Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 137 - The Final Test

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"Senior Solomon. I want to know why I was eliminated." One of the young people who were eliminated because he was on the left side and did not form a team, asked.

"Before answering this, may I ask why you don't team up with anyone?" The old man answered.

"Hmph! Isn't that pretty obvious? Based on the tests you've done, there's still no strength test. I am not naive enough to think that a war school could be entered without regard to the strength of the participants. I am the apex of the Ninth Level of the Nascent Profound Realm. And most of the people here are weak people who haven't reached my level. Therefore, even if they form a team, I can defeat them by fighting using my inherited powerful martial techniques and superior profound strength. That's why I don't need to team up with anyone."

After the youth's answer, the old man nodded and looked at the other youths on the left: "Is that what you think too?"

After most of the other youths nodded their approval, the old man sighed and turned his gaze to the youth who asked why he had been eliminated: "Young man, listen to me carefully. I don't care who you are, where you come from, how strong you are, or anything like that. Right now these are all trivial things. I have clearly told you how to pass the fourth test. But even though you successfully passed three tests and came this far, you succumbed to your arrogance and underestimated the others. And you only did so because the level of profound strength was higher than most of the people here."

"So what makes you think you can beat others just because your profound strength level is high? Although the level of profound strength in the area you are currently in is lower than yours, there are at least forty people who can easily defeat you in one-on-one combat. I don't expect you to believe that though. I will also tell you why you failed this test. And to everyone here, I will give you a piece of advice that you should never forget. You can think of it as a favor I did you because you came all the way here."

The old man took a deep breath: "First of all, as you thought, this is a war school and it would be absurd for a war school to take students without power checking. But the power test doesn't have to be this test. I already told you that there is one more test and that test is the hardest test. And even if the strength test is the one you're doing but failing, it wouldn't be unreasonable. Because strength is not only physical. Talking and communicating is also a kind of strength. You did not communicate with anyone, and as a result of this test, it was revealed that your communication power was not enough to pass the test. And as a result, you were eliminated."

After the old man explained to the youth why he was eliminated, he looked at everyone around and continued his advice: "I'm telling you all this. It will definitely come in handy for you in the future. Don't just look at things with your eyes. Feel them. When someone tells you something is true, don't immediately believe it to be true. First, research this and make sure it's correct. Don't blindly believe something is real just because your eyes can see or your ears can hear. Do not forget about this advice. Because if you forget that, you will probably regret it in the future when you learn that what you thought was true was actually nothing but a simple lie. I hope that such an incident will never happen to you. But life is cruel. Remember, you never know what the future brings Therefore, don't forget my advice."

After the old man gave his advice, he asked the eliminated ones to leave, and after they were all gone, the twenty youngsters went to the remaining ones and learned how many people were in the team they had formed and how many teams were in total. After they relayed the information they had learned to the old man one by one, the old man nodded and explained to the final test takers how the final test would be conducted.

"While the number of people who passed the third test was four hundred and twenty, now the number of people remaining has decreased to three hundred and twenty-eight. Compared to the previous tests, it is quite easy compared to the last test. Most likely, the number of people among you who will pass this test will be at most fifty. Fighting with your teammates is exactly what I want you to do in this test! No need to be surprised. You will indeed fight with your teammates in this test. Attacking other team members will be strictly prohibited. Also, you can't kill each other. Those who attack members of another team or kill someone will be eliminated. You have one minute and your time has started right now."

After the old man's words, all three hundred and twenty-eight people took a breath and prepared for what was to come. The rest were all high-profile people, and the fact that they had come this far was enough to explain it. There was a hidden meaning in all the tests the old man had done until now. So it was quite normal to think that there was a hidden meaning in this test as well. They had two ways to choose in front of them.

The first of these was to fight one's teammates by listening to the old man's words. When this was done, you were doing what he said, and normally you were supposed to pass the exam by doing this. In addition, the old man's statement that those who will pass this test will be at most fifty might indicate that there will be an average of one winner from each group. However, if they chose this method, the old man would be able to eliminate them as they were hurting their teammates.

The other way they could choose was not to fight their teammates. When this was done, you were not harming your teammates, even if the old man's words were disobeyed. And it was a virtuous act. It was quite logical to think that this was the real wish of someone who preached virtue. However, there was a contradiction in this option, just like in the first option. He had mentioned in the advice he gave just now that what is believed to be true may actually be a simple lie. If he had said this advice to refer to the situation they were in right now, then what they thought was logical was turning into something completely wrong and something not to do. A knowledgeable man like him, who seemed to have a purpose in every test he did or word he said, might have had a reason to give advice before the final test, and it was even possible that the reason was related to the current test.

While being indecisive was already a bad thing, the existence of a minute's time made this situation worse. After only five seconds had passed from the start of the duration, people were already starting to appear attacking each other. Nobody knew who was right. It was a risk with a fifty percent chance of winning. Everyone was taking this risk according to themselves and acting according to it.

As time progressed, the number of teams fighting each other was increasing rapidly. Asil and the other four on his team stood still, watching each other carefully. There were many people fighting around them, but with the old man saying that those who attacked other teams would be eliminated, people were sure that they would not be attacked by other teams.

Asil and the other four on his team hadn't moved at all even after about twenty seconds had passed since the start of the test. They were lined up like the sides of a pentagon and just looked at each other. There was no sound or movement. Of course, since this team was formed in only ten minutes, it was naturally impossible for everyone to think the same thing and act as a team. At first, Asil thought that the members of his team would not attack each other, and this thought continued for twenty seconds. However, in the twentieth second, one of them made an unexpected move and taught him the hard way that Asil's thoughts were just dreams.

"Tiger Claw!"

One of the five members of Asil's team, the blond-haired, skinny-bodied youth used a technique to attack his teammate on his right. This incident had happened so quickly that the young man who had been attacked received a slap in the jaw before he even had a chance to respond, and after a somersault in mid-air, he fell hard to the ground.

After attacking and neutralizing his first teammate, the blond youth made the same attack towards the other member of his team without hesitation. This time, however, as the brunet youth's alertness peaked after his first attack, he quickly made a move to thwart his attack.. The blonde boy's attack and the brunette's retaliation collided, resulting in both taking a few steps back.

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