Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 151 - If You Want It That Much, Then Move On!

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The wind wave that appeared when Radres waved his finger hit Asil's body with a crashing sound and shifted his feet, which were firmly pressed to the ground, back a few centimeters. It was a fairly simple move, but Asil felt as if he had been hit in the stomach with a heavy hammer.

Radres' appearance was as friendly as ever. His movements were completely casual as if nothing had happened, and he waved his second finger forward as he took another step forward.


As soon as Radres had finished the second finger movement, there was another crash sound, and blood slowly oozed from the corners of his mouth as Asil's feet moved back a few centimeters. As the pressure on him increased, an extremely dark expression began to fill his eyes. He clenched his teeth harder and harder, and not a sound came out of his mouth, despite the intense pain all over his body.

With a casual smile, Richard took the third step directly in front of him and waved the third finger as Asil squeezed his fingernails into the skin of his palm.


As soon as he waved that third finger, a secret wave of energy exploded directly into Asil's body, and after a crash that reverberated around, Asil spat out a mouthful of blood. His body was shaking, but he still couldn't move. The whites of his eyes had lost their purity with the redness of the veins emerging, and his hands were incredibly tight. The nails that pierced the skin in his palms caused drops of blood to fall on the ground constantly.

Seeing Asil's expression, Radres narrowed his eyes slightly, took the fourth step, and waved his fourth finger as he came in front of him with that step.



With the waving of Radres' fourth finger, unlike the crashing sound that occurred after the other three movements, there was also an explosion sound this time as the circumference of the ground where Asil had stepped his feet were cracked and shattered.

Asil's face paled and he spat out another mouthful of blood. Despite all this, not a single sound came out of his mouth. He had neither roared nor spoken nor screamed. Instead, he had continued to look at the Radres opposite him with eerily cold eyes, so quietly as to cause even those who saw him to be involuntarily afraid!

Due to Asil's force, his nails broke, and the broken pieces penetrated his flesh. As blood poured from his palm like rain, Radres extended his palms forward, gripping Asil's neck and gently squeezing his fingers, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"Cripple your Dantian, break off an arm and a leg, and then drop out of school!" Radres continued to smile, and his warm voice echoed throughout the arena area.

The faces of all the people watching were filled with disdain as the environment became quiet. It was as if their teasing had cut Asil from the world and pushed him out of everything. But Asil, who was at the center of their gaze, was just looking at Radres as if he didn't see any of them. He still hadn't given up. What if he was in some physical pain?

As the veins in the whites of his eyes became more prominent, Asil, thanks to the power coming from an unknown place, raised his right hand despite the pressure on him and grasped the wrist of Radres's hand, which had now caught his neck, under the bewildered stares of all the onlookers.

As soon as he did that, the look in Radres' eyes filled with an intense amount of disgust. He closed his free left palm into a fist and mercilessly attacked Asil's abdomen.

With the blow to his stomach, Asil leaned forward as he spat out a mouthful of blood. However, despite the blow he received, the hand that gripped Radres' wrist did not loosen a bit.

"It seems you are too ignorant to understand for yourself what is good and what is bad. People like you don't even have the right to breathe the same air as me. If you're not doing it yourself, then I'll be the one to act in good faith for you one last time and not tire you out, rip off your arm and leg and cripple your Dantian." Radres' voice was gentle and friendly, but his words were too frightening to match his voice. As soon as he had finished speaking, he raised his left hand in the air and swung the slap of great power towards Asil's face.

As soon as Radres' hand began to descend, a distant sound was heard and a gentle force appeared beside Asil, blocking Radres's moving attack.

Radres turned his gaze towards the person who was blocking his slap. He looked towards the man who appeared to be about twenty-five years old, with black hair that was neither long nor short, who had suddenly appeared there. His face was tattooed with two swirling black lines, and his two eyes were different colors; His left eye was blue and his right eye had a gray tint. This man was Solomon Legemeton, who conducted this year's Rezuba Battle School's Outer School entrance exams!

"Coming here and making a scene even though someone is not from the Outer School is truly unbecoming of a member of the Central School, albeit a new one," Solomon spoke with a smile. He looked at Asil, who was standing there silently, blood dripping from his hands, and then he turned his gaze back to Radres. "Let's end the matter here."

Solomon's appearance undoubtedly shocked everyone present. And this astonishment was too great since he was an official from the Central School. But what people were most surprised by was what Solomon said rather than his appearance. He had spoken openly with Radres that he was a member of the Central School, albeit a new one. The school rules clearly did not allow someone who was a member of the Inner School to interfere in matters of the Outer School without the permission of a Senior. However, this rule did not apply to the Central School. Because the Central School was the true center of the Rezuba Battle School, even the lowest status member of it had the right to disobey the rules that prevailed in the Outer School and even the Inner School. Of course, even though the Central School students had such authority, they did not interfere in matters in the outer regions of the Rezuba Battle School, as they did not want to lower their own dignity.

Radres was indeed a member of the Central School. He had been officially a member of the Central School for several days, although he still did not attend the Central School due to personal affairs. This naturally meant that he had the status of being involved in Outer School matters. In other words, his behavior towards Asil at the moment was not actually against the school rules!

After Solomon's words, those who learned that Radres was actually a member of the Central School and not the Inner School, turned their respectful and bewildered gazes towards Solomon completely, filled with contempt and ridicule. Yes, he was an official at the Central School, which made him a respected person. But how could the status of a simple official match that of a student of the Central School? Although his words to Radres could be seen as a request, Radres was not obliged to accept his request. Because Radres, a new disciple of the Central School, had a status to ignore the wishes of all other people except for the eleven people in the Rezuba Battle School!

These eleven, naturally, are among the seventy-two seniors in the Rezuba Battle School who served in the Central School and ranked in the top six in line, the four Leaders who make up the Council Of The Rezuba, to which seventy-two seniors are affiliated and the Principal of the Rezuba Battle School who held all the authority!

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