Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 69 - Sudden Change (2)

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When the energy arc approached him, Asil smiled gently and waited for the attack to reach him. There was nothing he could do because he couldn't move right now, but at least he didn't want to close his eyes in fear. So he smiled slightly and waited for his fate.


The energy arc eventually hit, creating a huge cloud of dust that spread around with the sound of a bang at the moment of the collision. But when that booming sound occurred, Asil's eyes widened. Because that voice proved that the attack hit somewhere, but the attack certainly didn't hit himself. Otherwise, he would be in a situation that had a close brush with death But now it was just like before and there was not the slightest change in the state of his body. The only different thing Asil saw before his eyes before the sound of the explosion occurred was that the energy arc was only a meter away from him and a shadow suddenly appeared in front of him. When that shadow came out, there was an explosion, and the place was filled with dust. That's why he couldn't see who the shadow belonged to.

The cloud of dust slowly began to dissipate, and the owner of the shadow slowly began to become visible. When he showed up, there was relief in Asil's eyes, and fear in the eyes of the attacker.

When the dust cloud was completely dispersed, the person who saved Asil looked towards him and spoke with a smile. "Asil, pull yourself together. I'll cover you for a while. Once you've recovered, we'll slowly retreat like them."

The owner of this shadow was naturally Medivh. Medivh had shown a direction with his finger while speaking. When Asil looked in that direction, he saw that the escort group had gone further back than their original location and were approaching the wooded areas. When Asil saw this, he understood that they were thinking of going into the woodlands to dodge the masked men. Even though it was dangerous to go there because the Black Dragon Mountain Range is further inland beyond the forest, it was also impossible for them to get out of this situation without taking any risks.

Asil closed his eyes after Medivh's words to focus entirely on regaining his energy by trusting him.

As he closed his eyes, Medivh looked at the man who had just attacked Asil from a distance and spoke with a smile. "I'd like to join your game. Let's see if you can play with me."

After Medivh spoke, he swung his sword and created an energy arc just like the man in front of him did. But this energy arc seemed at least two to three times larger and more powerful than the arc coming towards Asil.

As Medivh created an energy arc and moved very quickly towards the man attacking Asil, the man roared and responded by using all the profound energy to create an energy arc against the energy arc approaching him. But when the energy arc that he created collided with the energy arc that Medivh created, it completely shattered like thin glass. On the other hand, Medivh's energy arc continued to move forward after this collision, as if it had lost no power at all and very soon hit the man's chest. At the time of the collision, all the bones in the man's chest area were broken, resulting in a cut that split his chest entirely. Immediately afterwards, the top of his chest, which had been completely cut off before the man could even make a sound, slowly slipped to the right and fell to the ground, while the bottom fell backwards.

This man was a man who was in the ninth level of the elementary realm, but after Medivh's brutal attack, he was cut in half like a very delicate and easy-to-cut vegetable and died without making a sound.

Medivh looked at his dead body briefly with cold eyes and tried to figure out if anyone was approaching him.  Time progressed and Medivh protected Asil from danger for five minutes. During that time, he had killed three people including that man in the ninth level of the elementary profound realm.

When Asil regained his own power enough to move, he opened his eyes and spoke, looking grateful towards Medivh: "Big Brother Medivh, what's the situation? What do you think we should do?"

Medivh looked at the Asil, who opened his eyes and was unaware of his show of strength that he did while Asil focused on gathering his strength, then replied: "ten people have died from our side since the battle began. More than seventy people were killed from the enemy side. Normally, in this kind of situation, the burden would be much greater, but with that girl in black becoming the focal point of all enemies in the Nascent Profound Realm and the enemies at higher levels are almost all trying to kill the girl in black. That girl killed at least twenty of the enemies on her own. I don't know how long she can hold out, but she must have realized it wasn't a heartwarming situation.  The first opening she finds, she'll run into the woods and try to cover her tracks. If you are able to walk, we should get into the woods and cover our tracks as soon as possible."

After Medivh's speech, Asil slowly stood up and looked around. Indeed, as Medivh said, there were not many people around them, and many of the enemies gathered around the girl in black, who was often at the center of the Black energy arcs that spread around her and were constantly attacking her from all directions.

After looking at it, Asil looked into the surrounding forest and looked for a suitable location. Then he showed a direction and spoke to Medivh: "Big Brother Medivh, go in that direction..."


His speech was interrupted because of the sudden roar that appeared when Asil spoke. When that roar sounded, the whole floor shook as if it were a big earthquake and there were huge cracks in some parts of the ground. Anyone who heard this roar and saw what followed had stopped fighting instantly, and at the same time had unconsciously thought about how powerful something could be that caused such things only by roaring

As they thought about it, the ground had stopped shaking, but before people could breathe a deeper sigh of relief, this time it was suddenly dark. As it went dark, everyone looked up at the sky at almost the same time.

But when people looked up at the sky, their eyes instantly narrowed and their bodies trembled in fear. There was a huge silhouette in the sky that was at least twenty meters in size blocking the sun's lights, and that silhouette was moving very quickly towards the battlefield!

Before people could even figure out what this silhouette really was, the huge silhouette fell from the sky and hit the ground strongly.


When it hit the ground, there was a loud explosion that could deafen his ears. Immediately after that, numerous huge cracks reached tens of meters away, including the center where it fell.

Because of the impact that occurred just a second after it fell to the ground, an extremely powerful wave of energy spread around at an unbelievably high speed. This wave of energy flatten the stones it encountered, made the sturdy trees shattered and killed the people in the elementary profound realm by blowing up their bodies, killed, made them fly far away or seriously injured people in the nascent profound realm in accordance with their power as it moved incredibly fast, and while it has done that, it advanced like it never encountered anything that could block it.

When this wave of energy approached Asil, Sirius's roar echoed in Asil's mind, and a layer of black aura completely covered his body. When the wave of energy hit this layer, Asil's feet were cut off from the ground and he flew hundreds of meters away, smashing trees and rocks he had hit during his movement, eventually crashing his back into a huge piece of rock. When he stopped, the black aura layer, which gradually cracked along the way, broke apart, and Asil's consciousness was instantly shut down by the impact.

The last thing Asil could hear before he was unconscious was a breaking sound echoing in his consciousness and even in his soul. This breaking sound was like the sound of a chain-breaking, but it was much deeper and grander than that!!

After some time, Asil gradually regained consciousness and slowly opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he looked around first. He didn't know why he was looking around. At that moment he remembered nothing but his name being Asil. It was as if his memory had been damaged by something, and this thing that damaged his memory was preventing him from remembering things.

Asil spoke to himself as he looked around and tried to remember what had happened.

"Tahw si shti pceal? Owh ddi I tge reeh? I dnot rebmerem ngihynat...."

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