In the Goquan Palace.

Ying Zheng sat on a golden dragon chair.

Huang Rong's white shirt is better than snow, and she comes like a fairy in the snowy mountains.

Huang Rong is very young, only sixteen years old this year, but she already has the appearance of the country and the city.

The autumn waves are stunning, and the beauties of the world are eclipsed like dung.

Her beauty has a kind of watery, fresh and poetic beauty of the water town in the south of the Yangtze River, which is as clear and clear as the condensation between flowers.

Let's see her skin is better than snow, her eyebrows are picturesque, delicate and delicate, beautiful and vulgar, and her white shirt moves slightly in the breeze like a lily blooming in the dark night.

Her eyes are crystal clear and agile, and there is a kind of pure beauty that is light and out of the world.

She often has a shallow smile between the corners of her mouth, her beautiful face is beautiful, and she has three points of innocence, not to mention a kind of innocence and natural beauty.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Huang Rong's silver bell-like voice is bright and crisp, with a delicate and delicate voice, low and tactful.

"What kind of talents do you have?"

Ying Zheng asked.

"The little girl's piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and songs, Qimen techniques, five elements gossip, astrology pharmacology, and troop arrangement, everything is common. "

In addition, the little girl can sing and dance, is very good at water, has unparalleled cooking skills in the world, and is born to never forget. "

Huang Rong's silver bell-like voice sounded again.

"You're not modest. "

"Why don't you show the widow a hand in cooking. Ying Zheng said.

"It's hard for a good woman to cook without rice!"

"There is no kitchen, no ingredients and utensils. Huang Rong said.

"There is a kitchen in Gaoquan Palace, and there are all kinds of kitchen utensils and ingredients in it. "Ying Zhengdao.

"Well, then, then it will be ugly. "

With that, Huang Rong went to the kitchen of Gaoquan Palace.

Half a day later.

Huang Rong returned to Yingzheng's dormitory.

She was followed by two palace maids.

One of the palace maids was holding an iron pot, and the other was carrying a porcelain basin.

The two ladies placed the iron pot and porcelain basin on the table and left.

"Your Majesty, please taste. "

Huang Rong stretched out her little hand as white as jade and opened the lid of the pot.

A hot air rises from the 18 rooms.

I saw that there was a ham in an iron pot, and on top of the ham were twenty-four round tofu.

"Steamed tofu!"

Ying Zheng said lightly.

"This is no ordinary steamed tofu. "

"This is called the Twenty-Four Bridge Bright Moon Night. "

Huang Rong smiled, and a soft laugh sounded slowly.

"It's an interesting name. "

Ying Zheng smiled indifferently.

"Your Majesty, how about a taste?"

"Good. "

Ying Zheng picked up chopsticks, grabbed a tofu ball, and put it in his mouth.

I have to say that the taste of this tofu is delicious and unique.


Huang Rong's eyes were crystal clear, with a pair of beautiful big eyes, staring at Ying Zheng, and asked earnestly.

"This is the best steamed tofu that the widow has ever tasted. "

Ying Zheng praised this dish a lot.

Steamed tofu is the easiest meal, but it is really rare to be able to steam steamed tofu so deliciously.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the compliment!"

Hearing Ying Zheng's praise, Huang Rong felt very happy.

"Tell me about this dish, how do you make it?" Ying Zheng said.

"First cut a ham, dig 24 round holes, then cut the tofu into 24 small balls and put them into the holes, tie the ham and then steam, and when it is steamed, the umami of the ham has all reached the tofu. Huang Rong explained.

"These twenty-four bridges are really good. "

Ying Zheng ate several tofu balls one after another.

The imperial chef in the palace, although the cooking skills are acceptable, but the dishes are solidified, and those dishes are turned over and over.

They are not tired of doing it, and Yingzheng is tired of it.

I have to say that Huang Rong's cooking skills are even better than the imperial chefs in the palace.

"Your Majesty, please try this. "

Huang Rong opened the lid of the porcelain basin, and a rich aroma, accompanied by the rising heat, diffused.


There are dozens of red cherries floating in the turquoise clear soup, and there are seven or eight pink petals floating, and the bottom is lined with tender bamboo shoots, red, white and green are bright, bright and dazzling, and the soup is full of the fragrance of lotus leaves.

"Your Majesty, this is called making soup. "

Huang Rong opened her mouth to explain to Ying Zheng.

The ingredients of the soup are lotus leaves, bamboo shoots, turtledoves, cherries and peach petals.

The turtledove meat is inlaid in the cherry, such as the flower face, the cherry mouth represents the beauty, the bamboo solution is weak, for the gentleman, the lotus is the gentleman in the flower, and the bamboo lotus is the gentleman's solution.

The first article of the turtle dove in the "Book of Songs" is "Guan Guan Ju Dove, in the river island, fair lady, gentleman is good".

