Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 118 - Purple King Pythia (2)

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Asil felt as if his own soul sea had started to ripple due to a huge boulder suddenly thrown at it, and he began to feel dizzy.

Just a few seconds later, a colorless aura that did not belong to Asil emerged from Asil's body. This aura only appeared for a moment, then disappeared completely, but the moment it appeared, Pythia's facial expression changed. He immediately removed his finger and placed his hand on his chin, looking at Asil as if he had encountered something he had not expected for a short while.

While examining Asil's memories a moment ago, he had gone from the present to the past and had a look at all his memories until the moment Cem Mirza found him. However, it was completely dark before Cem Mirza found Asil, and when he wanted to examine what was happening, the aura that emerged had completely blocked him! He wasn't in his normal body right now, and his body here was just an imaginary body he had left here years ago. The strength of this imaginary body could not be compared to his real strength. But he was still strong enough to easily read the memories of those inside this plane. And while this was the case, he simply wasn't able to examine all of the memories of a youth from the Nascent Profound Realm!

At that moment, Pythia smiled lightly as the name 'Anubis' came to his mind, and after carefully examining Asil with his purple eyes, he said: "I see ... Young Asil, have you ever heard of the name 'Anubis'?"

Staring intently at Pythia's expression, Asil searched his memory when he heard his question, and for a few seconds tried to remember if he had heard the name before: "Senior Pythia, I don't think I've heard of Anubis before."

After Asil answered, Pythia nodded, then waved his left hand lightly. When he waved his hand, the purple bottle on the left palm of the statue advanced through the air and slowly landed on Asil's hand. As Asil looked at the purple bottle in his hand, Pythia spoke again: "This bottle containing purple liquid was given to me by Apollo, one of the Eight Sacred Beasts. If you'll excuse me, I would like to give you this bottle as a gift."

Asil's eyes widened after Pythia's words. For a moment he could not believe his ears. He did not know whether it was true or not, but the leader of the Chaka Tribe, Lewir, had previously said that there are eight beings in this universe that are superior to all other creatures and that one of these creatures, called the 'Eight Sacred Beasts', is named 'Apollo'. Standing in front of him, Pythia said that he had bought this bottle from someone named Apollo and wanted to give it to him as a gift. How was it possible that he should not be surprised at such a thing?

"Senior Pythia, I cannot accept this. This is a very valuable thing." Asil politely declined the offer.

Pythia, on the other hand, didn't seem at all impressed by his answer: "Young Asil, you don't have to worry. There are two reasons I'm giving this to you. The first reason is that Apollo saw a prophecy and as a result said that I should give it to a person who has four different auras in his body in the future. Apart from the Black King Sirius, the Gray King Uranus, and your own aura, your body also has a colorless and uncharacteristic aura that has just appeared. So there are four different auras in your body. Which means you're the one I'm supposed to be giving this to."

Pythia took a deep breath and paused, then explained the second reason: "As for the second reason... Let's say it's to pay off an old debt. Other than that, I'll do one more favor for you."

After Pythia spoke before Asil even had a chance to reply, his purple eyes lit up and a large silhouette of imaginary purple eyes appeared from the back of his body. As this purple eye silhouette looked towards him, Asil felt that he did not have the strength to even move from his place. Even though the existence of the eye only lasted for a second, that one second for him felt like days, maybe even months!

After the purple eye silhouette disappeared behind him, Pythia put on a slightly sad expression and then spoke. "Darkness and ferocity will collide on a rainy day! Their war will bring destruction and sadness! It doesn't matter who won that battle. Because on that day, the gates of hell will open wide and it will draw everyone in! The dragon's presence will be your end as the sky mourns on a bloody day!"

Asil tried to understand Pythia's strange words. But he couldn't make any sense out of it, and he decided it was better to ask rather than think: "Senior Pythia, I'm incapable of understanding what you're saying. Can you explain all this?"

"I just prophesied. I don't know what the words in the prophecy mean. You'll find out what that means in time. But I can still advise you on three things as far as I understand. Do you want to hear this?"

Asil nodded respectfully without saying anything.

"First of all, if I were you, I wouldn't get too close to the dragons. As seen in your prophecy, the existence of a dragon is said to be your end. While I don't know if it's the end of an event or the end of your life, I don't recommend taking risks for it."

"Second, the liquid in the bottle I gave you forcibly unlocks people's potential, as much as their bodies can handle. But my advice to you is, use this only as a last resort."

After Pythia had spoken so far, he smiled faintly: "As for my last piece of advice to you: If you wait here any longer, you won't be able to get to where you want to go in time. So you'd better hurry."

After Pythia's speech, Asil was suddenly stunned, as if he had been shot in the brain. During his time here, he had forgotten that he was indeed in a hurry to go to the tomb, and he had lost much of his precious time. Perhaps it would be a great miracle if he could even make it on time now. Perhaps it was already impossible for him to arrive on time.

Pythia smiled slightly and moved his left hand. When he moved his hand, a part of the wall inside the hall disappeared as if it had never really existed, and another corridor appeared, just as behind the wall with the Octagram on it. Pythia pointed to this corridor with his hand: "This corridor is actually the true route of where you want to go. The other is just a tricky and winding road. Although they both lead to the same place, if you follow the path they use, you will encounter numerous traps and not only waste your time but also spend a lot of energy. On the other hand, if you continue from here, you will reach your destination in a few minutes without encountering any danger."

After Pythia's explanation, Asil thanked him sincerely and sprinted down the corridor, not even thinking of putting the bottle in his hand into his Spatial Ring.

After Asil left, Pythia remained for a while, sighing and speaking to himself in a low voice as he disappeared: "Anubis, I have finally kept my promise to you."

Not hearing Pythia's words, Asil moved quickly forward and, just as he said so, in a few minutes he entered a hall that looked like the hall he had been in a little earlier and had two different entrances. There was a statue in this hall just like the other one. However, this statue was not a human statue, but a hand statue with open fingers, palm facing upwards. This hand sculpture was about a meter high and ten inches wide. Asil froze when he saw the thing in the middle of its open palm.

Asil thought there must be a treasure here. However, there was only the hand statue and the thing on this statue. So this treasure was either the statue or the thing on the statue. But how could that thing have been a treasure?

How could a human fingernail be a treasure?

When Asil first heard the word treasure, he thought it would be a jewel, a sword, a crown, and the like. But the possibility of a fingernail being a treasure had never occurred to him. If someone said that a fingernail is a treasure, they would definitely make fun of that person anywhere in the world. Because even the thought of such a thing was absurd.

As unreasonable as it was, Asil walked up to the fingernail and picked up the perfectly normal looking fingernail.

The moment he picked up the fingernail, he suddenly felt like he was in the middle of the whole forest and the whole forest existed only to serve him. As this indescribable feeling continued to spread in his heart, the sudden sound of footsteps destroyed all that beautiful feeling.

The footsteps got closer and closer, and after a few seconds, eight humans and five Profound Beasts entered the hall.


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