Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 79 - Nukro

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When the skinny man finished his speech with his damp eyes, Asil gulped involuntarily. He didn't even want to think about how outraged his master would be after that speech. Because that speech was particularly enraging to Sirius.

There was no sound around for a few seconds. After this silence, the necklace Asil was wearing began to warm up, and as the aura around it intensified, Sirius's more angry voice echoed: "YOU FUCKING NUT WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? WHAT LOVE!? WHAT DIFFERENT WORLDS!? CUT THE SHIT AND DESTROY THE PROFOUND MONSTER AT THE BACK!! THEN FUCK OFF!! I DON'T EVEN WANT TO BE IN THE SAME PLACE AS YOU!!"

Following Sirius's angry shout, a few more tears were shed from skinny man's damp eyes, and he spoke sadly: "Sirius, of course, I'm talking about you loving me and us being people of different worlds. What else can I talk about? Don't you see me? I can pretend to be a bird whenever I want... I can dance whenever I want... I can play hide and seek whenever I want... I can even put on a glorious show in front of thousands of fans by singing my perfect songs... But you... You... You little... worthless... Something no one would see... Even a beggar would throw away... Even a baby wouldn't play... You are sealed in a necklace."

"And you can't fly like a bird, you can't play hide and seek, you can't dance... You can't even sing. Do you understand how different worlds we are from? Do you understand the big difference between us? But don't be sad, Sirius... I'll find a female necklace for you... Oh... There's no female necklace. Well, tough luck, Sirius. At least I thought about it."

After this conversation, Sirius kept silent as he knew he would only get angrier by continuing to speak and did not give any answers. He now had completely stopped trying to free himself from the chains that hold him and was trying to close his eyes and calm himself while all the muscles in his face twitched.

Upon Sirius's failure to respond, the skinny man put his right hand on his chin and spoke to himself as if something had suddenly come to his mind: "Did Sirius tell me to destroy the profound monster behind me? Is there a profound monster at the back?"

The skinny man turned around after talking and finally saw the Muscular Mountain Gorilla he had not seen from the first moment he appeared. The skinny man was silent for a few seconds when he saw it. But that brief silence ended with Skinny Man's sudden cry for help: "AAAAAHHHHHH!! Help!!"

The skinny man suddenly leaped back from where he was after he cried for help and, as fast as Lightning, got behind Asil and hid himself behind his body, and then spoke with one hand pointing at the Muscular Mountain Gorilla: "Asil who thinks he is insignificant... Kill that creature... It's too horrible... Look at that face... Look at that hairy body... He looks just like my brother... It is too horrible... Asil who thinks he is insignificant, kill it. If you kill him and protect me, I'll teach you to dance."

When the skinny guy was talking, there was a clear fear in his voice. But Asil couldn't think of it at the time. There were lots of thoughts in his mind but because of these thoughts, he did not know what to do.

Is it too scary?... Does it look like his brother?... If I kill him, he's gonna teach me how to dance?...

Asil's eye twitched several times after the skinny man asked him for help. Normally, he should have asked for help, and he should have been helping one. But strangely, he was the one who asked for help, and the one who asked for it was Asil.

When Asil did not know what to say, Sirius's voice, much calmer than before, echoed slowly. "Nukro! You don't have a brother! Stop fucking around and kill that fucking gorilla!"

After Sirius's words, a great deal of bewilderment appeared on skinny man's face, and he quickly emerged from behind the Asil and proceeded fearlessly to where the Muscular Mountain Gorilla was. After moving a few meters, he raised his hand and pointed it at the Muscular Mountain Gorilla and spoke solemnly: "You treacherous Gorilla! Why did you try to trick me by resembling my non-existing brother? You'll pay for this! I'll show you my new special technique! You better get ready!! Ahhhh!!"

After the skinny man spoke, he suddenly started yelling, and as he was shouting, a thin layer of White Energy formed around his body. This layer of energy quickly gathered into skinny man's hip area, and the collected energy turned into a pointed spire, about twenty centimeters long, running out of the middle of his two hips. This needle resembled a bee's needle, the only difference was it was made of energy instead of a real one.

When this energy needle appeared, a strange expression occurred on Asil's face that had never occurred in his entire life, and perhaps could never occur again. The skinny man beneath this expression of Asil suddenly jumped into the sky and shouted as he was in the air.

"Hey, Gorilla. My name is Nukro! I fly like a bird, sting like a bee! If you don't believe me, here's my proof! Watch and learn; that's my style!! Ohh yeah... Nukro Style Deadly Bee Sting Technique!!"

The skinny man in the air, after saying the strange name of his strange technique, pointed the needle he created with the profound energy at the Muscular mountain gorilla, and descended from the sky quickly towards it, stabbing his needle violently into the muscular Mountain Gorilla's head.

The Muscular mountain gorilla, with Skinny Man's energy-generated needle stuck in its head, screamed miserably, and then, its entire body fell to the ground powerlessly. Its body twitched several times while it was in the ground. After the twitches were stopped, the Muscular Mountain Gorilla once again made a miserable scream, and after that scream, white lights began to spread from where the needle entered its head. These lights soon made the Muscular Mountain Gorilla invisible. There was no muscular mountain gorilla that was just there when the lights went out. The only thing that was there was the core of the profound monster on the ground!

When Asil saw this Profound Monster core, he knew that the Muscular mountain gorilla had been completely destroyed, but he was horrified to understand it. The most powerful profound monster he had ever seen was completely destroyed by the strange technique that skinny man used to mock it. It was a tremendous shock to him!

