Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 53 - Questions Of Medivh (5)

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After Asil's reply, Medivh remained silent and closed his eyes and recalled when his father asked his sister and brother the question 'what is power?' and tried to recall their answers.

At first, his older brother had replied, sternly: "power is something that allows us to get what we want and stand at the highest."

Then his twin sister with a childish expression: "I think power is what is necessary for us to be able to eat good things and wear beautiful dresses." Most people laughed when she gave this answer but they did not make it a big deal since it came from a girl who hadn't seen much of the outside world and said this without going out of the house too much.

After his brothers, it was Medivh's turn, and he said with unshakeable determination and confidence: "I think power is an unnecessary burden. It is nothing more than a weight that vilifies people and causes many people to suffer. If I could, I would destroy the Dantian of all living creatures, and make everyone live equally. But I need a lot of things for that, and there's this cursed power that blinds everyone I see as a burden between things, that I say, 'I wish I never had,' and turns them into monsters."  His response had received a great reaction, and those days were still standing in his mind, not erased.

After being silent for a while, Medivh opened his eyes and turned to Baran and spoke:    "Son of the Chief Manager, I am granting this Senior's freedom together with his cellmate Asil. Name the price."

After Medivh's words, as Bias Gerz's watered eyes glowed and his heart filled with a new ray of hope, Asil took a deep sigh of relief. But on the other hand, Baran, who did not want Bias Gerz to be free, turned ugly and spoke nervously: "Young Master, I told you that slave Bias was special because he was my personal slave. He's worth more than all the slaves here. If you want to buy him, you have to pay ten blue profound coins."

Baran said a naturally exaggerated figure as Bias did not want Gerz to win his freedom, and when he said that amount, the hope in Gerz's heart was shattered. In the end, it was a very high amount. But what the people there did not know was that let alone ten blue profound coins, a red profound coin was not a big amount, and him giving away what people would consider a fortune like it was nothing proved that.

Medivh rubbed the ring on his left hand with wasting no time, and handed the ten profound coins to Baran, upon throwing it to him, He spoke: "Here is the amount you wanted. Senior has nothing to do with you or this place anymore. Asil and Senior are now two free men. I have nothing left to do here. If you'll excuse me, I'd like to leave now. Asil, come with me if you want. I don't like spending time with men, but I think we can be good friends."

When Medivh's words ended, Bias Gerz lost all control of his body due to the intense outburst of emotion and fell to his knees. Then he spoke in his quivering voice: "Young...Young Master...I won't forget the kindness you did me. If I live long enough, I will surely pay you this favor. If it's not enough, I'll pray every day from now on to pay for this favor in my other life. "

Bias Gerz, after speaking, tilted his head toward Medivh and tried kowtow to him. This movement, however, was seen by Medivh, and he suddenly advancing and gently held Gerz's shoulder to prevent kowtow by tilting his head. Then, looked at Bias Gerz with a smile and whispered to him kindly: "Senior, I am a new person that you just saw today. It would make me feel bad for an older man like you to bow before me. Please, don't do this. I didn't do anything worthy of you doing it. If you feel indebted to me and want to repay that debt; then stand upright and live in a way you have no regrets. There's no need to do anything else. I should thank you. Thanks to you, I've been able to show someone who excels at other people just because they're rich, that there are people far higher than they are. Maybe thanks to you, people who look to the world with the blinkers on would take them off and start to live. Thank you again."

Medivh's voice was very low, and he could only hear his voice through Bias Gerz and Asil, whose senses were sharpened by Sirius. After Medivh's speech, Bias Gerz approved with a nod and stood up and hugged Medivh. Asil watched them with a smile and thought that he had made a really good friend today.

Bias Gerz hugged Medivh briefly, and after leaving him, he came to Asil's side, hugging him and thanking him.

Medivh looked at them and smiled for a while, and then after saying goodbye to Baran by clenching his hands and talking to each other, he started walking to get out of Kastor with Bias Gerz and Asil coming from behind.

Before long, the three-man group led by Medivh get out of Kastor. After they left, Medivh took a deep breath and then looked at Bias Gerz and spoke respectfully: "Senior, I'm leaving here. You are a free man now. You do not have to abide by me. If there's anything you want me to do before I go, you can say it."

After his speech, Bias Gerz greeted him with gratitude and then spoke respectfully: "Young Master, you have done me a favor that I will never forget in my life. As much as you underestimated the kindness you were doing, it was really vital to me. I will certainly repay you in the future. If you'll excuse me, I'll leave first. I hope we meet again in the future."

After speaking all the way here, Bias Gerz turned to Asil and continued to speak: "Asil, thank you very much, too. Thanks to you, I got my freedom and came a little closer to seeing my grandchildren. If you ever get stuck in the future or need a place to stay around this city, come to the Black Dragon Forest outside the city. If you follow the river at its entrance, you'll come to the house where I live after a walk of about three hours at a normal pace. My door is always open to you. You can come any time you want. Who knows, maybe I'll introduce you to my grandchildren. I'm sure you'll get along well with them."

Asil approved with a nod and replied immediately: "Senior Bias, I do not need to be in a tough spot for me to come. I will definitely come to visit you in the future. I hope you get your grandchildren back. Stay healthy."

Bias Gerz respectfully saluted Asil and Medivh again, then walked away from there. Soon after he disappeared, Medivh turned to Asil and spoke with a smile: "So, Asil! What are your plans from now on? Hang out with me if you want. You can keep me company, and we can do one of the things I had in mind on the way to this town. If you want to experience real combat and make money, you might be interested in what I want to do. Do you want to come with me?"

Asil had originally considered going to the regions where the profound monsters were plenty after leaving Kastor to train there; but Medivh's sudden offer intrigued him and led him to wonder what this offer was: "Young Master, I have no plans. But if what you want to do, as you say, is really going to give me real combat experience and money, I'd like to try it with you. But I will not be able to get the little food we get at Kastor since I am out of there. So first, I have to find something to work with to feed myself. If you want, we can meet somewhere tomorrow. When the time comes, you can give me more details about your offer."

After Asil's words, Medivh spoke, sulking and sighing: "Asil, first let me agree with you on some matters. First of all, you have to stop calling me the Young Master. I don't like people close to me calling me that. Call me by my name. I am Medivh, not the Young Master. Second of all, you do not have to be formal while you talk to me. I said I wanted to be friends with you. What friend talks to his friend formally? This is ridiculous. Forget the formality! It's you and me from now on. Third, you're hungry and you're going to work to eat! Do not be ridiculous! What are friends for? Let's go to the place I stay together. We'll have dinner there and talk about what I'm talking about. We have until nightfall. I'm going out for fun tonight. The morning of the next day, we'll prepare for what I'm going to tell you, and we'll apply at noon. I'm sure we'll be accepted. Haha, fun days await us after tomorrow.. Come on, follow me to my Inn."

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