Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 123 - Supreme Servant Of Devil

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"Do not go!"

Asil awoke suddenly from his long sleep, opening his eyes with an involuntary shriek. His body was slightly straightened by the sudden movement, and there was a pain in most parts of his body, similar to muscle aches that appeared later, as if from heavy training long ago. But at that moment, Asil, bot caring about these pains and focused all his thoughts on the dream he had just had.

The 'dream' he had just seen was as realistic as the area where he had previously thought of a dream and had the Scripture of the Chosen Ones. For this reason, a suspicion formed in Asil's heart that this too might not be a dream.

In his dream, there was a woman who took two babies somewhere. However, the place where this woman wanted to leave one of the babies was, unexpectedly, Star Plain, and the person who took the baby was his father, Cem Mirza.

He even saw that Cem Mirza named the baby Asil. A person would have dreams that were directly or indirectly related to things they had experienced before.

But Asil was sure that he had never experienced anything that could cause him to have such a dream. And if that thought was true, just as it was in the area of the Scripture of the Chosen Ones, which he had previously thought of as a dream, then what he had just seen was actually a slice of his past that he had not known until now.

But why had he only seen such a thing after all this time? Asil's mind worked quickly and he suddenly came up with a logical reason for this matter. If what he saw was really a memory and not a dream, then it happened was because of the purple liquid bottle that Purple King Pythia had given him. If what he guessed was true, drinking this liquid triggered some things in his mind, as a result of which he was able to see this memory that remained in the darkness of his past.

Asil muttered to himself thoughtfully, "Purple King Pythia asked me if I knew someone named Anubis. And that woman's name was Anubis. If they're both the same person, then my background is glorious enough to connect with people even the Purple King knew. Was it my family who left me to a woman named Anubis? If so, why did they leave me? What kind of family can leave its own child? And the other baby..."

As Asil thought of the baby, whose image came to life in his mind, his eyes filled with involuntary tears, and all of a sudden a few drops of tears slowly rolled down his face. "Why was it so peaceful to be with him, so excruciatingly painful to be separated from him? Even now, I feel the pain of being away from him. He is... He..."

"Could he be my brother?"

Asil shed a few tears from his eyes, he thought about the possibility that the other baby was his brother. Maybe his family had to abandon him for some reason. Maybe they left because they didn't like him, but no matter what, if that baby was really his brother then he was just like him. How could he not want to see his 'brother' who shared the same fate as him?

Asil sighed, and as he thought again about the baby in his memories, his eyes suddenly widened and he quickly looked around. Until that moment, he had not paid attention to his surroundings because of what he had just seen. But now he realized that he was inside a hut. How could this happen?

The last thing Asil remembers was when he entered the special area inside the tomb, where there was a fingernail called the treasure, he encountered Gninekawa and his group, and then drank the liquid given by the Purple King Pythia. He didn't remember anything that happened next. Since he was here, he must have somehow survived. But how could he have done it alone against so many people? Could there have been timely support from the tribe?

"Asil, are you all right?" Asil's thoughts were interrupted by a voice coming from outside the hut. A few seconds after the sound, the door of the hut opened and Lewir, who had an anxious expression on his face, entered. After looking at Asil, he sighed and smiled with satisfaction.

"Haha, you finally woke up, hero. A lot of people were worried about you because you've been sleeping for three weeks. Especially Icnamro... She's barely left your side, the only reason she's not here right now is that she went to get medicine for you. It seems that someone has won my daughter's heart. Hahahaha..."

After Lewir's words, Asil had felt confusion as he didn't know what had caused him to sleep for three weeks, gratitude for having Icnamro looked after him for all this time, curiosity about what had happened to Gninekawa and the others, and many more.

"Senior Lewir, what happened to me? How did I get here?" Asil asked inquisitively.

Lewir scowled: "Senior Lewir? I don't like it at all, Asil. I think it would be much more correct if you called me dad, hahaha..."

Lewir paused for a few seconds after laughing, then said with a radiant smile plastered on his face: "Honestly, I have no idea what happened to you. After learning about my brother's betrayal from Icnamro, we tried to get to you as soon as possible. But no matter how fast we were, the distance between us was too much, and we realized this incident too late. That's why we knew when we arrived that everything would be over..." Lewir sighed.

