Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 148 - Impending Danger

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"Who do you think will win this time?"

"Are you really asking this question? Although this boy has been here for a few days, he did not even move from his place in the fights he entered. How many people in the Outer School do you think could fight him on an equal footing? I don't think there is any!"

"Nonsense! He may indeed be strong, but how is it possible for him to be stronger than anyone else in the Outer School? Did you forget so quickly that the strong people on the Ranking list are also in the Outer School, since they haven't fought in the indoor arenas for a long time? Besides, this kid hurt Senior Brother Kaneki's family member. His end is near..."

"Yes, indeed it is... Senior Brother Kaneki will definitely kill him to protect his reputation... Also, we should not forget about the Senior Brother Radres! If he gets involved, this kid could just end up with dog food!"

In the indoor fighting arenas of the Outer School portion of the Rezuba Battleschool, several people were talking among themselves as they looked at the black-haired youth who was fighting in one of the arenas in front of them. This young man, who had been accepting challenges nonstop for the past few days, had won all the fights he entered, almost effortlessly. This naturally made him famous in the Outer School in a short time. This young man was exactly Asil Mirza...

After leaving the cliff, Asil, who had been fighting constantly, had become the focus of many discussions in just a few days. Some said that he was the strongest person in the Outer School, while others said that Kaneki Kantireki would destroy him. But their thoughts were only guesses as Kaneki hadn't appeared for several days.

"The winner is the Asil Mirza!" Another fight, in which Asil participated, ended with the official's notification. Asil slowly stepped out of the closed cage and after stating that he would not fight another fight this day, he set out to go to the abyss called 'Ysoi's First Work Of Art'. After fighting in indoor arenas for a few days, he always went to the abyss and tried to reduce the feeling of indescribable longing inside him.

Every time Asil went there, he saw that Nyks, who said she would sometimes come there, was also there. On the cliff, they sat side by side on windy cliff edge and waited until they parted without speaking to each other. Although Asil's sense of longing had indeed subsided a little in these few days, a few feelings had arisen within him. He didn't know exactly what that feeling was. However, he could guess what it was, and so he hesitated every day when he was on the edge of the abyss.

"I guess I shouldn't delay any longer." When Asil came near the cliff, he spoke quietly to himself as he scratched his head. He had been hesitant for several days and could not figure out what to do, even if he thought rationally about it. As a result, he chose to put aside this hesitation that gnawed at him, relying on his feelings instead of logic.

"Hmm..." When Asil came to the edge of the cliff, he saw that no one was there, and he sat where he had been sitting for a few days and waited in silence: "Why do I feel like this when I'm here? I'm sure I've never been here, but why do I feel such intense longing? And why..." As Asil was about to finish his speech, he sighed and enjoy the gentle wind before continuing.


The Inner School District of the Rezuba Battle School... The front of one of the student residences...

Knock, knock, knock...

"Senior Brother, if you'll excuse me, I'd like permission to speak with you." A dark-haired youth with a cast on his left arm and right leg knocked on the door in front of him, respectfully asking for permission and standing with his crutches, he waited for an answer from inside.

"You may come in." A few seconds later, a gentle male voice came from inside. Then the dark-haired young man slowly opened the door and entered. After walking a few steps inside, he glanced at the young man in his twenties sitting cross-legged in front of him and swallowed involuntarily.

It was very clear that this young man was a student, but even with a single glance, it was easy to see that he was very different from the other students. His luxurious outfit was as white as snow, and his long auburn hair with a dazzling shine was gracefully gathered at the back of his head into a ponytail. His sky-blue eyes, reminiscent of a cloudless sky, were in perfect harmony with his smooth jade-like skin and complete facial features. Feeling perfect in every way in terms of physique and disposition, this young man was unbelievably handsome, as well as his profound aura around him, despite his young age, it was as calm and comforting as still pure water. It was as if he had become one with nature and chosen by Heaven.

