Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 145 - Hades And Forbidden Clan Fraude

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However, this was not the only thing that surprised Asil. He had naturally left the area where he was taking a break while chasing the small profound beast, but the place where the small profound beast took the wolves of the Nascent Profound Realm was not where Asil was taking a break, but where he was at that moment! The wolves soon saw Asil and angrily attacked him, as if it was Asil, not the little profound beast that had been eating their hard-earned food.

After getting rid of the wolves, Asil had followed it a few more times as he wondered if the little profound beast had found his place by chance or if it actually knew. As a result of these pursuits, the strange profound beast had gone straight to Asil's location after eating things belonging to other profound beasts. Even when Asil changed his location without following it when the strange profound beast left him, the strange profound beast found him as if it was nothing, and this time it had brought a mid-level Core Profound Realm beast with it as if angered by his trouble!

As a result of this and many other events that took place on the way, Asil was absolutely sure that this strange profound beast was an extraordinary and intelligent creature. He even nicknamed this monster 'Hades', which means 'Troublemaker' in the Mirza Clan's inscriptions, which he had not addressed by using a name for a long time.

In fact, the literal meaning of the name 'Hades' in the Mirza Clan's inscriptions was 'Emperor of Hell' rather than 'Troublemaker', but Asil did not know this as he had not looked at all of the clan's inscriptions. Therefore, he considered the name 'Hades', which he thought to mean literally 'Troublemaker', quite apt for this strange profound beast...

After walking for about ten minutes, Asil and Senior Zias entered a residence similar to where Asil was staying. After they were inside, Senior Zias showed Asil one of the chairs to sit on. Asil took the seat shown, braced himself, and told the things about Senior Bias to an old man named Zias, whom he hoped was his brother.

Senior Zias listened carefully, without interrupting, and Asil remained silent for a long time without saying anything after telling everything. After a long silence, he sighed, closing his moist eyes slowly, trying to correct his blurred vision, and speaking in a trembling voice, he broke the silence in the air.

"I see. So these things have happened... Thank you, Asil, for telling me this. As you think, I am Zias, the brother of Bias... My elder brother's grandchild is indeed with me at the Rezuba Battle School. But you don't have to worry about her... She is an intelligent and research-loving girl. Thanks to these qualities, she was quickly noticed and later became a clerk's assistant at the Great Library of Rezuba..."

Zias Gerz opened his moist eyes again: "Asil... I'm sure my brother passed away happily. You don't have to blame yourself for that... I'd like to sit down and talk to you more, but..."

"You don't need to worry, Senior Zias. I know that you are suffering and that you want to grieve. If you'll excuse me, I'll go back to the indoor fighting area. Also… "Asil quickly interrupted Zias Gerz's speech, and in the middle of his own speech, his voice suddenly turned serious: "I couldn't save your elder brother, Senior Bias, because I didn't have enough strength that day. However, when I am strong enough, I will definitely avenge your brother with my own hands!"

After speaking decisively, Asil moved towards the door to exit the residence. But after taking a few steps, Zias Gerz's voice behind him stopped him: "Asil, wait a minute, I have something I want to give you."

After Zias Gerz called out, Asil turned around and looked at him: "You said that you made my brother spend his last moments in peace and that he saw you as his grandson. I want to trust that too, and that's why I want to give you something. Normally I would have kept this a secret from everyone, but now I think it's much better to give it to you."

Zias Gerz touched his spatial ring and pulled out what appeared to be a fairly new scroll, handed it to Asil, and explained: "I told you that my brother Bias' grandchild is a clerk's assistant in the Great Library of Rezuba. While arranging the locations of the books in the library, she stumbled upon a map and some information about it by chance. As far as she told me, she made a copy of the map after learning this information. And this scroll you see is exactly a copy of the map my brother's grandchild found."

Asil slowly approached Zias Gerz, took the parchment in his hand, and carefully opened it and looked at the map inside and the inscriptions on the map.

The map on the parchment showed a mountainous area that was located by the sea. If someone had never been to this area before, they wouldn't know where it was a map, but Asil knew where it was. This was exactly the map of the area where the Rezuba Battle School he was currently in was located.

There were quite a few differences between the normal map and the map in this scroll. However, Asil was almost certain that this map showed this area. According to him, the only difference between the real map of this region and the map on the parchment was that there was a time difference between them, and he could easily understand that this time difference was really big.

Asil glanced at the inscriptions on the map after the map itself.

"This area is the former headquarters of the Forbidden Clan Fraude, which was subordinate to the Mighty Devil Empire and was destroyed by members of the King System. It is rumored that this region, which is also the birthplace of the Divine Painter, is home to a painting drawn by the Divine Painter herself. Whoever has one of her paintings and gains access to its secret, that person..."

Asil lost himself in thought at the incomplete ending of the writings. There were different names mentioned in the article, and Asil had heard of one of them before. The King System... This name was not foreign to Asil. He still didn't know what this system meant, but it was clear that the people known as the King were incomparably powerful. How powerful could a clan and the empire to which this clan belonged, which such people had personally destroyed? Also, if something left of such a clan really existed here, what power would the person who found it gain? This created a strong sense of curiosity and desire that prompted Asil to act immediately.

After Asil took the scroll, he said goodbye to Zias Gerz and started to move towards the area marked on the map inside the scroll.

As the map showed the area where the Rezuba Battle School was located years ago, Asil had a hard time finding where he wanted to go. First, he had left the school and headed towards the mountainous region behind the school. After walking for about forty minutes, he was close enough to the area marked on the map to understand what this area was.

The only thing found in this area was an abyss. A high, quiet, lonely abyss... This was a simple and plain abyss, no different from normal cliffs. However, as Asil approached here, two strange feelings arose in his heart. The first of these was an intense feeling of being watched. It was as if someone was following him every step and carefully scrutinizing his movements. When Asil felt this emotion, he paid attention to his surroundings and tried to see if anyone was nearby, but no matter how careful he was, he could not find anyone.

Either this thing he felt was wrong or...

Even though he was careful, someone too strong for him to notice was watching him. But why would someone so powerful follow him? What could he gain by watching him? Besides, how could Asil notice if such a powerful person was watching him?

The other strange feeling Asil felt was familiarity and longing. He was sure that he had never been here before, but he still felt as if he had been here for a long time. From the moment he saw the abyss, it was as if he knew where he was going as if he had been here for a long time and returned to this place after being away for years. With every step he took, there was happiness in his heart as he came here. But he also felt a painful, inexplicable sadness.

"Why like that feeli...." As Asil made his way to the top of the abyss, his speech was interrupted when he saw the silhouette of a human sitting on the edge of the abyss. Why was a human sitting on the edge of such a quiet abyss?

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