Therefore, this soup is called "good soup".

Ying Zheng took a spoon of soup and took a sip of soup.


Very tasty!

I have to say, this soup is quite delicious.

Huang Rong is worthy of being a chef, and a mediocre bowl of stew can make Huang Rong come up with tricks.

Huang Rong's cooking skills are much stronger than the imperial chefs in the palace.

Ying Zheng was about to finish all the twenty-four bridges on the bright moon night, and then he drank a big bowl of soup.

It's already completely full.

"Your cooking skills are very good, and the two dishes you cook are very popular with everyone. Ying Zheng smiled.

"As long as Your Majesty likes to eat Rong'er's dishes, Rong'er will cook them for you every day in the future. "

Huang Rong smiled sweetly.

"Good. "

"In the future, the widow's three meals a day will be handed over to you. "

Ying Zheng immediately took out a book of recipes and handed it to Huang Rong, "I'll reward you for this." "

Huang Rong took the cookbook, opened it and looked at it, and couldn't help but be surprised.

Many of the dishes in it were so novel that she had never heard of them.

There were many recipes in it, which she had never seen before.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. "

Huang Rong hurriedly thanked her if she had received a treasure.

Ying Zheng smiled slightly, and then, with a wave of his hand, Huang Rong's delicate body was put into Ying Zheng's arms.

Ying Zheng immediately hugged Huang Rong and went to the luan couch in the room.


Sleepless nights.

She was content to lie in Yingzheng's arms.

Ying Zheng took out a Zhuyan Pill and stuffed it into Huang Rong's mouth.

"Your Majesty, what is it for me?"

Huang Rong asked curiously.

"It's a blessing for the widow. "

"I wish you to be young and beautiful forever, and sixteen forever. "

Ying Zheng smiled faintly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your blessings. "

Huang Rong smiled like a flower, very happy.

"Rong'er, the widow named you Rong Guifei!"

"Your Majesty, in the future, Rong'er will cook vegetables for you every day. "

"Good. "

Since this day.

Huang Rong is Yingzheng's special chef.

Huang Rong cooks special dishes for Ying Zheng every day.

Since only Ying Zheng cooks alone, Huang Rong's workload is not very large.

Moreover, the preparatory work in the early stage is done by others, and Huang Rong is only responsible for stir-frying.

This time.

Most of the time, Ying Zheng lived in Gaoquan Palace, and after eating the delicious food cooked by Huang Rong, Ying Zheng was with Huang Rong to have a gift of Zhou Gong, a joy of fish and water.

After Ying Zheng's training, Huang Rong has become more and more feminine.

All kinds of combat skills, easy to come by, very skilled.

As the saying goes, to catch a man's heart, you must first grab a man's stomach.

Huang Rong's exquisite cooking skills won the favor of Ying Zheng.

The harem is beautiful, and the beauties are like clouds, if you don't have some housekeeping skills, you can't win the favor of the first emperor by relying on beauty alone.

Xiaolongnu, Li Mochou, Mu Nianci, Lu Wushuang, Cheng Ying, Gongsun Lucao and others were very envious when they saw Huang Rong so favored.

Ever since Huang Rong was favored, the First Emperor seemed to have forgotten about them, and never summoned any of them again.

In particular, those who thought that the First Emperor would be the first to summon the little dragon girl, they all knew that they had lost their eyes.

Until one day.

There was good news in the palace, and Huang Rong was overjoyed.

Knowing that Huang Rong was happy, Ying Zheng was naturally very happy.

He immediately asked Huang Rong to take care of the fetus and stop cooking for him. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Huang Rong no longer cooks for Yingzheng at this point, and raises the fetus in her own bedroom.


An edict was sent to the Xiunu Palace.

Summoning the little dragon girl to the first emperor's bedroom.

Xiaolongnu became the second person to be summoned by the First Emperor.

Xiaolongnu was taken to Gaoquan Palace by the eunuch, and then walked into the room of the dormitory.

In the dormitory.

The little dragon girl met the legendary First Emperor.

The look is majestic, handsome and martial!

Ying Zheng also saw the little dragon girl.


The little dragon girl was dressed in a thin white cloth robe, as if she was in the fog of smoke.

It seems that he is about sixteen or seventeen years old, except for a black hair, his whole body is snow-white, and his face is beautiful and exquisite, only the skin is less bloody, and he looks pale and abnormal.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

The little dragon girl bowed and smiled, it was really like a new flower, beautiful and dizzy, bright and beautiful. []

The little dragon girl has a peerless appearance, both beautiful and beautiful, ice muscles and jade bones, clear and fairy, and beautiful in nature.

I have to say that the little dragon girl's appearance is extremely beautiful.

In terms of appearance, compared with Huang Rong, Xiaolongnu is still slightly better than Xiaolongnu.

