Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 96 - Big Lady Glynnis (2)

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Normally some of the people who were there in a situation like this would have reacted. However, their deaths did not receive the slightest reaction from the people around them, and even in the hearts of the people, there was satisfaction with their death.

One elder among the people kneeling at the time spoke respectfully: "Big Lady Glynnis, we are so thankful that you have honored us small people with your presence. When we heard that you were coming, we brought with us things that might not be worthy of your superior identity. If you'll excuse us, we'd like to offer them to you."

After the old man spoke, the young girl, named Glynnis, looked briefly at the sky as if she had never heard of him, and then moved her hand slightly, pointing at the armored men next to her. One of the people who took her cue spoke immediately after it:

"What insolence! Is Lady Glynnis someone you can give away the worthless items you brought? Despicable people, who do you think you are and dare to act with such disrespect towards Lady Glynnis!"

After the man had spoken, he would have acted with the intention of killing the old man. But he did not do so, with the young girl named Glynnis gently shaking her hand again just as he was about to take action.

After the armored man spoke earlier, the old man prostrated himself and, frightened, begged forgiveness: "Gre... Great Dragon Knights, please forgive me. How can low-level people like us dare to desecrate someone like the Big Lady Glynnis... No! How can we dare to even consider disrespect? Our intention was certainly not to be disrespectful. Even if we knew it wouldn't suit the Big  Lady Glynnis, we brought the most precious things we had. This behavior is something that has been preached to us by the Supreme Being."

The young girl was unresponsive when the old man spoke. But when he came to the second part of his speech, which began with the 'Supreme Being', the young girl's attention suddenly turned to the old man, and after the old man had finished speaking, the young girl asked him, without looking at him as if she was wondering: "What advice did my father give you that you dare to give me these worthless things?"

"Big Lady Glynnis, the supreme being, advised us to treat those who did not come here for a wicked purpose and to make them feel good by giving them gifts or welcoming them nicely. So, naturally, we followed the advice of the Supreme Being. And since you are the honorable daughter of the Supreme Being, we have brought the most precious things we have, even though we naturally knew it would not suit you."

After the old man's explanation, the young girl asked while she was still looking up at the sky.: "Did you tell my father I was coming?"

"How can we not inform the Supreme Being of the coming of a great person like you? Of course, we informed him. The Supreme Being awaits your arrival in his humble palace."

After the old man's speech, the young girl said nothing, and after she signaled with her hand to the armored men next to her to wait here, she leaped slightly into the sky and began to fly like a free bird.

A small black dot appeared in the direction she was looking as the young girl flew quickly across the sky.  As she flew higher, this black spot grew and grew and soon turned into something unusual.

This little spot was actually an enormous piece of land hanging in the sky. At the top of this piece of land was a huge castle, at least five hundred meters high, all made of gold. Around this castle were numerous dragons of different colors and appearances, lying on the ground and resting. But the blonde young girl continued to fly towards the piece of land, or rather the castle on the piece of land as if she had not been impressed by it at all!

When the young girl approached the castle, the Dragons, who were lying around the castle, raised their heads and looked in the direction she was approaching. But when they saw that it was the young girl, these dragons unexpectedly lifted up their bodies and stood up, and then dutifully bowed their heads forward, waiting for her to enter the castle.

After the young girl entered the castle without paying any attention to them, she proceeded with quick and respectful steps as if she knew the inside of the castle very well. After a few minutes of progress, she arrived in front of a large golden gate. After she got here, she took a deep breath and pushed open the door.

Behind the golden door was a huge hall. But there was nothing valuable in this huge hall, not even one item. The only thing inside this great hall was a few windows and a man standing in front of one of these windows looking out, wearing a gold-colored robe, with long gold-colored hair.

The young girl advanced a few more steps into the castle with the extravagant exterior and abnormally unimposing interior bowed to one knee with respect and spoke accordingly: "Noble Father, I am sorry that I suddenly decided to come here without telling you before. For that, I ask you to forgive your worthless daughter. But something important has happened that has caused me to be so rude to you. So I had no choice but to do such an act. For that, I ask you again to forgive your worthless daughter."

When the young girl spoke, her facial expression was full of respect, the disinterested young girl with the other people around her acted as if she were a completely different person.

Looking out from one of the windows after her speech, the man with hair extending all the way to his shoulder slowly turned around and looked towards the young girl.

This golden-haired man's body contours were unclear due to the plentiful robes he was wearing. But even his exposed face was perfect enough to freeze the ones looking at him. His golden eyes, resembling those of a dragon, were peaceful enough to ease the gazer, no matter how distressed they were. There was not a single wrinkle on his face, it was so beautiful that it could excite the eye of the beholder. His gently moving golden blonde hair, combined with the light in the environment, gave the man a charming look. His auburn skin, visible from his robe, was soft, smooth, and delicate enough to make even the most beautiful girls jealous.