After the muscular Mountain Gorilla disappeared, the Skinny Man turned towards the Asil and moved his hands strangely as if dancing and spoke quickly: "Asil, who thinks he is insignificant, this is the power of the Bee. Tomorrow is unknown when it stung. Ohh yeahh..."

Seconds after the skinny man spoke, he took a deep breath and his facial expression became serious. He then looked towards the necklace around Asil's neck and spoke: "Sirius, I know it's been sealed there for a long time but you'd better prepare yourself. Because I hear your brother's wounds will heal in a few years. When he recovers, he'll probably want to take the Black King test and claim your title. There's no way you can stop him in this condition. So find a way out of there in a couple of years, no matter how slim the odds are. If your brother becomes the New Black King, not only will I lose a friend, but the balance of peace will be broken. So get your ass up and think of something."

The aura emanating from the necklace suddenly began to fill with the desire to kill after the skinny man's earnest tone of speech. A few seconds later this desire to kill dissipated and Sirius's voice echoed around him: "Nukro, thank you for telling me that my brother is about to recover, although I don't like you, in return, I'll tell you something. I recently saw one of the symbols of the Mount Sun."

The skinny man's facial expression suddenly changed when Sirius said "I saw one of the symbols of the Mountain Sun". And immediately asked: "What color was it? Green? Blue? Or red? It doesn't make any sense to have a symbol of The Mount Sun in a place like this. Even the lowest-level symbols have huge rewards. If a symbol appeared in a place like this, it would certainly attract attention. Or does this kid with you have the symbol?"

Sirius laughed and replied: "Nukro, the symbol, as you think, is in this child. But it's not green, blue or green. His symbol is the Black Sun!"

When the skinny man heard the word "Black Sun," an enormous amount of bloodlust suddenly spread from his body. He looked towards the Asil and spoke in his earnest voice, echoing with his desire to kill. "Sirius, are you teasing me about something like this? Are you aware of your words? You're talking about the Black Sun symbol! There's no way it could be in such a young man..."

"Hahaha... I thought it was impossible, but I saw it with my own eyes. He certainly has a black Sun Symbol. He just had his first awakening. That's why it won't show up for the second time in a short period of time. Until then, I will try to strengthen Asil and improve him as much as he can bear. I'm thinking of putting Asil to their test in the future. Remember the last time someone with a symbol took their test? What an interesting thing happened when they passed the test."

After Sirius spoke, the skinny man named Nukro briefly looked at the Asil and then spoke with a laugh: "Hahahaha... Sirius, so that's your plan. If you can improve this kid that much, something really interesting will happen. If that happens, I'll piss off our prick sect leader. I don't like that prick at all; he looks just like my brother, hahahahaha..."

The skinny man named Nukro, after he spoke, disappeared from where he was speaking and, in the blink of an eye, came before Asil. He put his right index finger in the center of Asil's forehead before he could even react. After he had done so, a slight white sheen formed in the middle of Asil's forehead, which quickly dissipated, and as that sheen formed, the Skinny Man spoke. "Asil who thinks he is insignificant before you go, I am leaving you a little gift and a fine profound technique. You can use the technique when you need it. As for the gift... You'll know that when the time comes, hahahaha..."

After the skinny man spoke, he pulled his finger from Asil's forehead, and then his body slowly began to disappear. He spoke in a solemn tone as he vanished: "Sirius, you know what?"

Sirius immediately replied in a serious tone: "Do I know what?"

Following his reply, The Skinny Man gently removed his tongue from his mouth and smiled and spoke: "You look just like my sister, hahahahahaha..."

After the skinny man spoke, he finally disappeared, and after he disappeared, Sirius's angry voice echoed again: "SON OF A BITCH!!"

After Sirius yelled, the aura emanating from the necklace completely dissipated, and the tension around it finally came to an end.

Asil did not know what things like "Black Sun", "Symbol" or "Their test" were, which they mentioned in the conversation between them. But he wasn't in a position to think about them right now. His emotions and mind were completely in a mess. Asil unconsciously put his hand on his forehead, and at that moment he realized that in his mind, there was a profound technique he had never known before. He didn't know what this profound technique was for. What he knew about it was the name of the technique, the use of it, and by whom it was put into his mind.

While Asil was still not sure what to do, he extended his left hand forward and spoke in a low voice: "Nukro Style Personal Show!!"

When Asil said the name of the profound technique, the profound energy was collected at the tip of his hand, and the collected profound energy slowly went about ten centimeters ahead of his hand, creating an imaginary image there.

In this imaginary image was a dark environment, and in the middle of this dark environment was a skinny man whose surroundings were illuminated by the lights coming from many directions. This skinny man was doing a weird dance with his hands and feet moving in strange ways and singing a pretty weird song while he was doing it. "Nukro is my name... Salty is my taste... I do private dancing... Oh, yeah"

Nukro stopped and stood there normally after he danced and signed his song, waved his hand towards where Asil was and spoke: "Asil who thinks he is insignificant, if you want to be an excellent dancer like me in the future, use this technique often to work out what you see. Let's dance together in the future. Who knows, maybe I'll be your special dance teacher, hahahaha..."

After Nukro spoke, the imaginary image disappeared and the profound technique ended. After the imaginary image disappeared, Asil looked idly in front of him, saying nothing and doing nothing.

What happened in the last ten minutes had caused so much turmoil in his mind that he had never experienced it in his life.

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