Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 165 - Established Team (2)

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Asil unconsciously turned his head and saw a figure walking slowly towards him from a few tens of meters away, who at first glance looked like a middle aged man. When Asil saw him, he knew instantly why the ground beneath his feet was trembling vaguely. Each step he took caused the ground to tremble imperceptibly as if to say, I am right here, as the man, who looked like a gigantic two-meter snake, gathered his charcoal-black hair rippling with the wind with his arms protruding from his armor and seemed to contain several tons of force.

There was a thick scar right in the middle of this big man's face that shouted 'I will just fight'. Cracks had formed on both sides of this scar, and stretched all the way to his lips, making the sight of his face so frightening to involuntarily frighten the beholders. His huge shoulders, like a rhino's ass for fighting and swinging swords, rose like a mountain that could barely speak in the sun, giving the man majestic splendor. The leather armor he was wearing was swollen from the muscle mass that had formed in his chest, and it looked like it was about to explode. Along with his chest area, his abdomen, which seemed to be hard like a plate made of a warped quality metal, and his thick and muscular legs that looked like solid jade pillars due to the hard fabric he was wearing, made him look like an impregnable fortress. That alone could cause anyone looking at him to involuntarily shudder at this man who weighs at least two hundred kilograms!!

Asil was involuntarily surprised when he saw this man, and his surprise was greatly increased in comparison with the previous one when he saw the little boy advancing next to the man and greatly spoiling his dominant atmosphere.

Walking right next to the burly man, this little boy, who looked at most fourteen years old, had a small, petite face that looked just like an owl and was proportional to his age. His chin was slightly longer than usual, giving his face a relative heart shape. With his messy, dirty and short blonde hair and the miserable clothes he wore, he had an appearance that even beggars would pity. The broken wooden necklace on his neck, the expression on his face that looks like he hasn't eaten or drank anything for a few days, the pocket like rips in two different parts of his waist, the outfit that looks like a sack, and almost falls off his shoulder... No matter how it looked, this boy was far from being a mercenary. In fact, he was far from being not only a mercenary but even a normal street child! What was such a boy doing next to this big guy? No! More importantly, what was such a child doing in such a dangerous place as the Yesnok Land?

"Oooo... Look who we have here. Aren't these the trio from the Krizia Family?" The burly man looked at the three people in front of Asil and shouted, then turned his gaze to Asil and continued: "If they're here, then you're the kid who is going to hire me too, right? Hahaha, youth these days are very crazy, they go on adventures early. By the way, my name is Hanzo. And this brat is my partner Oznah. Since I'm here, let's go, hahaha..."

After speaking, the burly man named Hanzo started to walk into Yesnok Land without paying attention to the others. In this case, Asil was his employer, but he didn't even listen to his employer's order and started walking towards the land, ignoring the other people in their group. That was a pretty disrespectful thing to do. Asil opened his mouth to speak, but before the words escaped his throat, the woman, who appeared to be about twenty-five, called out coldly.

"Hmph! You're as rude as ever, Hanzo! I'm surprised how you've survived this long. Although I'm not satisfied, this boy is our employer, so you should at least wait for his approval before you go on the trip."

After the woman spoke, Hanzo stopped his steps, turned his large body and looked at Asil as he lightly scratched his hair with an embarrassed expression. "Ahahah... I'm sorry, Boss. I was too excited to fight something, so I lost my temper, and that's why I forgot to get your approval. So, when are we leaving?"

Asil looked at his facial expression carefully, and after noticing the strange embarrassment in his eyes, he nodded and replied: "It's okay. There are two more people who have not yet arrived. We'll be on our way when they get there." Asil shifted his gaze to the little boy next to Hanzo and asked. "But is it safe for you to bring that child with you? After all, this is a dangerous place."

"Which child?" Hanzo turned his head with a strange expression and looked at the little boy. Then he turned back to Asil and answered with a laugh. "If you mean Oznah, you don't have to worry, Boss. He may seem small and weak, but he is really very effective. It's my, Big Hanzo's, partner, after all."

Although Asil was not satisfied with this situation, he did not push the situation. Turning his head again, he looked towards the three women. As he looked towards them, the purple-haired girl to the right of the trio smiled sweetly and said: "Eheh... Hello. Well... My name is Mira. Even if I look weak, I can be helpful during the journey." After speaking for a while, the young girl named Mira turned her gaze slightly to the ground and began to think out loud: "Hmm... What else can I say... What else can I say? Uff, I can't speak properly because of the excitement."

When Asil realized that she was thinking aloud and was unaware of it, he involuntarily laughed but did nothing to interrupt her situation. 

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