Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 86 - Smoky Thing

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In fact, its tail had a specific cognitive capacity of its own. However, under normal circumstances, it was under the Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger's authority and unable to move on its own and only move according to the will of the Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger. Two different thinking capacities often served to the advantage of the Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger However, as the Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger constantly fought different species, the serpent tail naturally had a habit of poisoning the person it was targeting. It, therefore, identified Asil as its target when it was swung towards him and poisoned him before placing the seal.

After Sirius's angry voice, a strange expression occurred on the Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger's face, and it attempted to destroy most of the venom that had penetrated the Asil's body from its tail. But before it could destroy them all, a drop of poison came into contact with Asil's profound energy and very quickly entered his dantian. When this happened, the Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger reduced the effect of the venom as much as it could and then spoke seriously:

"Human, if you are destined to die, you will die, if you are destined to live, you will live with more strength. I noticed the situation quickly, so I destroyed almost all of the poison that passed from my tail to you, but a drop of poison got into your profound energy and your dantian. I've greatly reduced the power of this one drop of poison. So you have, even though very little, a chance of survival. As a great profound monster, it is my fault that I accidentally hurt you after what I said to Sirius. So I'm going to use my power to create a small void where the flow of time and energy is different and send you there to increase your chances of survival and to give you an advantage if this possibility occurs. But don't forget! You only have six months. At the end of six months, you will be forced out of my space."

After talking, the Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger lifted its right paw into the air and suddenly lowered it down, creating a black-colored long, thin ellipse-like black hole where it lowered its paw. After this black hole appeared, the Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger grabbed Asil with his claw and threw him into the black hole. Asil went into the black hole without any response, and then the black hole suddenly disappeared.

When Asil vanished with the black hole, the Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger spoke to itself after staring for a few seconds at where he had perished: "Damn! If that human dies, my chance to fight Sirius and tear him apart will be destroyed! As much as I would like to believe that that human can withstand the poison that I have greatly reduced. But a person in the elementary profound realm can't withstand a drop of my poison, even though I have weakened it. As much as I hope the opposite, it looks like I won't be able to fight Sirius. And since I forgot to put a seal on him, even if he miraculously survives, it's gonna be hard for me to find him. It's really a shame..."

The Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger sighed disgruntled after speaking to itself, and although it did not like to be outside during the day, it left there at an extreme speed.


Asil moved a few meters further in the air after entering the black hole and then fell to the ground. He had already closed his eyes before he was thrown into the black hole. So when he came in he had no idea what the environment looked like. But after he fell to the ground, he opened his eyes and looked around as the burning sensation in his abdomen became increasingly severe and continued to spread quickly around his body.

It was dark, pitch black. There was no sound, no light. It was as if he had come into a world where there was nothing in it. And the density of the profound energy here felt quite different from that of the outside world. If the profound energy in the normal world and the quality of the profound energy found here were compared, the difference between them would be as clear as the difference between the sky and the ground. Of course, it was the normal world that excelled in this comparison.

As Asil fell to the ground, Sirius's voice echoed in his mind: "Child, now calm down and do as I say. This is going to be difficult because your profound energy is unstable at the moment. But first, gather your energy in your dantian and try to stop the poison from spreading any further. The more you can slow the spread of the poison, the better. That stupid Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger created this void to increase your odds of survival, and I need to stop using my energy to sustain this world. That's why you have to get rid of the poison on your own before you get out of here. If I help you with my energy, this space will dissipate, and your chances of survival will disappear completely with the space. The poison is strong, but you're my student. Believe in yourself and don't give up!"

His tone of voice was calming as Sirius spoke but Asil, who spent a long time with him, could understand that there was also repressed anxiety and regret in his voice. He could also understand that the situation he's in is quite serious, even if there was no anxiety in Sirius's voice. After all, he was poisoned by a creature that could kill a dragon as if it were a normal thing. Although the power of the poison was reduced, it did not change the fact that it came from such a powerful creature.

Asil tried to gather his unstable energy in his dantian as Sirius said. This would be very easy if the profound energy was in its normal state. But it was really hard to gather the profound energy in his dantian, which had become unstable because it had leveled up twice. Although Asil was unable to gather all his energy despite this difficulty, he collected about thirty percent of his energy in his dantian and then tried to prevent the further spread of the poison with this energy he collected.

The Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger had destroyed most of its poison as it said. But a drop of poison had entered Asil's dantian before it could destroy it all. If the poison had not acted on Asil's blood or dantian and remained only in his body, it would not have been very difficult to get rid of a drop of poison, that's power was greatly reduced by Sirius's redirects. However, the situation had become very serious because this reduced poison drop had interfered with Asil's profound energy and affected his dantian.

In such case, this drop of poison, even though its power is diminished could have, in the best-case scenario, caused serious damage to dantian of someone in the Nascent Profound Realm and would cause their energy to become unstable and leave them paralyzed for the rest of their lives, let alone damaging someone in the elementary profound realm. In the worst-case scenario, Main Profound Veins attached to the poisoned dantian would involuntarily draw incomparably more profound energy than normal to one's dantian to clear the dantian, causing the dantian to explode due to the intense energy and that person will die miserably due to the internal explosions.

Asil tried to stop the poison from spreading to his dantian as much as he could. But the poison had continued to penetrate more profound energy, almost without weakening, as if the power trying to block it was too weak. While this was happening, Asil still did not give up and continued to try to block it as much as he could.

While his disciple was doing everything he could in a situation where his own life was at stake, Sirius, for his incapacity, was clenching his fists and making no sound where he was sealed. There was nothing he could do now. If he used his power, the space they are now in would dissipate, and if they returned to the normal world, as time there was moving much faster than here, and because it had more intense profound energy, Asil's condition would become extremely serious very quickly, and his disciple would surely die. So all he could do now was hope that his student would slow down the poison as much as he could, and then, after a while, the profound energy would adapt to it.

Time moved on and about thirty minutes quickly passed. During this time, Asil had done everything he could. But the Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger's one drop of poison had not only penetrated his dantian, but also many parts of his body. In the thirty-minute time period, most exposed parts of Asil have included twelve main profound veins, his dantian, several of his internal organs, and his blood.

It had only been a few minutes since the poison had penetrated his blood. However, due to the poison in his blood, his heart slowly began to catch the effect of the poison. Asil felt that death was getting closer to him. By now more than ninety percent of Asil's skin had become purple due to the poison.

A few more minutes passed, and Asil was able to clearly sense that his heart was about to go under the influence of poison as well and when that happened, he would die. It was hard for him to open his eyes, let alone prevent the poison from advancing. Asil smiled and spoke with a slight effort: "Master, I think this is it. When I first met you, I thought you were a terrible person, but as time went on, I realized you were actually quite a good person. Master, I'm really glad to know you. I hope I can be your student again in my next life. At least next time I won't let you down..."

After Asil's speech, he closed his eyes before he could even hear Sirius's answer in his excessively sad voice, and his consciousness, which was clear as soon as he closed his eyes, also blackened. Since he was unable to keep his consciousness up anymore, the only thing that slowed down the poison that would have penetrated his heart in a matter of minutes was gone. In the present situation, within twenty seconds at most, the poison would have completely penetrated Asil's heart and ended his life....

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