But the temperament of the two people is completely different.

Huang Rong is quirky, delicate and cute.

The little dragon girl is quiet and leisurely, and the ice and snow are pure.

"What talent do you have?" asked Ying Zheng.

"I know how to ride a bee, I'm good at music, I'm good at the piano. The little dragon girl replied.

In ancient times, everyone was beautiful, and piano, chess, calligraphy and painting were all essential skills.

Therefore, most women have a talent, that is, piano skills.

In his harem.

There are really a lot of women who can play the piano.

For example, Snow Girl, Ren Yingying, Huang Rong, Xiaolongnu, etc., they are all proficient in piano skills.

It's just that I don't know who has the highest level of piano skills.

"I've heard that your Tomb Sect has a cold jade bed, take it out and let the widow take a look. "

Ying Zheng said lightly.


Hearing this, the little dragon girl immediately aimed the space ring at a clearing of land, and then released the cold jade bed from the space ring.

The use of the space ring was taught to her by Zhang Han.

The length and width of this jade bed are about the same as that of an ordinary bed.

On the cold jade bed, the cold was pressing, constantly exuding cold, making the surrounding air suddenly cold.

This cold jade bed is really good.

"Are you sleeping on this cold jade bed in the Tomb Sect?" asked Ying Zheng.

"Nope. "

"This cold jade bed is not for sleeping, but for practicing. "

"I usually only go to this cold jade bed when I am practicing, but I can't stay too long at a time, otherwise I will get chilly. "

"If it's used for sleep, the human body can't stand it. "

The little dragon girl's voice is tactful and pleasant, like a silver bell, soft and sweet.

Looking at the cold jade bed with the cold air rising, the corners of Ying Zheng's mouth suddenly showed a touch of fun.

He hadn't tried yet, sleeping on the Hanyu bed.

If you have a soul exchange with the little dragon girl on the cold jade bed, it must be very interesting.

"Tonight, we'll sleep on this cold jade bed. Ying Zheng smiled faintly.


The little dragon girl was quite surprised: "Your Majesty, my body can't stand sleeping on this cold jade bed all night." "

"It's okay!"

"There's a widow here, it's fine. "

Ying Zheng immediately hugged 113 of the little dragon girl's delicate body and put it on the cold jade bed.

At first, the little dragon girl didn't feel much cold.

The exercises practiced by the little dragon girl were able to resist this chill for a while.

But after a long time, the little dragon girl can still feel the cold.

Her body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Looked at.

Ying Zheng immediately hugged the little dragon girl hard.

The little dragon girl immediately felt warm, her whole body was warm and very comfortable.

The chill on her body was suddenly swept away.


Sleepless nights.

Because it was the first time for both of them to sleep on this cold jade bed, they were so excited.

So, neither of them fell asleep all night.

The two of them reported to each other to warm up and spent a beautiful night.

"This cold jade bed is placed here by the widow. "

"You people from the Tomb Sect, if you want to come to practice, come to find the widow. "

"The widow will guide you. "Ying Zhengdao.

"Hmm. "

Hearing this, the little dragon girl nodded slightly.

After this night, Xiaolongnu has been convinced of Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng is a person with real skills.

Ying Zheng's ability convinced her.

Xiaolongnu was also named a noble concubine and had her own bedroom.


For several days.

She went to Yingzheng's dormitory and practiced on the cold jade bed.

In the evening, Ying and the dragon girl huddled together to keep warm.

Her resistance to the cold jade bed has also improved significantly.

She can sleep on the cold jade bed without feeling cold anymore.

this day.

Xiaolongnu went to the Xiunu Palace and met her master Lin Chaoying and her sister Li Mochou.

Not seen for several days.

Lin Chaoying and Li Mochou both felt that Xiaolongnu had changed a lot.

Not only has the strength become stronger, but the temperament seems to be different from before.

"Master, I can sleep on the cold jade bed now. "

"Even if I sleep all day, I won't feel cold. "

Xiaolongnu happily shared her progress with Lin Chaoying.

"Just blow it. "

"People who stay in the Hanyu bed for hours will not be able to stand it, can you sleep on the Hanyu bed for a day?"

Li Mochou opened her mouth and sneered, she didn't believe Xiaolongnu's words at all.

For Li Mochou's ridicule, Xiaolongnu didn't take it to heart.

"How did you do that?"

Lin Chaoying asked in surprise.

Even if it was her, she didn't dare to stay in the Hanyu bed all day.

"His Majesty the First Emperor helped me in my cultivation, and my cultivation improved by leaps and bounds. "

The little dragon girl spoke.

"His Majesty the First Emperor asked me to come here to inform the two of you that the next person to sleep will choose one of the two of you. "

"Who to choose?"

"He lets you decide. "。

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