Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 40 - Perses The Executioner (3)

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Perses, the executioner, slowly raised his right hand after speaking and, after opening his palm facing upwards, pulled his four fingers backwards several times and loosened them, signaling to the Asil to come. Since he was in the fourth level of the elementary profound realm, he trusted himself very much and he fully believed that he could defeat this young man who was only in the first level of the elementary profound realm without using any weapon.

After the incitement of Perses the Executioner, a frustrated expression appeared on the Asil's face, and he proceeded with his twin sword to prove himself in the direction that the executioner Perses was. His progress was exactly what Perses the Executioner wanted. He actually thought that this kind of incitement was too simple to work even if it was a competing teenager, but this simple provocation worked unexpectedly.

Asil kept moving forward in a determined and in a very certain way from his eyes that he would attack and his gaze was constantly focused on the right shoulder of Perses the Executioner His focused gaze made Perses the Executioner realize that his opponent would attack his right shoulder. He was an experienced man and could easily figure out where to attack his opponent, who was naive enough to fall for even such a simple trick. But he pretended not to notice it and concealed his dismissive smile.

With the distance between them about three meters, Asil leaped forward and attacked as he was locked into Perses the Executioner's right shoulder. But this was exactly the moment Perses the Executioner had been waiting for.

As soon as Asil attacked, Perses the Executioner threw his left hand in a sudden motion in the direction in which Asil was quickly lunging at and thought to grab him with a grabbing motion and beat him up a bit.

As the left hand of Perses the Executioner moved towards Asil from the left side to grab him, Asil moved to the right side of Perses the Executioner in a quick motion, as if he had no interest in it, and the hand that approached him was only twenty centimeters away.

As the hand of Perses the Executioner was positioned as close as twenty centimeters to the Asil, an ominous smile appeared on his face. Because if someone like him who is in the fourth level of the elementary profound realm catches someone like Asil who is in the first level of the elementary profound realm, the captured would have zero to no chance of getting out.

As his hand was approaching Asil, Perses the Executioner was already beginning to think about what to do after he captured Asil.

But when his hand only ten centimeters from the Asil's neck, something that Perses the Executioner never expected happened.

While Asil was moving forward to his opponent's right arm and was extremely close, he quickly evaded the hand of his opponent, that was about to grab him, when it was just ten centimeters away from him and bent over immediately, braked himself by extending his right foot forward and pressing hard towards the ground Then, taking power support from his right foot, which he pressed hard on the ground, he turned himself around and, in a very agile maneuver, passed to the left side of Perses the Executioner.

Perses the Executioner was surprised by this very fast event, and a strange expression occurred on his face. He did not expect his opponent, who was quite naive, to do such a thing. So, he fell into a trap he would not normally fall into, allowing his opponent to move to his vulnerable left side.

But what Perses the Executioner did not know was that his instigation did not actually affect Asil. While his condescending incitement really annoyed Asil, it was certainly not something that would cause him to lose his temper. Asil had simply acted as if he had lost his temper, prompting his opponent to underestimate him more and thus give him a deficit he would not normally give. And this thought became a reality as easy as one-two-three.

When Asil moved to the left of Perses the Executioner with his sudden maneuver, he held his twin swords horizontally, leaving the distance between them to reach the two places he aimed, and at the same time, hold the swords as the left one on top, the right one on the bottom, swung them right to the left tossing them with all his power, cut both the left side of his left calf and left side of his waist.

Asil, after the cutting move, wasted no time and without allowing a sudden attack to come to him, advanced forward, and moved about ten meters away from Perses the Executioner. When the distance between them was ten meters, Asil stood and looked back towards Perses the Executioner with his smiling face, who had taken blows in two different places.

Perses the Executioner suffered a much greater shock before he could even survive the shock of two quick blows, and this new shock enraged him greatly.

What enraged Perses the Executioner was a move Asil made after turning around and looking at him. After he looked at Perses the Executioner for a few seconds, he waved his twin swords and plunged them on the sandy ground. He then put his left hand behind his waist and extended his right hand straight forward while the palm looked up. He then pulled four fingers towards himself several times and loosened them, dismissively provoking him as Perses the Executioner had done to him at the beginning of the fight.

After avenging his opponent's condescending act on him at the beginning of the fight, Asil took his twin swords from the ground, looked at his opponent with a smile. Just then, Sirius's satisfied voice echoed in his mind: "Hahahaha, brat well done you did so well! Look at his face, hahahaha. Even if you lose in this game, in my eyes, you have already won. Someone who is in the first level of the Elementary profound realm is making fun of someone who is in the fourth level, hahahaha...."

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