where he was for a few seconds and thought, and after deciding that waiting here would do nothing, he began to move forward resolutely. He reached the entrance of the cave in a blink of an eye as his steps quickened. He took a deep breath and took a step inside. But just then, the absolute silence around was broken by the cracking sounds of the wind coming from the cave entrance.

As Asil leaped backward about a meter, he looked carefully in front of him and saw dozens of black snakes coming towards him in the air. These snakes were less than a meter long, and their bodies curled up to move through the air, appearing much smaller than normal. But despite their small bodies, the sense of danger they gave was not insignificant!

In such a situation, if one saw dozens of snakes advancing towards him in the air, that person would normally have to panic, try to escape, or perhaps attack with the thought of getting rid of the snakes. However, Asil stopped the moment his feet touched the ground and let the snakes come towards him without making any movement! His face was incredibly calm. It was as if there was nothing to worry about!

While Asil was standing still, when the snakes approached him within a certain distance, they unexpectedly changed their body movements and chose to change their trajectories and land in different places. The number of snakes landing around Asil had increased in a very short time, and each snake that landed tried to attack Asil at first, but after advancing a few inches, they stopped their movements as if they were afraid of something and stayed where they were.

After staring at the snakes for a few seconds, Asil laughed coldly and indifferently moved towards the entrance of the cave.


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