Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 24 - First Fight (2)

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After Asil followed the middle-aged man for a while, they arrived at a room where the smells of food spread from inside. Inside this room were several tables wide enough to seat at least thirty people each, and food boilers with several men in front of them.

Upon entering the room, the middle-aged man spoke for a bit with some of the people who were in the room and then told the Asil to sit at one of the tables. After Asil sat down one of the tables, the people around served him some food. This meal was not a big deal. It was just some mashed potatoes and some pulpy rice. However, Asil did not complain and quickly ate the food they had given him.

When the meal was over, Asil and the middle-aged man left the room and, after a walk of about five minutes, entered a hall with countless weapons and similar tools and a large door at the other end. In fact, this was more of something made with iron bars than a normal door. As soon as Asil saw it, he realized that it was the door to battle in the arena and that this was the place to choose what he would use in battle.

Indeed, it was as Asil had expected, and the middle-aged man said this was the place to choose the weapon of choice. Asil went straight to where the swords were. His weapon of choice was naturally of the sword since he knew how to use it.

Asil examined the swords and took two short twin swords. Both of these twin swords were at an arm's length, and both were of the weight that Asil could easily wield. Normally he would choose a long sword, but since he did not know what kind of animal he was going to encounter, it made more sense for him to take two short swords. After all, he could defend and attack at the same time using twin swords.

After choosing his weapon, he told the middle-aged man that he did not want any armor, and he walked up to the big door and stood in front of him. Sunlight was coming in through the gap between the bars, and Asil's eyes were instantly sore because he had not seen sunlight in a week. His eyes soon got used to the sunlight, and then the pain naturally gone away.

As Asil stood in front of the door, he looked out from the railings at the door, and what he saw instantly struck a daze on his face. Within his sight was a large area with a larger area than the hall where the slaves were and a sand floor. Around this area were walls about twenty meters high and a section made for spectators who rose sloping above these walls to watch the fights in the sand-covered field. This section was completely populated by spectators, and at the top of this section was a special section located exactly northwestwards to Asil's position. There were only three chairs in this particular section, and around the people sitting in those three chairs were young stewards who brought them fruit and drinks.

The buzzing of the audience in the arena was suddenly interrupted after a speech that was heard as Asil examined what he had seen.

"Ladies and gentlemen! We will finally start today's first show. Today, a youngster who never fought before in Kastor will make the opening. As you all know, the first fights are against weak animals, so you might get a little bored. But do not worry, after this fight, we will have other fights to entertain you. Then let us see our fighter before I make you wait any longer..."

When the speaker had finished speaking, the great door in front of the Asil was opened by rising slowly, and when the door reached the height to which Asil could walk, he entered the sand-covered area without hesitation.

When he walked in, most of the audience had a strange expression on their faces and the person who just spoke started talking again.

"Our fighter this time is quite young and doesn't have any profound power. You may not like to watch such a weak boy, but I hear he has quite a strong willpower and was trained by Lord Baran, The Young Master of Kastor. So, you can be sure he will put on a good fight..." the voice paused a bit and then continued to speak. "As for his opponent... His opponent is a monster of the kind that will prove that the gods do not like this child. Most of you have seen it before. What this boy is going to fight against is... Steel-Horned Bull

When the voice stopped, Asil looked around to see who was speaking and discovered that the person who was speaking was one of the attendants in the special section. The gaze of many in the audience flared after he spoke and said what Asil's opponent would be. The audience began looking excitedly towards the door, which was directly opposite Asil and had the same shape as the door he entered the arena. Soon after, the door began to slowly rise through, and a big bull came out of the door. This bull was about two meters tall and had two black horns shining on its head. The sharpness of these horns could be easily understood just by looking at them.

Asil looked carefully at the bull and examined it with his eyes and his feelings to understand why this bull excites spectators who want to watch pleasurable fights. Then Asil understood the reason for this and this caused his facial expression to change. Asil immediately took up battle position, carefully holding the short sword in one hand ahead and the other behind.

Asil, being in the Mirza Clan for a long time, was able to understand the animals and people that are in the first levels of the elementary profound realm from their auras even though he had no profound power. And the reason this bull made Asil react like that was that it was not just a bull, but a bull with profound power.

It was in the second level of the elementary profound realm!

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