Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 77 - "Now You Are Fucked" Technique

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After suppressing the anger in his heart, he turned without saying anything to his master and began to move in the direction Medivh had shown before he left.

It was very quiet as he moved on, and Asil didn't like it at all. He'd feel more comfortable if there was some noise around. Because this was an area where there were supposed to be plenty of profound monsters, but they there were not even a sound, let alone a profound monster around now.

Asil had thought about it, but the possibility that it was true made him more careful with every step of the way. The thought that led Asil to be wary was that this was actually a territory belonging to a powerful and dangerous profound monster. The profound monsters lived by the law of the jungle. The strong lived and the weak died. It was a very simple and effective method. With this rule, among the profound monsters that went on their lives, the powerful could have their own special territory, and the weak profound monsters were afraid to enter their territory. And the current silence in the environment made it more likely that this was the case.

Asil proceeded carefully and slowly for several minutes with this thought in his head. In those few minutes, nothing different had happened, and the place was still quiet. This atmosphere made Asil think of a terrible silence before a powerful storm.

As the Asil progressed, the frequency of the trees around him increased, and after a while, claw marks began to appear on some of the trees in the same way. These claw marks did not attract Asil's attention at first, but as the number of trees with claw marks increased as he progressed, Asil finally noticed them and asked his master in his mind without hesitation: "Master, is this the site of a powerful Profound Monster? It's very quiet and there are no profound monsters around. There are also claw marks on some of the surrounding trees. I don't like it. Master, what do you think of this?"

After the Asil's words, Sirius replied in a solemn tone: "Child, your opinion is correct. This is the territory of a profound monster. The light energies that still exist in the claws marks on the trees are almost identical to the energy of the profound monster today. So the profound monster that owns this territory is probably the profound monster that emerged in today's battle. Besides..."

Sirius paused briefly after speaking up here, and then continued to speak more seriously than before: "Child, apparently you are lucky today (!). We have a little guest coming in from the back, and this guest seems to like us very much (!). You must get away from as quickly as you possibly can."

Asil understood that the Profound Monster, the owner of the territory, was coming towards them at great speed because he was used to his master's sarcasm, and it certainly did not like them to be here. And as he understood it, Asil started running as fast as he could. he was making enough noise to tell where he was, as he drove through the trees quickly, causing him to hit the branches and hit what could make a noise on the ground. But there was something he had to pay more attention to now than the possibility of making noise and drawing on the dangers that might be in the environment. And that thing was the dangerous profound monster that his master said came from the back!


A strong roar came from the rear as Asil ran fast, and when that roar came Asil was convinced that the owner of this sound was what roared in battle. Although this roaring sound came from the back, its source did not seem to be too far away, causing Asil to run under greater pressure.


Asil accelerated after hearing the sound and began to run faster than he had ever run before. But not even twenty meters further, a second roar sounded, and the Asil's body froze where it was after that roar. This was because of the terrible aura that came with the sound of the second Roar. This aura was so terrible that Asil's brain instantly gave up the urge to run.

When he was in a state where he could not move, even if he wanted to, Sirius's distressed voice echoed in his mind: "Child, do not try in vain your legs will not listen to you. This is the authority of a powerful aura. If your aura is strong, you can leave your opponent still in fear without doing anything. This is quite a handy thing."

After his master's speech, Asil was quite surprised. He spoke as if they were in no danger. There was no fear in his voice. So Asil quickly asked, as his eyes gleamed with hope: "Master since you are so calm, you know a way to get out of here, don't you? What should I do? My legs don't move like you said, no matter what I do, like they don't belong to me."

Sirius replied immediately: "Even though the profound monster behind you is powerful enough to kill you in one blow, I really know something to get rid of it. The Profound Monster will be here in half a minute. You'll only have three choices when it gets here. No need to mention the third option, you already know that it is death! The first of the other two options are highly risky. I don't know if it will work. Because it is unpredictable. However, the first option is still a big deal compared to the second option in terms of the risk it contains. If you do the second option, it would be a real miracle if you survived. So we're going to make the first option first, even if I don't want to."

Whenever Sirius spoke, when he said "the first option" or something about options, there was exasperation and nervousness in his voice. Asil noticed that but didn't ask why.

Asil replied immediately. "Master, what exactly is the first option? What should I do?"

Sirius sighed and then explained. "Child, you know that glass sphere that you always carry with you when you're staying at Kastor and that you put inside it when the red brat gave you the spatial ring? When this profound monster gets here, break that glass sphere. As much as I don't trust the items that mad-man gave you as I don't trust him, it doesn't hurt to try. At least I hope he doesn't come..."

After Sirius's speech, Asil's eyes shone. He immediately understood what the glass sphere his master was talking about. This is what skinny man gave him before the sphere came to Kastor, and when he did, he told him to use it only in dangerous and life-or-death situations that you couldn't handle on your own. When he understood this, he naturally understood why Sirius, his master, had a sense of boredom and nervousness in his voice when talking about this option. He didn't like Skinny Man and had previously said he couldn't even bear to be in the same environment for a short time. So it must have been a bad thing for him to use this item.

Asil immediately removed the glass sphere from his spatial ring and held it firmly in his right palm. Only a few seconds after he got his hands on that orb, a wind sounded behind Asil, and the sky suddenly darkened. However, as the blackout occurred, it was short-lived and disappeared in an instant.

When the darkness disappeared, a huge silhouette descended from the sky about ten meters ahead of Asil, causing all the trees where it landed to fall. The owner of this silhouette was a profound monster with a ten-meter stature, a gloriously molded body, a scar-filled face, brown eyes, and a terrifying aura. This Profound Monster stood on its two feet like a human. When Asil saw this monster, he immediately understood its kind. It wasn't a dragon, a tiger, a phoenix, an eagle, or an otter, it was a gorilla!

Sirius spoke immediately when he appeared. "Child, it's a muscular Mountain Gorilla! They are profound monsters that are at the top of the Nascent Profound Realm in their infancy and can reach the middle of the Natural Profound Realm in their adulthood! I mean, even their babies of a few days are stronger than you! Muscular mountain gorillas, though not normally aggressive, do not like loud noises and the invasion of their own territory. The sounds of today's battle must have bothered it. And it must have bothered it that you're here right now in its territory. So drop the orb that crack gave you before it killed you. If it works, you're out of here. If it doesn't work, run straight to your right and enter the little cave about two hundred meters away."

After Sirius's words, Asil did not answer, and he broke it by throwing the transparent glass orb in his hand to the ground under the Muscular Mountain Gorilla's angry gaze.

The sphere broke easily when it fell to the ground, and the moment it broke, a white light spread around that was bright enough to cause Asil and the muscular mountain gorilla to involuntarily close their eyes.

When this bright white light came out, strange noises began to come about two meters from Asil and reverberated around him. Asil and the muscular Mountain Gorilla could not see the source of these sounds because they closed their eyes because of the bright light. But even if they couldn't see, they could see that the source of these sounds was a human being.. Because these strange sounds seemed to be the result of a person trying to make different melodies with their mouth to create music.

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