Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 49 - Questions Of Medivh (1)

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Medivh stayed in the audience for a while, and after watching half of the other fight, he got bored, got up, and left the part where the fight was being watched. After getting out of there, he walked down the long hallway and found the section where Kastor's managers were, asking several officials he saw walking. After going to the managers' section, he came to a door with 'Chief Manager' written on it, then knocked on the door, after hearing the approval of the person inside, he got in.

The room he entered was about twenty square meters.  In this room, there was a table with four leather chairs around it, a couple of vases with different plants in them, a tiger pelt rug that is placed between the door and the table, and some various furniture on which various items on top of them.  When Medivh entered the room, there was a person that understood to be the 'Chief Manager' sitting on the chair behind the table, and another person was sitting right side of the table and on the nearest of the four chairs around the table.

The person sitting in the leather chair was a young man. This young male had about 180 cm of height, brown hair that was neither long nor short and slightly raised upfront, light auburn skin, hardly molded body, bright and engaging blue eyes. If Asil saw this young man with an above-average appearance and a nature that seems polite from outside, he would recognize him instantly. Because it was the young man named Baran who tortured him.

The person behind the desk was a blue-eyed man who is about fifty years old. This man had a molded body, light auburn skin, long light chestnut hair that he collected behind him, and no white hair on it.

When the Medivh entered the room, the man and the young man were looking at him as if they were talking about an issue and this issue was interrupted due to Medivh knocking on the door. When Medivh walked in and took a few steps, the man behind the desk looked at him and spoke in a tone that harbored supremacy: "I, Barya, am the Chief Manager of the great and glorious Kastor and the owner of all slaves in the Kastor. How may I help you?"

Ignoring the man's words, Medivh advanced forward and sat in the leather chair then replied to the man speaking to him: "I am a traveler and coming from far away, and also I am someone who is interested in one of the people that you called slaves. How can you help me with that?"

After Medivh's words, the man carefully examined him with his eyes. He was someone who knew most of the high-ranking people in this city and had close relations with them and there were very few people who could speak so freely to him in this city when they first meet him. Which caused him to become interested in the young man before him.

The man spoke to Medivh shortly after looking intently: "Then, first of all, I would like to welcome you to our city. About the slave thing... Do you want to buy one of our slaves? If that's the case and you have a certain slave in mind you can tell. If we agree on the price, we can give it to you right away."

He said: "There's a certain person I want and I think we can agree on the price. Who I want is someone fighting today. I don't know his name, but he was wielding twin swords. He was in the fourth level of the elementary profound realm and defeated by a middle-aged man who used a spear and was in the third level of the elementary profound realm "

After Medivh's words, the man turned to Baran and spoke looking at him: "Baran, you know who was in the fights today. Do you know the Slave The Young Master wants?"

Baran approved with a nod and replied: "Father, as I understand it, he is the slave that I did the body strengthening training three months ago. His name is Asil."

After Baran's words, the man got up and pulled an orb out of his desk drawers, and put it on the table. Then, after putting his hand on the orb and after sending his profound energy, he turned to Medivh, approved with a nod, and talked: "The name of the Slave the Young Master seeks is Asil. He came here about three months ago, and when he came here, he had no profound power. But he managed to level up by four in just three mounts. Although he's a little behind on his fighting skills, he's a late-blooming genius. So if you want him, you need to be willing to pay fifty green profound coins."

The orb that the man put his hand on and send his profound energy was an orb that stored information and it was used to store the data of the slaves. When the man looked at Asil's data, he saw that his worth was about thirty green profound coins but since he did not know the young man before him and he was certain that how powerful he is and how powerful his background was, he wanted to name a higher price to try him. This way, he would understand that the young man had an average background if the young man was abstained from the price or could not pay, and the man would behave accordingly from this point onwards.

But the events took place outside the expectations and Medivh instantly took out sixty green profound coins and spoke after putting it on the table: "Fifty is the price you wanted for the young man named Asil. The other ten is for you to take me to him. I'd appreciate it if someone with a knowledge of price would take me to him. Because if I'm interested in someone else on the way, there's a chance I'll take that person as well."

After speaking, Medivh stood up and headed for the door. When he got up, the man, with his enlarged eyes, looked at him and then his son Baran and then made the signal to Baran to go with him. Upon the sign of his father, Baran stood up and headed for the door behind Medivh. After walking out the door, Baran showed Medivh the way, leading him to the cell where Asil was staying.

When they left the room, the man who was the Chief Manager remained silent for a bit and then muttered to himself in a low voice: "A young man who paid sixty green profound coins like it was nothing... I wonder who he is but someone who could give sixty green profound coins like it is nothing should have a very powerful background. He also appeared to be in his early twenties, but his profound power was in the second level of the Profound realm. Someone so strong at his age has to have a background that I absolutely shouldn't disrespect. It is strange though, being someone at this age and this strong, coming to buy slaves yet never calling them slaves, even though I called them as slaves, he still would not call them this way when we were talking about them. I wonder what kind of family he brought up in. Anyway, this doesn't concern me. I hope Baran doesn't act disrespectful to him."

Time progressed, and the footsteps of Baran and Medivh began to be heard from the entrance to the Great Hall, where the Asil's cell was also located. As they made their way to the entrance and their silhouettes began to appear vaguely, the people in the cells gazed towards the entrance of the Hall, starting to look at the approaching people, trying to figure out who they were.

The two, who arrived shortly afterwards, were clearly seen at the entrance to the hall, and when they appeared, most people in the cells immediately understood the situation. They had previously seen foreign people coming to the section where Kastor's attendants and cells were, and each time these foreign people had bought one or more of the slaves in the cells. So they knew right away that the young man, wearing scarlet clothes, had come here to buy slaves. Also, when they saw that the officer who came with him was Baran, the son of Kastor's Chief Manager, they thought that he had a very rich and powerful background.

An opportunity like this didn't always come. So when young and Baran entered the Hall, the people in the cells started calling out to them.:

"Young Master, look here. I can be a very good guard. I know how to fight with bare hands and swords. You'll be absolutely delighted if you take me."

"Young Master, you don't have to take the others while I'm here. I can do all sorts of things. If you take me, you won't regret it."


"Young Master, I can accompany you at night if you want. You can have all the fun you want with me. Take me."

Although many conversations have been heard, Medivh ignored all of them. But the last person to call had caused Medivh to stop and a strange expression on his face. Medivh turned his head and looked towards the last person to speak and spoke: "Senior, I'm sorry but I'm not interested in men. I don't know how hard you've been going through here, and I don't think anyone who hasn't spent time in a place like this can understand that. So it is not for someone like me to say this or advise you about it, but you should not tarnish your pride and honor enough to sell yourself to others no matter what. At least, these are my thoughts."

After speaking, Medivh turned to Baran, who had a strange expression on his face, and told him, "Let's move on.." Then he proceeded slowly to the section where Asil's cell was.

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