This man's face was so beautiful and smooth that even if someone said Glynnis was older than this man, no one would dare deny it.

"Glynnis, you have done nothing to ask for forgiveness. I'm your father, so you can come here and see me without the need for anything. So, what is the matter that you say is important?"

After the speech and question of the man with golden hair and a charming face, Glynnis dutifully replied: "Noble Father, a few hours ago, some unusual events took place at several points in the universe. I was able to understand that these changes were sacred auroras, thanks to the valuable knowledge that you used to show me the glory of teaching me when I was young. I came here in a hurry because when you taught me this information, you told me that it was important and that if something like this happened one day, I should let you know immediately."

After Glynnis's respectful speech, the man with gold-colored hair had a disoriented expression on his face. But even that expression was not enough to affect her charming beauty. "Hmm... So the Sacred Auroras have resurfaced. The time has finally arrived. Glynnis, you did a really good job of delivering this news to me quickly. I thank you for that. If you don't have things to do for a while, I need something from you."

After the man's question, Glynnis bowed her head a little more as she kept kneeling and answered respectfully: "Noble Father, I have done nothing that would require you to thank me. The actions of someone worthless like me are not worthy of the thanks of a great man like you. And it doesn't matter if I'm available when you ask me for something. Whatever your wish is, we need to grant it without question. So just tell me what you want from me."

"Glynnis, I'm your father. Even if you respect me, you don't have to see me too superior. Besides, what I need from you... When you get out of here, tell the seven holy beasts that the Holy Council will gather in six years from now, and tell them that they all have to join this council!"

"Noble Father, do not doubt that I will grant your wish without any problems." Glynnis paused for a moment after speaking so far and then asked hesitantly: "Noble Father, I would like to ask you a question out of line. I would be very grateful if you would have the grace to answer that question."

After speaking, Glynnis raised her head slightly and looked towards the man's face, and when she saw his head imploring her to ask the question, she asked without waiting: "What do you intend to do to the people who have built this castle, that had nothing with no significant feature other than its exterior, for such a great man as yourself? If you're thinking of killing them, you don't have to do it in person. I can do this for you, after all, it would be a great insult to you to take action in person to kill those worthless people."

After Glynnis's speech, the man with gold-colored hair sighed gently: "Dragons are strong creatures that they should be fair. This is more necessary, especially for purebloods like us. So even if you don't like people, you have to be fair to them. They have as much right to live in this universe as any other living thing. So you have to get those thoughts out of your head."

After the golden-haired man's speech, Glynnis spoke with a raised voice for the first time since entering the Great Hall: "Dad, why do you care about people so much? They are weak, fragile, and ungrateful creatures who can easily forget the good deeds done to them. Isn't my sister cursed because of the people you helped and made them live in the past? Why don't you wipe worthless people out of the universe? I know you have the power to do that. You are a much more powerful being than all living people combined. Why do you let these worthless people live in the same universe as us, even though they've been so ungrateful? I really don't get it, Dad!"

Glynnis, speaking with her voice raised, the respect in her earlier tone was completely obliterated. But the golden-haired man remained silent for a while with no reaction to it, and then spoke as the flame of sadness deep in his eyes could be seen: "Glynnis, people are weak and fragile creatures, as you say. But it is not fair to say that all of them are ungrateful people who can easily forget the good deeds done to them. Just as there are good and bad in dragons or other creatures, there are good and bad in humans. And even if you underestimate them, they have the potential to surpass us. If you continue to underestimate them like this, you may regret it in the future, maybe even lose your life."

After the speech of the man with gold-colored hair, Glynnis clenched her fist and left the castle after saying goodbye to her father without saying anything more about it. She spoke to himself through it as she leaped down the huge piece of land and quickly descended, under the gaze of the Dragons, who respectfully looked towards her after she had left the castle.

"The old fool still absurdly defends these worthless life forms! Am I going to lose my life because of them? Bullshit! How is it possible that worthless life forms, that must prostrate themselves to a supreme being like me, to harm me! Fortunately, although he looks like he always does, he has a few years to live. After he dies, I will be the head of the Dragon Clan, and when that happens, I will make all the worthless life forms called mankind a meal for the Dragons! The old fool became more brainless in time. He even said people have more potential than us. Humans are nothing but food to eat. When the time comes, I'll show it to the whole universe!

She came to the area where the crowd was gathered after she spoke to herself and without saying anything to the people, headed straight to the place where the sloped jade columns were, then quickly slipped into the vortex between the columns and vanished. After that, six of the armored men entered the vortex and, vanished like Glynnis....

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