"As a matter of fact, it was really all over when we got there. The hall where the fingernail was found was covered with blood all over. Icnamro told me that there were Profound Beasts and humans besides Gninekawa, but when we got there, there was nobody in the hall except yours and Gninekawa's. You were lying on the ground motionless and unconscious. And Gninekawa... You'd better see him for yourself."

Lewir actually wondered how Asil had managed to emerge victorious in such a disadvantaged situation and what had happened to the others. But he didn't ask because he thought it was a secret that Asil kept to himself. After all, whatever he had done, he had saved the future of his tribe. And to try to learn the secrets of such a person was great rudeness that he would never do.

"If there are no problems with your body, follow me and I will take you to the place where the treacherous Gninekawa is staying."

Asil stood up after moving his body a little and making sure that nothing was wrong. And a few seconds later he followed Lewir out of the hut.

When they came out, a voice suddenly came from the left side: "Asil! You're awake!"

Asil slowly turned left at the sound he heard, and the moment he turned left, a pair of arms wrapped around him: "I thought you'd never wake up! Haha, are you okay? Mine is also a question, although, of course, you're fine!!"

Asil froze for a moment, as Icnamro suddenly hugged him. Normally, hugging a guy and a girl in such a situation could have created a romantic atmosphere. But with the crackling sounds coming out of his body, what Asil felt was total astonishment. Icnamro was squeezing his body so hard that if he didn't know the situation he was in, he might have thought she wanted to squeeze himself to death! Was this really a way to show affection?

"Hahaha... How well they get along! Nowadays, young people don't really have any hesitation at all. Hahaha..." Lewir spoke with a smile.

After her father's words, Icnamro suddenly removed her arms from Asil's body. She then hit Asil hard on the shoulder several times. "I am glad to see you well. Now that you're awake, let me do some combat training with our tribe's hero. My hands have been itching for a long time, hahaha..."

Asil only smiled, as he did not know what to say.

"Icnamro, you can settle matters between you later. Now we are going to Gninekawa. You might want to come." Lewir stated.

When Icnamro heard her uncle's name, her eyes suddenly flashed with murderous desire, and she nodded without saying anything.

After her daughter's approval, Lewir turned around. Then he put some distance between himself and Asil and his daughter and started to walk towards where Gninekawa was staying. Asil and Icnamro also began to follow him.

After a few minutes of walking, Lewir stopped in front of a large cage. Inside this cage was a man lying on the floor with his legs pulled up to his stomach, with his back facing Lewir and the others. After a few seconds of silence, Lewir called out: "Gninekawa!"

After Lewir called out to him, the man inside the cage slowly took a sitting position and turned to look at Lewir and the others.

The moment he turned around, Asil saw his face and was really surprised by what he saw. If Lewir hadn't called this man 'Gninekawa', Asil certainly wouldn't have thought he was Gninekawa. Because while Gninekawa was brown, middle-aged, and had only a few wrinkles on his face, the man he was looking at now was an old man with white hair, a shriveled face full of wrinkles, and one foot in the grave!

The man first looked at Lewir with empty eyes and spoke in a strange way: "Hahaha, bird... They fly. They have wings, you know? Birds are flying, hahahaha... Especially the bees... They rea..."

The man's speech abruptly stopped when he saw Asil, and his eyes were suddenly widened, filled with pure fear. He threw his body backwards and hit his back on the bars of the cage.

"I didn't do... I didn't do it, forgive me... Don't call him, I didn't do it. Don't give me to the devil, I beg you... I beg you, not again. Supreme Servant of Devil, please forgive me!" After the man spoke, his body could not withstand the psychological pressure caused by intense fear and he fainted.

As Asil didn't even realize what had happened, Lewir spoke with a surprised expression. "Normally, we would torture Gninekawa so that he could serve his sentence. But you saved us from this difficult situation. Right now, all of Gninekawa's profound strength is gone, and whenever someone tries to talk to him, he says things about birds, insects, and the wind. Asil, I don't know what you did there, but thank you. I really appreciate you putting him in this situation and saving our tribe."

Asil was silent for a while, stunned, and just as he was about to answer, Icnamro grabbed his hand and tugged: "Asil, I don't want to stay here and breathe the same air as that man. Let's fight a little.. In this way, your body will recover faster after a long sleep."

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