Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 160 - Soulless Chains That Seal Fate.

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"Pain..." original Asil spoke slowly to himself in his eerily hoarse voice: "The pain that necessary to reach the truth..." He closed his eyes, completely isolated his feelings from the outside world, and stood there for a few seconds.

While he was waiting, Asil, who had the Sun Symbol, remained in place without doing anything, allowing the first attack to come from the original Asil as usual. But even he could sense that something was different with the original Asil this time. But he did not know exactly what this change was. In any case, it was highly unlikely that someone in his character would pay attention to changes in the person he saw as a worthless 'piece of shell'.

In the midst of the surrounding silence, original Asil slowly opened his eyes. Contrary to the signs of fatigue on his face, the strange gleam in his eyes was quite evident. It was obvious that something was clearly different. He slightly parted his lips and, in his hoarse voice with evident fatigue, called out to Asil who had the Sun Symbol: "You really have a disgusting character..."

"Disgusting?" Asil who had the Sun Symbol smiled contemptuously: "I am not the one with the disgusting character. You're the one! You are nothing but a weak, worthless and ignorant piece of shell. But I can still enjoy it here a little bit thanks to you. When my being is fully awakened, I will take over your worthless body and completely erase your existence!"

"I am mad at you but still... Thank you..." Original Asil barely replied to Asil who had the Sun Symbol, then slowly tilted his head to look at his hands. "Thanks to you… I realized something that maybe I won't realize for a long time."

Original Asil raised his head again, looked at Asil who had the Sun Symbol, and started walking towards him. However, his progress this time was not as fast as before, but extremely slow. As he took his steps one by one and extremely slowly, the strange glow in his eyes became stronger with each step he took.

As original Asil slowly approached Asil who had the Sun Symbol, he threw the swords in his hands to the ground. He wanted to get rid of all the weight on him. Although his body was tired, it was beginning to fill with a strange feeling. He had noticed something when he came to the same spot for the third time. He wasn't sure if what he had noticed was what the smoky creature called 'truth', but was content with this realization, even though the number of mysteries had increased in his mind. The mysteries would be solved one day anyway. All it took was time. On the other hand, this thing that he realized could be of great use to him both now and in the future.

"I want to take revenge on you... But I'm not going to do that..." Original Asil squinted his eyes slightly: "Give up soon enough, otherwise you will be the one to suffer this time!"

"Me? Hahahaha..." Asil, who had the Sun Symbol, laughed as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. Three times the person he had crushed undisputedly was telling him to give up. What kind of concept was that? This was a much different dimension than the joke!

"I see..." Original Asil sighed lightly, activating Colorless Breath, and suddenly appeared next to Asil who had the Sun Symbol.

Asil who had the Sun Symbol against his move smiled slightly and extended his right hand to catch his neck. However, the moment he extended his hands, his entire body instantly contracted, and his movements suddenly froze.

"Soulless Chains... That Seal The Fate!"

Original Asil shouted in a hoarse voice, and as soon as he shouted, an imaginary chain appeared around Asil's body who had the Sun Symbol, which had a rather ancient and rusty appearance. This chain was wrapped tightly around his arms, legs, and other parts of his body, preventing him from moving.

Soulless Chains That Seal Fate... This was a profound technique that appeared in the original Asil's mind after suffering. This technique did not have the slightest offensive effect. Instead, it had a sealing effect that limited the target's profound strength and movement to a certain extent when used and lowered their defense. However, the use and profound energy requirement of this extremely useful technique were naturally excessive.  Under normal circumstances, to use this technique, at least a few points of the target's body had to be touched first. In addition, the user's profound energy needed to be more intense than the target's profound energy. Combined with the fact that it consumed a lot of profound energy when used, using this technique was quite difficult and dangerous in normal battles.

However, this was not a normal place. This was original Asil's consciousness, and Asil's techniques here did not consume profound energy or require normal usage requirements. Therefore, the environment in which he could directly use the Soulless Chains That Seal the Fate Technique was created!

Original Asil smiled faintly, moving behind Asil who had the Sun Symbol. He knocked him down on the back of his knees, and then, holding the top of his head with one hand, said: "I would have made you suffer... But I will not give you this pleasure. Do you understand how much I hate you?" Original Asil lowered his head, looked at his body with hateful eyes, but didn't do anything to cause him pain as he said.

