Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 140 - Entering School

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"Now that you have officially entered the Rezuba Battle School, I don't need to continue this trick any longer!"

After the old man spoke, he smiled faintly and then let go of the walking stick that helped him stand. After the walking stick dropped to the ground slowly, his hunched back straightened and cracked some joints in his body as he looked straight ahead, standing completely upright. Twenty young people assigned by the old man were watching him smiling, while the six people who passed the test were looking at him with confused expressions. This hunchbacked old man looked like he was about to die throughout the tests and coughed bloody when he spoke for a long time. However, at this moment, his body was unexpectedly standing completely upright, and he looked quite vigorous!

After cracking his knuckles, the old man brought his right hand to his face. Under the shocked expressions of those who passed the test, the old man's face completely changed!

Instead of the white hair that used to be only on both sides of his head, there was black hair that stretched back, neither too long nor too short. Although the color of the blue eyes on the right remained constant, the left eye unexpectedly changed color to a gray tint. His light black mustache and short goatee continued to exist harmoniously on his angular face, creating an intriguing appeal. In addition, the tattoo in the form of two intertwining black lines, starting from about an inch below his gray eye on his left side and moving up to the middle of his cheek, created a different aura on his face. This man, who used to look like he was about to die, now looks like twenty-five years old, at best. In fact, there would be countless people who would say that he was only twenty years old.

The man smiled at those who had passed the tests and spoke again. However, this time his tone was quite vigorous: "As I said before, don't immediately believe something is real, even if you see it with your eyes and hear it with your ears! Try to feel it! If you realized that I'm not really as old as I look, you'd know it was a test when I made you wait. Though we had already passed that test when I gave you the advice. But still, it doesn't matter. I didn't tell you this. But if there was anyone among you who could guess that my appearance was not that way, he would be taken to school just like you. I hope you will adopt the things I want to teach you and use them in the future. I really wonder how young people like you will shine in the future."

"I hope you continue to walk without breaking down in your lives. Congratulations once again for making your way into the Rezuba Battle School. If you ever come to the Central School, you can come and visit me at the Great Rezuba Library. Whether we're having a little chat or I'll suggest a few profound techniques for you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go through some inscriptions in the library." Solomon stopped for a moment and turned to the twenty young men he had assigned.

"Show those who pass the test where they will stay and give them the necessary information. Then you can go back to your work."

After Solomon spoke, he headed for the door and disappeared a second later. After he left, twenty youths came to the test-takers and let them into the school, just as he had ordered.

The tests were finally over, and a total of six people, including Asil, had passed the entrance exam, which was taken by approximately one hundred and forty thousand people. These six people were glad to enter the school with the expressions still on their faces. However, none of them knew how drastically the school they entered would change their lives...

Asil had learned most of the necessary information about the Rezuba Battle School from the attendant who brought him to his accommodation. Although this school may seem that way, in fact, it was not just a place where students were trained for war. This place was more like a fortress. Unlike a small number of people who were admitted to the school each year, there were quite a lot of people inside the school, and this was only because those who were entitled to enter the school were able to bring some members of their families to the place where they were staying. Of course, these rights varied depending on the position of the school member. For example, a member in the Outer School was entitled to admit only one family member into the school, while someone in the Inner School was entitled to admit five. As for the people who are in the Central School... They had the right to take exactly ten people to school.

On the face of it, it was quite reasonable to assume that the most populated place would naturally be the Central School, as those in the Central School had the most rights to admit people into the school. But the situation was very different from this. Because only one percent of the population inside the Rezuba Battle School actually resided in the Central School! The reason for this was quite simple. Each year, those who passed the exams for admission to the school were admitted to the Outer School, and marriages often took place between the family members these individuals brought to the Rezuba Battle School. This naturally increased the number of people present in the Outer School. On the other hand, the entrance requirements to the Central School were quite strict compared to the Outer School, and although the people there brought their family members to the school, there was no intimacy other than a conflict of interest, as each family generally saw itself as superior to the others. Therefore, the Outer School was both the largest and the most populated place within the Rezuba Battle School.

The Rezuba Combat School provided training in combat training, strategy training, investigation training, survival training, humanities, medicine, herbs, and so on. However, almost none of these trainings were given at the Outer School. Because even though the Outer School was such a lofty place for other martial schools, it remained only a name within the Rezuba Battle School. What was taught there could not be compared to what was taught in the Inner or Central School.

Although in the entrance examinations Solomon referred to many virtuous teachings, the Rezuba Battle School was actually governed by a hierarchy system. Each member was given an emblem that indicated that person's position on it. The person with the stronger emblem had the authority to give orders to the weaker ones. Therefore, the weak often became the footmen of those who were stronger than them.

The emblems given in this hierarchy system were divided into three: O Emblem, I Emblem and C Emblem. As their name suggests, the O Emblem was given to people in the Outer School, while the I Emblem was given to people in the Inner School and the C Emblem was given to people in the Central School. Each emblem was divided into five among themselves, and these levels were expressed with stars. Those who had advanced to the fifth level of each emblem were also eligible to take the necessary examinations to enter the inner parts of the school.

For example, a newcomer to the Rezuba Battle School like Asil had a emblem called O1. Even if he had the right to bring a family member to the Rezuba Battle School, Asil did not want to use it, since those with this emblem were the weakest members in status. After all, if he brought his father, Cem Mirza, here without having a sufficiently high status, it would do more harm than good for him. Therefore, he needed to quickly gain higher status emblems.

Earning stars in emblems varied by emblem type. To earn a star in the O Emblem, all you had to do was win a hundred battles against opponents of the same level by fighting in the closed arenas inside the Outer School or win fewer battles by fighting against opponents stronger in status than you. Of course, as it was possible to raise status, it was also possible to decrease status. Being defeated by someone weaker than you or getting many defeats caused your status to drop.

When Asil found out about this, he felt quite strange. While in Kastor it was necessary to fight and win a hundred battles for freedom while here in a hundred battles only status was gained. This was a really strange coincidence.

Normally, the first thing Asil had to do was find his brother, Zias Gerz, to keep his promise to Bias Gerz. But when he asked the person who brought him here about Zias Gerz, the officer said he was someone who worked in indoor fighting arenas. So by going there, he would get two things at once.

After thinking about this, Asil left the small residence where he was staying and proceeded through the crowded streets filled with many houses and shops, towards the place where the indoor fighting arenas were. After walking for about fifteen minutes, he entered an area that was divided into many different areas and surrounded by walls. The sounds of weapons hitting each other and the shouts of people echoed in this space, which was large enough for even ten thousand people to easily enter.

The cage-shaped arenas of different sizes around were filled with combatants. Asil glanced at them for a short while, then proceeded towards the place where many people gathered and where the combat recordings were made. It was the place where fight recordings were made in the arenas, and anyone who wanted to fight would come here and register, looking for rivals to vent the natural anger that every human inside them had.

When Asil got there, the first thing that caught his attention was not the people who registered for the fights or what they did, but rather a large profound stone that many looked up to with envy.. As Asil inquisitively moved towards the profound stone, the voices of voices coming from the confirmation area of ​​those who would participate in the fights caused his full attention to suddenly shift to them.

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