Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 28 - Black King Sirius (1)

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Asil was suddenly startled by the sound echoing in his mind and looked around to see if there had been a change. But everything was normal in the environment and there was no weirdness. At that moment it occurred to Asil that there was a possibility that he could communicate with this voice, and he spoke from within to try it.:

"Well, Senior, Who Are you? Where are you right now? I can't see you."

Asil said these phrases five times in a row, but there was no response from the voice that echoed in his mind before. When Asil was just about to lose his hope, he heard the voice echoing in his mind again:

"Ignorant brat, if you want to talk to me, use your profound power to strengthen your senses and then speak in your mind."

Asil had heard that profound power could do such a thing but since he never had profound power, he was completely unfamiliar with this since he had never done it before.

Asil immediately used his profound power to strengthen his senses as the voice told him, and then spoke in his mind.

"Senior, My Name is Asil, Asil Mirza. May I know who you are and where you are?"

Asil was excited to use profound power for the first time and speak in his mind, but he was also nervous and careful because he did not know who he was talking to and what his purpose was. The voice that was echoing in his mind responded Asil after he talked in his mind for a while.

We should talk about this face-to-face kid. If you want to see me and find out what the buzzing sound that resonated in your head a while ago and then strengthened your weak body, close your eyes first by going into a state of meditation and then use your profound power to strengthen your mind. Once you have done that, focus and let your consciousness get inside the necklace that hangs around your neck. When you do that, you will come to me."

When Asil heard what the voice echoing in his mind said, he immediately looked at the necklace around his neck and then touched it. This was the ordinary-looking necklace that skinny man forced him to choose. He never expected this ordinary necklace to lead to such mysterious things. The echoing voice said that this necklace was the source of the buzzing sound that strengthened him. So, in other words, the reason he fought and survived the steel-horned bull was that his body was strengthened, so naturally, he owed it to this necklace.

Asil, without even thinking if there was any meaning behind the words of the echoing voice, sat down painfully, straightening his body, and closed his eyes, and went into a state of meditation. Then, using the profound power, as the voice said, he strengthened his consciousness and entered the necklace with his mind.

The environment changed completely as if his consciousness had been beamed into a completely different dimension when he entered the necklace. But the first thing Asil paid attention to be his own body. Because he entered the necklace by directing his consciousness, he actually thought that his body would not be present and that he would only be present here as a consciousness capable of moving. But now he had a body that looked exactly like his normal body, and since he could feel his real body meditating slightly, he could see that it was not his real body. He was thrilled by this strange and mysterious event. Asil looked around after taking his attention away from the body he now possesses, and he froze.

Because the sight he saw was something he never expected.

There was an area before his eyes where he could not see the end of it, and almost the entire area was dark. It was only when attention was paid that something could be seen. But it was not this dark environment that surprised Asil even though he had never paid attention to it before because of his excitement; it was the chains that were on the ground, moving in one direction from all sides. These chains were dark red. So, they could be spotted in this dark environment. Although these chains were similar to the ones Asil dreamed of, they were not as large and did not feel as strange as the chains in his dreams were.

Asil tried to look around and see the owner of the voice that had echoed in his mind several times before but failed to do so. Then as he continued to examine the surroundings, the old voice came from far away from the position it is now and from the left side in direction. It was also this time that the owner of the sound could be understood to be in this area.

"Brat, the chains here go in the same direction. If you want to come near me, follow these damn chains."

Asil looked back at the chains after the words of the voice and then thought to himself as he began to go in their direction.:

"What exactly is this place? Why is the owner of this voice where the chains were? Are all these chains here to keep the owner of that voice here? If so, the owner of that voice must be very dangerous. But I still owe him for empowering me and indirectly saving my life. If I do not go there and go back now, it would be rude to someone who saved my life, even indirectly, and I would regret it for the rest of my life. "

Asil continued to walk decisively, and after a long walk of about five minutes, he caught his eye of a place that was bright within the dark environment in the direction he was walking. He walked a little further and this bright area became clear enough that he could see what was going on inside.

The Light Zone was the place where the chains were assembled, and in that place, all the chains joined together to form four main chains. These chains were attached to the limbs of the man, who was in the middle of the Light Zone and was hanging on a slab erect out of the ground, made of a metal Asil had never seen before. These four chains, which were attached to the man's limbs, were attached to his wrists and ankles precisely, causing them to stand stretched. The man's arms, tied with chains on the slab, were open to the end, respectively, and had an angle of about sixty degrees between his feet. This man seemed to have been here for a long time, and it was evident from his mindlessly tired-looking body that this time was unimaginable.

This man had about a meter and ninety centimeters of height and even though his body looked exhausted, it could be seen that he had an imposing nature. His long and worn hair, which was black as charcoal, even though the man was hanging about two meters above the ground, stretched all the way to the ground as if to accompany the endless time. The man had a tattered dress on him, and from the lacerations on that dress, numerous scars could be seen on the man's body.

Asil approached and entered the Light Zone, and at that moment the man opened his closed eyes slowly and looked at Asil. These were bright-black eyes that would grab the attention of the one looking at them with its glitter. But the only thing Asil felt when he looked at them was a deep horror! And the horror was indescribable. It was even more intense than the skinny man made him feel when he was fighting. Asil got his entire body covered with goosebumps, and when the man opened his eyes, he even had difficulty breathing due to the change of atmosphere in the environment.

The man looked at Asil for a while and spoke carelessly: "Kid, you are too weak. But I can make you stronger if you want. In return, you have to fulfill a request of mine."

Asil looked at the man and spoke with difficulty: "Senior... Can... I... Learn... Your... Request?"

"When you get to a certain level, when you own this necklace, you'll be able to destroy these damn chains. When you are strong enough to do this, I want you to destroy it and set me free."

The man's request was quite ordinary, but it was easy to see that it was difficult. Asil was just about to spoke with difficulty when the atmosphere around him was back to normal, but the man spoke again "You are very weak, so I will talk to you this way for now. Brat, my name is Sirius. You do not need to know who I am and why I am here right now. You do not have to worry about what this necklace is and what it does with your current weak power. These are not things you would think of at your current level. Now tell me, do you accept my offer?"

Asil was still nervous, though he breathed a sigh of relief with the atmosphere softening. Because even if the man in front of him was bound in chains, it was horrifying, like he could kill him with just his look. Asil gulped down and replied: "Senior Sirius, even if I accept your offer it is unclear whether I will be able to get to the level you wish me to reach. So, I don't want to give you false hope. But if you strengthen me as you said, I will do everything I can to get you out of here."

After Asil spoke, the man named Sirius smiled and spoke: "Brat, if you study my Profound art, you will surely become stronger than you could ever imagine. You do not even doubt that. But I do not know if you will like my profound art. After all, my profound art is different and scarier than any profound art you've ever heard of."

Asil thought about how the Profound art that this man was talking about and then asked the man named Sirius: "Senior Sirius, can you tell me how scary your profound art is? Is its power scary or does it have another scary characteristic?"

Asil was really curious about the answer to that question. After all, the man named Sirius was strong enough to make him have difficulty to breathe, even with his gaze, and he said that his Profound art would strengthen him more than he could ever imagine.

The man named Sirius smiled weirdly and spoke: "The name of my profound art is called the Art of Black Death. The working principle of this art is very simple.. I can even describe this principle in four words. Kill and get strong!"

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