His expression was calm and indifferent as if nothing could cause him to change. It was as if he would remain calm even if the ground split in front of him or the dome of the sky was pierced.

The dark-haired youth stared absently for a few seconds at this young man sitting cross-legged in front of him, then shook his head slightly to regain himself, and then stammered: "Senior... Senior Brother Radres... I am.. First of all, I'm sorry to bother you, but... but there's something important I need to tell you about."

"You may say so, Bloodeki. I'm listening to you" Radres gave a casual answer while looking disinterestedly at Bloodeki.

After he gave him permission, Bloodeki respectfully greeted him and said: "Senior Brother Radres, you know that new students arrived at the school a few days ago. So I talked to those students and tried to negotiate with them so that they wouldn't be crushed by the others. However, one of the new students ignored my goodwill and insulted me. Moreover, among his insults to me, there were also those directed at you. Since that person is a new student, I could take the insults he said to me. However, I certainly couldn't ignore an insult to you, even if he was a new student. That's why I challenged him in indoor arenas to teach him a lesson."

"Hmm..." Radres made a sound that indicated he was listening: "It is truly honorable of you to challenge him for his insults to me. But it looks like your challenge didn't turn out the way you wanted it to."

Bloodeki lowered his head in embarrassment, clenched his teeth inconspicuously, and after two seconds of silence said: "Senior Brother Radres. He was really strong. Even though I don't want to admit it, even though his profound strength level is lower than mine, his true strength is much higher than mine. The fight between us was one-sided, and when the fight was over, he said things to me that I didn't even want to utter."

"Ooo... What kind of things?" Radres raised his eyes slightly and asked.

Senior Brother Radres... That smug youth said that from now on he was the king of the Outer School, and anyone who stood in his way would be crushed without question. After that, he looked at the ranking list and said that except for the Goddess of the Night, who was in the first place, all the others were useless losers, and his only opponent was the Goddess of the Night, whom he would soon smash."

Bloodeki knew that if he told the truth, Radres wouldn't help him, even if he was his man. That's why, to take revenge, he seriously talked about things that didn't happen normally, and not only that, he also used the name 'Goddess of the Night', which was Radres' weak spot, twice in his speech. If Radres found out that he was lying, the consequences would be dire. But still he took the risk and chose to do it. From all this, his hatred for Asil and his desire for revenge were clearly evident.

Upon hearing the name 'Goddess of the Night', Radres' flawless facial expression changed for a moment, enough to be discerned by just a careful look, and then returned to normal: "He didn't need to put you in this position for a simple fight, but he still exaggeratedly put someone who worked for me into this situation. Not content with that, he insulted me even though he didn't know me. Normally the consequences would be severe but since he is a new student I will ignore this and simply warn him by breaking an arm and a leg. You can go now, I'll come to the Outer School tomorrow."

After hearing Radres' words, Bloodeki's eyes lit up and he immediately thanked him respectfully and left. After he left, Radres remained quiet for a while, then spoke solemnly to himself: "Looks like the newcomers this year are only seeing themselves great because they passed the exam given by an official from the Central School.


As Asil continued to sit on the edge of the cliff, the sudden sound of footsteps behind him broke the silence and caught Asil's attention. Although his eyes moved slightly, Asil, whose body did not move, waited for the footsteps behind him to come to his side.

The sound of footsteps got closer and sooner, a black-dressed woman came to Asil's side. Asil continued to stare in front of him without speaking for a while. He didn't need to look because he knew who it was before he even saw the incoming person. During the few days he was on this cliff, there was only one person other than him who came here. And that person was Nyks.

After Nyks came to the edge of the cliff, she sat next to Asil and silently enjoyed the wind, without speaking as she had for several days.

Asil remained silent for a while, and then the fire of determination began to burn in his eyes. He had to say what he had been wondering for a long time now. It was time for that. Because right now he had a feeling that if he didn't say it this time, he would never say it again.

Asil took a deep breath and finally asked what he was wondering. "Nyks, why are you crying?"

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