Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 32 - Scripture Of The Chosen Ones (2)

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After speaking, Sirius looked solemnly at Asil and waited for his answer.

Asil thought about what he should do for a while after Sirius's long speech, and then asked:

"If what you say is true, I must be a chosen one. But I understand from what you have said before that I am someone who has entered the first-level profound realm with your help. I mean, there is no way I'm special. On what basis are you saying that I am one of the chosen ones, many of whom have reached great heights?"

Sirius sighed and reluctantly replied: "You are a really boring kid. That is not what I want to hear, what I want hear is that whether you're going to be my student or not. You can't even understand what it's like, but in the future, you're going to realize what a tremendous blessing it is to be offered to be a student of someone like me, and you're going to slap your own face for not accepting it right away."

Asil looked decisively and spoke as if he was the dominant party in the conversation: " If you say why you think I'm one of the chosen ones, and I believe I'm one of the chosen ones, I might think I can trust you. If I trust you, I can be your student, but if I do not, I don't want a butcher like you to be my master."

Sirius's face and his eyes twitched and after making some effort to stay calm, he spoke patiently: "Kid, you are really pushing me. Even though I can use a tiny fraction of my profound power, that is more than enough to kill a loser like you. If you try to annoy me again after what I am about to say and continue this useless conversation, I will kill you! Now open your big ears and listen to me! The chosen ones all see a place in their dreams from time to time. The place they see is a dark place and there is a great book on it. This book becomes more readable as the Chosen One gets stronger. The people who knew the Chosen Ones call that book 'the Scripture of the Chosen Ones' and that book teaches some profound techniques and some information. Of course, the profound power must be above a certain level to learn them. Someone like you who just entered the trivial first level of elementary profound realm probably though that place was just a dream. But that place is located in your Dantian, which is located in your abdominal region and is also central to the profound veins, and this particular place is a place that exists only in the chosen ones. You have seen this place many times since you were one of the chosen ones. Even if you tried to open that book, you could not because you did not have the profound power, could you? It is quite normal that you cannot open that book. Although I do not know why your profound power is at this level even though you are a Chosen One, I am sure that if you are a student of mine, you'll be absolutely empowered. Now that I have said what you want, what's your answer?"

Asil was surprised when he heard Sirius ' words. Because from his words, it was clear that the place he had been dreaming of actually existed. He did not tell him about this place, and yet it was enough for him to believe that there was a great book in that place that he could not open. But even if he knew that book, why didn't he mention the door that was surrounded by lava and locked with chains to keep it from opening? Was this door trivial when compared to the book? Or did not he need to know that with his current level of profound power?

Asil wanted to know the answer to these questions, but from Sirius's facial expression, it could be understood that asking him these questions now would have bad consequences. That is why he stopped asking them for the moment.

"Senior Sirius, now that you've answered my questions, I accept to be your student. From now on, you are my master, and I am your student. May heaven witness this and punish me if I betray my master, or if you try to teach me the profound power by force, punish you with divine thunderbolts."

Sirius burst into laughter after the Asil's words and then spoke: "HAHAHAHAHA...Brat, good talk! Divine thunderbolts huh, hahaha... Now that you have accepted me as your Master, bow to me first and respect me as a student. Then I will teach you how to enter the place where the Scripture of the Chosen Ones located and a profound technique that will be of great use to you there."

After Sirius's words, Asil kowtowed and completed the master-student ceremony by offering him his respect.

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