"Give up and obey!" Original Asil spoke with a hoarse voice.

"Give up and obey? To you? Don't make me laugh! Do you think I won't get rid of these damn chains?!" Asil who had the Sun Symbol struggled to break free from the chains surrounding his body. However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not break free from the chains. Under normal circumstances, he would have been able to do this, but this was an area that was entirely to original Asil's advantage, and Asil had finally realized that.

"I said, give up and obey!" He repeated his words. His voice was still hoarse, and in that muffled anger his hatred for Asil who had the Sun Symbol could easily be understood.

As Asil who had the Sun Symbol continued to struggle, the smoky creature's voice echoed around: "The power of the Sun Symbol decreased to zero the moment you were tied to the chains of fate. Your only option is to obey..."

"Obey? Why did I have to obey a worthless piece of the shell? Why would I obey this thing whose only attribute was the ability to wield 'His' chains'? I only obey the power! I will never obey someone who cannot defeat me without the presence of chains!" Asil who possessed the Sun Symbol roared with rage.

After his roar, the smoky creature slowly approached him and pressed his hand on the Sun Symbol. After that, it bowed its head and looked into his eyes.

"Hmph!" After hit touched his forehead, Asil who had the Sun Symbol snorted and after staring at the smoky creature for a few seconds called out to the original Asil, "The worthless piece of shell, although I don't want it, maybe you really have a chance against 'Him'. I'm giving up this time just because I want to see it! But unless you can defeat me without using these chains, I will never fully obey you and share my power with you! I will look forward to the day we will meet again!"

After Asil who had the Sun Symbol finished speaking, his body turned into black smoke and disappeared. After he left, the Soulless Chains That Seal the Fate also disappeared.

"You have earned the right to take the ego test. If you don't have anything to say, we can start the ego test." With his departure, the smoky creature spoke.

Original Asil turned to the smoky creature and asked: "What did you say to him?"

Considering the character of Asil who had the Sun Symbol, it was obvious that it would be difficult for him to obey someone who could not defeat him in an equal fight.  But he still gave up and did so when the smoky creature touched his forehead. This indicated that it was due to something the smoky creature did or said. After all, it had been able to speak to original Asil without moving its mouth before.

"I'm sorry, but it's too early for you to find out about this. If you don't have anything to say, we can start the ego test." The smoky creature answered as it shook its head slowly from side to side.

Even if original Asil wondered about the answer to the question he asked, he did not push any further because he realized that he would not be able to learn no matter how much he insisted and nodded that he agreed to take the test.

After his approval, the smoky creature moved its hand and moved a few meters ahead of the original Asil, changing into complete darkness. When original Asil saw this darkness, his heart suddenly tightened and he involuntarily grabbed his chest. Even breathing was finding it extremely difficult, and every part of his soul was trembling uncontrollably.

This... What is this?" Asil asked with difficulty while holding his chest with one hand and throat with one hand.

"Hmm..." The smoky creature looked towards the darkness: "It is the core of your being and soul. It's still in the dark as you haven't fully reached your being yet. But if you take the ego test and pass the test successfully, this darkness will disappear and you will get the true strength of your self! Now move over there! After entering the darkness, you will find out what the test will be like."

The situation Asil was in continued for a few more minutes. After a few minutes, Asil slowly got used to this situation and started to stagger towards the darkness with slow steps. Each of his steps was slower than the previous one, and with each step of his, the feeling of tightness in his heart was getting stronger...

Slowly advancing, Asil reached the point where the darkness began, then he slowly raised his hands and touched the darkness. However, as soon as he touched the darkness, an aura wave emanated from the place he touched, causing Asil's body to be thrown backward in an instant. At the same time, the whole environment began to shake and cracks began to form in the air.

With sudden changes, the Smoky Creature looked first towards the darkness, then towards Asil, and spoke in a way that only he could hear: "I see. Since the Chain of Power and the Chain of Seal had opened, I thought the time might have been right. But it seems that the third chain also needs to be opened. It is too early... Don't you think so, Hermes? He he he he...."

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