Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 21 - Body Endurance Training (!) (4)

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Baran continued his merciless blows, but no matter how hard he hit him, Asil did not shout. Therefore, Baran became angrier after each hit. He wanted to hear screams and pleas, to see a pitiful expression. But Asil wasn't doing any of that. He was just standing still in place, clenching his teeth and enduring the pain.

The process of hitting him with the stick took about ten minutes, and when that process was over, Asil's abdomen was completely filled with bruised bruises. Normally a person in such pain would definitely shout, and when that happened, Baran would usually enjoy it. He thought that Asil had an abnormal amount of willpower, and that will would eventually be destroyed. So thinking of using heavier methods and pushing him to his limit, he let go of the bat and walked to the section where the whips were.

Baran had a hideous smile on his face when he went there, and then after searching for the whips one by one, he found the whip he wanted. This whip looked different from the other whips found in the section of the whips. Other whips were ordinary, and only their colors, lengths, and materials in which they were made differed. However, the red color of this whip, and about a meter and a half long, was considered normal, but its shape was very different because there were many bright pointed spikes on this whip.

Baran took this unusual whip and returned to the Asil's side and, after getting behind him, spoke: "You never shouted before this. This is pretty impressive considering your level of profound power is not even in the first level. But I wonder how much longer you're gonna be like this, let's see, hahaha..."

Baran, waving the whip after speaking, struck Asil's back. This time, the speed of the stroke was considerably slower than his previous blows, but this blow, combined with the piercing of the spines, caused much more pain than the previous blows. After that blow, Baran smiled and continued his increasingly accelerating blows.

The blows of this whip were in two different types. First, it was normal and was almost as damaging as any other whip. Even if a blow like this caused more pain than a regular whip or even a stick because of the spines on this whip, it was something that could be endured for someone who endured nearly an hour of torture without a sound. But the second type of attack was far more painful. It was not even possible to compare the pain caused by this type of blow.

Because when Baran made his second kind of blow, the spiky whip normally strikes Asil's back. However, after this impact, Baran did not pull the whip back and instead moved his hands quickly to the right or left, moving the whip in the direction in which he moved his hand, causing the sharp spines lodged in the Asil's back to break through the skin on his back and tear the skin.

Also; while normally taking these blows, hearing Baran's disgusting laughter as if he were enjoying it should have put pressure on Asil mentally. But thankfully, that laughter was stifled by the buzzing sound that echoed in his mind and grew increasingly violent. Therefore, Asil has not felt any kind of mental pressure during this training (!).

Baran continued to hit Asil back with the spiky whip, and about five minutes later, Asil's head fell, losing consciousness and fainting. As his head fell down, Baran immediately realized he had passed out, stopped whipping, and brought an icy bucket of water to sober him up. He poured this water into Asil's face and immediately sobered Asil, who had just passed out.

After Asil woke up, he continued to hit him with the spiky whip for about half an hour then left it to the side because he was tired, went somewhere, and sat to rest. When he sat down, he looked nervously towards the Asil and spoke to himself: "Damn it! How long is this loser gonna last? What's the point of doing this if he doesn't scream or beg! I have to make him scream! He must beg me! He must be my dog, just like the others! I'll make him my dog! I'll definitely do that!"

Baran rested for a while and regained his senses, and then, having stopped whipping Asil, began to wander around the room in search of something good and useful. He soon found a plier and returned to Asil's side. Baran waited in front of him for a while and then bowed so low that he could reach the Asil's feet. Then he stretched out the pliers and held the fingernail of Asil's right big toe with the pliers, then pulled the pliers to himself with all his power and de-nailed Asil's right big toe.

When this happened, all the muscles in Asil's face, even his body, contracted instantly, and as he clenched his teeth with extreme force, a slight cracking sound came from his jaw. When his fingernail was removed, Asil made a sound that could be heard slightly from his mouth, but it made Baran more enraged because it was not the sound of shouting as he had expected.

Baran did not stop after removing the nail of Asil right big toe with pliers and continued to de-nail his right foot one by one. Trying to endure this indescribable pain, his feelings of pain increased, Asil fainted again. But Baran immediately woke him up and then moved on to his left toenails, ripping them off. When his toenails were all removed, he also de-nailed Asil's hands although he passed out a total of five times during this process, Baran woke him up every single time and kept him sober, making him feel more of this pain.

Time moved on and the days passed quickly.

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